Unit 3 A_Dill_Pickle 莳萝泡菜

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A Dill PickleA Dill PickleKatherine MansfieldTransation Exercises1.莳萝泡菜2.她眼里带着心不在焉的神色。3.我们对他的恶劣行为非常恼怒。4.她总是想起过去的事.5.有一架飞机在我们的房子上盘旋6.他是一个性格复杂的人喜怒无常,忧郁寡欢。7.做鬼脸8.竖起耳朵She had a dreamy look in her eyes.We were exasperated at his ill behaviour.A plane is hover on our house.He is a complicated man moody and melancholy dill-小茴香Lesson 9 A Dill PickleDill PickleThe end of Dill Pickle.Cucumber reserved in salty and spicy water with such ingredients as pepper,garlic,dill and vinegar.Questions:When do people eat dill pickles?How does a dill pickle taste?Whats the main function of dill pickles?1.Normally,people usually eat them during the meals in order to stir up their appetite.2.A dill pickle tastes sour,spicy,bitter and sweet.3.They serve as appetizer.Word Studyegoist:n.a person who is always thinking about themselves or what is best for themselves.自我主义者 egoism n.自我主义 About the TextWord Studyexasperate:v.If someone or something exasperates you,they annoy you and make you feel frustrated or upset 激怒;触怒;使生气 e.g.He exasperated her at last.他终于把她激怒了。She was exasperated at/by his stupidity.Geranium天竺葵Wild GeraniumMarigold 万寿菊verbena美人樱 daffodildaffodilnarcissusA D i l lPicklePicklenarcissus,narcissism,narcissist,narcissisticnarcissus,那喀索斯,希腊神话中,那喀索斯,希腊神话中爱上自己影子的美貌少年。爱上自己影子的美貌少年。haunt:vi.1)to visit(said of ghosts)regularly;2)to return repeatedly to the mind,e.g.她总是想起过去的事.Memories of the past haunt her.Im haunted with gloomy thoughts and sad memories.我常为悲观的思想和悲痛的追念所困扰。hauntingadj.continually recurring to the mind;(声音、形象、话语等)令人难忘的,萦绕心头的The show is both entertaining and haunting,funny and tragic.这出戏是给人愉悦的,也是令人难以忘怀的,是诙谐的,也是悲惨的。About the TextWord Studymaniac n.(1)mad person;(2)person with extreme liking(for sth)狂热分子 e.g.Shes a football maniac.足球迷About the TextWord Studygrimace n.an ugly twisted expression on the face to cause laughter or to show pain,disgust,etc e.g.Thomas made a grimace after he had tasted the wine.托马斯尝了那葡萄酒后做了个鬼脸.About the TextWord Studyinfuriate:vt.make sb extremely angry e.g.It infuriated me to think of the money weve wasted.他们没完没了地批评把我给气坏了I was infuriated by their constant criticism.我对他极为生气 I am infuriated with him.About the TextWord Studyloathe:hate sth very much厌恶;憎恶 e.g,两个男人互相看不顺眼 The two men loathe each other.About the TextWord Studyself-engrossed adj occupied with ones own thoughts or interest;paying no attention to anything other than ones own business 以自我为中心的 hover1)To remain floating,suspended,or fluttering in the air:盘旋;徘徊e.g.蝴蝶在花间飞翔Butterflies hover from flower to flower.2)be in an uncertain situation or state of mind.He hovered between staying and leaving.在去留问题上,他犹豫不决了。我犹豫不决今晚是听音乐会还是看戏。Im hovering between the concert and the play tonight.3)price,value,or score stays at more or less that level and does not change much:(价格、价值、分数等)上下波动e.g.The price hovers with demand.价格随着需求的变化而波动。melancholyN.adjA feeling of thoughtful sadness忧郁,愁思忧郁的,使人悲伤的E.g.在他的散文中贯穿着一种忧郁的情绪。a feeling of melancholy runs through his prose.我立即陷入无限的愁思之中All at once I fell into a state of melancholy.purrv.intr.(不及物动词)To make or utter a soft,vibrant sound:产生或发出一种轻柔且颤动的声音:The cat purred.The sewing machine purred.猫发出呜呜声。缝纫机呜呜地响着v.tr.(及物动词)To express by a soft,vibrant sound.(人愉快或劝说别人时)轻柔地说话You can tell me the truth,she purred.“你可以告诉我真相,”她轻声说。prick1)pricks holes刺;戳;扎2)prick her finger with the needle.戳伤;扎伤3)pricks up ones ears to listen eagerly when sb suddenly hear an interesting sound or an important piece of information竖起耳朵听,注意地听prick up oneself打扮自已;炫耀自已ripple When the wind ripples plants or trees,they move in a wave-like motion.(植物等)如波浪起伏;(使)呈波状起伏树冠在微风中婆娑摇曳。The tops of the trees rippled in the breezeA slight wind rippled the crops in the valley.一阵微风吹过,山谷里的庄稼便随风起伏。slumberto sleep peacefully 睡眠,熟睡;She fell into a deep and peaceful slumber.她睡着了,睡得又沉又香The older three girls are still slumbering peacefully.稍大的 3 个女孩还在安静地睡着。A D i l lPicklePickleChinese PagodaChinese PagodaChinese PagodaChinese PagodaA D i l lPicklePickleBackground InformationAbout the AuthorKatherine Mansfield An outstanding short story writer.She was born in Wellington,New Zealand in 1888.She studied at Queens College,London,where she met John Middleton Murry,a famous critic,whom she later married.After years of ill-health and struggle as a freelance writer and reviewer,she achieved success with Bliss and Other Stories(1920)and The Garden Party(1922).Just as she won world fame,however,her health grew worse.She died of tuberculosis in 1923.A D i l lPicklePickleShe was a prominent modernist writer of short fiction who wrote under the pen name of Katherine Mansfield.When she was 19 Mansfield left New Zealand and settled in the United Kingdom,where she became friends with modernist writers such as D.H.Lawrence and Virginia Woolf.During the First World War she contracted extrapulmonary tuberculosis,which led to her death at the age of 34.About the Author Critics praised her for her capturing the essence of Chekhovs art for stories emphasizing atmosphere and actual life rather than exciting plot,and for her“refreshing originality”and“sensitivity to beauty”.瑟琳曼斯菲尔德,(Katherine Mansfield),短篇小说家。1888年生于新西兰惠灵顿。于伦敦皇后学院学习期间结识劳伦斯和著名评论家约翰默里,其后与默里结婚。凯瑟琳长期遭受病痛折磨,作为一个自由撰稿人和批评家,她笔耕不辍,终于以天赐的福及其他故事和游园会取得成功。评论家赞誉其捕捉到了契诃夫的艺术精髓,侧重生活的原汁原味而非出其不意的情节,创新让人耳目一新,对美有敏锐的直觉。在获得世界声誉的同时,她的健康每况愈下,1923年因肺结核病逝。Mansfields creative years were burdened with loneliness,illness,jealousy,alienation-all this reflected in her work with the bitter depiction of marital and family relationships of her middle-class characters.Her short stories are also notable for their use of stream of consciousness.About the AuthorHer InfluenceRevolutionized the English short story;Marked the maturity of English short story;Was often compared to Dickens and Chekhov.Text AnalysisSetting of the story:in a restaurantProtagonists:Vera and her ex-lover(his name was never told)Main IdeaThis is a story about a young man and a young woman who had been lovers once and now meet again after six years of separation,and as they reminisce,we begin to know what happened six years ago that finally led to the end of their relationship.Six years agobelonging to the leisure class well-educated(she used to know a lot of flowers,Para.13)Six years laterstill well-educated,middle-class,but now in a very difficult situation Lesson 9 A Dill PickleLesson 9 A Dill PickleSix years agoSix years laterChange in appearanceyoung,handsome,good-lookingstill very sweet,far better looking(material looking,well-dressed,admirable clothes)Change in financial status poorfinancially secure(he made money),well-traveled,quite experiencedCharacter Analysis:The mans changeLesson 9 A Dill PickleSix years agoSix years laterChange in experienceyoung,unpracticalattractive,experienced,mature,confidentChange in careerdreamy,indecisivesuccessfulSix years agoSix years laterUnchanged personalityself-centered,insensitive,talkative,conceited,inconsiderateWhat they have in common:interest in music,traveling and loneliness(both were lonely)Lesson 9 A Dill PickleWhat do they have in common?Text AnalysisStructure1Paras.1-12A chance reunion2Paras.13-60His story and her story3Paras.61-66The second breakupSpeaking Activities1.Role playDramatize the scene of their reencounterpay attention to the subtlety of tone,look,and action.2.Love counselingImagine that you are a relationship counselor and give advice to the two lovers on what goes wrong in their relationship and how they can make up,if possible.1.Characteristics of modernist writing:symbolic imagesfragmented plottrivial subjectspsychological insight,“stream of consciousness”Text AnalysisStyle 2.Many of the images in the story are deliberately symbolic.Can you find them?e.g.dill pickle daffodildaffodil-narcissusnarcissus Veras glove the strange beast 3.Why is the story titled“A Dill Pickle”?How is it relevant to a love story?What might it represent symbolically,if it does?A dill pickle tastes sour,spicy,bitter and sweet.It may symbolize the feeling of Vera,a mixture of flavors.Veras life is very dull.So the meeting serves as an appetizer just as a stone is thrown into the motionless water and stirs up various desires to break the dull life of Vera.From the mans point of view:Vera is just an appetizer,not a main course,meaning she is not a person that the man would like to spend the whole life with.She only makes his dull life a little colorful.1.How differently did Vera and the man react to their chance reencounter?Why?Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart I:Discussion2.Do you think the man meant it when he said that Vera looked“so well”?Why did he say so?No,she was not feeling well.2.She smiled,he frowned.(p.2)vShe smiled because she was very glad to see her old friend.He frowned because he could not recognize her.vFrown:move ones eyebrows together because one is angry,unhappy or confused.vfrown on/upon:disapprove sth.ve.g.My parents always frown on late nights out.1.peel:n.the skin of the fruit(水果)皮,外皮 a banana peelv.to Peel an apple:take off the skin of an orange to peel potatoespeel offvviv1.peel off the outer layer of something剥去v我花了两天时间才揭下这些标签vIt took me two days to peel off the labels.v2remove(clothing)脱衣服v They peeled off their clothes and jumped into the waterv他们脱去外衣,跳入水中。ve.g.Housewives routinely peel off crisp I0 000($82)notes to pay for their shopping.3.He closed his eyes an instant,but opening them his face lit up as though he had struck a match in a dark room.(p.2)paraphrase:v When he remembered who she was,he suddenly looked very excited.vLight up(with):v becomes bright;or sb suddenly looks pleased or happyv照亮;(使)变得喜悦ve.g On September 5 a massive display of fireworks will light up the sky here.v9月5日会有大型焰火表演照亮这里的夜空vHer face lit up with happiness when she saw her beloved.About the TextExpressions3.You were saying:an expression used to encourage someone(you just interrupted)to continue to speak4.this trick of his:trick:clever action 小把戏 the trick of interrupting her Episode 1(13-15):first date His memory:Sunshine flower,her beautiful voice vs.Her memory:his absurdness,chasing wasps among those elegant people,her embarrassment.Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II:Discussion Episode 2(16-21):on a lawnthe man:madly in love,having a sweet tongue,yet still immature and impractical,a kind of mother and children relation with Vera.78Royal Botanical Gardens(Kew Gardens),LondonText AnalysisDetailed AnalysisEpisode 3(22-43):the Russian trip The man described his experience of the river life on the Volga,which evoked Veras rich imagination.Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II:Discussion 80Russia:the Volga&the Black SeaText AnalysisDetailed Analysis2381Boatmen on the Volga Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisEpisode 4(44-51):the night of the Christmas tree1.What did it show that the man did not remember his dogs name whereas Vera did?Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II:Discussion Once again he seems to be playing with her-a sentimental episode:to arouse her loving response and then humiliating her by saying how he has forgotten his past,how he has moved on in his own life.


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