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【陕西专】金新学案高三英语一轮-课件-外研必修56(通用)1佳句展示佳句展示名师点拨名师点拨1.(2009年浙江卷,完形年浙江卷,完形)Based on my experiences in povertystricken areas,I suggested that while the emotions we had were painful,they could also be important in helping us to move forward.基于我在基于我在贫困地区的困地区的经历,我我认为尽管我尽管我们的内心是痛的内心是痛苦的,但是它苦的,但是它们对于帮助我于帮助我们继续前前进是非常重要的。是非常重要的。(based on.为动词ed形式形式作状作状语)2.(2009年湖南卷,年湖南卷,34T)Although the police thought he was the most likely one,since they had no exact proof about it,they could not arrest him.虽然警察然警察认为他最有可能是他最有可能是罪犯,因罪犯,因为没有确没有确凿的的证据,据,他他们不能逮捕他。不能逮捕他。(although引引导的的让步状步状语从句从句)3.(2009年宁夏,海南卷,年宁夏,海南卷,30T)The children all turned to look at the famous actress as she entered the classroom.当那位著名女演当那位著名女演员走走进教室教室时,孩子,孩子们都都转过身来看着身来看着她。她。(不定式作目的状不定式作目的状语)佳句展示名师点拨1.(2009年浙江卷,完形)Based o2【陕西专】金新学案高三英语一轮-课件-外研必修56(通用)31 n挣扎;斗争2 n战斗3 adj.理想的4 n(某事发生的)准确地点;现场5 n(s)环境;情况6 adv.同时7 vt.涉及;包括8 adj.活的9 vt.产卵;下蛋10 n奇迹strugglebattleidealspotconditionmeanwhileinvolvelivelaywonder1 n挣扎;斗争strugglebattleidea411 n分支机构;办事处12 n焦点;集中点13 vt.使处于险境;危及danger n危险dangerous adj.危险的14 vt.&n预订,保留,保护区reservation n预订,保留;保护区15vt.保护protection n保护branchfocusendangerreserveprotect11 n分支机构;办事处branchfocusend516 adj.值钱的,值得的worthwhile adj.(近义词)值得花时间/金钱/精力的worthy adj.(同义词)值得的17 n能源energetic adj.精力充沛的worthenergy16 adj.值钱的,值得的worthwhi6struggle n挣扎;斗争;vi.奋斗,挣扎,斗争,抗争【陕西专】金新学案高三英语一轮-课件-外研必修56(通用)7(1)carry on a struggle进行斗争a lifeanddeath struggle你死我活的斗争in the struggle against.在与的斗争中(2)struggle against与斗争struggle for为而斗争struggle with和斗争;和并肩奋斗struggle to do sth.挣扎着干某事struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来(1)carry on a struggle进行斗争8The struggle for freedom was long and hard.争取自由的斗争是长期而艰难的。In the struggle against the disasters which happened in 2008 Chinese people showed great courage.2008年,在与灾难斗争的过程中,中国人表现出了巨大的勇气。He struggled against/with cancer for two years before he passed away.在他去世之前他同癌症抗争了两年。The struggle for freedom was 9The workers struggled for better living conditions.工人们为争取更好的生活条件而斗争。He is struggling to bring up a family on a very low income.他靠着微薄的收入艰难地供养一家人。The workers struggled for bet101(2007年浙江卷)The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle_.Ato be heard Bto have heardChearing Dbeing heard【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。struggle to do sth.努力做某事。又因“I与hear”之间构成逻辑上的被动关系,所以用不定式的被动式。【答案】A1(2007年浙江卷)The children ta11protect v保护protect sb./sth.from sth.保护使不受;使免于protect sb./sth.against sth.防止遭受An umbrella will protect you from the rain.雨伞可以保护你不至于淋雨。Trees can protect crops against the attack from strong wind.树木能够保护庄稼免遭强风的袭击。It is their duty to protect their friends against the enemy.保护朋友不受别人的伤害是他们的责任。protect v保护12辨析:protect.from,prevent.from,stop.from与keep.from(1)protect.from保护不受侵袭,挡住,防御。from后接能带来伤害或损害之物(通常是名词)。She protected her eyes from the sun with her hand.她用手遮住太阳以保护眼睛。辨析:protect.from,prevent.13(2)prevent.from/stop.from/keep.from阻止某人、某物做某事Nothing can prevent/stop/keep us from going.什么也阻挡不了我们去。Something must be done to protect the environment from being polluted.必须采取措施保护环境免受污染。(2)prevent.from/stop.from/14worth adj.值钱的,值得的(1)be worthsome money值多少钱be worth doing值得干(2)worthy adj.值得的worth adj.值钱的,值得的15He said life wouldnt be worth living without friendship.他说人生如果没有友情就没有价值。The museum is certainly worth a visit.这家博物馆的确值得参观。His suggestions are worth considering.His suggestions are worthy of consideration.His suggestions are worthy of being considered.His suggestions are worthy to be considered.His suggestions deserve to be considered.你的建议值得考虑。He said life wouldnt be wort16It is worthwhile to have/having a try again.再尝试一次是值得的。It is worthwhile to have/havi17meanwhile adv.在此期间,同时(in the meanwhile/meantime)I went to college.Meanwhile,all my friends got wellpaid jobs.我上大学去了,在此期间,我的好朋友都找到了报酬不错的工作。Jane was writing a letter and meanwhile Pat was watching TV.简在写信,而与此同时帕特在看电视。Theyll be here soon.Meanwhile well have some coffee.他们即刻就到,我们现在先喝点咖啡。meanwhile adv.在此期间,同时(in the18meantime adv.在此期间,同时The conference will begin in an hour,and meantime lets have coffee.一小时后会议就要开始了,在这期间,我们喝咖啡吧!meantime adv.在此期间,同时192(2009年浙江卷)The incomes of skilled workers went up._,unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.AMoreover BThereforeCMeanwhile DOtherwise【解析】句意为:有经验的工人的工资在上涨,但同时没经验的工人却看着他们的工资下降。根据句意是指有经验工人和非技术工人工资涨落的对比情况,meanwhile意为“同时”,故选C。【答案】C2(2009年浙江卷)The incomes of s20focus n&v焦点,焦距,中心;对准焦距;把集中于(1)the focus of attention注目的焦点the focus of the argument议论的中心bring.into focus调准的焦距,使(事物)明确(2)focus the camera on把照相机的焦点对准focus ones attention on把注意力集中于focus on/upon集中于 focus n&v焦点,焦距,中心;对准焦距;把21Recently people focus their attention on Wenchuan Earthquake.近来人们把注意力集中在了汶川大地震上。You should focus your attention on your work.你应该把注意力放到工作上。Because of his strange clothes,he immediately became the focus of attention when he entered the office.他由于服装奇特,一走进办公室便成了大家注意的焦点。Her beauty makes her the focus of attention.她的美丽使她成了注意的焦点。Recently people focus their a22energy(1)U 精力,活力,干劲He is full of energy.他精力充沛。His work seemed to lack energy.他工作似乎缺少干劲。(2)U 能,能量The suns energy will last for millions of years.太阳能将维持数亿年。energy23辨析:energy,strength与power(1)energy U 精力,活力,能量In the future,we will make full use of nuclear energy.在将来,我们会充分利用核能。(2)strength U 力量,力气He has regained his strength after an illness.他病后已恢复了体力。(3)power n力,权力,能力,此词用途最广fight for power为权力而战Some animals have the power to see in the dark.有些动物具有在黑暗中看见东西的本领。辨析:energy,strength与power241Eve was cutting the grass,and Adam was_planting roses.AhoweverBthereforeCthough Dmeanwhile【解析】考查词义辨析。however然而;therefore因此;though尽管,虽然;meanwhile同时,在此期间。句意为“Eve在割草,与此同时Adam在种玫瑰花”。【答案】D【陕西专】金新学案高三英语一轮-课件-外研必修56(通用)252When the sun is too bright,we should wear glasses to_our eyes from the sun.Aprotect BpreventCstop Drescue【解析】考查单词辨析。戴眼镜是为了保护眼睛,故选用protect。【答案】A2When the sun is too bright,w263He is a determined young man;he has been struggling_in his business.Aagainst success Bwith successCfor success Dto success【解析】struggle for success为获得成功而努力。【答案】C3He is a determined young man274What do you think of the book?Oh,excellent.Its worth_a second time.Ato read Bto be readCreading Dbeing read【解析】be worth doing sth.值得做某事。【答案】C4What do you think of the bo285Public attention at the moment is_on the problem of industrial relations.Acalled BpaidCfocused Dput【解析】考查词义辨析。根据句意“目前公众的注意力集中在工业关系的问题上”,可知正确答案。【答案】C5Public attention at the mome296(2007年福建卷)You are always full of_.Can you tell me the secret?Taking plenty of exercise every day.Apower BstrengthCforce Denergy【解析】句意为:你总是精力充沛。能告诉我其中的秘密吗?每天进行大量的锻炼。full of energy充满活力,精力充沛。A项意为(身体的、心智的)某种能力,体力,智力;B项意为体力,力气,力量;C项意为权力,武力;D项意为精力,活力。【答案】D6(2007年福建卷)You are always fu30【陕西专】金新学案高三英语一轮-课件-外研必修56(通用)311关心某事2为献身3照看,照料4对有影响5攻击某人;对也适用6除之外,也7(动物)以为食8代表9建立,设立10当场;在现场be_concerned_about_sth.give_ones_life_tokeep_an_eye_onhave_an_effect_ongo_for_sb.as_well_asfeed_onstand_forset_upon_the_spot1关心某事be_concerned_about_s32be concerned about关心某事,担心某事【陕西专】金新学案高三英语一轮-课件-外研必修56(通用)33(1)show/express ones concern about.对表示关心/担心(2)be concerned in/with sth.与某事有牵连或对某事负有责任as far as sb./sth.be concerned就某人/某事而言as/so far as Im concerned就我而言,依我看来concern oneself for/aboutbe concerned about/for/over sth.担心/关心某事(3)concerning prep.关心(1)show/express ones concern 34A great many people are concerned about the health of Liu Xiang.许多人都关心刘翔的健康问题。He is fit for teaching,as far as I am concerned.就我而言,他适合教书。Dont concern yourself about other peoples affairs.别干涉他人的事。She showed a great deal of concern for her sons illness.她非常担心她儿子的病情。A great many people are conce35stand for是的意思;代表,支持;主张;容忍;忍受(用于否定句)stand out突出,显眼,杰出stand by袖手旁观,无动于衷stand by/behind sb.支持某人stand aside站到一边;让开;袖手旁观,不参与stand in line站队stand for是的意思;代表,支持;主张;容忍;忍36The letters WTO stand for World Trade Organization.字母WTO代表世界贸易组织。The teacher wouldnt stand for such behavior.教师无法容忍这种行为。I stand for freedom of speech for everyone.我主张人人都有言论自由。The new road sign is easy to read;the words stand out well.新路标容易辨认,上面的字很醒目。The letters WTO stand for Wor37set up开办,设立;搭建set about散布(谣言等);开始忙碌set off出发,动身;引爆,引发某人(哭;笑等)set down使(飞机)着陆,放下;写下set out出发,动身;着手做(to do,)set up开办,设立;搭建38A new government was set up after the war.战后成立了新政府。The factory has set up a night school to provide the workers with more technical training.工厂已设立夜校以便向工人提供更多的技术培训。He set up home in Shandong Province after he got married.婚后他在山东省安家落户。A new gravestone was set up to honour the little hero.为纪念小英雄而立了一块新墓碑。A new government was set up a391All cases_children are dealt with in a special childrens court.Which is wrong?Aconcerned BconcerningCconcerned with Dreferring to【解析】句意为:所有涉及儿童的案件均由儿童特别法庭审理。concerned有关的,相关的,但必须与with连用才能作后置定语;B、C、D三项都有“关于,有关”的意思,作后置定语。【答案】A【陕西专】金新学案高三英语一轮-课件-外研必修56(通用)402For all these years I have been working for others.Im hoping Ill_my own business someday.Aturn up Bfix upCset up Dmake up【解析】句意为“这些年来我一直为别人工作,我现在希望有一天能开办自己的公司”。turn up出现;fix up安排,修理;make up弥补,虚构。【答案】C2For all these years I have b413(2010届江苏盐城中学综合测试)Cinderella has been learning Chinese in Beijing University for the past four years.No wonder she_above her colleagues in Chinese.Astands out Bsticks outCcomes out Dsorts out【解析】stand out脱颖而出,突出;stick out伸出,断言;come out出来,发芽;sort out分类,整理。【答案】A3(2010届江苏盐城中学综合测试)Cinderella424(2010届河北正定中学月考)Whats wrong with him?The picture he came across_his memory of a sad story in his childhood.Aput off Btook offCset off Dgave off【解析】考查动词短语。put off延期;take off起飞,脱掉;give off发出(光等);set off激发,引起。【答案】C4(2010届河北正定中学月考)Whats wrong43【陕西专】金新学案高三英语一轮-课件-外研必修56(通用)441_surprised,the poachers had an advantagethere were more of them.尽管很吃惊,但偷猎者们有一个优势他们人多。【答案】Although2_the 1990s the number_ _to about 50,000.截止到20世纪90年代,藏羚羊的数目下降到了大约5万头。【答案】By;had fallen1_surprised,the poache453But today the government_ _ _ _the battle.但如今,政府似乎正要赢得这场战争。【答案】seems to be winning3But today the government_46Although surprised,the poachers had an advantagethere were more of them.尽管很吃惊,但偷猎者们有一个优势他们人多。although surprised是although they were surprised at he shout的省略。复合句中的从句省略到这种形式须具备两个条件:【陕西专】金新学案高三英语一轮-课件-外研必修56(通用)47(1)必须是在让步、时间或条件状语从句中;(2)必须是在主从句主语一致且从句中谓语动词含有be的形式的情况下使用。When(I was)in Japan,I took many beautiful pictures.在日本时,我拍了许多漂亮的照片。You should make notes when(it is)necessary.必要时你应该做笔记。Though(he was)tired,he kept on working.虽然很累,但他仍然坚持工作。(1)必须是在让步、时间或条件状语从句中;48Mistakes,if(there are)any,should be corrected.如果有什么错误,就应当改正。I wont go unless(I am)invited.除非受到邀请,否则我不去。Mistakes,if(there are)any,s49But today the government seems to be winning the battle.但如今,政府似乎正要赢得这场战争。seem to be doing.好像,似乎正在做seem to do.好像/似乎seem to have done.好像/似乎已经seem as if.好像/似乎There seems to be.好像/似乎有It seems that.似乎/好像 But today the government seem50He seemed to be talking with Mr Brown in the office.他似乎正在办公室里同布郎先生交谈。The medicine seems to be working.这药似乎正在起作用。He seemed to know the answer to the question.It seemed that he knew the answer to the question.他好像知道这个问题的答案。The man in rags seems to be a beggar.那个衣衫褴褛的人好像是个乞丐。My mother seems to have known the truth.我母亲好像已经知道了真相。He seemed to be talking with 511He,_in a poor family,became one of the greatest scientists in the world.Awho is Bthat isCalthough born Das born【解析】although born是although he was born的省略。【答案】C【陕西专】金新学案高三英语一轮-课件-外研必修56(通用)522(2009年安徽省“江南十校”高三素质测试)I hear that Tom cant afford his schooling this fall._,lets do something for him.AIf any BWhen necessaryCWhen possible DIf so【解析】ifso/not是省略句式,用so或not代替上文的内容。其他选项也是省略句,但不符合语境。【答案】D2(2009年安徽省“江南十校”高三素质测试)I hea533I dont know whether you happen_,but Im going to study in the USA this September.Ato be heard Bto be hearingCto hear Dto have heard【解析】to have heard表“已听说过”,早于“现在”的动作。【答案】D3I dont know whether you hap54.单词拼写1You should _(把集中于)your attention on what the teacher is talking in class.【答案】focus2The doctor will see you again next week._(在此期间)you must rest as much as possible.【答案】Meanwhile.单词拼写553China Agriculture Bank has_(分行)all over the country.【答案】branches4This warm jacket will help to _(保护)you against the cold.【答案】protect5After the traffic accident happened,the police were soon on the _(现场)【答案】spot3China Agriculture Bank has_56.情景交际1(2009年济宁检测)Excuse me,is the shop open around the clock?_.Only from 800 am.to 400 pm.AIm not sure BWell,it dependsCThats right DIm afraid not【解析】考查交际用语。从only可以看出下文的时间与上文的时间是不一致的,所以选择Im afraid not,用以引出不同的观点。【答案】D.情景交际572(2009年福州检测)It shouldnt take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help.Thats right._.AMany hands make light workBSomething is better than nothingCThe more the merrierDThe sooner begun,the sooner done【解析】考查英语谚语。Many hands make light work.意为众人拾柴火焰高。如果不知道这个格言的话,根据对话上一句的内容也可以猜出答案来:如果大家都愿意帮忙打扫的话。【答案】A2(2009年福州检测)It shouldnt tak583.(2009年福建厦门检测)Could I ask you a rather personal question,Sir?Sure,_.Ayou could Bmy pleasureCgood idea Dgo ahead【解析】考查动词短语。句意为:我可以问你一个很私人的问题吗?当然,问吧。go ahead(表示鼓励别人做某事)干吧,做吧,用吧等。【答案】D3.(2009年福建厦门检测)Could I ask y594.(2009年辽宁重点中学协作体一模)My friend Bill promised hed help on this rush job,but he didnt show up._!He never keeps his word.AIts hard to say BWhat a friendCI couldnt agree more DWhat a shame【解析】考查情景对话。句意为:我的朋友比尔答应要帮我赶这份工作,但他到现在也没露面。他就是这种人,从不遵守诺言。A项“很难说”;C项“非常赞同”(通常回答别人的观点或提议);D项“多可惜啊”。【答案】B4.(2009年辽宁重点中学协作体一模)My frien605.(2009年浙江嘉兴二模)Will you go to the concert together with us?_.Ill just stay in and do my homework.AAll right BNot reallyCGood idea DNo way【解析】考查交际用语。根据题意,作者不得不待在家里做作业,所以他对音乐会的邀请表示惊讶。Not really是拒绝的委婉说法。而all right表示行了,好吧!no way 表示没门。【答案】B5.(2009年浙江嘉兴二模)Will you go t61.语法专练本单元语法复习定语从句1She may have missed the train,_she wont arrive for another hour.Ain which case Bin her caseCin any case Din that case【解析】考查定语从句。这是一个非限制性定语从句,所以要用in which case。【答案】A.语法专练622(2010届济宁检测)The weather turned out to be very good,_was more than we could expected.Awhat BwhichCthat Dit【解析】后一个分句是非限制性定语从句,which指代主语的内容。【答案】B2(2010届济宁检测)The weather turne633(2010届泰安检测)Mr Zhang is such a considerate person_all his colleagues like to work with.Athat BsoCwhich Das【解析】此题易错选that,但that引导的必须是完整的句子,而此处work with缺少宾语,所以应用as。as在这里是关系代词,引导定语从句,作with的宾语。【答案】D3(2010届泰安检测)Mr Zhang is such 644(2009年南京高三质量调研)A survey was carried out on the death rate of newborn babies in that area,_were surprising.Aas results Bwhich resultsCthe results of it Dthe results of which【解析】根据短语the results of.可排除A、B选项;该题的前后两个分句之间没有任何连接词,所以C项错误,如果C项改为and the results of it就正确了;D项是“介词which”引导定语从句,先行词是survey。【答案】D4(2009年南京高三质量调研)A survey was 655(2009年潍坊市第二次检测)Take an active part in sports or other activities you enjoy_you can meet various kinds of people.Awhat BwhenCthat Dwhere【解析】考查从句及关系词辨析。wherein which。先行词sports or other activities为抽象的地点名词,被两个定语从句修饰,在第二个定语从句中作状语,被第一个定语从句you enjoy隔开。【答案】D5(2009年潍坊市第二次检测)Take an activ66【陕西专】金新学案高三英语一轮-课件-外研必修56(通用)67


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