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Unit 4:Text A21st Century College English:Book 121st Century College English:Book 1The WashwomanThe WashwomanUnit 4:Text A21st Century Co1Unit 4:Text AUnit 4:Text A Lead-in Activities Text Organization Reading&Writing Skills Language Points Guided Practice AssignmentUnit 4:Text A Lead-in Activi2Lead-in ActivitiesLead-in Activities Do your grandparents live with your parents?Do your grandparents live with your parents?Whats the possible advantages and disadvantages of Whats the possible advantages and disadvantages of elders living together with their childrens families?elders living together with their childrens families?Think of a person you know who continues to work Think of a person you know who continues to work hard in his/her old age.Describe this person to hard in his/her old age.Describe this person to others.What is he/she like?What does he/she do?others.What is he/she like?What does he/she do?Why do you think he/she still work?Why do you think he/she still work?Questions for DiscussionLead-in Activities Do your gr3Text OrganizationText OrganizationThe Structure of Text AThe Structure of Text AWashwoman and her jobWashwoman and her job Mother and son Mother and son Sense of responsibilitySense of responsibilityPara.1-4Para.1-4Para.1-4Para.5Para.5Para.5 Para.6-14Para.6-14Para.6-14Text OrganizationThe Structure4I.Washwoman and her jobI.Washwoman and her jobThis This part part introduces introduces the the washwoman washwoman to to readers readers by by giving giving a a brief brief description description of of her her and and shows shows readers readers the the difference difference between between her her and and other other Jewish women at herJewish women at her Text OrganizationText OrganizationI.Washwoman and her jobThis p5II.Mother and sonII.Mother and sonFrom From this this paragraph,paragraph,we we can can see see how how the the washwoman washwoman was was treated treated by by his his rich rich son son and and how how kind,kind,caring caring and and loving loving she she was was to to her her son son as as a a mother.mother.Text OrganizationText OrganizationII.Mother and sonFrom this pa6III.Sense of responsibility III.Sense of responsibility Some Some episodes episodes briefly briefly but but accurately accurately tells tells readers readers how how responsible responsible the the washwoman washwoman was was although although her health was declining as time passed by.her health was declining as time passed by.Text OrganizationText OrganizationIII.Sense of responsibility S7Reading&Writing SkillsReading&Writing Skills1)Reading skill learning:1)Reading skill learning:Ss learn to get the needed information such as physical Ss learn to get the needed information such as physical appearance by skimming the descriptive words and understand appearance by skimming the descriptive words and understand and generalize a persons personalities and qualities through and generalize a persons personalities and qualities through some stores and life episodes some stores and life episodes 2)Writing skill learning2)Writing skill learning Ss learn to write about a person by giving a description of Ss learn to write about a person by giving a description of what he or she looks like and telling some stories that shows what he or she looks like and telling some stories that shows what kind person he or she is.what kind person he or she is.Reading&Writing Skills1)Rea8Intensive StudyIntensive StudyThe WashwomanThe Washwomanby by Isaac Bashevis SingerIsaac Bashevis Singer 1 1She She was was a a small small woman,woman,old old and and wrinkled.wrinkled.When When she she started started washing washing for for us,us,she she was was already already past past seventy.seventy.Most Most Jewish Jewish women women of of her her age age were were sickly sickly and and weak.weak.All All the the old old women women in in our our street street had had bent bent backs backs and and leaned leaned on on sticks sticks when when they they walked.walked.But But this this washwoman,washwoman,small small and and thin thin as as she she waswas,possessed possessed a a strength strength that that came came from from generations generations of of peasant peasant forebears.forebears.Mother Mother would would count count out out to to her her a a bundle bundle of of laundry laundry that that had had accumulated accumulated over over several several weeks.weeks.She She would would then then lift lift the the bundle,bundle,put put it it on on her her narrow narrow shoulders,shoulders,and and carry carry it the long way home.it the long way home.Intensive StudyThe Washwoman9Intensive StudyIntensive Study2 2She She would would bring bring the the laundry laundry back back about about two two weeks weeks later.later.My My mother mother had had never never been been so so pleased pleased with with any any washwoman.washwoman.Yet Yet she she charged charged no no more more than than the the others.others.She She was was a a real real findfind.Mother Mother always always had had her her money money ready,ready,because because it it was was too too far far for the old woman to come a second time.for the old woman to come a second time.Intensive Study2She would bri10Intensive StudyIntensive Study3 3Laundering Laundering was was not not easy easy in in those those days.days.The The old old woman woman had had no no running running water water where where she she lived lived but but had had to to bring bring in in the the water water from from a a pump.pump.And And the the drying!drying!It It could could not not be be done done outside outside because because thieves thieves would would steal steal the the laundry.laundry.So So it it had had to to be be carried carried up up to to the the attic attic and and hung hung on on clotheslines.clotheslines.Only Only God God knowsknows what what the the old old woman woman had had to to endure endure each each time time she she did did a wash!a wash!Intensive Study3Laundering wa11Intensive StudyIntensive Study4 4She She could could have have beggedbegged at at the the church church door door or or entered entered a a home home for for the the penniless penniless and and aged.aged.But But there there was was in in her her a a certain certain pride pride and and love love of of labor labor with with which which many many members members of of the the labor labor force force have have been been blessedblessed.The The old old woman woman did did not not want to become a burden,and so she bore her burden.want to become a burden,and so she bore her burden.Intensive Study4She could hav12Intensive StudyIntensive Study5 5The The woman woman had had a a son son who who was was rich.rich.He He was was ashamed ashamed of of his his mother,mother,and and never never came came to to see see her.her.Nor Nor did did he he ever ever give give her her money.money.The The old old woman woman told told this this without without bitterness.bitterness.When When the the son son got got married,married,the the wedding wedding took took place place in in a a church.church.The The son son had had not not invited invited the the old old mother mother to to his his wedding,wedding,but but she she went went to to the the church church anyway anyway and and waited waited at at the the steps steps to to see see her her son lead the bride to the altar.son lead the bride to the altar.Intensive Study5The woman had13Intensive StudyIntensive Study6 6One One day day the the washwoman,washwoman,now now nearly nearly eighty eighty years years old,old,came came to to our our house.house.A A good good deal deal of of laundry laundry had had accumulated accumulated during during the the past past weeks.weeks.Mother Mother gave gave her her a a pot pot of of tea tea to to warm warm herself,herself,as as well well as as some some bread.bread.The The old old woman woman sat sat on on a a kitchen kitchen chair chair trembling trembling and and shaking,shaking,and and warmed warmed her her hands hands against against the the teapot.teapot.Her Her fingernails fingernails were were strangely strangely white.white.These These hands hands spoke spoke ofof the the stubbornness stubbornness of of mankind,mankind,of of the the will will to to work work not not only only as as ones ones strength strength permits permits but but beyond beyond the the limits limits of of ones ones power.power.It It was was sad sad to to watch watch the the old old woman woman stagger stagger out out with with the the big bundle and disappear.big bundle and disappear.Intensive Study6One day the w14Intensive StudyIntensive Study7 7Usually Usually the the woman woman brought brought back back the the wash wash after after two two or,or,at at the the most,most,three three weeks.weeks.But But three three weeks weeks passed,passed,then then four four and and five,and nothing was heard of the old woman.five,and nothing was heard of the old woman.8 8 For For us us the the washwomans washwomans absence absence was was a a catastrophe.catastrophe.We We needed needed the the laundry.laundry.We We did did not not even even know know the the womans womans address.address.It It seemed seemed certain certain that that she she had had collapsed,collapsed,died.died.Mother Mother declared declared she she had had had had a a premonition premonition that that we we would would never never see see our our things things again.again.We We mourned,mourned,both both for for the the laundry laundry and and for for the the old old woman woman who who had had grown grown close close to to us us through through the the years she had served us so faithfully.years she had served us so faithfully.Intensive Study7Usually the w15Intensive StudyIntensive Study9 9More More than than two two months months passed.passed.One One evening,evening,while while Mother Mother was was sitting sitting near near the the lamp lamp mending mending a a shirt,shirt,the the door door opened opened and and a a small small puff puff of of steam,steam,followed followed by by a a huge huge bundle,bundle,entered.entered.Under Under the the bundle bundle tottered tottered the the old old woman,woman,her her face face as as white white as as a a linen linen sheet.sheet.Mother Mother uttered uttered a a half-choked half-choked cry,cry,as as though though a a corpse corpse had had entered entered the the room.room.I I ran ran toward toward the the old old woman woman and and helped helped her her unload unload her her bundle.bundle.She She was was even even thinner thinner now,now,more more bent.bent.She She could could not not utter utter a a clear clear word,word,but but mumbled mumbled something with her sunken mouth and pale lips.something with her sunken mouth and pale lips.Intensive Study9More than two16Intensive StudyIntensive Study1010 After After the the old old woman woman had had recovered recovered somewhat,somewhat,she she told told us us that that she she had had been been ill,ill,very very ill.ill.In In fact,fact,she she had had been been so so sick sick that that someone someone had had called called a a doctor,doctor,and and the the doctor doctor had had sent sent for for a a priest.priest.Someone Someone had had informed informed the the son,son,and and he he had had contributed contributed money money for for a a coffin.coffin.But But God God had had not not yet yet wanted wanted to to take take this this poor poor soul soul to to Himself.Himself.She She began began to to feel feel better,better,she she became became well,well,and and as as soon soon as as she she was was able able to to stand stand on on her her feet feet once once more,more,she she resumed resumed her her washing.washing.Not Not just just ours,ours,but but the the wash wash of of several several other families too.other families too.Intensive Study10 After the o17Intensive StudyIntensive Study1111 “I“I could could not not restrest easy easy in in my my bed bed because because of of the the wash,”wash,”the old woman explained.“The wash would not let me die.”the old woman explained.“The wash would not let me die.”12 12 “With“With the the help help of of God God you you will will live live to to be be a a hundred hundred and and twenty,”said my mother.twenty,”said my mother.Intensive Study11“I could no18Intensive StudyIntensive Study1313 “God God forbidforbid!What What goodgood would would such such a a long long life life be?be?The The work work becomes becomes harder harder and and harder harder my my strength strength is is leaving leaving me me I I do do not not want want to to be be a a burden burden on on any any one!”one!”The The old old woman woman muttered,muttered,crossed crossed herself,herself,and and raised raised her her eyes eyes toward toward heaven.heaven.After After getting getting paid,paid,she she left,left,promising promising to to return return in in a a few weeks for a new load of wash.few weeks for a new load of wash.Intensive Study13 “God forbid19Intensive StudyIntensive Study1414 But But she she never never came came back.back.The The wash wash she she had had returned returned was was her her last last effort effort on on this this earth.earth.She She had had been been drivendriven by by a a strong strong will will to to return return the the property property to to its its owners,owners,to to fulfill fulfill the the task task she she had undertaken.had undertaken.Intensive Study14 But she nev20Text-related informationText-related informationIsaac Bashevis SingerIsaac Bashevis SingerIsaac Bashevis Singer(1904-Isaac Bashevis Singer(1904-1991)was an American short-story1991)was an American short-storywriter and novelist who wrote inwriter and novelist who wrote inYiddish.Born in Poland,he cameYiddish.Born in Poland,he cameto to the the USA USA in in 1935.1935.He He became became a a journalist journalist at at the the New New York York Jewish Jewish Daily Daily ForwardForward,which which also also published published his his fiction.fiction.Singer Singer is is most most famous famous for for his his short short stories,stories,which which deal deal most most with with the the heritage,heritage,faith,faith,and and daily daily lives lives of of Polish Polish Jews,Jews,particularly particularly in in the the Warsaw Warsaw GhettoGhetto (犹犹犹犹太太太太人人人人区区区区).He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1978.).He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1978.Text-related informationIsaac 21small and thin as she was small and thin as she was although this washwoman was small and thin although this washwoman was small and thine.g.e.g.Young as he isYoung as he is,he knows some family secrets.,he knows some family secrets.Much as I like youMuch as I like you,I dont want to marry you.,I dont want to marry you.TranslateTranslate尽管他很强壮,他还是不能把那块石头举起来。尽管他很强壮,他还是不能把那块石头举起来。KeyKeyStrong as he is,he can not lift that stone.Strong as he is,he can not lift that stone.Key words,phrases&usagesKey words,phrases&usagesMore to learnMore to learnsmall and thin as she was e.22e.g.e.g.Black Black and and blind blind and and poor poor as as Stevie Stevie was,was,he he had had a a happy happy childhood.childhood.Tall Tall as as he was,he was by no means a good basketball he was,he was by no means a good basketball player.player.asasUsage:Usage:In In formal formal style,style,asas can can be be used used to to introduce introduce a a clause,clause,with with a a special special word word order,order,to to mean mean“although”,“although”,and the construction suggests a very emphatic contrast.and the construction suggests a very emphatic contrast.Key words,phrases&usagesKey words,phrases&usagese.g.asKey words,phrases&usa23find find n.n.someosomeone ne or something good or valuable that isor something good or valuable that is foundfounde.g.e.g.This actor was the theatrical This actor was the theatrical findfind of the year.of the year.This This rare rare edition edition of of Dreams Dreams in in the the Red Red Mansions Mansions was was a a greatgreat find find I made in an old bookstore.I made in an old bookstore.ParaphraseParaphraseShe was a real find.She was a real find.We We were were lucky lucky to to have have found found such such an an unusually unusually good good washwoman.washwoman.Key words,phrases&usagesKey words,phrases&usagesfind n.e.g.ParaphraseKey 24Translate into Chinese:Translate into Chinese:And the drying!And the drying!还有晾衣服的活儿!还有晾衣服的活儿!ParaphraseParaphrase And to think that she also had to dry the clothes,And to think that she also had to dry the clothes,which was no easy job for her either.which was no easy job for her either.Comprehension ExercisesComprehension ExercisesTranslate into Chinese:还有晾衣服的活25Only God Only God knowsknows its impossible to sayits impossible to saye.g.e.g.God knowsGod knows where they have gone!where they have gone!The rain will stop The rain will stop God knowsGod knows when.when.TranslateTranslate只有上帝知道她这些年是怎么过的。只有上帝知道她这些年是怎么过的。KeyKey Only God knows Only God knows how she spent all these years.how she spent all these years.Key words,phrases&usagesKey words,phrases&usagesOnly God knows e.g.Translate26e.g.e.g.We We could could have have paidpaid more more attention attention to to the the pollution pollution from cars earlier.from cars earlier.You You could have finishedcould have finished this assignment during the this assignment during the weekend.weekend.could have done something could have done something Usage:Usage:This This pattern pattern usually usually expresses expresses regret,regret,dissatisfaction,dissatisfaction,or or reproachreproach on on the the part part of of the the speaker speaker for for something something that that the the subject subject was was unable or neglected to do.unable or neglected to do.Key words,phrases&usagesKey words,phrases&usagese.g.could have done somethin27be blessed with be blessed with be lucky enough to havebe lucky enough to havee.g.e.g.He He is is blessed blessed withwith a a good good ear ear for for language;language;he he speaks speaks the three fluently.the three fluently.TranslateTranslate我的胃口很好,可是视力却不行。我的胃口很好,可是视力却不行。KeyKey I I have have always always been been blessed blessed withwith a a good good appetite,appetite,but but not with a good sight.not with a good sight.Key words,phrases&usagesKey words,phrases&usagesbe blessed with e.g.Translat28speak of speak of give proof or evidence ofgive proof or evidence ofe.g.e.g.The The woman woman never never mentioned mentioned the the tragic tragic death death of of her her child,but her eyes child,but her eyes spoke ofspoke of suffering.suffering.Everything in the room Everything in the room speaks ofspeaks of the graceful taste of the graceful taste of its owner.its owner.ParaphraseParaphraseThese These hands hands spoke spoke of of the the stubbornness stubbornness of of mankind,mankind,of of the the will will to to work work not not only only as as ones ones strength strength permits permits but but beyond the limits of ones power.beyond the limits of ones power.The The trembling trembling hands hands of of the the washwoman washwoman showedshowed one one aspect aspect of of human human nature,nature,that that is,is,the the determination determination to to work work even even beyond beyond what what one one should should be be physically physically capable of.capable of.Key words,phrases&usagesKey words,phrases&usagesspeak of e.g.ParaphraseKey 29rest rest v.v.(used as a link verb in this context)be;remain(used as a link verb in this context)be;remaine.g.e.g.You You can can restrest assured assured that that nothing nothing of of this this nature nature will will happen again.happen again.It is 11 a.m.now.How can you It is 11 a.m.now.How can you restrest easy in your bed?easy in your bed?TranslateTranslate我们永远不要因自己所取得的成绩而自满。我们永远不要因自己所取得的成绩而自满。KeyKeyNever Never shall shall we we rest rest easy easy with with the the honors honors we we have have won.won.Key words,phrases&usagesKey words,phrases&usagesrest v.e.g.Translate


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