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Lesson 25 Do the English speak EnglishLesson 25 Do the English spea New words新概念英语第二册25课ppt课件New Words:nseveral adj.几个,若干几个,若干nrailway n.铁路铁路nporter n.搬运工,门房搬运工,门房nforeigner n.外国人外国人nwonder n.惊奇,惊异;奇事,奇迹惊奇,惊异;奇事,奇迹 v.诧异;纳闷,想知道诧异;纳闷,想知道New Words:several adj.几个,若干n【语言点语言点】several+可数名词可数名词复数复数several timesseveral teachersn【例题例题】Seeing these old ladies get on the bus,_(几个几个)students offered them their seats.New words and expressions1.several adj.几个,若干几个,若干several许多次许多次几名老师几名老师【语言点】New words and expressionsn【拓展拓展】a number of+可数名词可数名词复数复数 a great number of the number ofsome+可数名词可数名词复数复数/不可数不可数 some time sometime adv.sometimes adv.New words and expressions1.several adj.几个,若干几个,若干一些一些大量大量的数量的数量一段时间一段时间某时(多用于将来时态)某时(多用于将来时态)有时,偶尔有时,偶尔【拓展】New words and expressions1【2013年盐城年盐城】Now the number of Chinese people working in Africa _ more than one million.A.isB.areC.wasD.wereNew words and expressions1.several adj.几个,若干几个,若干【2013年盐城】Now the number of Chi【2013年扬州年扬州】A number of tourists _ Yangzhou many times because it is such a beautiful city.A.have been toB.has been toC.has gone toD.have gone toNew words and expressions1.several adj.几个,若干几个,若干【2013年扬州】A number of tourists n【语言点语言点】wonderful adj.wonderland n.no wonder(Its)no/little wonder(that)the seven wonders of the world Alices Adventures in WonderlandNew words and expressions2.wonder n.惊奇,惊异;奇事,奇迹惊奇,惊异;奇事,奇迹极好的极好的奇境,仙境奇境,仙境难怪,怪不得难怪,怪不得不足为奇不足为奇世界七大奇迹世界七大奇迹【语言点】New words and expressions【经典习题经典习题】The Great Wall of China was first built over 2,000 years ago.It is one of the _of the world.New words and expressions2.wonder n.惊奇,惊异;奇事,奇迹惊奇,惊异;奇事,奇迹wonders【经典习题】The Great Wall of China New words and expressions2.wonder n.惊奇,惊异;奇事,奇迹惊奇,惊异;奇事,奇迹他的狗丢了。所以他如此心烦意乱,并不他的狗丢了。所以他如此心烦意乱,并不奇怪。奇怪。His dog is lost.So _ that he was so upset.【经典习题经典习题】its no wonderNew words and expressions2.won【语言点语言点】wonder at sth.wonder to do sth.wonder+that 从句从句 I wonder _ his achievements in language.I wonder _ she has won the race.I never wonder _ see menwicked(邪恶的,不道德的邪恶的,不道德的).New words and expressions2.wonder v.诧异;纳闷,想知道诧异;纳闷,想知道atthatto对对感到吃惊感到吃惊【语言点】New words and expressions【2012年南京年南京】Peter,is there anything else you want to know about China?Yes,I am still wondering _.A.how is Chinese paper cut madeB.hows the Great Wall built in ancient timesC.why the Chinese people like to play the dragon danceD.why do the Chinese people eat rice dumplings at Dragon Boat Festival New words and expressions2.wonder n.惊奇,惊异;奇事,奇迹惊奇,惊异;奇事,奇迹【2012年南京】Peter,is there anyt【2012年镇江年镇江】15.I wonder _.A.if Dr Ma still works on the ORBIS planeB.how much does the tallest man in the world weighC.when Audrey Hepburn had entered the film industryD.that Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon New words and expressions2.wonder n.惊奇,惊异;奇事,奇迹惊奇,惊异;奇事,奇迹【2012年镇江】15.I wonder _ 摘要写作答案摘要写作答案新概念英语第二册25课ppt课件nAnswer the questions Did you arrive at a railway station in London or not?Did you ask a porter the way to your hotel or not?Could he understand you or not?(and but)The TextI arrived at a railway station in London and asked a porter the way to my hotel,but he couldnt understand me.Answer the questionsThe TextI nAnswer the questions Did he understand you or not?Could you understand his answer?(but)Did your teacher ever speak English like that or not?The TextHe understood me at last but I couldnt understand his answer.My teacher never spoke English like that.Answer the questionsThe TextHenAnswer the questions What did the porter say to you?Does each person speak a different language in England or not?The TextThe porter said I shall learn English soon.Each person speaks a different language in England.Answer the questionsThe TextThnAnswer the questions Do they understand each other or not?Do you understand them?The TextThey understand each other but I dont understand them.Answer the questionsThe TextTh 课文解析课文解析新概念英语第二册25课ppt课件【语言点语言点】arrive at+地点;地点;arrive in+地点地点reach vt.get to+宾语宾语【注意注意】home/there/here等地点副词前等地点副词前不加介词不加介词到家到家 到那到那The Text1.I arrived in London at last.小小大大到达到达(直接加地点)(直接加地点)到达到达get homeget there【语言点】The Text1.I arrived in L并列结构【2016年徐州年徐州】When you are home,give me a call to let me know you _ safely.A.arrived B.have arrived C.will arrive D.are arriving并列结构【2016年徐州】When you are home并列结构【2013年宿迁年宿迁】Were you sick after six hours journey on the coach?Of course.I _ quickly as soon as it stopped.A.got upB.got onC.got offD.got to并列结构【2013年宿迁】Were you sick aft【语言点语言点】the way to somewhere:e.g.I know I have a long way to success.He stood at the entrance to the cave.The Text2.I did not know the way to my hotel,so I asked a porter.通往,前往通往,前往的路。的路。(介词(介词to表示目的)表示目的)【语言点】The Text2.I did not knownall the way=the whole way nby the waynin ones/the waynon ones/the way(to)nNo way!ngive waynthe way to do sth.=the way of doing sth.The Text2.I did not know the way to my hotel,so I asked a porter.从头至尾;(一路上)一直从头至尾;(一路上)一直顺便问下顺便问下 abbr.BTW挡路挡路在去某地的路上在去某地的路上没门儿!没门儿!让步,屈服让步,屈服做某事的方法做某事的方法all the way=the whole way The 并列结构【2014年盐城年盐城】Could you tell me _?Sure.Walk straight along this street and youll find it.A.how can I get to the post office B.where is the post office C.which is the way to the post office D.how far the post office is并列结构【2014年盐城】Could you tell ml你能告诉我去图书馆的最佳路线吗?你能告诉我去图书馆的最佳路线吗?Could you tell me _ the hospital?l丽丽正在去北京的路上。丽丽正在去北京的路上。Lily is _ Beijing.l你真的是一路游过去的吗?你真的是一路游过去的吗?Did you really swim _ across?The Text2.I did not know the way to my hotel,so I asked a porter.the best way toon her way toall the way你能告诉我去图书馆的最佳路线吗?The Text2.I d【语言点语言点】like prep.Like father,like son.【经典习题经典习题】西蒙不像他的妈妈那样喜欢看肥皂剧。西蒙不像他的妈妈那样喜欢看肥皂剧。Simon,_ his mother,_ soap operas.He thinks those are boring.The Text3.My teacher never spoke English like that!unlikedislikes像像.一样一样unlike有其父必有其子。有其父必有其子。【反义词反义词】【语言点】The Text3.My teacher nev并列连词:并列连词:本课重点语法本课重点语法并列连词:Joining wordsIn compound statements并列连词:并列连词:并列连词:并列连词并列连词n1.表示并列关系的并列连词表示并列关系的并列连词n2.表示转折关系的并列连词表示转折关系的并列连词n3.表示选择关系的并列连词表示选择关系的并列连词n4.表示因果关系的并列连词表示因果关系的并列连词并列连词:并列连词:并列连词并列连词:n1.表示并列关系的连词:表示并列关系的连词:and;“和,并且和,并且”,连接两个词、短语或句子,连接两个词、短语或句子 both and;“不但不但而且而且”连接词或短语,连连接词或短语,连接的两个部分做主语时,谓语动词用复数形式接的两个部分做主语时,谓语动词用复数形式 e.g.She can both speak and write Japanese.e.g.Both New York and London have traffic problems并列关系:并列关系:1.表示并列关系的连词:并列关系:n1.表示并列关系的连词:表示并列关系的连词:not onlybut(also);“不仅不仅而且而且”,就近原则就近原则e.g.They not only study all the subjects required to be an astronaut but also learned survival skills.e.g.Not only you but(also)Jim is to blame for this.neither nor;“既不既不也不也不”,对两者进行否对两者进行否定,就近原则定,就近原则e.g.According to my research,neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet.并列关系:并列关系:1.表示并列关系的连词:并列关系:n1.表示并列关系的连词:表示并列关系的连词:not but;“不是不是而是而是”,连接两个并列,连接两个并列成分表示对比。成分表示对比。e.g.It is often said that the joy of travelling is not in arriving at your destination but in the journey it self.e.g.He is not my boyfriend but my male friend.并列关系:并列关系:1.表示并列关系的连词:并列关系:n1.表示并列关系的连词:表示并列关系的连词:as well;“而且,以及而且,以及”,强调后者。,强调后者。e.g.The whole and the part as well.并列关系:并列关系:1.表示并列关系的连词:并列关系:n2.表示转折关系的连词:表示转折关系的连词:but;“但是,然而,课时但是,然而,课时”,连接两个句法作用,连接两个句法作用相同的单词、短语或句子。相同的单词、短语或句子。e.g.He is a good composer,but he has taught me nothing.【注意注意】although,though,不能与不能与but连用连用e.g.Although/though he is rich,he is not happy.转折关系:转折关系:2.表示转折关系的连词:转折关系:n2.表示转折关系的连词:表示转折关系的连词:rather than;“而不是而不是”。e.g Many college students read purely for information rather than for deep thought and pleasure.转折关系:转折关系:2.表示转折关系的连词:转折关系:n3.表示选择关系的连词:表示选择关系的连词:or;“或者,还是或者,还是”,表示选择。,表示选择。e.g.Which one would you like to buy,the red one or the yellow one.【注意注意】在否定句中表示在否定句中表示“和和”e.g.There are people without homes,jobs,or families.【注意注意】在祈使句在祈使句+and/or+陈述句(用将来时)中陈述句(用将来时)中表示表示“否则,要不然否则,要不然”e.g.Seize the chance,or youll be regret.选择关系:选择关系:3.表示选择关系的连词:选择关系:n3.表示选择关系的连词:表示选择关系的连词:Eitheror;“或者或者或者或者”,就近原则。,就近原则。e.g.I think the key is either in my bag or on the table.e.g.Either you or your sister goes,because one of you must stay at home.选择关系:选择关系:3.表示选择关系的连词:选择关系:n3.表示因果关系的连词:表示因果关系的连词:so;“所以,因此所以,因此”,后面的句子表示结果,后面的句子表示结果e.g.Talking on a mobile phone is expensive,so a lot of people send text message.for;“因为,由于因为,由于”,后面的句子表示一种推断,后面的句子表示一种推断性原因,是对前一分句的补充,因此,性原因,是对前一分句的补充,因此,for不能谓不能谓语句首。语句首。e.g.We listened eagerly,for he brought news of our families.因果关系:因果关系:3.表示因果关系的连词:因果关系:并列结构【2016年南通年南通】Shall we get together this Saturday or Sunday evening?_ is OK.Im free this weekend A.Both B.Either C.Neither D.None 并列结构【2016年南通】Shall we get tog并列结构【2016年苏州年苏州】Theres no ticker left for Lang Langs piano concert._ you _your sister can go to it.A.Both;and B.Not only;but also C.Either;or D.Neither;nor 并列结构【2016年苏州】Theres no ticke并列结构【2015年南通年南通】_ Ms.Zhou _Mr.Li is humorous.They are popular among us students.A.Both;and B.Neither;nor C.Either;or D.Not only;but also并列结构【2015年南通】_ Ms.Zhou _并列结构【2014年南通年南通】7.You can join the Reading Club _ you can go to the Dancing Club.Either is OK.A.and B.or C.but D.so并列结构【2014年南通】7.You can join t并列结构【2013年常州年常州】He speaks _English _French.Instead,he speaks German.A.either;or B.not only;but alsoC.both;and D.neither;nor并列结构【2013年常州】He speaks _E并列结构【2013年南京年南京】Finish your homework _ you cant play computer games,Jim.All right,Mum.A.but B.till C.and D.or并列结构【2013年南京】Finish your home并列结构【2015年徐州年徐州】You are wanted on the phone._ nobody knows Im here.A.And B.But C.So D.Or并列结构【2015年徐州】You are wanted 并列结构【2016年泰州年泰州】Doctor,Ive got a headache.Dont worry,Just take some medicine,_youll be OK again.A.and B.but C.so D.or并列结构【2016年泰州】Doctor,Ive got并列结构【2016年盐城年盐城】9.My grandmas hobby is _ cooking _ watching TV.Its square dancing.A.not only,but also B.neither,nor C.both,and D.either,or并列结构【2016年盐城】9.My grandmas并列结构【2016年连云港年连云港】What film do you like best?The Martian.It _ shows a lot of imagination,_ has a sense of humor.A.too toB.neither norC.either orD.not only hut also并列结构【2016年连云港】What film do yoand see you soon.THANK YOUand see you soon.THANK YOU


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