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Cancer in Adolescents and Young AdultsCancer in Adolescents and Young Adults(15-29)nLargely understudiednAwareness of the cancer in this age group is less than in older adultsnRelatively infrequentEpidemiology and Surveillancen nTransition between more non epithelial types(acute leukemia and embryonal tumors)and epithelial types(carcinoma).n nTherefore,they are blends of childhood and adult cancersLeading Types of Cancer Among Young Women(15-29 Years)Percentage of New Cases,Canada,1992-2019 n nThyroid 19%n nHodgkin Lymphoma 13%n nMelanoma 11%n nCervix 9%n nOther epithelial 8%n nOther Non-epithelial 7%Canadian Cancer Society,Canadian Cancer Statistics 2009Leading Types of Cancer Among Young Women(15-29 Years)Percentage of New Cases,Canada,1992-2019n nBreast 7%n nLeukemia 6%n nCentral Nervous System 6%n nNon-Hodgkin Lymphoma 5%n nSoft Tissue and Other Extraosseous Sarcoma 4%n nOvary 4%N=15,043N=15,043Canadian Cancer Society,Canadian Cancer Statistics 2009Leading Types of Cancer Among Young Men(15-29 Years)Percentage of New Cases,Canada,1992-2019n nGerm Cell Testis 24%n nHodgkin Lymphoma 14%n nNon-Hodgkin Lymphoma 10%n nOther Epithelial 10%n nLeukemia 8%Canadian Cancer Society,Canadian Cancer Statistics 2009Leading Types of Cancer Among Young Men(15-29 Years)Percentage of New Cases,Canada,1992-2019n nCentral Nervous System 8%n nMelanoma 7%n nSoft tissue and Other Extraosseous Sarcoma 6%n nThyroid 5%n nBone 4%n nOther Non-epithelial 3%N=14,005Canadian Cancer Society,Canadian Cancer Statistics 2009Causes Life Related Changesn nEducationn nEmploymentn nPersonal relationCommon CancersLymphomasn nHodgkins and non-Hodgkinsn nMost common non-epithelial cancern nHigher incidence in males than females,especially non-HodgkinsThyroid Cancern nEpithelial cancern nMost common young femalesMelanoman nMore common in femalesGerm Cell Testis Cancern nNon-epithelial typen nHighest incidence among all male cancer 24%Leukemian nMost common cause of deathn nMale 21%n nFemale 17%Prevention and Screeningn nLittle is known about risk factorsCongenital Anomaliesn nUndescended testicleFamily History of Cancern nTestisn nBreastn nColorectalInfection Agentsn nHPVn nHIV virusn nEpstein Barr virusEnvironmental Exposuresn nUV radiationn nWar zonesPreventionn nPrimary prevention is limitedn nOrganized cancer screening is ineffectiven nRare cancersRare cancersn nShort latency period and aggressive growthShort latency period and aggressive growthCervical Cancern nPap smear is effective for diagnosisPap smear is effective for diagnosisn nPopulation screening is Population screening is recommended recommended n nDecrease incidence and mortalityDecrease incidence and mortalityn nPap smear should be recommended Pap smear should be recommended to all sexually active women of all to all sexually active women of all agesagesn nUse of the HPV vaccine for females Use of the HPV vaccine for females age 9-26age 9-26Modification of Life Stylen nTobaccon nAlcoholn nDrugsn nSexual ActivityPotential Years of Life Lost Due to Cancer,Canada,2019Potential years of Life Lost(PYLL)Potential years of Life Lost(PYLL)TotalTotalMalesMalesFemalesFemalesYears Years%YearsYears%YearsYears%All CancersAll Cancers1,026,600 1,026,600 100100495.000 100495.000 100531,700 100531,700 100Age GroupAge Group0-140-1410,20010,2001.01.05,2005,200 1.1 1.15,0005,000 0.9 0.915-1915-194,1004,1000.40.42,5002,500 0.5 0.51,6001,600 0.3 0.320-2420-245,4005,4000.50.53,1003,100 0.6 0.62,3002,300 0.4 0.425-2925-296,5006,5000.60.63,4003,400 0.7 0.73,2003,200 0.6 0.630-3930-3933,40033,4003.33.313,90013,900 2.8 2.819,50019,500 3.7 3.740-4940-49115,700115,700 11.311.348,70048,700 9.8 9.867,10067,100 12.6 12.650-5950-59225,400225,400 22.022.0104,000 21.0104,000 21.0 121,400 22.8121,400 22.860-6960-69260,400260,400 25.425.4134,000 27.1134,000 27.1 126,400 23.8126,400 23.870-7970-79244,400244,400 23.823.8126,700 25.6126,700 25.6 117,700 22.1117,700 22.180+80+121,100121,100 11.811.853,50053,500 10.8 10.867,600 12.767,600 12.7Canadian Cancer Society,Canadian Cancer Statistics 2009Estimated Observed Survival Proportion(95%Confidence Estimated Observed Survival Proportion(95%Confidence Interval)for Selected Cancers in Adolescents and Young Interval)for Selected Cancers in Adolescents and Young Adults(15-29)by Survival Duration,Canada,2019-2019Adults(15-29)by Survival Duration,Canada,2019-2019 Observed Survival Proportion(%)Observed Survival Proportion(%)(95%Confidence(95%Confidence Interval)Interval)1-year1-year3-year3-year5-year5-yearAll CancersAll CancersThyroidThyroid93 93(93-94)(93-94)86 86(85-87)(85-87)8383(82-84)(82-84)TestisTestis100 100(99-100)(99-100)9999(99-100)(99-100)9999(99-100)(99-100)Hodgkin LymphomaHodgkin Lymphoma99 99(98-99)(98-99)9696(95-97)(95-97)9696(94-97)(94-97)MelanomaMelanoma99 99(98-99)(98-99)96 96(94-96)(94-96)94 94(93-95)(93-95)CervixCervix98 98(97-99)(97-99)95 95(94-96)(94-96)92 92(91-94)(91-94)Non-Hodgkin LymphomaNon-Hodgkin Lymphoma96 96(94-97)(94-97)88 88(85-90)(85-90)86 86(83-88)(83-88)BreastBreast84 84(82-86)(82-86)76 76(73-78)(73-78)74 74(71-77)(71-77)Soft Tissue and Other Soft Tissue and Other 97 97(95-98)(95-98)83 83(80-86)(80-86)73 73(69-77)(69-77)Extraossesous Sarcoma Extraossesous Sarcoma89 89(86-91)(86-91)76 76(73-79)(73-79)72 72(69-76)(69-76)Central Nervous SystemCentral Nervous System88 88(86-90)(86-90)75 75(72-77)(72-77)66 66(63-69)(63-69)LeukemiaLeukemia81 81(78-83)(78-83)66(63-69)66(63-69)61(58-64)61(58-64)Canadian Cancer Society,Canadian Cancer Statistics 2009Estimated 5-Year Observed Survival Proportion(95%Confidence Estimated 5-Year Observed Survival Proportion(95%Confidence Interval)for Selected Cancers in Adolescednts and Young Adults Interval)for Selected Cancers in Adolescednts and Young Adults(15-29),by Sex and Age Group,Canada 2019-2019(15-29),by Sex and Age Group,Canada 2019-2019Observed Survival Proportion(%)Observed Survival Proportion(%)(95%(95%Confidence Interval)Confidence Interval)1 yr1 yr3 yr3 yr5 yr5 yrALL CANCERSALL CANCERS9393(93-94)(93-94)86 86(85-(85-87)87)83 83(82-85)(82-85)ThyroidThyroid100 100(99-100)(99-100)99 99(99-100)(99-100)9999(99-100)(99-100)TestisTestis99 99(98-99)(98-99)96 96(95-97)(95-97)96 96(94-97)(94-97)Hodgkin LymphomaHodgkin Lymphoma99 99(98-99)(98-99)96 96(94-96)(94-96)94 94(93-95)(93-95)MelanomaMelanoma98 98(97-99)(97-99)95 95(94-96)(94-96)92 92(91-94)(91-94)CervixCervix96 96(94-97)(94-97)88 88(85-90)(85-90)86 86(83-88)(83-88)Non-Hodgkin LymphomaNon-Hodgkin Lymphoma84 84(82-86)(82-86)76 76(73-(73-79)79)74 74(71-77)(71-77)BreastBreast97 97(95-98)(95-98)83 83(80-86)(80-86)73 73(69-77)(69-77)Soft Tissue and Other Soft Tissue and Other 89 89(86-91)(86-91)76 76(73-79)(73-79)72 72(69-76)(69-76)Extraosseous SarcomaExtraosseous SarcomaCentral Nervous SystemCentral Nervous System88 88(86-90)(86-90)75 75(72-(72-77)77)66 66(63-69)(63-69)LeukemiaLeukemia81 81(78-83)(78-83)66 66(63-69)(63-69)61 61(58-64)(58-64)Canadian Cancer Society,Canadian Cancer Statistics 2009


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