(课标卷)高中英语 Module 3 Body Language and Non Verbal Communication综合检测 外研版必修4

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综合检测(三)Module 3Body Language and NonVerbal Communication(满分:120分;时间:100分钟).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1Will you _me _favour to carry the box upstairs,boy?Agive;theBdo;theCoffer;a Ddo;a2The pupils nervous expression _ himself _ when he told a lie that he was ill.Agave;off B. gave;outCgave;away Dgave;up3(2013太原高一检测)Lucy was so thirsty that she made a _for some water.Adecision BfaceCliving Drequest4With the development of the company,it has made another _ with Japan and made lots of money.Aprogress BdealCeffort Dconcept5_difficult the problem is,you have to try your best to solve it.AAlthough BWhateverCHowever DNo matter6Who was _ when the thief broke in?Sorry,but I dont know.Aon show Bon businessCon a visit Don guard7The prices of meat _ greatly with seasons.Avaries BvariousCvary Dvariety8When I was doing some cooking,I cut my finger_.Aby the way Bby accidentCby chances Din the way9Most people prefer a _ show to a recorded one.Aliving BaliveClively Dlive10If you have any questions to ask,please _ your hands.Ahold out Bhold upCput on Dput out11I think being _of ones shortcomings helps one to make more progress.I cant agree more.Aconscious BunconsciousCinformal Dformal12If you are good at English,you will find it easy to_people in a foreign country.A communicate to Bcommunicate withCagree to Dagree with13When the earthquake happened,the young man _and went under the bed.Apanicked BpanicedCthreatened Damazed14Whenever I see my neighbours,I always _ them.Asay hello for Bsay goodbye toCsay hello to Dsay goodbye for15How about going climbing this weekend?Well,there are too many dangers_.Ainvolving Bhaving involvedCto involve Dinvolved.完形填空(共 20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)More than a hundred years ago,a college student was travelling by train.He found himself _16_ by the side of an old man who seemed to be a _17_ peasant,well dressed.He was holding a rosary(念珠)to _18_ and moving the beads(珠子)with his fingers.“Sir.do you still _19_such outdated things?”asked the student,“Yes,I do.Dont you?”asked the man.The student burst into _20_ and said,“I do not believe in such _21_ things.Take my advice,_22_ the rosary out of this window,_23_ learn what science has to say about it.”“Science?I do not understand this science.Perhaps you can _24_ it to me.”The man spoke humbly(谦恭地)with _25_ in his eyes.The student saw that the man was_26_ moved.So to avoid further hurting the_27_of the man,he said,“Please give me your_28_ and I will send you some books to _29_ you learn about this.”The man_30_ the inside pocket of his coat for a moment and gave the boy his visiting card._31_ glancing at the card,the student_32_his head in shame and became_33_.On the card he read,“Louis Pasteur,Director of the Institute of Scientific Research,Paris”_34_,Louis Pasteur was a great French scientist.His _35_ that most diseases are caused by germs(细菌),known as the“germ theory of disease”,was one of the most important advances in medical history.16A.stood BattractedClaughed Dseated17A.poor BrichCprofessional Ddisabled18A.organise BactCpray Dspeak19A.believe in Bcare aboutCthink of Dplay with20A.song BjoyClaughter Dexcitement21A.silly BharmfulCcommon Dserious22A.take BleaveCthrow Dput23A.but BorCand Dso24A.give BexplainClend Dbring25A.doubts BdifficultiesCtears Dtroubles26A.deeply BhighlyCclosely Dsincerely27A.thought BfeelingsCideas Dmind28A.hand BbookCplace Daddress29A.make BleadCimpress Dhelp30A.touched BlookedCsearched Dexamined31A.On BInCDuring DAbout32A.nodded BraisedClowered Dmoved33A.negative BsilentCpeaceful Dnaughty34A.Finally BActuallyCReally DObviously35A.wonder BbehaviorCfact Ddiscovery.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AEven a child knows that nodding(点头)the head means“Yes”But some people will probably be puzzled when they first come to India.When they talk to an Indian,he often shakes his head.They might think that the Indian does not like what he said,but on_the_contrary he is expressing agreement.The Indians have a habit of shaking their heads slightly when they talk to somebody.It doesnt mean“No”,but“Yes”If a person doesnt know this,it might cause misunderstanding.At one time a foreigner in India told his driver who was an Indian to take him to his office.The driver shook his head.The foreigner repeated his request and the driver shook his head again.At last,the foreigner shouted angrily,“Drive me to my office at once!”The driver said in a low voice,“Yes,sir,”smiling and shaking his head again at the same time.36Generally speaking,nodding the head means _,and shaking the head means _.AYes;No BNo;YesCYes;Yes DNo;No37According to the habit of India,if someone agrees with you,he will _.Anod his headBshake his headCneither nod his head nor shake his headDeither nod his head or shake his head38Why did the foreigner become angry?Because_.Athe Indian driver didnt want to send him to his officeBhe misunderstood the meaning of shaking the head in IndiaChe asked the driver to send him to his office,but the India driver didnt say any wordsDthe Indian driver asked him for a lot of money39The underlined phrase“on the contrary”means _.Ajust the oppositeBclear difference between two thingsCdoing what you want to doDon the other handBVisitors to Britain may find the best place to sample local culture is in a traditional pub.But these friendly pubs can be dangerous places of potential gaffes(失礼)for the newcomers.A team of researchers have discovered some of the unknown customs of British pubsstarting with the difficulty of getting a drink.Most pubs have no waitersyou have to go to the bar to buy drinks.A group of Italian youths were waiting 45 minutes before they realized they would have to fetch their own.This may sound inconvenient,but there is a hidden purpose.Pub culture is designed to promote sociability(社交)in a society known for its reserve.Standing at the bar for service allows you to chat with others waiting to be served.The bar counter is possibly the only site in the British Isles in which friendly conversation with strangers is considered entirely suitable and really quite normal behavior.“If you havent been to a pub,you havent been to Britain.”This tip can be found in a booklet,Passport to the Pub:The TouristsGuide to Pub Etiquette,a customersrule of conduct for those wanting to sample“a central part of British life and culture”The trouble is that if you do not follow the local rules,the experience may fall flat.For example,if you are in a big group,it is best if only one or two people go to buy the drinks.Nothing annoys the regular customers and bar staff more than a group of strangers blocking all access to the bar while they chat and hesitate about what to order.40The underlined word“sample”in the first paragraph probably means“_”Ataste BexperienceCtest Drecord41The culture of pub in Britain is developed to_.Aencourage people to communicate with each otherBencourage more people to consume drinksCattract more tourists to the pubsDform its own character of culture42If you dont follow the local rules in a pub,_.Ayou wont buy good local drinksByou may annoy the regular customers and bar staffCyou may fail to feel the local cultureDyou might get into a dangerous place43What may be the BEST title for the passage?ASelfservice Pubs in BritainBBritish Local Pubs:Special Chat PlacesCLocal Pub Culture in BritainDManners in British Local PubsCWe can make all the jokes we want about taking baths ourselves,but if we are ill in bed and cant get up,well be thankful to the nurses who help us get clean.While I am not a nurse,and have never given anyone a bath,I would imagine that it would take a lot of sympathy(同情)and patience to do so.Yet those who attended the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems last month were introduced to Cody,a robot that can bathe human beings.The robot has a base that can be turned to all directions,two humanlike arms,and movable wrists(腕)It uses a camera to locate parts of the human body.It then uses bath gloves to clean with a little pressure.The robot was designed at the Georgia Institute of Technology.Charles Kemp of the Healthcare Robotics Lab is the senior researcher for the project.In a test run,Cody was able to remove 96% of a test subjects dirtnot badfor a robot.But dont go asking for Cody yethes still a model.Yet researchers believe that one day Cody may take the place of nurses for this task.Researchers say that Cody will give patients dignity and protect their personal information.I suppose that would depend on the patient.Im not sure whether a robot using a camera would make me feel very dignified.Even so,I can appreciate the need.We dont have enough nurses to go around,and those places that are the most shorthanded,for example,nursing homes,are those that have the most patients who are unable to bathe themselves.Still,before I get there,I hope they think of a better way to solve the problem.44The writer thinks bathing others must_.Abe a lot of funBmake you feel thankfulCtake a lot of patienceDmake you feel dignified45What is the third paragraph mainly about?AWhy and where Cody was designed.BWhat Cody looks like and who designed it.CWhat Cody can do and where it will work soon.DHow Cody works and what has made that possible.46We know from the fourth and fifth paragraphs that_.ACody can bathe patients better than a real nurse canBrobots like Cody are being produced in large numbers right nowCCody can take the place of nurses completely in hospitalsDresearchers think Cody can protect patients personal informationDThe human nose has given to the language of the world many interesting expressions.Of course,this is not surprising.Without the nose,we could not breathe or smell.It is the part of the face that gives a person special character.Cyrano de Bergerac said that a large nose showed a great mancourageous,manly,and wise.A famous woman poet wished that she had two noses to smell a rose!Blaise Pascal made an interesting remark about Cleopatras(埃及艳后)nose.If it had been shorter,he said,it would have changed the whole face of the world!Mans nose has had an important role in his imagination.Man has referred to the nose in many ways to express his emotions.Expressions dealing with the nose refer to humans weakness,anger,pride,jealousy and revenge(报复)In English there are a number of phrases about the nose.For example,to hold up ones nose expresses a basic human feelingpride.People can hold up their noses at people,things,and places.The phrase,to be led around by the nose,shows mans weakness.A person who is led around by the nose lets other people control him.On the other hand,a person who follows his nose lets his instinct(本能)guide him.There are a number of others.However,it should be as plain as the nose on your face that the nose is more than an organ for breathing and smelling.47The passage is about_.Aan organ,with which people can breathe and smellBthe nose,which gives different and useful expressionsCthe nose giving a person special characterDthe interesting remarks about the nose made by some people48From the passage we know_.ACleopatras nose changed the whole face of the world indeedBCleopatra had a strong will to change the whole look of the worldCCleopatras nose was not shortDCleopatra hoped that people would change the whole face of the world49A person who follows his nose_.Awont take others adviceBis easily controlled by othersCis weakmindedDwill let his will guide him50How many emotions can be shown by expressions about the nose in the passage?ATwo. BThree.CFour. DFive.阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The Winners Guide to SuccessHow do successful people think?What helps them to make success?To find out the answers,an American scholar recently visited some of the most successful people in America.51._ Be responsible for yourselfSometimes you may want to blame others for your failure to get ahead.52._ Youre saying,“You have more control over my life than I do.”Live life“on purpose”Almost all successful people live life“on purpose”they are doing what they believe they should and want to do.When you live your life on purpose,youll try your best to do your job or study as well as you can.You love what you do and you can find pleasure in what you do.Write a planIt is very difficult trying to get what you want without a good plan.53._ A good plan is like a map to you.Without this“map”,you may waste your time,money and also your energy,while with the“map”youll enjoy the“trip”and get what you want in the shortest possible time.Be willing to pay the priceNothing great is easy to get.So you must be ready to work hardeven harder than you have ever done.If you are not willing to pay the price,you wont get anything valuable.Never give up54_ When you are doing something,you must tell yourself again and again:Giving up is worse than failure because failure can be the mother of success,but giving up means the death of hope.55_Once an American writer was writing a novel.He could not have a good ending for his book until one night when he had a very good idea.He was so excited that he made a phone call to one of his best friends.“Ive got a perfect idea,”he said,“Ill put it down later and show it to you.”But he never did,because he died that night.His book was left without a perfect ending.So remember,do what you can right away.Never delay at all.AIt is just like trying to drive through strange roads to a city far away.BIt seems to us that everyone knows this.But it is easier said than done.CSome people achieve success much later in life because they fail to realize earlier the importance of hard work.DIn fact,when you say someone or something outside of yourself is stopping you from making success,youre giving away your own power.ESomeone elses opinion of you doesnt have to become your reality.FDont delay.GHere are some keys to success that they give.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Ladies and Gentlemen,May I pay your attention,please?Now we are looking for a passenger,Mr.White,he is from America.And he is now leaving Beijing to America by Flight 2748.But we were told that Mr.White forgot his passport as well his wallet in Friendship Hotel where he had stayed.The manager of the hotel has just telephoned to tell him about it.The manager has been sent his secretary to bring the passport and the wallet here,and she will come sooner.Will Mr.White go to gate of our airport and wait for your passport and wallet?She will arrive at about ten minutes.书面表达(满分25分)随着中国改革开放的深入,越来越多的外国人来中国旅游。假如你是一名导游,带领旅游团去一旅游胜地,途中你顺便介绍了一下中国的一些礼仪风俗。请根据以下提示写一篇100词左右的短文。 1.国与国之间有些风俗近似,有些不同。在旅游期间我们应注意; 2.中国人道谢时与西方国家基本相同; 3.当得到别人的表扬时,中国人很谦虚; 4.中国人互相问候时,与西方有差异。_综合检测(三)1Bdo sb.a favour中的do为固定搭配,而当favour后面接不定式的时候,其前面要用定冠词the。2C句意:当这个小学生撒谎说他生病了时,他紧张的表情使他露了马脚。give away“泄露(秘密),暴露”。give off“发出(蒸汽、光等)”;give out“分发;发 出”;give up“放弃”。3D句意: 露西渴极了,她请求给点水。make a request for“要求得到”,符合 题意。make a decision“做决定”;make a face“做鬼脸”;make a living“谋生”。4B句意: 随着这家公司的发展,它与日本又做成了一笔生意,赚了很多钱。make a deal with“与做生意”,符合题意。progress“进步”为不可数名词;effort“努力”;concept“观念”。5C句意:不管问题有多难,你必须尽最大努力解决它。however引导让步状语从句,后跟形容词或副词;whatever不能修饰形容词;no matter后接形容词的正确形式是no matter how。6D句意:“小偷进来时谁执勤?”“很抱歉,我不知道。”on guard“值班”,符合题意。on show“被展出”;on business“为了生意,为了公事”;on a visit“在访问,在参观”。7C句意: 肉的价格随着季节的变化而有很大不同。根据句意,因为主语是prices,故谓语动词用vary。vary是动词,“变化,不同”;various是形容词,“不同的,各种各样的”;variety是名词,“多样性”。8B句意: 我在做饭时不小心切了手。by accidentby chance“偶然,无意中;不小心”,符合题意。by the way“顺便说说,顺便提起”;in the way“挡道,妨碍”。9D句意:大多数人喜欢看实况转播而不是录音节目。live作形容词时意为“实况转播的;活的,有生命的”,符合题意。living“活着的,现存的”,可作前置定语或表语;alive“活着的”,可作表语或后置定语;lively“活泼的,栩栩如生的”。10B句意:如果你们有问题要问,请举手。hold up“举起”,符合题意。hold out“伸出”;put on“穿上;上演”;put out“熄灭;扑灭”。11A句意:“我认为一个人如果能意识到自己的缺点,就能获得更大的进步。”“我完全赞同。”conscious“自觉的,意识到的”,符合题意,其反义词为unconscious“不省人事的,未发觉的,无意识的”;informal“不正式的,不拘礼节的”,其反义词formal“正式的,合礼仪的”。12B句意:如果你擅长英语,你就会发现在国外与人们交流起来非常容易。communicate with sb.“与沟通”,符合题意。communicate sth.to sb.“把传达给某人”;agree to sth.“同意某事”;agree with“同意的意见;与一致;对适合”。13A句意:地震发生时,这个年轻人惊恐地躲到了床底下。panic“惊慌,恐慌”,其过去式为panicked。threaten“威胁,恐吓”;amaze“使惊奇”。14C句意:无论何时见到我的邻居,我都向他们问好。say hello to“向问好”,符合题意。say goodbye to“向说再见”。15D句意:“这周末去爬山怎么样?”“爬山有太多的危险。”involve为及物动词,意为“包括”,dangers和involve构成逻辑上的动宾关系,所以要用过去分词来做后置定语。16D故事是发生在火车上的。大学生“坐”在一位老人的旁边。17B由下文well dressed可知,大学生认为老人是一位“富有的”农民。18C老人手中握着念珠应该是在“祈祷”。19A句意:你仍然“信奉”这些过时的东西吗?believe in“信奉,信仰”。后文也提到了believe in。20C根据上文,这位大学生认为祈祷已经过时了,所以当听到老人的回答时“放声大笑”起来。21A根据这位大学生的反应,他认为现代人祈祷是“愚蠢的”事情。22C这位大学生给老人提建议,把念珠从车窗“扔”出去。23C此处是并列关系:把念珠扔了,“并”学习科学。24B句意:我不懂你所说的科学,也许你可以给我“解释”一下。25C句意:老人谦虚地说,眼里含着一些“泪”。26A根据上文,老人听得流泪了,可知老人被“深深地”打动了。27B句意:为了避免更深地伤害老人的“感情”。28D根据下文“I will send you some books”可知,大学生在问老人的“地址”。29D这位大学生给老人寄书的目的是“帮”老人学科学。30C根据上文这位大学生要老人的地址,以及下文“gave the boy his visiting card”,可知老人把手伸进口袋“找”他的visiting card。31A“当”他看到名片时。on意为“当时”。32C句意:这位大学生羞愧地“低下”头。33B由上文这位大学生低下头,可知这时他“沉默”了。34B“实际上”,老人是著名的法国科学家巴斯德。35D“most diseases are caused by germs”是巴斯德在医学上的伟大“发现”。36A细节理解题。文章的第一句话说即便一个小孩都明白点头表示yes,由此可知答案为A。37B推理判断题。由文章第二段可推知。38B细节理解题。根据第三段中的if a person doesnt know this,it might cause misunderstanding可知答案为B。39A词义猜测题。由on the contrary之前的but可知,后面的内容与前面的内容相反,故选A。40B猜测词义题。根据第一句话可知,到英国旅游的人都想体验当地的独特文化,因此画线的词“sample”意为“体验”,与experience同义。41A细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句可知,在英国,酒吧文化的形成是为了促进社交。42C细节理解题。根据第四段的第一句话“The trouble is that if you do not follow the local rules,the experience may fall flat”可知,如果你不入乡随俗的话,你将无法感受独特的异域文化。43C主旨大意题。本文的中心话题就是介绍传统英国酒吧的独特文化。故文章的最佳题目是C。44C细节理解题。从第一段的I would imagine that it would take a lot of.patience to do so可知C项正确。45D主旨大意题。第三段的第一句话介绍了机器人的部件,后两句话介绍了它是如何工作的,正是前面所述的这些部件使得机器人得以工作。46D细节理解题。从第五段的Researchers say that Cody will.protect their personal information可知D项正确。47B主旨大意题。通读全文可知本文主要是讲有关鼻子的不同说法。48C由文章第二段“如果埃及艳后的鼻子再短一点”可知,她的鼻子不短。49D由文章倒数第二段中“ON the other hand,a person who follows his nose lets his instinct guide him.”可知。50D由第三段最后一句可知是讲了五点。5155GDABF短文改错第一句:pay改为have第二句:he改为who第三句:to改为for第四句:forgot改为left;well后加as第五句:him改为us第六句:去掉been;sooner改为soon第七句:gate前加the第八句:at改为in【参考范文】As is known to all,some customs are similar between countries,and while some are different from area to area.Each time we travel to another country,we should pay attention to the differences,or well,sometimes,get into trouble.In China,when one thanks


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