(课标卷)高中英语 模块检测 北师大版必修1

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模块检测(满分:120分;时间:100分钟).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1Im reading a book in the classroom_.Aat any moment Bfor a momentCin a moment Dat the moment2He refused to _ the plan because of its too high cost.AaffordBadoptCadaptDaccept3Though he failed in the last Games,he decides to win the gold_ in the coming Games.Amedal Bmetal Cmodel Dmodal4From the experience mentioned in the book,she finally _ a new idea for increasing sales.Acame up Bcame up withCcame to Dcame about5You can borrow my car _ you promise not do drive too fast.Aunless Beven thoughCas far as Das long as6I shouldnt have accepted the mans present,but I found it difficult to turn down his _.Aplan Brequest Csuggestion Doffer7(2013大同高一质检)Whoever dies,his relatives will _ great pain.Ameet with Bsuffer fromCsuffer Dmeet8The government will be trying to _ inflation (通货膨胀)by a further two percent this year.Areduce Brenew Crefuse Drelate9My son made a _ of my room.I had to tidy it after I got home.Amistake Bpromise Chole Dmess10The moon gave _ too much light,so that I didnt dare to open a window.Avery Bso Cfar Dyet11(2013黄山高一检测)If you _ like this,you will soon be able to swim in the deep area!Acarry out Bcarry on Cgo out Dgo away12Everybody should know how to respect yourself before you can get respect from others,women_.Ain particular Bin a wordCin detail Din other words13We are getting married._!AThank you BGood luckCCongratulations DYou are right14He is the rudest man I have ever met.Jane,his secretary,is the only person who can_him.Arespect Bstand Csupport Ddislike15Rather than _ at home,he prefers _ out to play football even on a cold day.Ato stay;to go Bstaying;to goCstay;to go Dstay;going.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Once a man came to a wise mans house and said, “I have many bad habits. Which one of them should I _16_ first?” The wise man said, “Never tell lies _17_ always speak the truth.”The man _18_ to do so and went home.At night the man was about to go out to steal.Before setting out, he _19_ for a moment about the promise he had made to the wise man.“If he asks me where I have been, what shall I say? Shall I say I went out _20_?No, I cannot say that. But nor can I _21_.If I tell the truth, everyone will start _22_ me and call me a thief.I would be _23_ for stealing.”So the man _24_ not to steal that night,and gave up this _25_ habit.The next day, he _26_ to drink wine. When he was about to do so, he said to himself,“What shall I say to the wise man _27_ he asks me what I did during the day?I cannot tell a lie.”And so he gave up the _28_ of drinking wine.In this _29_, whenever the man thought of doing something bad, he _30_ his promise to tell the truth at all times._31_,he gave up all his bad habits and became a very _32_ person.Telling the truth is a very good _33_. If you always tell the truth, you can keep yourself away from a lot of _34_ and become a person whom everyone _35_ and favors.Make a promise:I shall always speak the truth.16A.take out Bgive up Cadd up Dturn off17A.so Bbut Cand Dor18A.promised BhappenedCsettled Dbegan19A.played Bdrank Cthought Dslept20A.walking Bstealing Cstudying Dclimbing21A.move Bsay Clie Dhelp22A.hating Bcatching Ckilling Dbelieving23A.expected Bhurt Csuffered Dpunished24A.decided Bforgot Casked Dpretended25A.special Bfunny Cgreat Dbad26A.went Bwanted Clearned Dstopped27A.before Bsince Cif Das28A.idea Bword Cpower Duse29A.base Bway Cplace Dtime30A.imagined BplannedCbroke Dremembered31A.By the way BIn a wordCFirst of all DOne by one32A.good Bstrong Crich Dcommon33A.custom Bhabit Cgame Dexample34A.money Bhope Cpleasure Dtrouble35A.serves Bcheats Clikes Dcontrols.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AHarriet Tubman was an AfricanAmerican woman who fought against slavery.She was born in 1820. She helped many people escape from slavery through the Underground Railroad.It was an organized effort to help slaves from the southern states to areas that banned slavery.Slaves could be sold freely.Families were often separated.Harriet married a free black man named John Tubman in 1844, yet she remained a slave.In 1849, the farmer who owned her died.Then she ran to the home of a white woman who had offered to help her.This woman told her how to reach another home where she could hide.Harriet Tubman went from place to place in this way.This was how the Underground Railroad operated.Finally,she went into the northern state of Pennsylvania.During the next ten years,she led an expanded Underground Railroad,and helped 300 slaves escape.Harriet Tubman found another way to fight against slavery during the Civil War.She went into the southern states to spy(做间谍) for the North. After the Civil War,Harriet Tubman settled in New York State. She gave speeches to raise money for better education for black Americans, worked for womens rights and sought help for older adults who had been slaves.Harriet Tubman died in 1913.By that time, she had been recognized as an American heroine(女英雄)36What does the passage mainly tell us?AThe Underground Railroad.BThe history of American slavery.CHarriets hard life and bravery.DHarriets fight against slavery.37What can be inferred from the passage?AThe Underground Railroad was a way to freedom.BEveryone knew that there was a way to free land.CBlack people were cared about by many white people.DBlack people looked down upon white people.38From Paragraph 4, we learn that when the Civil War broke out, Harriet_.Aworked for the SouthBdid a lot of work for the patients as a doctorChelped everyone to go to schoolDgot secret information for the North39Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AHarriet was recognized as a heroine.BHarriet fought against slavery in many ways.CHarriet helped only black people in her life.DHarriet helped black people to get better education.BTanzania Tarangire is a national park in Tanzania.The park itself covers an area of around 2,850 square kilometers, making it the sixth largest park of its kind in the country.I recently visited it to see what it was like.One of the first sightings upon entering the park I found was a huge group of elephants. Our guide told us Tarangire was probably the best place in Tanzania to find large groups of elephants.We continued to watch the elephants as they stood under trees and scratched(搔)themselves against the trees to hit the spot of an itch(痒)To the right of the elephant group, we noticed a big tree.Our guide informed us that this was a baobab tree and that Tarangire was one of the best national parks in Africa to see so many baobab trees.As we continued our drive through the park, we finally reached a watering hole. Our guide warned us there were lions all around us. Most of them were resting in the shade under bushes, but there was one that was drinking from the watering hole directly in front of us.We then noticed there were a couple of fresh zebra corpses(尸体)it seemed as if the resting lions had killed them!Our final big sighting was one that none of us were expecting to see!We pulled over to where there was a large gathering of cars, with a sleeping leopard there!We took photos happily and excitedly and observed its surprising body before returning to our hotel as it was getting late.So I hope you enjoyed my description of Tarangire,and that Ive inspired you to add this amazing park to your very own Tanzania travel plan.40We can learn from the passage that Tanzania Tarangire_.Ais the sixth largest park in TanzaniaBis one of the best places to hunt animalsCis famous for its amazing animals and plantsDhas the largest number of elephants in the world41Elephants scratched themselves against the trees because_.Athey felt uncomfortableBthe weather was too hotCthey were angry about somethingDthey were playing with each other42How did the author travel in Tanzania Tarangire?ABy bicycle. BBy train.COn foot. DBy car.43What does the author think of his trip in Tanzania Tarangire?ABoring. BEnjoyable.CDangerous. DChallenging.CA young girl is calling a neighbor a superhero because of what he did when she was trapped beneath a car. Nick Harris said he didnt know where he found the strength, but somehow he managed to lift a car off the 6yearold girl last week,earning himself the title of superman. “I just think it s a Christmas miracle,”Harris said.Harris said he has tried time and again to recreate(使再现)the surprising show of strength because instinct(本能) sent him running to the 6yearold s aid.“I just ran over there,saw the tire on her,and lifted the car up to get her out from underneath the car,”Harris said. “I dont know how I did it. Ive tried three or four times since then.”Harris was dropping off his daughter at Eugene Field Elementary Friday morning when he saw a car back out of a driveway,pinning(压住) the girl under its tire.That girl turned out to be his daughters best friend.“I was expecting her to have bad injuries,”Harris said.“Ive had broken toes, because a car just backed over my foot.And here this whole car was on top of her. I wasnt expecting it to turn out as wonderful as it did.”The first grader was flown to Childrens Mercy Hospital in Kansas City by an air ambulance(救护车),but didnt have to stay long.“They all call me superman now,”Harris said. “Im just a dad.Im just a dad that was in the right place at the right time.And I was finally able to help and I did something good.”44Why was Harris called a superhero?AHe saved a girl by lifting a car.BHe won in a Christmas competition.CHe pushed off the car on his daughter.DHe was always ready to help his neighbors.45Harris tried many times to repeat his action in order to_.Aprove he had great strengthBfind out how he had done itCshow his daughter he was a heroDmake people believe what happened46Where did the accident happen?ANear Childrens Mercy Hospital.BAround his neighbors home.COutside a supermarket.DAt a school gate.47What can we learn about Harris?AHe was fond of the movie Superman.BHe had the accident while backing his car.CHe drove the injured girl to the nearby hospital.DHe was once run over on the foot by a car.DA typical day at work for Cesar Millan might include putting on his running shoes and taking a fourhour jog with 40 dogslarge and small, young and old. Amazingly, most of those dogs belong to him.The rest are at the heart of his work; they are troubled dogs sent to Millan to learn good behavior.Obviously Millan, star of the TV show “Dog Whisperer”and author of the bestselling book Cesars Way,has a special gift for working with these animals.Growing up on a farm in Mexico, Millan knew he wanted to work with dogs.His first job, at age 15,was helping a veterinarian (兽医)He was so good at calming scared dogs and handling all kinds of situations that people started calling him “el perrero”, Spanish for “the dog boy”Since then, he has built a rewarding career around his favorite animal.“My grandfather taught me at an early age not to work against nature,”he explains. In nature, dogs_are_pack_animals.They form a group and follow one leader.Millans specialty is teaching people to be pack leaders for their dogs.Studying dogs on the farm where he grew up,Millan realized they need lots of exercise to be calm.He explains his approach,“Exercise and discipline first,and then affection!”He says a lot of people get it backwards because they dont realize what dogs really need.Therefore, while he trains dogs, he teaches owners to understand that their pets need rules.Hes helped famous people like Oprah Winfrey and movie star Will Smith and everyday people too.To find the right career, Millan encourages kids to do what they enjoy.“A lot of people dont realize Ive been working with dogs for more than 20 yearslong before my TV show or book.Success followed me because I was following my dream of being the best dog trainer in the world.”48By saying “dogs are pack animals”(in Para.4),the author means that_.Adogs like to live with peopleBdogs are easier to be trainedCfew dogs can be leadersDdogs live in groups49Which of the following would Millan agree with?ADogs are quiet animals.BDogs should be trained on farms.CRules are more important than love in training dogs. DFamous people have more problems in training dogs.50What does Millan advise children to do when it comes to choosing a job?ADo what interests them.BNever give up and they will succeed.CShare their ideas with many other people.DReceive training long before they succeed.阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)(2013大庆铁人中学高一上期末)“No man is an island” is a wellknown line from John Donnes Devotion, written more than three hundred years ago. Even now people still agree with him. Without other people, life became empty and sad._51_For some of us, though making friends is not difficult, we may not want to make the first move. It is also difficult at times to keep the friends we already have. There are many books about friendship, but Dale Carnegies How to Win Friends and Influence(影响) People,written in 1936, is the most famous._52_ It was later put into 28 languages.Here is the list of advice from his book:_53_Always greet with a smile. Begin with “excuse me” or “would you please”, when you want to ask somebody. Remember to say “thank you” and try to be as helpful as you can.Go out of your way to be nice._54_ Making some soup for a sick neighbour may seem like a little thing to you, but it will make your neighbour feel a lot better.Remember names.They say that the sweetest music to a persons ears is the sound of his or her own name._55_Try to understand other peoples ways and ideas and learn something from them.Listen patiently.When someone is talking to you, look at him or her, listen carefully and say something when necessary.AThis “How to” book about getting along with other people became a best seller.BIts also important to keep close friends in our daily life.CSo we all need to have friends.DBe openminded.EBe friendly and polite.FTry to help your friends get out of trouble.GFind some time to do some things for other people.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)(2013大庆铁人中学高一上期末)Everyone in our village likes my father, so he has a sense of humor. On other words, he can make others laugh easy and people feel happy to be around him. I admire him very much and dream of that some day I will be as humorous as him. I even asked him how have a good sense of humor, but what she replied disappointed me. “Not someone can be humorous, because those who is humorous are usually born to be humorous,” he said. However, later, he adds, “But you can be humorous too if you know a lot of joke.” Thats why now Im reading a book of jokes.书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,作为选派的交流学生在美国某中学学习了一年,寄住在Mr.Brown家里,刚回到国内。回国后你发现自己的一本英语词典遗忘在他家,因此给他写一封信,请他帮助寄回词典。信的主要内容如下:1感谢在美国期间他所提供的帮助。2一本英语词典被忘记带回。3词典是美国老师送的,非常珍贵。4词典很可能丢在卧室的书架上。5邮资自己付。注意:1.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。2参考词汇:邮资postage_模块检测1D句意:此刻我正在教室里读书。at the moment“此刻”;at any moment“随时”;for a moment“片刻,一会儿”;in a moment“不久,立刻”。2B句意:由于成本过高,他拒绝采纳这个计划。adopt“采纳,采用”,符合题意。 afford“买得起,能支付”;adapt“适应”;accept“接受”。3A句意:虽然他在上一届运动会上失败了,但他决心在即将到来的运动会上夺取金牌。medal“奖牌;奖章”,符合题意。metal“金属”;model“模型”;modal“情态的;模式的”。4B句意:从这本书中提到的经验得到启发,她最后想出了一个增加销售量的新主意。come up with“提出,想出”;come up“被提及”;come to“总计”;come about“发生”。5D考查连词。把语句意思能正确衔接就是解题的关键,A项表示“除非,如果不”;B项表示“即使”;C项表示“就来说”;D项表示“如果,只要”,显然D项符合语意:你可以借用我的车子只要你承诺不要开车太快。6D从句子的意思分析,此处用名词offer,表示无法拒绝他主动给予礼物这种好意。7C句意:无论谁去世了,他的亲人都会饱受痛苦。suffer pain“遭受痛苦”;suffer from“受之苦”;meet with“偶然遇到”;meet “会见,见面”。8A句意:政府力求今年将通货膨胀率再降低2%。reduce“降低”。9D句意:我儿子把我的房间弄得乱七八糟,回到家后我只好整理房间。由下一句可推知,“儿子把我的房间弄得乱七八糟”,故make a mess of.“把弄糟,把弄乱”符合题意。mistake“错误”;promise“诺言”;hole“洞,窟窿”。10C句意:月光太亮了,我不敢打开窗子。修饰“too形容词/副词”可用far或much,但不能用very或so。11B句意:如果你这样继续下去,你不久就能在深水区游泳了!carry on“继续”,在此为不及物动词短语,相当于go on。carry out“执行;完成”;go out“出去”;go away“离开”。12A句意:每个人都应该懂得在获得别人的尊重之前如何尊重自己,特别是女人。in particular“特别,尤其”,符合题意。in a word“总而言之”;in detail“详细地”;in other words“换句话说”。13C当别人取得优异成绩、通过某项考试或结婚、生子时应向其表示祝贺。故C项符合语境。14Brespect“尊敬”;stand“忍受”;support“支持”;dislike“不喜欢”,根据句意:秘书Jane是唯一能忍受他的人,故选B。15Cprefer to do.rather than do.“宁愿做而不愿做”,在实际考查中,常变形为rather than do.prefer to do.的形式。16B由下文内容可知,他去找智者寻求建议,看看他应该先戒掉(give up)哪个坏习惯。17C本空前后两分句构成并列和承接关系,意指永远不要说谎,并且永远要诚实。18A他“答应”了智者一定照办。下文多处promise有提示。19C在出发前,他又“考虑”了一会儿。下文引号中的内容是他思考的内容。20B由第二段第一句中的“.the man was about to go out to steal.”可知,这个人打算去偷东西。21C他不能说自己去偷东西,但是又不能说谎(lie)。22A如果他说实话,人们知道了他偷东西,自然就会“憎恨”他。23D结合上文可知,此处指他会因偷东西而受到“惩罚”。suffer常与from搭配使用。24A考虑了这么多,他最后“决定”那天晚上不出去偷东西了。25D偷东西是一个坏(bad)习惯,故选D项。文章第一句也有提示。26B由本段内容可知,第二天,他“想要”去喝酒。want to do sth.意为“想要做某事”。27C本句是讲他想喝酒时做的心理斗争,是对未来情况的假设。上一段中多处if也有提示。28A明白了不能对智者说谎后,他打消了去喝酒的念头(idea)。29B就这样(in this way),每次想做坏事时,他都会因某些原因而放弃。30D每次想要做坏事时,他就会“想起”自己要永远说实话的承诺。31D一个接一个地(one by one),他戒掉了所有的坏习惯。by the way“顺便说一下”;in a word“总之”;first of all“首先”。32A戒掉了所有的坏习惯后,他变成了一个非常好(good)的人。33B诚实与说谎相对,是一个好习惯(habit)。上文的故事揭示了这一主题。34D如果诚实的话,你就会避免很多麻烦(trouble)。35C本空与and后的favor表达意义属于同一范畴。此处指诚实会使你成为一个讨人喜欢、受人欢迎的人,故应选C项。36D主旨大意题。文章第一段是主题段。第一句是本文谈论的主题,即哈丽特塔布曼是个美籍非洲人,她与奴隶制度作斗争。37A推理判断题。根据第三段可知黑人奴隶通过这条地下通道可以到达没有奴隶制度的北方,成为自由人。C项容易错选,第二段提到了一个白人妇女对塔布曼的帮助,但这并不能说明有很多白人关心黑人。38D推理判断题。根据第四段第二句话“.spy(做间谍)for the North.”为北方当间谍可知。39C细节理解题。根据第四段第四句话“.worked for womens rights.”可知,她也为女权而工作,因此她不仅帮助黑人。40C推理判断题。通览全文可知,旅途中作者看到了大象、猴面包树、狮子、斑马等令人惊叹的动植物。由此可推知,该国家公园以其动植物而闻名。41A细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知,大象是因为其身体某部位发痒,感觉不舒服而做出抓挠动作的。42D推理判断题。根据第四段第一句中的关键词drive可推知,作者是开车游览该公园的。43B推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可推知,作者认为自己的这次旅行是愉快的,否则他就不会建议读者也到此处旅游了。最后一句中的amazing也有暗示。44A推理判断题。根据第一段可知,Harris奋力抬起汽车,救了被压在下面的孩子。45B推理判断题。根据第二段Harris的话,事后Harris又几次试着去抬起汽车,想弄明白自己当时是怎么做到的 。46D细节理解题。由第三段的Harris was dropping off his daughter at Eugene Field Elementary Friday morning when.可知,事故发生在Eugene Field Elementary的校门口。47D细节理解题。第四段Harris提及Ive had broken toes,because a car just backed over my foot可知,他的脚曾经被汽车压过。48D句意理解题。根据画线句子后的一句可知,画线句子指出狗是群居动物,它们会形成一个群体,并有自己的首领。49C推理判断题。根据第五段第二句可知,Millan认为驯狗的正确步骤是先进行训练和管教,然后再给予爱。由此可推知,他认为驯狗时规则要比爱更重要。50A细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句可知,Millan认为孩子们在择业时应当选择做他们感兴趣的工作。51C52.A53.E54.G55.D短文改错第一句:sobecause第二句:Onin;easyeasily第三句:去掉of第四句:how后加to;shehe第五句:someoneeveryone;isare第六句:addsadded;jokejokes【参考范文】Dear Mr. Brown,Im now safely back home. Thank you very much for all the kindness I got from you during my stay. Hope everything is fine with you there.Now I wonder whether I could ask you a favour. When I came back, I suddenly realized that I had left my English dictionary behind at your place


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