(课标卷)高中英语 Unit 6 Desgin综合检测 北师大版必修2

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Unit 6Design(时间:100分钟;满分:120分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1(2013合肥高一检测)Mr.Black has just come back from abroad.Oh,really?I_know.I_go and visit him.Adidnt;am going toBdont;wouldCdont;will Ddidnt;will2I always dreamt of owning my own company,but I never thought it would_Apay off Bcome trueClive up Dbring back3The suggestion had been made that the game_put off.Abeing BbeCto Dto be4The mayor thought _ important for the city to invite the famous economist.Athat BitCthis Dhim5Honey,stay outside and_a few minutes;then well go to church together.Ahang around Bhang upChang on Dhang out6Take the medicine on time,or else its_will be_Aeffect;effected Beffect;affectedCaffect;affected Daffect;effected7You will find,as you read this book,that you just cant keep some of these stories_You will want to share them with a friend.Abetween itself Bto yourselfCfor himself Din themselves8We wouldnt go to the cinema because the tickets were_to be expensive.Alikely BpossibleCprobable Dperhaps9When the police asked her about the accident,she gave all the_about what had happened carefully.Adetails BwordsCopinions Devents10Have you visited the Science Museum?No,but really wish I_Awill BhaveCdid Dhad11(2013信阳高一检测)Dont disturb me. I_a letter and I_it to my teacher this afternoon.Ahave written;will handBam writing;am going to handCwill write;am handingDam writing;hands12I dont think hell attend the party,and if he_attend it,what would he wear?Awere BhadCdid Dshould13He as well as I_responsible for this matter.Aam BisCare Dbe14Although many families became separated, people still_each other.Akeep in touch with Bkept in touch withCget in touch with Dgot in touch with15Can I speak to Mr Wang,sir?_Ill call him.ASpeaking! BHang on!CWho is it? DWith pleasure!.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Volunteering is changing the lives of both children and mentors(导师)! Clara Pittman, 70, of Philadelphia, says about her volunteering_16_, “It gives you a purpose, because you get up in the morning and you know that youre_17_someplace!” I, myself, have enjoyed teaching 810yearolds in_18_for many yearsit is one of the things that makes me truly_19_in life. You sit with a child and read to them, have them read to you, and help them with words and grammar. One of the most_20_things about the program is the bond and friendship you_21_with the student, and seeing the childs reading abilities improve.Another thing I_22_get happiness from with volunteering is seeing the looks on the faces of the children when they_23_the meaning of certain words!Ill_24_forget when a child I was teaching asked me what was the meaning of the_25_“take a chill pill”I told him it_26_“to calm down or regain ones comfort”. His eyes_27_, and I could almost see a light bulb glow above his head!_28_,whenever one of his friends started getting excited and talking really_29_, he would say, “Take a chill pill, man!” and his smile was really_30_. It put a smile on my face, too!Everybody is_31_by the volunteer work! An organization called Experience Corps brings the_32_, who are mostly retired adults, into public schools to help improve the reading skills of_33_from kindergarten to the third grade. Volunteers go through training, and those who work more than 10 hours a week_34_a small pay. According to an independent survey, 96% of volunteers report they feel better about themselves, and 86% report that their_35_have improved since joining Experience Corps.16A.information BexperimentCexperience Ddiscussion17A.needed BsearchedChelped Dtroubled18A.writing BspeakingClistening Dreading19A.tired BhappyCbusy Dangry20A.surprising BworryingCrewarding Ddisappointing21A.make BtakeCchange Dfollow22A.secretly BfinallyCdeeply Dpersonally23A.doubt BunderstandCaccept Dprove24A.always BusuallyCnever Doften25A.phrase BtextCorder Dsentence26A.agrees BprefersCmanages Dmeans27A.looked down Blit upCmoved on Djoined in28A.For example BAbove allCFrom then on DBy the way29A.loud BbravelyCrudely Dclearly30A.kind BstrangeCcommon Dbig31A.supported BattractedCprotected Dinterrupted32A.rich ByoungCstrong Dold33A.workers BvolunteersCstudents Dteachers34A.receive BspendCwaste Dsave35A.dreams BlivesCmethods Dhopes.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AHave you ever seen people dance?Some dances are fast and others are slow.Peoples feet always move when they dance.They keep on moving until the music stops.People have enjoyed dancing for a very long time.This story is of a different kind of dance.It is the dance of bees.If you have ever watched bees,you know that they are very clever.They also work hard looking for food and bringing it back to their home.Bees live on food from flowers.Have you seen bees flying around a flower garden?When a bee rests on a flower,it tries to go to the centre of it.There it takes in as much food as its body can hold.Then it flies to take the food back to the hive.Then they fly away for more food.How do the bees know where to find the best food in the sweetest flowers?One bee acts as a guide.When it discovers good flowers,it flies back to the hive and tells the others.It does this by dancing for them.The bee dances on one side.This tells the other bees which way to go to find the flowers.But that is not all.The bee dances for some time.And the length of its dance tells the other bees how far they must fly to reach the flowers.When the bees see the dance,they know where the flowers are.They fly away and return with more food for the hive.Sometimes we hear the music of the bees as they fly around.But few people have ever seen them dance.Yet without that dance we might never have sweet honey to eat.36The writer believes that_Apeople dance better than beesBpeople learned dance from beesCbees dance more often than people Dbees dont like music37From this passage we know that the dance of bees means_Athey are good at danceBthey want to show their beautyCthey communicate with each otherDthey have nothing to do38What character do bees have?ADanceloving. BHardworking.CMusicloving. DActive.39If a bee wants to get some information about the distance of food,he may watch closely at _of the other bees dance.Athe side Bthe lengthCthe place Dthe kindBModern science suggests that a healthy lifestyle matters much to how long you can live and how well you live. Here are some tips for you to form a healthy lifestyle.Keep a scientific diet. Keep in mind that sugar can be removed(去除) from our diet completely. Over intake(摄取量) of sugar is one of the main reasons for getting fat. Over intake of protein(蛋白质) or fat and low intake of fiber can also lead to getting fat. Only a few grams of protein do we need every day to keep our body in order. Like rain to crops, not the more the better.Be always in a good mood. There is a relationship between the mood and health. A good mood keeps you in high spirits. Thanks to the Internet, we can enjoy and learn much without going out. Take a look at some online shops and pick up some bargains, enjoy music and movies and chat with good friends.Just keep happy.Enough sleep. Two studies show the reasons why teens and adults dont have enough sleep. With teens, a major reason is mobile phone use; with adults, its work. Meanwhile, a third study of young children shows that lack of sleep in early life may lead to serious problems in future. Everyone needs at least 8hour sleep to recover from tiredness and the hurt caused by hard work in the daytime.Proper exercise. Do exercise to keep away from fatness. Because of the quick pace of the modern life, you dont have time to do exercise every day, but at least three times a week and 45 minutes each time.40Which of the following can lead to getting fat according to the passage?ALow intake of protein.BLow intake of fat.COver intake of fiber.DOver intake of sugar.41The main reason why teenagers dont have enough sleep is that they_Ause mobile phones too muchBhave too much homeworkCeat too much sugar every dayDdont have enough exercise42How many minutes do you need to do exercise at least every week?A45 minutes. B90 minutes.C115 minutes. D135 minutes.43In which part of the newspaper are you most likely to find this passage?AMedical Care.BModern Science.CHealth Report.DSchool Experience.CParents are often amazed at how fast their child grows and develops. New research has determined that the ability to quantify may develop much sooner than most parents realize.Kristy vanMarle, professor of the University of Missouri, has determined that contrary to what previous studies have shown, infants(婴儿) are able to quantify substances(物质)like sand or wateras early as 10 months. As long as the difference between the two substances is large enough, infants will choose the larger amount, especially when it comes to food.With the assistance of her team researchers, vanMarle tested the quantifying skills of babies by presenting them with two cups: one containing a small amount of food, and one containing a larger amount. Consistently, the babies chose the larger amount.“Several studies throughout the last 15 years have shown that infants are very good at telling how many objects they see; however, infants dont seem to count things like water or sand,”vanMarle said.“What were saying is that they can quantify substances; its just much harder. The infants can see how much food goes into each cup and compare that in their memories. They decide which amount is larger, and they almost always select the larger one.”This information further refutes(驳斥) the longheld idea that babies “know nothing of the world”,vanMarle said.“Since psychologists have begun studying infants with sensitive measures, weve discovered a lot of early abilities. I think for parents, it should be exciting to know that theres somebody in there that has some fundamental and basic knowledge of the world, and that knowledge is guiding their development,” vanMarle said.In the future, vanMarle says this kind of study could be linked to a childs progress in mathrelated skills, although programs marketed to increase those abilities, such as “Baby Einstein”, still have mixed reviews when it comes to academic study.44The quantifying ability refers to the ability to_.Achoose between different substancesBget much knowledge of the worldCdescribe the quantity of somethingDobtain mathrelated skills45What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 4?AThe process of doing research.BThe scientific findings.CThe final choice of infants.DThe observation of infants behavior.46Babies choose the larger amount of food_Aby saying numbersBwith the help of parentsCon personal preferenceDthrough their natural abilities47Whats the BEST title of the text?ABreakthrough in Baby StudiesBAmazing BabyTraining IdeasCEarly Human AbilitiesDUnique Quantifying MethodsDBeginning in October more than 13,000 McDonalds restaurants in America will use a new variety of cooking oil. McDonalds aims to make its French fries and other fried foods healthier.The change will not affect the taste or the number of calories in the food.But by changing the cooking oil, McDonalds says, it hopes to cut by nearly half the amount of trans fatty acids(反式脂肪酸)in French fries and reduce the amount of saturated fats which raise cholesterol(胆固醇)levels and increase the risk of heart disease.McDonalds new step is important because McDonalds is an industry leader and other fastfood chains and food processors may follow the lead.For McDonalds, the action comes at a time when Americans are becoming more and more concerned about obesity(肥胖)and are increasing pressure on food companies to offer healthy and nutritious foods to consumers.After three years of study, McDonalds officials say they are switching oil that is lower in saturated fats and trans fatty acids. McDonalds says the change will not cause higher costs for consumers.Though there is some change,scientists say that the amount of trans fat in foods at McDonalds and at other fastfood companies is still important.48More than 13,000 McDonalds restaurants in America will use a new kind of cooking oil to_Alower the costs of the productsBmake its food taste better than ever beforeCcure(治愈)the heart diseaseDdo good to the health of consumers49The underlined word “switching” here has the same meaning as “_”Aturning on Bturning offCchanging Dstudying50When a new kind of cooking oil is used in McDonalds,_Athe price of McDonalds foods will be a lot higherBconsumers will find the taste of McDonalds foods differentCmany other food companies will do what McDonalds doesDobesity will disappear in American society sooner or later.阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)51_You can find it on buildings, sidewalks,street signs and trash cans from Tokyo to Paris,from Moscow to Cape Town.Street art has become a global culture.Even art museums and galleries are collecting the works of street artists.Street art started very secretly because it was illegal to paint on public and private property without permission.52._Some think it is a crime and others think it is a very beautiful new form of culture.Art experts say that the street art movement began in New York in the 1960s.Young adults painted words and other images on the walls and trains.This colorful style of writing became known as graffiti(涂鸦), whose art showed that young people wanted to rebel against society.Street artists do their work for different reasons.53._They choose street art because it is closer to the people. Some artists try to express their political opinion in their works.Others like to do things that are not allowed and hope they cant be caught. Advertising companies also use street art in their ads because it gives people the impressions(印象)of youth and energy.54_Artists can show their pictures to people all over the world.Many people,however,say that seeing a picture on the Internet is never as good as seeing it alive.55_There,it will continue to change and grow.AStreet art used to be illegal, but now has become popular.BIn todays world, the Internet has a big influence on street art.CPeople often have different opinions about street art.DThe street art movement lives with the energy and life of a big city.EWith the development of science and technology,different art styles come into the Internet.FStreet art,a very popular form of art spreads quickly all over the world.GSome of them do not like artists who make so much money in galleries and museums.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)I like riding my bike.Though it is not very new,but it is my best friend.I find very convenient to go anywhere with a bike.Riding gives me not only exercises but also pleasure.I use my bike almost in summer when the weather is warm and dry.It can be very pleasant in winter when it is cold and rain is pour down. It can also be very dangerous.Therefore, I am very carefully on my bike.In fact,accidents are not the only problem.Once I went to bookstore on my mothers bike to buy some books and come out to find the bike missed.Now I have two strong locks.书面表达(满分25分)假如你叫李明,你有一位英国网友名叫Tom,他听说过中国的故宫,但知之不多,于是给你发来了email,请你给他介绍一下有关故宫的一些情况。请你根据下面提供的一些要点给他回一封电子邮件。词数为100左右。1故宫(the Palace Museum),又叫紫禁城(the Forbidden City)。它于1407年开始修建,二十万人花了十四多年的时间,于1420年建成;2所有的宫殿一共有9999个房间。在中国,“9”这个数字传统地被认为是吉祥的;3现在,每周星期二,故宫免费向中国学生开放;4故宫保存着中国历史上五千多年来的珍宝(precious treasures)。5请他亲自来看一看。_综合检测(三)1D第一空表示“说话前不知道”,表示过去的动作,应用一般过去时态;第二空表示临时决定应用will表示将来。2B句意:我一直梦想着拥有自己的公司,但是我从来都没想过会实现。pay off“得到回报”;come true“实现”;live up“不辜负”;bring back“恢复,使记起”。 3B在含有suggestion的名词性从句中用虚拟语气,即shoulddo的形式,should可以省略。4Bit在此作形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式短语to invite the famous economist,the city是不定式的逻辑主语。5A句意:亲爱的,在外边等一会,然后我们一起去教堂做礼拜。A项为“在等候,在闲待”;B项为“挂断(电话),挂起(衣服)”;C项为“抓住,等一会,且慢,(打电话)别挂断”;D项为“与经常在一起,晾晒(衣服)”。根据句意选择A项。6B句意:按时服药,否则会影响药效。第一空填名词effect,意为“效果,作用”;第二空填动词affect,意为“影响”。7B句意:当你读这本书的时候,你会发现你无法独享这些故事,你会想与朋友分享它们。因为主语是you,所以选择B项。8A考查表示“可能”之意的用法区别。当主语为人或事时应用likely。9A句意:当警察问她关于事故的情况,她仔细地说出了所发生事故的全部细节。details“细节”;words“话语”;opinions“观点”;events“事件”。10D答句说明的是“我真的希望参观过了”,在wish后的宾语从句表示现在和将来时用过去时,表示过去时则应用过去完成时,此处had后省去了visited the Science Museum。11B句意:别打搅我。我正在写信,今天下午准备交给老师。结合语境和时间状语this afternoon可知B项正确。12D句意:我认为他不会参加晚会的。如果他参加的话,你认为他会穿什么呢?由句意可知表示的是与将来事实相反的虚拟。主句谓语用should动词原形,were to do或者过去式,故D项符合题意。13B句意:他和我都应为这件事负责。as well as连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词单复数应与第一个主语保持一致,故B项正确。14B句意:虽然很多家庭分离了,但是他们仍然保持联系。keep in touch with“与保持联系”,符合语境。get in touch with“与取得联系”,从句为一般过去时,故主句应用一般过去时,即B项正确。15Bspeaking在电话用语中翻译成“我是”;hang on 别挂断;who is it 是谁;with pleasure很乐意。由答句中的“我去叫他”可知选B。16C根据该空后她说的话可知,她是在谈自己的志愿者工作经历(experience)。17A志愿者工作让你在早晨就起床并知道某个地方需要(need)你,所以说志愿者工作给你生活的意义。18D根据下一句可知,作者教孩子们阅读(reading)。19B全文都是讲志愿者工作对志愿者本人及对接受志愿工作的人都是有好处的,文章作者对志愿者工作持支持态度,因此此处指教孩子们阅读使作者感到高兴(happy)。后面的happiness也给出了提示。20C能和学生建立友谊是志愿者工作的其中一个非常有意义的事情。rewarding“值得做的,有意义的”。21A根据上文中的the bond and friendship可知,此处指和学生建立(make)友谊。22D作者是根据自己的经历写自己的切身感受,所以此处用personally(就个人而言)。23B当孩子们明白(understand)一些词汇的意思的时候,他们脸上的(开心的)表情也让作者感到幸福。24C根据作者在下文所谈到的经历可知,作者永远不会(never)忘记这个经历。25A根据引号内的take a chill pill可知,此处指短语(phrase)。26D根据上文一个孩子问作者take a chill pill这个短语的意思可知,此处指作者告诉这个孩子这个短语的意思。27B联系该空后的I could almost see a light bulb glow above his head可推知,他眼睛里流露出喜悦。light up在此意为“流露出喜悦”。28C“从那以后”,他就学会了这个短语的意思,并应用到他的朋友的身上。29A此处指说话很大声(loud),承接and前面的getting excited。30D他会很高兴,所以笑容也很灿烂。31B根据文章最后一句可知,每一个人都被志愿者工作所吸引(attract)。32D根据该空后的retired adults可知,此处指老年人(the old)。33C联系该空前的into public schools及该空后的from kindergarten to the third grade可知,此处指提高学生(student)的阅读技能。34A那些每周工作时间超过10小时的人可以获得(receive)一些报酬。35B很多志愿者在参加了志愿者工作后感到很舒心,因此他们的生活(life)也得到了改善。36C推理判断题。由第一、二段可知作者认为人们跳舞是为了娱乐;而蜜蜂跳舞时为了传达有关花蜜的信息,寻求食物,故推测答案为C项。37C推理判断题。由短文倒数第四段可知,蜜蜂找到食物后,会以跳舞的形式告诉它的同伴,故蜜蜂跳舞的目的是与同伴交流,即答案为C项。38B细节理解题。由第三段可知,作者提到了蜜蜂的两个特性:聪明和勤劳,故答案选B项。39B细节理解题。由倒数第三段最后一句可知,蜜蜂通过跳舞时间的长短来告诉同伴需要飞多远,故答案选B项。40D细节理解题。根据第二段第三句可知,过量摄入糖是导致肥胖的原因之一。41A细节理解题。根据第四段第三句可知,青少年睡眠不足的一个主要原因是他们过多使用手机。42D数字计算题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,应当至少每周运动3次,每次45分


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