(课标卷)高中英语 Unit 2 Growing pains综合检测 牛津译林版必修1

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(课标卷)高中英语 Unit 2 Growing pains综合检测 牛津译林版必修1_第1页
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Unit 2Growing pains(时间:100分钟;满分:100分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1His boss is going to be on vacation next week and the company will be left_him.Ain charge ofBin the charge ofCtaking charge of Dtaking the charge of2The reason_he pretended to sleep in class was quite different from the one_you explained to me.Awhy;that Bthat;whyCwhich;that Dwhy; why3They forbid_photos in the exhibition hall. That means you are not allowed_any photos here.Ataking; taking Bto take; takingCtaking ;to take Dto take; to take4I had great difficulty_the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.AfindBfound Cto findDfinding5(2013合肥高一调研)You should have set aside more time to play with our kids.I wish I_,but you know how busy I was.Awould Bdid Cshould Dhad6The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if_whether he was going in the right direction.Aseeing Bhaving seenCto have see Dto see7(2013长白高一检测)They are not honest. They dont_to know the truth.Adeserve Bwant Cexpect Ddesert8Tom, Im sorry to say that I cant go to watch tonights match with you, for I have to prepare for the coming exam._Have some fun!ADont have too many irons in the fire.BDont be a wet blanket.CDont put the cart before the horse.DDont pull my leg.9The manager_the pros and cons of the situation over and over again before making a final decision.Abalanced Bmeasured Cexamined Djudged10When we climbed to the top of the mountain we had a good_of the whole city.Ascenery Bscene Cview Dsight11When you are driving on this road, you have to limit your speed_60 miles per hour.Ain Bat Cto Dbelow12The doctor insisted the plan_reasonable and we_.Awas; carry it outBbe; carry it outCbe; should carry it outDwas; carried it out13(2013成都高一质检)I cant afford a lawyer so I shall_myself in court.Arecommend BprotectCpredict Ddefend14Although we had been out of touch for ten years, I recognized her_I met her.Afirst time Bfor the first timeCthe first time Dby the first time15_to Annes birthday party, Mr.Brown is now searching shop after shop for a nice present for her.AHaving invited BHaving been invitedCHave been invited DBeing invited.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。In the late 1960s my father and I disagreed greatly about politics and religion. My younger brothers and sisters remember vividly the violent_16_he and I would have. Once, my father ended up chasing me around the kitchen table, determined to_17_me for the first time in his life, and then he burst out_18_.The memory of my fathers tears indicates more to me about who he was than those of our arguments. He was a person_19_passionately about the people he knew and loved, but also about people_20_he didnt know at all. I never suspected he loved me,_21_in those moments when I left least_22_by him. He and my mother always did charitable work, preparing and_23_meals for homeless people, but shortly after retirement, he took his social action to a(n)_24_level.He was admitted to a program_25_him to the history of Catholic social action, which was sponsored by the Milwaukee Archdiocese. When_26_from the program, he became the Social Programs Coordinator, and_27_he died at eightyone, he was_28_urging his fellow parishioners to give more to, and do more for, those in need.It is in large part because of the example_29_by my father, that I believe I have a(n)_30_to give of myselfnot just to those I know and love, but to those I would never know if I didnt_31_them out: the poor, the disabled, the imprisoned. It is because of my fathers_32_that I try to give 10 percent of my income to charity and that I spend two hours a week_33_a blind man.I dont do it out of_34_, but out of love, because I saw love in_35_, in my fathers tears and in the way he lived his life. Because of my father, I believe in love.16A.fightsBdiscussionsCquarrels Darguments17A.scold BhitCfeed Dstop18A.laughing BsingingCcrying Dcoughing19A.knowing BhearingCcaring Dtalking20A.in need Bin reliefCin public Din common21A.again BevenConly Dmainly22A.troubled BrelievedCbetrayed Dunderstood23A.skipping BsharingCserving Dordering24A.extra BequalCsafe Dnew25A.arranging BattachingCpresenting Dintroducing26A.benefiting BgraduatingCsuffering Dresulting27A.until BunlessCthough Dsince28A.religiously BseparatelyCcontinually Dparticularly29A.taken BfollowedCgiven Dset30A.preference BresponsibilityCcommitment Dexpectation31A.seek BsortCpick Drule32A.character BopinionCexample Dregret33A.rejecting BassistingCresigning Daddressing34A.return BworkCinterest Dguilt35A.action BvirtueCmind Ddepth.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AWe have a 16yearold son. He does well in school and sports. He isnt rude. Our worries are as follows:He seems to have no social skills. He always seemed uncomfortable when his friends came over (at age 45). Since kindergarten, he has never once invited anyone over. He has been invited to friends homes, and goes, but this doesnt happen often. He can name friends if asked to,but there is no meeting anyone outside of sports.He speaks mostly in a low voice. He can talk,and make eye contact, if someone else starts it. Teachers have never mentioned this as a problem. From a distance weve seen him talking with teammates and coaches. People do say how quiet he is.He used to keep his room clean. Now its as bad as his sisters! I dont know if I should be happy or not about that!A sisterinlaw recently said that it wasnt normal for a 16yearold boy to sit so close to his mother. I couldnt remember what she meant,but I think he sat down by me on the couch in front of her and had me scratch his head. He likes it when I do that. Should I not do that? I didnt think it was so strange. However, I was one of four girls and I have 5 daughters and only 1 son. I dont know what is normal for boys or not normal!He is more standoffish from his dad now, although they get along fine. I have noticed that he will stand by me,ask me to pass food to him at the table (even if the food is right by his dad instead), and generally seems more comfortable with me than with his dad. He and his dad have always enjoyed a close relationship in the past,so this saddens me. Is it normal for boys to start pushing their dads away?Finally,there is definitely a history of depression(忧伤) in our family. Two of his sisters have been diagnosed(诊断) with depression. He has not exhibited any of the same problems they had shown.I dont know if hes just being a normal teen or if there is something we should deal with! Any input would be valued. Thank you!36The 16yearold boy only meets friends when playing sports because_.Ahe likes sportsBnobody invites him to their homeChe is poor in getting along with othersDhe never invites anyone home37The underlined word “standoffish” in Paragraph 6 probably means_.Aremote BproudCcruel Dwarmhearted38The son isnt like a boy in the eyes of his mothers sisterinlaw probably because_.Ahis mother unknowingly treats him as a girlBhe has 5 sisters at home and he is the only boyCthe mother doesnt know what is normal for boysDall of the above39The mother writes the article to_.Aask for advice on whether their son is depressedBask for advice on whether their son is normalCshow what kind of person their son isDask for advice on how to get along with their sonBTom was one of the brightest boys in the year, with supportive parents. But when he was 15 he suddenly stopped trying. He left school at 16 with only two scores for secondary school subjects. One of the reasons that made it cool for him not to care was the power of his peer(同龄的) group.The lack of right male(男性的) role models in many of their livesat home and particularly in the school environmentmeans that their peers are the only people they have to judge themselves against.They dont see men succeeding in society so it doesnt occur to them that they could make something of themselves. Without male teachers as a role model, the effect of peer actions and street culture is allpowerful. Boys want to be part of a club. However,schools can provide the environment for change, and provide the right role models for them. Teachers need to be trained to stop that but not in front of a childs peers. You have to do it one to one, because that is when you see the real child.活页裁切线Its pointless sending a child home if he or she has done wrong. They see it as a welcome day off to watch television or play computer games. Instead, schools should have a special unit where a child who has done wrong goes for the day and gets advice about his problemssomewhere he can work away from his peers and go home after the other children.40Why did Tom give up studying?AHe disliked his teachers.BHis parents no longer supported him.CIt was cool for boys of his age not to care about studies.DThere were too many subjects in his secondary school.41What seems to have a bad effect on students like Tom?APeer groups.BA special unit.CThe student judges.DThe home environment.42What should schools do to help the problem of schoolboys?AWait for their change patiently.BTrain leaders of their peer groups.CStop the development of street culture.DGive them lessons in a separate area.43A teachers work is most effective with a schoolboy when he_.Ais with the boy aloneBteaches the boy a lessonCsends the boy home as punishmentDworks together with another teacherCTodays children are the “result” of the modern society. Our parents have jobs that keep them busy almost all day long. They only have a free day in a week. This doesnt allow them to keep an eye on their children.On the other hand, the modern society gives more freedom to the children than they could “handle”. As a child, you dont know how to grow up by yourself until you reach a certain age. That is why you need school and parents to be by your side all the time. If you dont have either of them you may make a lot of mistakes. The social system of the modern society is very lenient especially with the children.Most of the children today are rebels(叛逆者). They are rude. They are given too much freedom by their families. This is their parents mistake. They ought to know that the freedom they give to their children is misunderstood.For example, it is a bad thing for a 17yearold child to go out in the evening on weekends. Parents are also guilty of the way their children show up in the street or at school. The same guilt belongs to the teaching system as well. Pupils shouldnt be allowed to dress like they were on a fashion presentation at school.Another important fact we can think of regarding the freedom of children is their free will of spending money. Parents shouldnt allow their children to spend money on whatever they want.I think children are given too much freedom not only by their parents, but also by the society. The latter is more to blame!44The writer implies that parents busy lifestyle_.Amakes their children become independentBmay lead to a tense parentchild relationshipCis harmful to their childrens healthDis likely to create a troubled generation45What does the underlined word “lenient” (in Para.2) mean?ANot responsible. BNot strict.CUnkind. DUnfair.46It seems that the writer agrees that students_.Ashould stay at home on weekendsBcan wear trendy clothes at schoolChad better wear school uniform at schoolDcan be allowed to go out in the evenings47According to the writer, which of the following takes the primary responsibility for childrens problems?AThe social environment.BThe educational system.CEach family.DThe school.DWhen my daughter Sara was in the fifth grade, she came to me with a problem. “Marcy hates me!” she cried, “Because Kathy is my friend, too. She wants me to be her friend and nobody elses. You talk to Marcy. You tell her that I like her and want to be her friend, but I can have other friends, too!”Oh! I sat there staring at her for a few moments trying to figure out how I got into this mess, when suddenly the idea came to me.Picking up two baskets from the living room, I explained, “When everyone is born, God gives them a little basket. This little one here is yours. The big one is mine. As you grow, so does the basket. You can see your little basket is in mine because when you were born, there were too many things you couldnt do for yourself. I did everything you couldnt do on your own.”She nodded, but so far still thought I was crazy.“Well, as you grew older and began to do some things on your own, I began placing a few more things in your basket. When you learned to tie your shoes, that went in your basket. You wouldnt want me tying your shoes now, would you?”She bowed her head a second and said softly, “No, that would be stupid. I can tie my own shoes.”“Right. As you grow older, there will be more and more things you must do on your own.” As I spoke, I gradually took her basket out of mine and handed it to her. “You will eventually carry your own basket with things only you can do.”She looked up at me and said, “I understand. There are some things that I have to do for myself because they are in my basket.”48What was Saras problem?AShe didnt have a basket.BShe didnt want her own basket.CHer mother was too hard on her.DShe couldnt deal with her friendship.49What did the author feel when she heard her daughters problem?AAngry. BCrazy.CHelpless. DProud.50We can infer that Sara_.Awouldnt make friends with KathyBwould talk to Marcy herselfCwas too young to deal with anythingDmanaged to persuade her mother to help her.任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格内填入最恰当的单词。每空格只能填1个单词。When young children are learning to ride a bicycle,they require that their parents hold on to the back of the bike so that they gain confidence and wont fall off.However,when children leave to go to college,or get married, parents must accept that their children are riding off into their own future. At this time, parents shouldnt stand back and with the children gone, they are left with an empty nest. How can parents get through this period of life?The first thing you should do is nothing at all. You should actually take some time to rest since your child was born. Just relax and reward yourself for the work you put into your child.Taking some time for yourself will allow you to adjust to the change and figure out how you really feel about your childs departure(离开). You shouldnt compare how you feel with how other people feel, as everyones experience of an empty nest is different.Exercise is a great mood lifter. A physical fitness program may have been one of the first sacrifices(牺牲) you made when your child came along; now,with fewer duties,youll have time to hit the gym regularly. If you have a friend who also has become an empty nester recently,you may have found a new companion. Not only will you get the chance to share dealing with tips ,youll also create social opportunities for yourself, which will get you out of that empty house if you need to.We all have those things that we say well do or learn “someday”. If youre an empty nester,the “someday” might just be now.If youre not sure exactly what to do in all your spare time,take your time and think about it. It will, however, probably be easier to figure out your dream when youre out. Try exploring a nearby museum or attraction youve never visited.Many parents may fear an empty nest because they worry that their little birds have flown away forever. Try setting up a regular phone date with your child. A onceaweek call may make you feel satisfied while giving your child a reasonable degree of freedom.PhenomenonYoung children need the help of parents to make them feel confident.Children will leave home after growing up and parents will feel51._.52._to adjust to an empty nest53._yourselfDo nothing but rest.Take time to adjust to the change and to figure out your 54._.Take 55._You can have 56._time to go to the gym.You can develop new57._and create social opportunities.Follow your dreamYou get a 58._to put your dream into practice.It will be easier to figure out your dream when you are out of the house.Set a time for communication59._your child once a week will make you feel satisfied.Give your child enough 60._.书面表达(满分25分)(2013西安八校高一联考)假如你是李华,下面是你的美国笔友Lee给你的Email:Dear Li Hua,I am really upset at present.I have no friends here to talk to.At lunch break,nobody likes to share a table with me.I am really puzzled.And I cant understand why.I need your advice.Thank you.Lee请你根据所给材料、写作要点和要求给Lee回复一封电子邮件。写作要点:1表示你理解他的处境;2提出两个建议;3希望对他有帮助。要求:1短文词数100左右(不含已写好的部分);2内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯;3书写须清晰、工整;4邮件中不能体现本人真实信息。Dear Lee,_Yours,Li Hua综合检测(二)1Bin charge of.“负责”,通常是人作主语。in the charge of.“由负责”,通常是物作主语。此处主语是the company,所以应选B项。2Awhy引导定语从句,修饰the reason;that引导定语从句修饰先行词the one,并在从句中作explained的宾语。3C句意:他们禁止在展厅拍照。那就意味着在这儿你不能拍任何照片。forbid doing sth.“禁止/不准做某事”;allow sb.to do sth.“准许某人做某事”。4D本句考查have difficulty(in)doing sth.结构,故选D项。5D考查虚拟语气在wish从句中的用法。由句中should have set aside及how busy I was可知,该句表示与过去事实相反。6Das if引导的状语从句是一个省略句,只剩下了目的状语to see。7A句意:他们不诚实,不配知道真相。根据句意,可判断A项正确。deserve to do.“值得做”。8B考查谚语。句意:汤姆,很抱歉我今晚不能同你一起去观看比赛了,因为我必须得准备即将到来的考试。别扫兴了,尽情玩吧!A项意为“不要揽事太多”;B项意为“不要扫兴”;C项意为“不要本末倒置”;D项意为“不要开玩笑”。由语境可知选B项。9A句意:在作出最终决定之前,经理再三权衡了这种情况的利弊。balance“权衡”;measure“测量”;examine“检查”;judge“判断;判决”。10C考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们爬上山顶时,我们看到了整个城市的景色。scenery“风景(强调一个地方总的景色)”;scene“现场,场景(事件发生的地点)”;view“景色(强调从远处、高处所见到的)”;sight“风景(多指一个地方的名胜古迹)”。11C考查介词。limit.to.是固定用法,意为“把限定在范围内”。句意:在这条路上行驶,你得把速度控制在每小时60英里以内。12Ainsist当“坚持说,坚持认为”讲时,后面的从句不用虚拟语气;当“坚持要求”讲时,后面的从句用虚拟语气。13Ddefend“为辩护”。句意:我请不起律师,因此我将要在法庭上为自己辩护。14Cfor the first time,副词短语,在句中充当状语。the first time在这里作为连词,引导时间状语从句。15B考查非谓语动词。invite和Mr.Brown有逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用被动语态;invite所表示的动作发生在句子谓语动词之前,所以用分词的完成式。16D根据In the late 1960s my father and I disagreed greatly about politics and religion.可知,我和父亲在政治和宗教方面有很大分歧,因此总是有一些激烈的争论(arguments),连弟弟妹妹都记得很清楚。第二段首句有信息提示。17B我与父亲发生激烈争吵,继而发展到父亲追赶着要动手打(hit)我。18C从第二段首句可知作者的父亲在打了作者之后哭了。19C从下文可知,作者的父亲不仅关心(caring)那些他认识和爱的人,而且关心那些根本不认识的人。20A第三段最后一句中的those in need给出提示。21B前后分句之间存在递进关系,故选B项。22D根据上文可知,由于不被理解(understood),造成了作者与父亲之间的分歧。23C父母做好饭菜端给(serving)无家可归的人吃。24D根据He was admitted to a program_25_him to the history of Catholic social action.可知,父亲的社会活动上升到一个新的(new)层次。25D我父亲参加了一个课程,该课程使他了解了天主教社会活动的历史。introduce此处意为“使了解”。26B先是was admitted to a program,接下来应是graduating from the program。27A此处指直到(until


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