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英汉语言中的文化重合英汉语言中的文化重合现象现象cultural overlaps一、构词及词义的重合一、构词及词义的重合1.ear-drum2.foot-note3.bad egg 4 big words 5 harelip6 laughing-stock7 broadcast耳鼓脚注坏蛋,坏人大话,豪言壮语兔唇笑柄广播二、词语隐喻的重合二、词语隐喻的重合1golden saying1golden saying2 cold words 2 cold words 3 bitter smile 3 bitter smile 4 the spring/autumn of life4 the spring/autumn of life5 a ray of hope 5 a ray of hope 6 Our blood boils6 Our blood boils7 Fortune smiled on us 7 Fortune smiled on us 金玉良言金玉良言冷言冷语冷言冷语苦笑苦笑 生命之春生命之春/秋秋一线希望一线希望我们热血沸腾我们热血沸腾 命运对着我们微笑命运对着我们微笑三、人体器官在两种语言中三、人体器官在两种语言中 应用的重合应用的重合backbone behind ones backbreak ones heartfrom head to foot have brains in ones eyespull a long face 脊骨 支柱 中坚在人背后,背着人使心碎,使人难过重头到脚,全身上下 有头脑,有智慧 在某人眼里 在某人看来 拉长脸,愁眉苦脸 put ones heads togetherput ones heads together 聚在一起聚在一起,集思广益集思广益show ones face show ones face 露面露面under footunder foot脚下脚下,地下地下under ones nose under ones nose 在某人的鼻子底下在某人的鼻子底下,就在就在.跟前跟前四、成语、习语及谚语的重合四、成语、习语及谚语的重合on pins and needleson the surface talk big as light as a feathercastles in the air add fuel to the flames pour cold water ontrim the sail to the windpraise sb.to the skies 如坐针毡,坐立不安在表面上 说大话轻如鸿毛空中楼阁火上浇油给.泼冷水 使.扫兴看风使舵把捧上天 let off steamlet off steam出气出气,发脾气发脾气,发牢骚发牢骚A lion at home,a mouse abroad A lion at home,a mouse abroad 在家如狮在家如狮,在外如鼠在外如鼠A rat crossing the street is chased by allA rat crossing the street is chased by all老鼠过街老鼠过街,人人喊打人人喊打A rolling stone gathers no mossA rolling stone gathers no moss滚石不生苔滚石不生苔Constant dropping wears the stone Constant dropping wears the stone 滴水穿石滴水穿石You will cross the bridge when you get on You will cross the bridge when you get on 船到桥头自然直船到桥头自然直五、典故的重合五、典故的重合burn ones boats 破釜沉舟公元前49年,恺撒大帝cross the Rubicon and burn ones boats楚王项羽 “引兵渡河,皆沉船,破釜甑,烧庐舍,持三日粮,以示卒必死,无一还心。”下定决心,不顾一切地干到底。wall have ears法国女王法国女王 凯瑟琳凯瑟琳 卢浮宫卢浮宫Louvre隔墙有耳隔墙有耳管子君臣下管子君臣下“古者有二言:墙有耳,伏寇古者有二言:墙有耳,伏寇在侧在侧”墙有耳者,微谋外泻之谓也。墙有耳者,微谋外泻之谓也。“秘密商量事情被外人偷听秘密商量事情被外人偷听旧约传道书旧约传道书 All the rivers run into the sea;yet the sea is not full 淮南子 泛论训“百川归海而还不盈”丢面子丢面子 保面子保面子以眼还眼以牙还牙武装到牙齿披着羊皮的狼to lose ones face to save ones face an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth armed to the teeth a wolf in sheeps clothing 英语数字的翻译1.等值翻译等值翻译A drop in the ocean A drop in the ocean 沧海一粟沧海一粟within a stones throw within a stones throw 一箭之遥一箭之遥kill two birds with one stone kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕一箭双雕A fall into the A fall into the pit,apit,a gain in your wit gain in your wit吃一堑吃一堑,长一智长一智2.2.不等值翻译不等值翻译不等值翻译不等值翻译at sixes and sevensat sixes and sevens乱七八糟乱七八糟on second thoughtson second thoughts再三考虑再三考虑by ones and twos by ones and twos 两两地两两地,零零落落地零零落落地two heads are better than one two heads are better than one 三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮-Can you come down a little?-Can you come down a little?-Sorry,its one price for all.-Sorry,its one price for all.你能便宜一点吗你能便宜一点吗?-?-对不起对不起,不二价不二价.He had one over the eight after be drank He had one over the eight after be drank only half bottle of the wine.only half bottle of the wine.他才喝了半瓶啤酒就醉得七歪八倒了他才喝了半瓶啤酒就醉得七歪八倒了.3.不必译出不必译出One mans meat is another mans poison.人各有所好I will love you three score and ten.我会爱你一辈子的Ten to one he has forgotten it.很可能他已经忘了His mark in math is second to none in the class.他的数学分数在班上是名列前茅的She is a second Lei Feng.她是雷锋式的人物I always believe my sixth sense I always believe my sixth sense.我总相信我的直觉。He talks about you nine times out of ten when we have a chitchat.每次我们闲聊他几乎都谈及你。The parson officially pronounced that they became one.牧师正式宣告他们成婚。I used to study in France in the year one.我早年曾在法国学习。包含人体部位的习语包含人体部位的习语:skin and bonesskin and bonesto warm ones bloodto warm ones bloodto get ones back up to get ones back up to be all ears to be all ears to believe ones eyes to believe ones eyes up to the elbows up to the elbows to work ones fingers to to work ones fingers to ones the boneones the boneto beat ones brains to beat ones brains 骨瘦如柴骨瘦如柴使人感觉温暖使人感觉温暖使人发怒使人发怒倾听倾听相信自己的眼睛相信自己的眼睛忙于忙于 努力工作努力工作绞尽脑汁绞尽脑汁He got his back up when I said he was wrong.Youre nothing but skin and bones.He is all ears when he attends my lecture.I saw him come but I could hardly believe my eyesWhen he came to visit on a cold night,I offered him a drink to warm his blood.He worked his fingers to the bone to train studentsas qualified teachers.Some students are lazy,but others beat their brains and succeed.包含颜色名称的习语包含颜色名称的习语once in a blue moon to look green to see red a white elephant to be born in the purpleto go gray to look blackto tickle pink 千载难逢 看起来生病的发怒,冒火无用之物 出身王室(或显贵)变老 预示着不幸使人非常高兴Whenever someone played a joke on him,he saw red.She was tickled pink with her new dress.Whats wrong with you?You are looking green.Stamp collecting is interesting,but you find a valuable stamp only once in a blue moon.A motor car would be a white elephant to him,because he cant drive.He was born in the purple.Although still young,he is going very gray.The future looked black when Toms father got hurt and could not work.


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