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培训课件英语口语练习培训课件英语口语练习ABOUT CONVERSATION 1.How to Greet with People问候 2.How to Make Introductions做介绍 3.How to Open a Conversation开始对话 4.How to Control a Conversation控制对话 5.How to Get Information获取信息 6.How to Change a Topic换个话题 7.How to End a Conversation结束对话 8.How to Make Telephone Calls打电话How to Greet with PeopleGood morning,Jack.How are you?你好吗?Whats up?/Whats new?怎么了?最近怎样?Hows it going?同上How are you doing?同上Hows everything?同上How was your day?同上How are you getting along?同上Hi,how have you been?同上You look great today.How are things?你今天看起来气色很好,最近怎样?Answers:Pretty normal.Nothing exciting happened.一般,没什么特别的事发生。Not much./Not a lot.一般般。Great.I just get promoted.好极了,我刚被提升。Im pretty good.很好。Just so so.一般般Not so bad,thanks.还凑合。Cant complain.Im still alive.不能抱怨什么,凑合吧。Very well,thanks,and how about you?很好,你怎么样?How to Greet with PeopleHow do you do?你好Hey,great to see you.How nice to see you./Nice meeting you!Its good to see you./Glad to see you!Fancy meeting you here.很高兴认识你。Hi,Ive been looking forward to meeting you.一直期待见你。Ive heard so much about you.久闻大名。Dialogue 1Andy:Hi,Jack.So good to see you.Jack:Oh,hi,Andy.Its been quite a while since we saw each other last time.Howre things with you?好久不见,怎么样?Andy:Just fine.Whatve you been doing these years?这几年忙什么呢?Jack:Well,Ive been studying in America for my PhD degree.我在美国攻读哲学博士学位呢。Andy:Thats wonderful.太棒了。How to Make IntroductionsMay I introduce Mr.Wang to you?Id like to introduce Mr.Wang to you.Come and meet Mr.Wang,our software engineer.This is Mr.Wang,our sales manager.Hello.Im Wang Ling from Beijing.My name is Wang Ling.Id like you to meet the president of our company,Mr.Li.Its with great pleasure that I introduce to you Mr.Wang,our new colleague.很高兴向大家介绍我们的新同事Allow me to introduceCould you give us a brief introduction to your products?可以简单介绍下你们的产品吗?Dialogue 2Bill:Hi,Mary.Mary:Hi,Bill.How are you doing?Bill:Good,thanks.And you?Mary:Just fine,Bill.Id like you to meet my classmate,Bob Smith.Bob,this is my friend,Bill Jones.Bill:Hello,nice to meet you.Bob:Nice to meet you,too.Dialogue 3Linda:Excuse me,are you Paul Johnson from London?Im Linda Blake from Andritz.安德里兹Paul:Yes,I am Paul Johnson.How do you do,Miss Blake?Linda:How do you do,Mr.Johnson?May I introduce Charles Green to you?Hes our sales manager.Paul:Pleased to meet you,Mr.Green.Mr.Green:Its a pleasure to meet you.Dialogue 4Lily:Excuse me.Havent we met before?Peter:I dont think so./Im sorry,I dont believe weve met.Lily:You work for IBM,dont you?Peter:Yes,thats right.Lily:I think I met you at Mr.Lins party last Christmas.How to Open a ConversationTo find an appropriate topic.找到合适的话题Some topics such as the weather and news,work well.But others,such as age,money or peoples appearance do not.天气,新闻之类的可以,诸如年龄,收入,外貌之类的不合适。talking about weatherIn many countries,weather is an appropriate topic to strike up a conversation with someone,even with a stranger.If you have nothing proper to say,weather will be a perfect choice.You can find out what your partner really likes or dislikes in such kind of weather.That means we use the weather topic to guide people to other topics.天气这个话题很适合开始一个对话,和陌生人也是。如果没什么可说的,聊聊天气是个不错的选择。可以发现对方的喜恶。也就是说,天气这个话题可以领人们聊其他话题。Dialogue 5Ema:Cold this morning,isnt it?Charles:Yes,and its supposed to get even colder.应该会更冷些。Ema:I hope it wont get as cold as last night.我希望不要跟昨天晚上那样冷。Charles:Speaking of last night,did you attend the English corner?说到昨天晚上,你去英语角了吗?Ema:Yeah,I did.It was terrific.是的,(办的)好极了。Dialogue 6Tony:Nice day,isnt it?/Beautiful day,isnt it?David:Yes,its warm and sunny.Just the kind of weather I like.正是我喜欢的那种天气。Tony:Me too.Mike and I are riding to the Central Park,will you go with us?我和麦克要骑车去中央公园,你跟我们一起吗?David:Thanks,but I have other plans.Roy invites me to go climbing.谢啦,我另有安排了。Roy邀我去爬山。Tony:Thats OK.Have a good day!玩的愉快!Dialogue 7Cathy:Terrible weather,dont you think so?Ross:Yes,its raining hard.雨下的很大。Cathy:I think it will last a whole day.So what do you do in such a terrible day?我认为会持续一整天。这种天气,你通常干什么?Ross:Usually I stay at home and read a book.在家看书。Cathy:Oh,what kind of book do you like?你喜欢看什么书Ross:Hmm,lots of,but I like classic fictions most.很多,但最喜欢古典小说。talking about newsThere are news everywhere and everyday.So talking about news that happened currently will also be a good choice.People can easily express their opinions on this topic.新闻就在我们周围,无时无刻不在发生。聊当前发生的新闻是个好的选择。人们可以轻易发表对该话题的意见。Dialogue 8David:Hi,Mark.Did you hear about the big explosion that happened in Qingdao yesterday?Mark:Yes,I did.Its said that nearly fifty people died in that accident.David:Thats so terrible.Did the police find out the cause?different topicsAs we all know,there are cultural differences between China and English-speaking countries.文化差异In Chinese,questions like“have you had your breakfast?”or“where are you going”are often used to greet a person or to initiate a conversation.However,to native speakers of English,a question about the meal would suggest an invitation and therefore may cause misunderstanding.对说英语的人来讲,“吃了没”可能暗示要请他吃饭,但事实上我们并不打算请,所以可能造成误会。Similarly,the question“where are you going?”in English is normally a request for information and only used by someone in authority or between very close friends.同样,“去哪”常用来获得信息,只有有权威的人或好朋友才用。Asking a foreigner directly how much they paid for sth.is also regarded as an invasion of their privacy.If you really want to get information about that,you should use indirect ways.直接问老外,买什么东西花了多少钱也被认为侵犯隐私。如果真想问价格,换个间接的方式。You can say“is it very expensive?”,instead of“how much does it cost?”可以说“贵吗”不要说“花了多少”This gives your partner a choice of reply.这样他可以选择如何回答你。similar topicsThere are also similarities in the two cultures.Topics such as jobs,hobbies,holidays and outing,films,TV programs that you saw last night,and other forms of entertainment are recommended.两个文化也有相似之处。工作、爱好、假期、外出、电影、电视节目及其他类型的娱乐节目这些话题都是被推荐的。How to Control a ConversationIn daily communication we often use different techniques to control a conversation.We need to know how to show attention or surprise,how to agree or disagree,how to break in,and how to change the subject.日常交流中我们常用写技巧操控整个对话。我们要知道如何表示关注、吃惊,如何同意、反对,如果插话,如何换个话题。I see.Yeah.Yes.Hmm.Well,Sure.Really?No kidding!别逗了You cant be serious.Imagine that!Like what?Dont you think so?Well,let me seeLet me think for a minute.让我想想A conversation doesnt always go smoothly.Sometimes your partner talks too fast and you find it difficult to follow.Not to worry,though.You can always ask your partner to repeat what he has said or to speak more slowly.对话并不总是进展的很顺利。有时,对方说的太快,你跟不上。不要着急,你可以让他再说一遍或者说慢点。Excuse me,but could you say that again?I didnt catch it.I cant follow you.我跟不上。Could you speak more slowly,please?I beg your pardon?/Beg your pardon?Run that by me again.再说一遍。Its beyond me.听不懂。Its all Greek to me.完全不懂。How to Change a TopicBy the way,Come to think of it,我想起来了,Speaking of 说到,And another thing,还有一件事,Something else Id like to know is 我还想知道,This may sound like a dumb question,but Id like to know 可能听起来有点蠢,但是我还是想知道。To get back to our talk,回到我们刚才说的,How to Get InformationIn most cases if people need some information from others,they can ask directly.大多数情况下,我们想获得信息可以直接问。Most people are very polite when they ask a stranger about sth.They often ask by saying,“Excuse me,could you”,“I wonder if you could tell me”or“could you tell me”.Between friends,its quite all right to simply say“Tell me”or use the question words“what”“where”“when”etc.有些看着很有礼貌的提问方式,如下页。朋友之间可以直接问。Could you tell me?I wonder if you could tell meId like to know sth.aboutI was wondering if you could help me.Id like to knowExcuse me,do you happen to know?I hope you dont mind my asking,but Id like to knowWould you mind telling me more about?What I want to know is I was wondering if it is possible that you give me two dollars.Dialogue 9Tom:Excuse me,Jack,do you have a minute?有空吗Jack:Yes.What can I do for you?可以帮你做什么?Tom:Well,I wonder if you could tell me how I could improve my oral English.我在想,你可不可以告诉我怎样可以提高口语水平。Jack:Mm.Do you often speak English with your friends?你经常和朋友说英语吗?Tom:I wanted to,but every time I open my mouth I seem to make errors,so sometimes I just give up.想,但是每次开口都会犯错,所以有时直接放弃了。Jack:I guess speaking in a foreign language isnt easy.You must be willing to make some errors at the beginning.我想说外语不简单,你一定要做好在开始说的时候会犯错误的准备。Tom:You mean I shouldnt be afraid of making mistakes.你是说我不要害怕犯错误。Jack:Thats right.是的。Tom:Thanks for your advice,Jack.I will try to speak English as much as I can.谢谢你的建议,我会尽量多说英语的。(大家也是哦)How to End a ConversationAt the end of a conversation you need to find a way to close it in a polite way.最后,也需要一个礼貌的方式来结束改对话。Well,I really need to be going.我真的该走了。It was nice talking to you.很高兴很你聊天。It was great seeing you.很高兴见到你。See you again sometime.改天见。See you tomorrow.明天见。Have a good day.玩的愉快。Have a nice weekend.周末愉快。Have a nice trip.旅行愉快。Thanks very much for inviting us to your wonderful party.很高兴邀请我们参加您的聚会。I hope to see you again soon.Lets have lunch together sometime.希望很快可以再见到您,有空一起吃午饭吧。How to Make Telephone CallsIs Mary in?Hello,is Mary there?Hello,can I speak to Mary?Is that you,Mary?Sorry,Mary is not in.Im afraid Mary is not available right now.玛丽现在不在。Would you like to leave a message?留个信息吗?Can I take a message?Ill put you through.我帮您接通。Hold the line,please/Hold on.等一下。Youve got the wrong number.你打错了。Could you call back later?你能稍后再打吗?Thanks for calling.Would you answer the phone please?您能接电话吗?I want to make a long distance call.我想打个长途电话。This is Mary speaking.Would you tell Mr.Green that I called?可以转告格林先生,我打过电话吗?I must have dialed a wrong number.I couldnt get through.I have to hang up now.Would you call back tomorrow?Theres something wrong with the phone.I tried to call you,but the line was busy.Dialogue 10 David:Hello.May I speak to Mr.Green?Operator:Just a moment./Hold on.等一下Operator:Hes not in.May I take a message for him?David:Yes,please.Tell him to call back David this afternoon,David Johnson.让他下午打给我吧,我是大卫,约翰森。Dialogue 11Judy:Hello,can I speak to Mary?Operator:No,Im afraid shes out.Could I know who is calling?不好意思,她不在,可以告诉我你是谁吗?Judy:Well,this is Judy,her old classmate.Can I leave a message?我是judy,她的老同学。我能留个短信吗?Operator:Certainly.Judy:Please ask her to meet Judy outside the Art museum at ten tomorrow morning.让她明天早上十点在艺术馆门口见我吧。Dialogue 12大家预习,下次讲Operator:Good afternoon,Sun Paper.May I help you?Richard:Yes,may I speak to Mr.James Johnson,please?Operator:Im afraid Mr.Johnson isnt available right now.Would you like to leave a message?Richard:This is Richard Alexander with CMPC.Its very important that he return my call this afternoon.Operator:Does he have your mobile phone number?Richard:I think so,but let me give them to you again.Operator:Okay.Richard:My office number is 714-551-2000.my cell phone number is 909-355-2308.He can reach me at my office number before 6 p.m.or anytime today on my mobile.Operator:Very well.Ill give him your message as soon as he returns to the office.ABOUT PRONUNCIATION Do not speak word by word.Do not say every single word out.Use the following techniques.Incomplete PlosionIn connected speech when a plosive consonant like/k/,/g/,/t/,/d/,/p/,/b/is followed by another consonant,it is not fully pronounced.This is called incomplete plosion.Examples1.Laura is one of the top students in Grade one.2.Ted likes to sing English pop songs.3.Listening is not a big problem for me.4.Frank can speak six languages fluently.5.Id like to read novels and short stories in English.6.Bobs strong local accent makes it difficult for us to understand him.Liaisonconsonant+vowelr-linkingvowel+vowelcome in /work out/good idea /first of all/not at all/all of us/pick it up/put it on/in an hour/an egg/above all/stand up/take off /there is/there are/more over/after all/far away/farther and mother/for an hour/for a moment/I am/you are/she is/go out/try it/we agree/see off/go away/may I/结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!46


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