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Unit5 Dinners ready Part A Lets talk Look and say 看一看说一说 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 A: What would you like for dinner?(晚餐)B: Id like someand,please. 1 2 Food Festival美食节 Haha, We are coming! 我们来啦! What would you like?你想吃什么?Id like some bread and soup. Oh, Im hungry.我饿了 Id like some fish and vegetables. What would you like,Kimi? Dad, Im hungry.Whats for dinner?晚饭吃什么? What would you like for dinner, Cindy?Id like some milk and noodles. 同桌一起对话进行操练。A: Im hungry. Whats for dinner?B: What would you like for dinner?A: Id like some_and_.bread fishegg milk cakerice soupjuice What would you like ?What would you like ?Soup ,soup , Id like some soup.Whats for dinner?Whats for dinner?Vegetables, vegetables,Id like some vegetables. Lets chantDinners ready! Miss Chen 根据表格,判断下列句子正T,误F。John Amy Sarah Lucy ( ) 1. John would like some beef and chicken.( ) 2. Amy would like some beef and soup.( ) 3. Sarah would like some noodles and bread.( ) 4. Lucy would like some chicken and soup.FTTF Lets survey 1.What would Mike like for dinner?A. milk and breadB. soup and bread2.What would father like for dinner?A. fish and vegetablesB. soup and fishListen and choose hungryIm hungryIts six oclock now. 心有灵犀:猜句子意思。1.Mum, Im hungry. 2.Whats for dinner? 晚餐吃什么?妈妈,我饿了。 ? 3. What would you like for dinner ? 你晚餐想吃什么?翻译:你午餐(lunch)想吃什么?What would you like for lunch? ? Id like some soup and bread, please.我想要一些汤和面包。 Some fish and vegetables, please.我想要一些鱼和蔬菜。 Dinners ready!晚餐准备好了! Bread is ready! Vegetables are ready!Fish is ready! Soup is ready!Dinners ready!Guess: Whats for dinner? ? ? 英汉句子配对( ) 1. Here you are!( ) 2. Im hungry.( ) 3. What would you like?( ) 4. Whats for dinner?( ) 5. Whats in it?A. 我饿了。B. 什么在里面?C. 给你!D. 你想吃什么?E. 晚餐吃什么?CADEB Mike: Mum, Im hungry. Whats for dinner? Mum: What would you like?Mike: Id like some soup and bread, please.Mum: What would you like for dinner? Dad: Some fish and vegetables, please .Mum: Dinners ready!Mike&Dad : Thanks. 小组之间分角色表演,两分钟后期待你们的精彩表演哦! Mike: Mum, Im hungry. _Mum: What would you like?Mike: _ please.Mum: _Dad: Some fish and vegetables, please.Mum: _Dad&Mike: Thanks!Fill in the blanks!A What would you like for dinner?B Id like some soup and bread.C Whats for dinner? D Dinners ready! CBAD 一、给下列句子排序。A. Mum, Im hungry.B. Id like some chicken.C. What would you like?D. Whats for lunch?DA BC当堂训练 二、连词成句。 1. would, what, you, like(?)2. is, dinner, ready(!), I, hungry(.)What would you like?Dinner is ready!I am hungry. hot dogshamburgersbread chicken cake French fries ice creamsgrapesorangesstrawberries watermelons pears applesShow time!milkA:Wow, today is Food Festival ? B: What would you like? A : Id like some _and_. What would you like? B: Id like some _and_. A : Lets go! A& B :OK! juiceeggs美食节 Thank you ! Dad, Im hungry.Whats for dinner?晚饭吃什么? What would you like for dinner, Cindy?Id like some milk and noodles. Dinners ready!晚餐准备好了! 英汉句子配对( ) 1. Here you are!( ) 2. Im hungry.( ) 3. What would you like?( ) 4. Whats for dinner?( ) 5. Whats in it?A. 我饿了。B. 什么在里面?C. 给你!D. 你想吃什么?E. 晚餐吃什么?CADEB 小组之间分角色表演,两分钟后期待你们的精彩表演哦!


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