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如 何 写 基 础 性 写 作 ( 二 )How to introduce an activity or a program? Writing order: 第 一 句 : what: An introduction of the activity/ program发 生 了 什 么 事第 二 四 句 : who fail in hold a party /meeting/ celebration/ ceremony organize an activitybroadcast a programspend ones time in many different ways; get everything ready for; 介 绍 活 动 的 套 语 : attend / take part in / join in which was held in / which was sponsored by (由 主 办 ) There are good programmes on TV on weekends. During the four days, a series of activities were held including There are a lot of activities at (the beach). In order to , an activity was organized by during the week from to . 活 动 (事 情 )的 过 程介 绍 活 动 过 程 的 连 接 词 :At first, Then, After that, At last / Finally, 描 述 活 动 过 程 的 短 语 :have no trouble doing; make up ones mind to do;prepare sb for ; give up doing;do sth as usual; do what he wants us to do; set about doing; try ones best to do=go all out to do; get into trouble; help sb out; do ones bit for New China; wait for sb to do;find a way to do; make friends with sb; show (tell) sb. how to do; take (send) sb to ; 描 述 活 动 过 程 的 短 语 :cant help doing; do some good deeds to people; pass the time doing; feel excited about doing;be prepared for more hard work; 描 述 活 动 过 程 的 句 型 :Im trying to find; Im afraid we are out of ; Some are doing A, others are doing B, and still others are doing C. 活 动 的 影 响 或 目 的 :描 述 活 动 影 响 或 目 的 的 短 语keep sb. from doing (prevent sb. from doing); call on sb. to do; speak highly of; think highly of; be designed / intended for sb. to do have a better knowledge/ understanding of enrich ones life; broaden ones horizons; gain the social experience; make a better sense of ones personal value 活 动 的 影 响 或 目 的 :总 结 活 动 影 响 或 目 的 套 语 :1. provide sb. with a valuable opportunity to speak English, make friends and exchange learning experience. I found my English much improved.2. Never in my life shall I forget the impressive days in . 3. gain a lot of social experience and learn to work for the society.4. Through these activities we can learn many things that cant be learned in class. 5. We enjoy a change from our busy life in the city. 6. It was a very relaxing Sunday.7. makes you a useful person and it is also full of joys. 时 间 8月 26日 ( 上 星 期 六 )地 点 广 州 市 青 少 年 宫过 程 查 资 料 ; 写 演 讲 稿 ; 上 台 时 很 紧 张 , 但 很 快 平静 下 来 。结 果 荣 获 第 三 名感 受 一 方 面 自 信 心 很 重 要 , 另 一 方 面 只 有 在 不 断 使用 英 语 的 过 程 中 , 语 言 水 平 才 能 到 提 高 。你 参 加 了 一 次 以 “ Protect Our Earth”为 主 题 的 英 语 演 讲比 赛 。 请 完 成 一 篇 短 文 。Sample: 事 件 名 称 +时 间 +地 点过 程 结 果感 受人 称 : 时 态 : 主 题 : I(第 一 人 称 ) 一 般 过 去 时 ( 主 要 )主 题 “ Protect Our Earth” 的 英 语 演 讲 比 赛 。took part in a speech contest at last.looked for information in and on; prepared a draft for the speech; felt extremelynervous when; tried to calm myself down; got the third place self-confidence can encourage us to do everything well and only by using the language constantly can we improve our English. Last Saturday, August 26 , I took part in a speech contest at Guangzhou Childrens Palace, whose theme was “Protect Our Earth”. After I looked for information in the library and on the internet many times, I prepared a draft for the speech. But when my turn came, I felt extremely nervous. I tried to calm myself down, and to my joy, I got the third place at last. By participating in this contest, I came to the understanding that self-confidence can encourage us to do everything well and that only by using the language constantly can we improve our English. Writing 1假 如 在 暑 假 期 间 你 参 加 了 一 个 英 语 夏 令 营 , 在 最 后一 次 举 行 的 晚 会 上 , 你 要 对 该 夏 令 营 进 行 简 单 总 结并 表 达 对 这 次 夏 令 营 的 感 激 之 情 。英 语 夏 令 营 :时 间 : 7月 10日 -7月 28日人 数 : 20 人 ( 教 师 5人 , 学 生 15人 ) ;内 容 : 练 习 口 语 、 阅 读 英 语 文 章 、 唱 英 语 歌 曲 等 。写 作 要 求 :标 题 : Thanks to English summer camp; 假 如 在 暑 假 期 间 你 参 加 了 一 个 英 语 夏 令 营 , 在 最 后一 次 举 行 的 晚 会 上 , 你 要 对 该 夏 令 营 进 行 简 单 总结 并 表 达 对 这 次 夏 令 营 的 感 激 之 情 。英 语 夏 令 营 : 时 间 : 7月 10日 -7月 8日 人 数 : 20 人 ( 教 师 5人 , 学 生 15人 ) ; 内 容 : 练 习 口 语 、 阅 读 英 语 文 章 、 唱 英 语 歌 曲 等 。写 作 要 求 :标 题 : Thanks to English Summer Camp;注 意 : 时 态 What an unforgettable English camp we have had! / Its a great honor for me to stand here to say something about the unforgettable English camp we have had. Our English camp which lasted from July 10th to July 28th has successfully achieved its aims. All the participants including five teachers and fifteen students contributed a lot to the camp. We held many activities, for instance, practicing spoken English, reading English articles, singing English songs and so on, all of which have greatly improved our English. I feel very grateful to have the chance to know so many respectable teachers and kind friends, who have given me great help in improving my English. 写 作 ( 共 两 节 , 满 分 为 40分 )第 一 节 : 基 础 写 作 ( 共 1小 题 , 满 分 15分 )假 设 你 叫 李 平 , 你 在 由 英 国 领 事 馆 文 化 教 育 处 所 举 办 的“ Experience UK 的 演 讲 比 赛 中 获 得 了 冠 军 , 并 有 机 会参 加 了 为 期 一 周 的 “ 英 国 文 化 之 旅 ” 活 动 。 回 国 之 后 , 你准 备 给 你 的 美 国 笔 友 Michael写 一 封 信 , 告 诉 他 有 关 你 的旅 英 经 历 和 感 受 。【 写 作 内 容 】请 根 据 下 面 表 格 的 内 容 和 提 示 , 给 你 的 笔 友 Michael写一 封 , 信 的 开 头 和 结 尾 已 给 出 。【 写 作 要 求 】只 能 使 用 5 个 句 子 表 达 全 部 的 内 容 。【 评 分 标 准 】句 子 结 构 的 准 确 性 、 信 息 内 容 的 完 整 性 和 连 贯 性 。 旅 英 时 间 10 月 22-30日参 加 活 动 者 25位 来 自 不 同 国 家 的 中 学 生去 过 的 地 方 伦 敦 (London)、 牛 津 (Oxford)、 湖 区(the Lake District)最 喜 欢 的 地 方 及 原因 伦 敦 : 了 解 了 许 多 英 国 的 历 史 和 文 化牛 津 : 看 到 了 很 多 古 老 的 图 书 馆最 遗 憾 的 事 及 原 因 湖 区 很 美 , 但 天 气 不 好 , 下 大 雨最 快 乐 的 事 结 识 了 许 多 新 朋 友Dear Michael, Hi! I just came back from Britain last week. _ Well, Id better get back to my homework now. Bye. Cheers, Li Ping At the language clinics1.审 题1)多 余 内 容 要 点 :2)信 息 整 合 不 恰 当 (相 同 信 息 应 整 合 在 一 个 信 息 块 里 )I took part in a speech, which theme is “ Experience UK” and I got the reputation of champion. I had a chance to participate in the activity of the tour of English Culture. What a pity, when we arrived in the beautiful late, it rained strongly, but fortunately, I made many friends in this activity. 旅 英 时 间 10 月 22-30日参 加 活 动 者 25位 来 自 不 同 国 家 的 中 学 生去 过 的 地 方 伦 敦 (London)、 牛 津 (Oxford)、 湖 区(the Lake District)最 喜 欢 的 地 方 及 原因 伦 敦 : 了 解 了 许 多 英 国 的 历 史 和 文 化牛 津 : 看 到 了 很 多 古 老 的 图 书 馆最 遗 憾 的 事 及 原 因 湖 区 很 美 , 但 天 气 不 好 , 下 大 雨最 快 乐 的 事 结 识 了 许 多 新 朋 友Dear Michael, Hi! I just came back from Britain last week. _ Well, Id better get back to my homework now. Bye. Cheers, Li Ping I had visited London, Oxford,During the trip, we have been/ gone to London,And I loved London and Oxford the best, because I have /had knew many English historys and culturesI liked the London most because I could learn many history and culture of England. 2)句 子 结 构 混 乱 ,中 式 英 语 现 象 严 重There were 25 students who from different countries joined in the activity25 students (who were/came) from different countries joined in the activity2.语 言 表 达 错 误 较 多1)动 词 时 态 误 用 或 混 乱 : During the trip, I had been to London, Oxford and theLake District and I loved London, and Oxford best. Because I have learned a lot of culture and history of England in London and visited many old library in Oxford. During the trip, I travelled to London, Oxford and theLake District and I loved London, and Oxford best, because I learned a lot about the culture and history of England in London and visited many old libraries in Oxford. I liked London and Oxford best, I could learn many history and cultures of England in London, I could see many old library in Oxford.I liked London and Oxford best, because I learned much about the history and cultures of England in London, and I saw/visited many old libraries in Oxford.放 在 同 一 句 号 当 中 的 两 个 句 子 之 间 一 定 要 有 连 词 ! 3) 连 接 词 语 运 用 不 恰 当However, the Lake District is very beautiful but the bad weather with heavy rained made me feel reglet. All in all, I still feel happy with making many new friends.Unfortunately,/To our regret,/ It was a pity that though the Lake District was beautiful, we couldnt enjoy the beautiful scenery there as it was raining heavily when we were there. The most exciting thing for me in Britain was that I made a lot of friends there. The Lake District was so beautiful but the weather washeavily rain. /but the day was raining heavily. The Lake District was so beautiful but the weather wasbad as it was raining heavily. I was lucky enough to be one of the 25 students from many different countries to visit/ took a trip to the U.K. from October 22 to 30. I, together with 24 students from different countries travelled to Britain from October 22 to 30. From October 22 to 30, 25 students (who were/came) from different countries, including me paid a visit to Britain.We visited many places, such as London, Oxford and the Lake District.London was one of my favorites because I learned a lot about British history and culture and I also liked Oxford, where I saw many old libraries. London and Oxford were the two cities that I liked best because I learned a lot about British history and culture in London and I saw many old libraries in Oxford. London and Oxford were the two cities that I liked best because it was in the two cities that I learned a lot about British history and culture and saw many old libraries. Unfortunately,/To our regret,/ It was a pity that though the Lake District was beautiful, we couldnt enjoy the beautiful scenery there as it was raining heavily when we were there. The most exciting thing for me in Britain was that I made a lot of friends there. Dear Michael, Hi! I just came back from Britain last week. I was lucky enough to be one of the 25 students from many different countries to visit the U.K. from October 22 to 30. We visited many places, such as London, Oxford and the Lake District. London was one of my favorites because I learned a lot about British history and culture and I also liked Oxford, where I saw many old libraries. The lake District was beautiful, but it was a pity that it rained heavily when we were there. The most exciting thing for me in Britain was that I made a lot of friends there. Well, Id better get back to my homework now. Bye. Cheers, Li Ping 假 如 你 是 李 华 ,昨 天 学 校 为 你 们 举 办 了 18岁 成 人 宣 誓 仪式 .请 根 据 下 列 要 点 给 你 在 美 国 的 笔 友 发 一 封 电 子 邮 件 ,描 述 宣 誓 仪 式 过 程 并 简 述 你 的 感 受 .要 点 :1.宣 誓 仪 式 ; 2.感 谢 家 长 和 老 师 的 培 养 和 教 育 ; 3.老 师 送 贺 卡 ; 4.表 演 节 目注 意 :1.邮 件 必 须 包 括 以 上 要 点 ,可 适 当 发 挥 ;开 头 ,结 尾已 为 你 写 好 . 2.用 五 句 话 描 述 所 有 内 容 ,并 连 成 一 篇 短 文 .参 考 词 汇 :宣 誓 make an oathWriting 2 Dear Tom,Its great to receive your e-mail. Now Id like to tell you something that took place in my school yesterday._ Yours truly, Li Hua 1. 举 办 18岁 成 人 宣 誓 仪 式1. Our school held a grown-up ceremony for our coming 18-year-old birthday.2. A ceremony was held in our school for us to make an oath as grown-ups. 3. There was a ceremony in our school for4. A ceremony took place in our school for 2. 18岁 成 人1. The grown-ups of 18 years old2. We, the grown-ups of 18 years old 3. 宣 誓1. We made an oath to show that we were grown-ups.2. At first we made an oath that as grown-ups we should have a sense of duty.3. We made an oath, which meant that we were already adults and would have more duties. 4. 感 激 父 母 和 老 师1. We thanked our parents who had brought us up, and the teachers who have been educating us.2. We showed / expressed our thanks to 3. We thanked our parents and teachers for what they had done for us.4. We were grateful to for all they had done for us.5. We were thankful to them for their work. 5. 送 贺 卡1. The teachers gave us cards expressing their good wishes to us.2. The teachers gave us congratulation cards.3. The teachers offered us cards of congratulations.4. From the teachers we got cards with (full of) their best wishes. 7. 表 演 节 目1. We put on/gave some wonderful performances.2. In the end, the ceremony was followed by some wonderful performances.3. The ceremony ended with wonderful performances given by the students. In the afternoon we held a grown-up ceremony for our coming 18-year-old birthday. At first we made an oath that as grown-ups we should have a sense of duty/responsibility for our society from now on. Then we showed our thanks to our parents who had gone through hardships to bring us up and teachers who have been educating us patiently. After our teachers gave us cards expressing their good wishes to us, we put on wonderful performances, singing and dancing. Never will I forget the day in my life, which is very important for us. 假 设 你 叫 李 平 , 你 所 在 学 校 的 英 语 俱 乐 部 将 举 行 一 个 英 语晚 会 。 你 准 备 邀 请 你 的 外 国 朋 友 John与 你 一 起 参 加 。写 作 内 容 请 根 据 以 下 海 报 的 内 容 , 给 John写 一 封 邀 请 信 , 信 的 开头 和 结 尾 已 给 出 。写 作 要 求 只 能 使 用 5个 句 子 表 达 全 部 的 内 容 。 评 分 标 准 句 子 结 构 准 确 , 信 息 内 容 完 整 、 连 贯 。 英 语 晚 会时 间 : 4月 15日 晚 7点 30分地 点 : 英 语 俱 乐 部活 动 内 容 : 用 英 语 聊 天 交 流 、 观 看 来 自 不 同 班 级 的 学 生 的表 演 ; 互 相 交 换 小 礼 物 、 结 交 朋 友提 供 : 水 果 和 饮 料 建 议 : 如 果 你 喜 欢 的 话 , 可 自 带 食 物相 信 大 家 会 共 同 度 过 一 个 美 好 的 时 光Dear John, How is everything? Im writing to let you know about an English Evening and invite you to join us._ Im looking forward to your reply. Cheers, Li Ping At the language clinics1.审 题1)遗 漏 内 容 要 点 : 相 信 大 家 会 共 同 度 过 一 个 美 好 的 时 光 。I believe everyone will have a wonderful time at the English Evening.The English Evening was heldThe English Evening will hold /will be hold 2.语 言 表 达 错 误 较 多1)动 词 时 态 /语 态 误 /错 用 :2)主 语 不 恰 当 :It /The evening will provide fruits and drinksWe will provide fruits and drinks for free.Fruits and drinks will be provided for free. 3) 汉 语 式 表 达 , 不 符 英 语 表 达 习 惯 :看 表 演see some performances互 换 礼 物change little gifts/ presents来 自 不 同 班 级 的 学 生from different classes students4月 15日 晚 7点 30分On April 15th on 7:30 Dear John, How is everything? Im writing to let you know about an English Evening and invite you to join us. The English Evening will start at 7:30pm on April 15th and will be held in the English club. We have quite a few activities planned such as chatting with each other in English and watching some performances by students from different classes. What is more, we are encouraging participants to exchange small gifts with each other and make friends as well. We will be providing some fruit and drinks for the evening, but we suggest you bring some food with you if you like. I believe everyone will have a wonderful time at the English Evening. Im looking forward to your reply. Cheers, Li Ping 文 字 报 道 类 的 活 动 叙 事 第 一 节 基 础 写 作 (共 1小 题 , 满 分 15分 ) 5月 1日 , 高 二 ( 3) 班 的 学 生 志 愿 者 Li Yue 和 Zhang Hua 去 阳 光 敬 老 院 ( Sunshine Nursing Home)开 展 志 愿 者 活 动 ( 送 水 果 .打 扫 .聊 天 等 ) 。写 作 内 容 假 如 你 是 校 英 语 报 的 记 者 , 根 据 以 上 情 况 , 按 下 列 要 点 ,写 一 篇 采 访 报 道 , 内 容 包 括 :1 时 间 、 地 点 、 任 务 、 活 动 ; 2 老 人 们 的 反 应 ; 3 简 短 评 论 。 注 意 : 报 道 的 标 题 和 记 者 姓 名 已 给 出 。写 作 要 求 只 能 使 用 5个 句 子 表 达 全 部 内 容 。评 分 标 准 句 子 结 构 准 确 , 信 息 内 容 完 整 , 篇 章 结 构 连 贯 。 Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly_ By Chen Jie, School Newspaper 第 一 步 : 【 审 题 】1.文 体 : 提 纲 式 、 半 开 放 性 、 叙 事 体 裁 的 作 文 。 要 求 考 生 以“ 学 生 记 者 ” 的 身 份 写 一 则 新 闻 报 道 , 叙 述 学 生 志 愿者 去 阳 光 敬 老 院 的 一 次 活 动 。 2.主 体 时 态 : 一 般 过 去 时 。3.主 体 人 称 : 第 三 人 称 。4.内 容 要 点 : 说 明 “ 活 动 时 间 、 地 点 、 任 务 ( 目 的 ) ” ; 说 明 “ 活 动 内 容 ” ; 叙 述 “ 老 人 们 的 反 应 ” ; 作 出 “ 简 短 评 论 ” 。 第 二 步 : 【 写 作 】 可 以 先 在 草 纸 上 起 草 , 用 自 己 最 有 把 握 的 句 型 、单 词 、 短 语 去 表 达 , 要 尝 试 最 简 单 的 复 合 句 , 如 用 定语 从 句 、 宾 语 从 句 等 , 但 句 式 不 宜 过 于 复 杂 , 要 用 一些 恰 当 的 连 词 , 使 句 与 句 之 间 、 段 与 段 之 间 过 渡 自 然 。 On May Day, Li Yue and Zhang Hua, the students from Class Three, Senior Two, went to Sunshine Nursing Home to do some voluntary work.写 作 要 求 假 如 你 是 校 英 语 报 的 记 者 , 写 一 篇 采 访 报 道 , 内 容包 括 : 说 明 “ 活 动 时 间 、 地 点 、 任 务 ( 目 的 ) ” ;5月 1日 , 高 二 ( 3) 班 的 学 生 志 愿 者 Li Yue 和 Zhang Hua 去 阳 光 敬 老 院 ( Sunshine Nursing Home) 开 展 志愿 者 活 动 。 respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits. Upon their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua werewarmlywelcomed,andThen, theystartedworkingat once, cleaning the windowsand sweepingthefloorthey sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people. with everythingdone, and later 说 明 “ 活 动 内 容 ”学 生 志 愿 者 去 阳 光 敬 老 院 的 一 次 活 动 , 送 水 果 、 打 扫 、聊 天 等 。 the elderly people thanked them for their kindness, saying that it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever. When it was time for the volunteers to leave, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy, forwhat they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives. 叙 述 “ 老 人 们 的 反 应 ” 作 出 “ 简 短 评 论 ” Language Mistakes The volunteers activities including buying Some activities are held such as/including sent flowers to the olds. had a meaningful activity that went to 时 态 用 了 将 来 时 或 一 般 时 主 体 人 称 没 有 用 第 三 人 称 , 而 是 用 了 I/we, 写 出 了“ 我 ” 自 己 的 经 历 。 句 法 错 误 , 汉 语 式 的 表 达 。 最 后 一 句 感 想 写 成 了 倡 议 。 Through this activity, we have a lesson. We should learn to take care about the old peoples. sendingthe elderly that they went (1)介 绍 活 动 过 程 的 连 接 词As soon as, /Upon (their) arrival, . At first, Then, After that, At last / Finally, (2)修 饰 活 动 的 形 容 词meaningful, important, unforgettable, valuable,instructive, pleasant (3)句 型 表 示 活 动 时 间 、 地 点 、 目 的 、 内 容 的 句 型 They spent the whole day in Sunshine Nursing Home, cleaning the windows, sweeping the floor and chatting with the elderly people about their old days, changes of the city, or anything they are interested in. On May 1st, participated in the voluntary work in Sunshine Nursing Home . They visited the elderly in their rooms, presenting them with flowers and fruits to show their respect and love. They set about cleaning the rooms for the elderly as soon as they arrived there. 叙 述 老 人 们 反 应 的 句 型充 满 喜 悦 to be filled with joy 感 到 满 意 to be delighted at / pleasedwith / grateful to / satisfied with 对 评 价 很 高 , 认 为 很 好to speak highly of; to think highly of; e.g. The elderly grateful to Li Yue and Zhang Hua for what they had done for them.e.g. How the elderly enjoyed the wonderful moment!e.g. The elderly expressed their gratitude for all Li Yue and Zhang Hua had done, saying that they were such warm-hearted students. 表 示 评 论 的 句 型对 有 了 更 好 的 理 解have a better understanding of (the elderly) 丰 富 /充 实 的 生 活enrich ones life获 取 一 些 可 贵 的 社 会 经 验gain valuable social experience.很 重 要 /有 意 义 /有 价 值 /有 帮 助It was of great importance / sense / value / help to do. e.g. It was of great importance / sense / value / help to show concern for the elderly and provide them with more help if possible. e.g. This unforgettable experience enriched their own lives and helped them to gain valuable social experience. e.g. It was important to care for the elderly so that they could feel the warmth of the society. (对 某 人 来 说 )很 重 要It makes a difference (to sb.) . e.g. It makes a difference to the elderly whether they are respected, cared for or not. e.g. Through these activities, they could learn many things that couldnt be learned in class. e.g. They felt happy because they had done a good deed. 基 础 写 作 (满 分 15分 ) Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly On May Day, Li Yue and Zhang Hua, the students from Class Three, Senior Two, went to Sunshine Nursing Home to do some voluntary work. Upon their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed, and respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits. Then, they started working at once, cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor and later with everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people. When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness, saying that it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever. Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy, for what they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives. By Chen Jie, School Newspaper 假 设 你 是 李 红 , 你 的 一 位 美 国 笔 友 Robert写 E-mail问及 你 高 考 后 暑 假 的 安 排 , 请 根 据 以 下 要 点 , 写 一 封100词 左 右 的 email回 复 他 , 可 以 适 当 增 加 细 节 。 1. 学 开 车 2. 参 加 英 语 培 训 课 程 3. 去 看 亚 运 会 4. 游 览 广 东 的 名 胜 注 意 : 1.根 据 以 上 内 容 写 一 篇 短 文 , 不 要 逐 句 翻 译 ,可 适 当 增 加 细 节 以 使 行 文 连 贯 。 2.要 准 确 使 用 语 法 和词 汇 ; 使 用 一 定 的 句 型 、 词 汇 , 清 楚 、 连 贯 地 表 达 自己 的 意 思 ; 3. 词 数 : 5句 。开 头 和 结 尾 已 给 出 , 不 计 词 数 。 EX.1 Dear Robert, How time flies! As you know, my college entrance exam is approaching, which also announces the end of this sort of pressing study life. I intend to have a meaningful


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