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convey be made up of nursery rhyme translationconcrete minimumcontradictory in particulardiamond eventuallyflexible transformpattern teasetake it easyrun out of 传达,运送童谣具体的引起反驳的钻石,菱形灵活的,可弯曲的模式,式样轻松,不紧张用完由组成翻译,译文最小值尤其,特别最后,终于转换,转化取笑,招惹,戏弄Review some important words1.Are you familiar with the song?2.Whats the Chinese name for the song?-find out something special at the end of the linesTwinkle,twinkle,little star,How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.Twinkle,twinkle,little star,How I wonder what you are!rhyme(押韵押韵)Many poems can be sung,such as Welcome to the Garden of poems!Unit 2 Poemssome poets in EnglandWilliam Shakespeare (15641616)154 sonnetsGeorge Gordon Byron(17881824)Don Juan唐璜唐璜Percy Bysshe Shelley (17921822)Ode to the West WindTo be or not to be,that is a questionThe winter comes,is the spring far behind?Other famous poets in foreign countriesRobert Frost (18741963)America荒野荒野 (Desert Places)Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)AmericaRabindranath Tagore(1861-1941)IndiaJitanjali(吉檀枷利)(吉檀枷利)Stray Bird(飞鸟集)(飞鸟集)Lets learn English poemsA few simple forms of1.Whats the main idea of Para 1?Step1.fast reading(1)It is about the reasons why people write poems.teamwork(2)teamwork(2)find out how many kinds of poems are mentioned and what they are.kinds of poemsNursery rhymesCinquain List poemsHaiku Tang poemstask 2AB&CD&EF&GHForms of PoemsCharacteristics 1_Have strong _ Have a lot of _Easy to learn and to _ Read the text carefully and find out the characteristics of each formNursery rhymes rhythm reciteStep2repetition2_Easy to writeRepeat _ and some rhyme while other do not3.CinquainEasy to writeMade up of _ Conveys a _ picture in just a few wordsList poems phrasesfive linesstrong4.A Japanese form of poetryMade up of _ Easy to writeGives a _ pictureCreates a special feeling in just a few words5.Tang PoemsThe _ have a free form.translations17 syllablesclearHaikuRetell the text by filling the blanks below There are_ reasons why people write poetry.Some _ or _.others try to _certain emotions.There are _ kinds of poems.The first one is _ whose language is _ but imaginative.They have strong_ and a lot of _.They are easy to _ and _.The second one is list poems which has a _ line length and _ phrases.The third one is _ which are made up of _lines.Then the next is the _which is made up of _ syllables.It can give a clear _ and create a special _ using the _ of words.The last one is _.Its _ is flexible.rhythmtell a storydescribe somethingconveyfivenursery rhymesconcretevariousrepetitionlearnreciteflexiblerepeatedcinquainfivehaiku17picturefeelingminimumtang poemstranslationIts your show time:practiceIts your time to create your own poems or just some poem lines!You can try to imitate the forms of the text.group work:1.To My _,Thank you You were always there To _me But most important You were always there To _me 1.To My Parents,Thank you You were always there To _me You were always there To _me You were always there To _me But most important You were always there To _mehelpguidelaugh withcry withloveWe would have wonIf Jack had scored that goal,If wed had just a few more minutesIf.We would have won1.If you _ him yesterday,you _ what to do now.A.asked would knowB.B.had asked would have knownC.asked him knowD.had asked would know高考点击高考点击(错综错综)2.If I had seen the movie,I_ you all about it now.A.would tell B.will tell C.have told D.would have told(错综错综)3._ he finished the work,he would not have been punished.A.If B.Were C.Had D.Has (过去过去)4.How I wish I _ a grown-up!A.were B.had been C.was D.am(现在现在)Homework:1.reread the passage many times after class2.finish the exercises in comprehending3.tick out the important words and phrases


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