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Unit testDone with this task. Your score: 82%窗体顶端Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box. manual excitement additional outlook diversion leisure peculiar interaction inherent excessive1.For me, television is just a(n) , but some people consider it a full-time activity. Your answerCorrect answer diversiondiversion2.Snorkeling and scuba diving are great pastimes, but they also have risks that make them dangerous. Your answerCorrect answer inherentinherent3.When I move to a new house, I think Ill need a(n) room for all of my hobbies. Your answerCorrect answer additionaladditional4.John plays team sports in his free time because he appreciates the with other people. Your answerCorrect answer interactioninteraction5.My current job involves a lot of labor, so Id prefer that my next job be at a desk. Your answerCorrect answer manualmanual6.Any hobby can take over your life if you spend a(n) amount of time doing it. Your answerCorrect answer excessiveexcessive7.I have to write an essay about what I like to do in my time. Your answerCorrect answer leisureleisure8.The for the sports industry looks great; more and more people are trying to stay healthy through sports. Your answerCorrect answer outlookoutlook9.Most people dont see much in stamp collecting, but I really enjoy it. Your answerCorrect answer excitementexcitement10.My friends all think magic is a(n) hobby, but I find it interesting and it makes me happy. Your answerCorrect answer excessivepeculiarSection B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11.My little sister has an _ spiritshe likes to explore everyplace she goes.A. adventurousB. advantageousC. adventureD. advantage12.Clive would often get into trouble because he _ expressed his thoughts and opinions.A. swiftlyB. franticallyC. badlyD. perfectly13.For many people, learning to speak Chinese is a _ effort because it is so difficult.A. futileB. rewardingC. peculiarD. worthwhile14.The _ of the large tree from our backyard freed up space where we could play football.A. removeB. removalC. removingD. removes15.Dont _ me! Of course I know how to play chess!A. insultB. rudeC. offenseD. abuse16.Enjoyable activities such as painting, photography, and light exercise help older people maintain a _ on the real world.A. gripsB. grippingC. gripperD. grip17.Completing crossword puzzles usually _ me since many of the words are so uncommon.A. aggravateB. aggravatesC. aggravatingD. aggravation18.Some games, like chess, have an _ set of rules, while others are relatively simple.A. excellentB. expensiveC. exactD. extensive19.Many young people practically live in the _ world of video games.A. genuineB. virtualC. trueD. false20.By definition, a hobby is something you do for fun and for which dont receive any _.A. excitementB. leisureC. compensationD. gratificationSection C: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21.Please sit and watch this short film before the meeting. Your answerCorrect answer downdown22.Stephen has taken an interest poetry, so I bought him a book of famous poems. Your answerCorrect answer inin23.When she got older, Sally took photography as a full-time hobby. Your answerCorrect answer upup24.Once I catch hold an idea, I have to follow through until its complete. Your answerCorrect answer ofof25.Not many paintings are worthy the word masterpiece, but the Louvre Museum in Paris is full of paintings that are! Your answerCorrect answer ofof26.As the younger generation, I think theyre more interested in video games than books. Your answerCorrect answer forfor27.A painter must have every color of paint hand and available at all times. Your answerCorrect answer atat28.After reading that book, Charlie found it difficult to move and read more about the same subject. Your answerCorrect answer onon29.When the weekend comes around, Im usually so tired from the week that I just want to sleep. Your answerCorrect answer outout30.She just got back school, so she hasnt had time to finish her homework yet. Your answerCorrect answer tofromPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Doris spends almost all of her free time in her backyard garden. Her hobby is (31) because Doris loves working with the earth and making things grow. Many people think gardening is (32) because it takes so much time and you can easily buy fruits and vegetables at the store. I suppose this point of view is (33), but Doris gets frustrated with such ideas. She (34) in her garden because she appreciates the feeling of creating life, not because she cant afford tomatoes and peppers at the market.Doris knows that most people dont have the patience or (35) for gardening. She understands that it takes a lot of hard work to see results, so she doesnt hold a (36) against people who think gardening is a waste of time. To Doris, gardening is like an (37). Just like painting a beautiful picture, growing vegetables well requires a lot of experience, skill, patience, and (38).Yesterday, Doris spent a perfect afternoon outside, beneath the sun, and crouched in the dirt of her garden. She wore her (39) designed T-shirt that says Doris: Master Gardener, and she harvested a basket full of beautiful fruits and vegetables. Why would anyone choose a different (40) to fill the days? Your answerCorrect answer (31)gardeninggardening (32)PointlessPointless (33)understandableunderstandable (34)toilstoils (35)attention spanattention span (36)grudgegrudge (37)cultivationart form (38)dedicationdedication (39)pastimespecially (40)Art formPastimePart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Music is almost a universal pastime. People around the world listen to it, play it, and appreciate it. However, world music is a subject that receives little attention in the West. Unfortunately, its common for people in the United States and Great Britain to be completely unfamiliar with the many styles of music found in countries around the world. One of the most different, yet nonetheless beautiful, styles of music is found in Mongolia.Traditional Mongolian music uses a range of instruments, many of which are unique variations of instruments familiar to other cultures, such as the horse head fiddle, lute, trumpet, flute, zither, and drums. The most unique and well-known components of traditional Mongolian music, however, are the solo singing styles known as khuumii and urtiin duu.Khuumii, or throat singing, is performed without instrumental accompaniment, comes from deep in the throat, and produces the effect of two distinct notes at the same time. Khuumii developed in western Mongolia and the present-day Russian Republic of Tuva. The open expanse of the landscape in these regions was favorable for this type of singing, which allowed voices to travel long distances with minimal effort. Today, throat singing has become internationally known. However, many of the acts recording music and traveling the world are from Russia. Though many Mongolians still enjoy listening to and singing traditional music, young people (like those in many countries) tend to prefer modern pop music.Urtiin duu dates back to the 13th century, when the style was practised as a professional art. Urtiin duu relates intricate stories about the natural beauty of the land and the rituals of daily life. The vocal style is similar to khuumii in that it takes a talented, practised singer in order to perform well. The sounds are drawn-out and require extreme control of the singers breath. Some examples of this style have been recorded to have as many as 20,000 verses, thus earning the name long songs.41.Music is almost a universal pastime. Which of the following statements has the same meaning as this?A. Music is a leisure activity found around the world.B. Music is a required activity found around the world.C. Music is a leisure activity found in a few places around the world.D. Music is a required activity found in a few places around the world.42.With which of the following statements would the author of this passage probably agree?A. World music is an art form that receives much recognition in the West.B. Young people always appreciate the traditional music of their country.C. Most people in London are unfamiliar with Asian music.D. Traditional Mongolian music is known throughout the world.43.Which paragraph describes a style of singing that some might consider to be excessively lengthy?A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.44.Which of the following sentences from the passage indicates the authors opinion?A. However, world music is a subject that receives little attention in the West.B. One of the most different, yet nonetheless beautiful, styles of music is found in Mongolia.C. Today, throat singing has become internationally known.D. The sounds are drawn-out and require extreme control of the singers breath.45.The author of this passage is _.A. telling a storyB. presenting informationC. making an argumentD. persuading the reader窗体底端Answer当我被上帝造出来时,上帝问我想在人间当一个怎样的人,我不假思索的说,我要做一个伟大的世人皆知的人。于是,我降临在了人间。我出生在一个官僚知识分子之家,父亲在朝中做官,精读诗书,母亲知书答礼,温柔体贴,父母给我去了一个好听的名字:李清照。小时侯,受父母影响的我饱读诗书,聪明伶俐,在朝中享有“神童”的称号。小时候的我天真活泼,才思敏捷,小河畔,花丛边撒满了我的诗我的笑,无可置疑,小时侯的我快乐无虑。“兴尽晚回舟,误入藕花深处。争渡,争渡,惊起一滩鸥鹭。”青春的我如同一只小鸟,自由自在,没有约束,少女纯净的心灵常在朝阳小,流水也被自然洗礼,纤细的手指拈一束花,轻抛入水,随波荡漾,发髻上沾着晶莹的露水,双脚任水流轻抚。身影轻飘而过,留下一阵清风。可是晚年的我却生活在一片黑暗之中,家庭的衰败,社会的改变,消磨着我那柔弱的心。我几乎对生活绝望,每天在痛苦中消磨时光,一切都好象是灰暗的。“寻寻觅觅冷冷清清凄凄惨惨戚戚”这千古叠词句就是我当时心情的写照。最后,香消玉殒,我在痛苦和哀怨中凄凉的死去。在天堂里,我又见到了上帝。上帝问我过的怎么样,我摇摇头又点点头,我的一生有欢乐也有坎坷,有笑声也有泪水,有鼎盛也有衰落。我始终无法客观的评价我的一生。我原以为做一个着名的人,一生应该是被欢乐荣誉所包围,可我发现我错了。于是在下一轮回中,我选择做一个平凡的人。我来到人间,我是一个平凡的人,我既不着名也不出众,但我拥有一切的幸福:我有温馨的家,我有可亲可爱的同学和老师,我每天平凡而快乐的活着,这就够了。天儿蓝蓝风儿轻轻,暖和的春风带着春的气息吹进明亮的教室,我坐在教室的窗前,望着我拥有的一切,我甜甜的笑了。我拿起手中的笔,不禁想起曾经作诗的李清照,我虽然没有横溢的才华,但我还是拿起手中的笔,用最朴实的语言,写下了一时的感受:人生并不总是完美的,每个人都会有不如意的地方。这就需要我们静下心来阅读自己的人生,体会其中无尽的快乐和与众不同。“富不读书富不久,穷不读书终究穷。”为什么从古到今都那么看重有学识之人?那是因为有学识之人可以为社会做出更大的贡献。那时因为读书能给人带来快乐。自从看了丑小鸭这篇童话之后,我变了,变得开朗起来,变得乐意同别人交往,变得自信了因为我知道:即使现在我是只“丑小鸭”,但只要有自信,总有一天我会变成“白天鹅”的,而且会是一只世界上最美丽的“白天鹅”我读完了这篇美丽的童话故事,深深被丑小鸭的自信和乐观所折服,并把故事讲给了外婆听,外婆也对童话带给我们的深刻道理而惊讶不已。还吵着闹着多看几本名着。于是我给外婆又买了几本名着故事,她起先自己读,读到不认识的字我就告诉她,如果这一面生字较多,我就读给她听整个一面。渐渐的,自己的语文阅读能力也提高了不少,与此同时我也发现一个人读书的乐趣远不及两个人读的乐趣大,而两个人读书的乐趣远不及全家一起读的乐趣大。于是,我便发展“业务”带动全家一起读书现在,每每遇到好书大家也不分男女老少都一拥而上,争先恐后“抢书”,当我说起我最小应该让我的时候,却没有人搭理我。最后还把书给撕坏了,我生气地哭了,妈妈一边安慰我一边对外婆说:“孩子小,应该让着点。”外婆却不服气的说:“我这一把年纪的了,怎么没人让我呀?”大家人你一言我一语,谁也不肯相让读书让我明白了善恶美丑、悲欢离合,读一本好书,犹如同智者谈心、谈理想,教你辨别善恶,教你弘扬正义。读一本好书,如品一杯香茶,余香缭绕。读一本好书,能使人心灵得到净化。书是我的老师,把知识传递给了我;书是我的伙伴,跟我诉说心里话;书是一把钥匙,给我敞开了知识的大门;书更是一艘不会沉的船,引领我航行在人生的长河中。其实读书的真真乐趣也就在于此处,不是一个人闷头苦读书;也不是读到好处不与他人分享,独自品位;更不是一个人如痴如醉地沉浸在书的海洋中不能自拔。而是懂得与朋友,家人一起分享其中的乐趣。这才是读书真正之乐趣呢!这所有的一切,不正是我从书中受到的教益吗?我阅读,故我美丽;我思考,故我存在。我从内心深处真切地感到:我从读书中受到了教益。当看见有些同学宁可买玩具亦不肯买书时,我便想到培根所说的话:“世界上最庸俗的人是不读书的人,最吝啬的人是不买书的人,最可怜的人是与书无缘的人。”许许多多的作家、伟人都十分喜欢看书,例如毛泽东主席,他半边床上都是书,一读起书来便进入忘我的境界。书是我生活中的好朋友,是我人生道路上的航标,读书,读好书,是我无怨无悔的追求。


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