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1.苏轼苏轼 江城子江城子 乙卯正月二十夜记梦乙卯正月二十夜记梦十年生死两茫茫。不思量,自难忘。千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜。夜来幽梦忽还乡。小轩窗,正梳妆。相顾无言,惟有泪千行。料得年年断肠处明月夜,短松冈。2.On his deceased wifeMethought I saw my late espoused saintBrought to me like Alcestis,from the grave,Whom Joves great son to her glad husband gave,Rescued from death by force,though pale and faint。Mine,as whom washd from spot of child-bed taintPurification in the old Law did save,And such,as yet once more I trust to haveFull sight of her in Heaven without restraint,Came vested all in white,pure as her mind:Her face was veild;yet to my fancied sightLove,sweetness,goodness,in her person shindSo clear,as in no face with more delight。But O,as to embrace me she inclind,3.similarity1.Theme.Mourn the deseaced wifeThey wrote the poem to mourn their wife.SU His first wife,Wang Fu,they had a deep relationship.In Meizhou,Wang Fu silently accompany her husband to create.Su Shi to obtain fame,she also came to the city,in her specific sensitive and delicate helped forthright candid husband to cope with complicated officialdom,to avoid much persecution.In 1065,the king died unfortunately.1068,Su Shi continued to marry Fus cousin,Wang Runzhi.They were harmony,but he always cant forget Wang Fu,Riverside Town to remember the dream is Su Shi 1075 write to mourn for her.4.John Milton his first marriage was not happy.The death of his ex-wife,four years later,married Catherine Woodcocas his wife,he had been blind and therefore always dont know what his wife looks like,but they were affectionate.Unexpectedly,time is short,a year and three months later,Catherine died of puerperal.This poem was wrote for her.5.2.Means of express and emotion that is similiar.They wrote down the poem about their dreams.The two poems are not for writing but for remember experirnce in life with their real emotion,feelings and sorrow,painful and misearable.6.3.Situation.on the low point of lifeSu At that time,he was coincided with career failure,the nature of the life gived him a great deal to recall his dead wife one night had a dream,his sadness made it more mournful.Milton In face of severe environment,his bindness,beloved wife died,the cause of revolution challenge,living environment crisis.This is a bottomless tenderness poem,the poet revealed his mournful feeling in the works7.4.The same figure speech -comparisonThe dream comparise with reality strongly.On one spect,the dream comforts poets loneness.Another,the dream makes real life look like worse.SUReality(1-8)Dream(9-13)RealityMiltonDream(1-13)Reality8.1.Scenery is different.Su 3 different sceneries formed as whole.十年生死两茫茫。不思量,自难忘(Miss his wife very much)千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜。(Sigh for his own life situation.)夜来幽梦忽还乡。小轩窗,正梳妆。相顾无言,惟有泪千行。(The situation of dream)料得年年断肠处明月夜,短松冈.。(Sigh for his wife)The three parts form a whole,to express his miss,sadness,Which make his real life more misearable.difference9.Milton only described the whole dream.The before 13 lines describe his wife,she is saintly to tell her virtures.For region,she is mystery cant be reached.The last line is true that is much different from the dream.Making the life more mserable.10.2.Style is different.Su implicative,write true situation in life.千里孤坟,尘满面,鬓如霜,泪千行.infinited imaginary.千里孤坟,小轩窗,正梳妆.every word can be imagined as a pictureMilton direct,romantic.Came vested all in white,Her face was veild;yet to my fancied sightLove,sweetness,goodness,in her person shind(These are obstract,for his blindness)11.Image in the two poets obstract moral religionspecific life 12.13.


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