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Unit8postofficepolicestationhotelrestaurantbankhospitalstreetpayphonepark1a Match the activities with the pictures.Match the activities with the pictures.1.post office _2.police station _3.hotel _4.restaurant _5.bank _6.hospital _7.street _8.pay phone _9.park _faeicbhgd Listen and circle the places you hear in 1a.1.post office 2.police station 3.hotel 4.restaurant 5.bank 6.hospital 7.street 8.pay phone9.park 1b1cPractice the conversation with your partner.Then ask and answer Practice the conversation with your partner.Then ask and answer questions about the other places in 1a.questions about the other places in 1a.Is there a hospital near here?Yes,there is.Its on Bridge Street.Is there a post office near here?Yes,there is.Its on Long Street.Is there a restaurant on Bridge Street?Yes,there is.Its on Long Street.Is there a post office near here?Yes,there is.1.The pay phone is across from the library.2.The pay phone is next to the library.3.The pay phone is between the post office and the library.4.The pay phone is on Green Street.5.The pay phone is in front of the library.6.The pay phone is behind the library.Match the sentences with the pictures.Write each number in the box.2a462352a.Matchthesentenceswiththepictures.Writeeachnumberinthebox.1.The pay phone is across from the park.2.The pay phone is next to the library.3.The pay phone is between the post office and the library.4.The pay phone is on Green Street.6.The pay phone is behind the library.5.The pay phone is in front of the library.1.The police station is _ the restaurant and the hospital.2.The park is _ the bank.3.The hospital is _ Bridge Street.4.The pay phone is _ the post office.5.The restaurant is _ the post office.1.6.The hotel is _ the police station.2b.Listen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.nexttoinfrontofbetweenbehindacrossfromonbetweenacross fromonin front ofnext tobehind2cAsk and answer questions about the places in 1a on page 43.A:Wheres the bank?B:Its on Long Street.A:Wheres the hotel?B:Its across from the post office.A:Wheres the pay phone?B:Its next to the post office.A:Wheres the park?B:Its behind the hotel.1.Is there a bank near here?_2.Wheres the bank?_3.Is Center Street far from here?_Yes,there is.Its on Center Street,across from the park.No,it isnt.学习内容 2d 听录音,回答问题。Tony:Hi,excuse me.Linda:Yes.How can I help you?Tony:Well,Im new in town.Is there a bank around here?Linda:Yes,there is.Its on Center Street.Its across from the park.Tony:Oh wheres Center Street?Linda:Its not far from here.I can walk with you.Tony:Oh,thats great!Thanks so much.Linda:No problem.2dPole-playPole-play the conversation.the conversation.1.therebe句型(1)therebe的基本结构为:Therebe+名词+地点状语”,表示某地存在某物或某人。there是引导词,be没有实际意义,主语后面的名词,be要随其后主语的单复数的不同而选用相应的形式。Languagepoints(2)Therebe结构的就近原则:如果有多个名词并列出现在therebe后面,那么be动词只与离它最近的名词保持人称和数的一致。离be最近的名词是单数的或者不可数,be动词使用is,离be最近的名词是复数的,be动词使用are。There be句型表示某地有某物或某人,是“存在”关系.否定句就在be动词后加not,疑问句就将be动词提到句首.例如:There is an orange in her bag.There isnt an orange in her bag.There is no orange in her bag.Is there an orange in her bag?Yes,there is.No,there isnt.There are some students in the classroom.There arent any students in the classroom.Are there any students in the classroom.2.How can I help you?需要我帮忙吗?表示向他人伸出援手,主动提出帮助的意思,此句还可说成:How can I help you?或How may I help you?类似的句子还有:May I help you?Do you need any help?Is there anything I can help(you)with?What can I do for you?town town 表示表示 所居住的地方或城市里的闹市区所居住的地方或城市里的闹市区;城里城里,为为不可数名词。不可数名词。e.g.Is there a good place to eat here?Im from out of e.g.Is there a good place to eat here?Im from out of town.town.这儿有吃饭的好地方吗?我对这里不熟。这儿有吃饭的好地方吗?我对这里不熟。4.across from 意为“在对面”e.g.The bank is across from our school.银行就在我们学校对面。We live across from the street.我们住在街道的对面。在英语中,“在的对面”还可以用其他的短语表示,例如:1)The bus stop is on the other side of the river.汽车站在河对面。2)The fruit shop is opposite the post office.水果店在邮局对面。1.图书馆在邮局的对面。图书馆在邮局的对面。The library is _ the _.2.在公园附近有餐馆吗?在公园附近有餐馆吗?Is _ a restaurant _ the _?3.紧挨着银行有一家旅馆。紧挨着银行有一家旅馆。There _ a hotel _ the bank.4.公用电话在医院后面。公用电话在医院后面。The _ phone is _the _.5.在警察局前面有很多树。在警察局前面有很多树。_many trees _ the police station.there near parkis next to across frompost office pay behind hospitalin front ofThere are1.总结记忆表示方位的介词。2.用今天所学的介词(near,next to,in front of,behind,betweenand)来写五个句子,描述一下你生活中常见的居住位置。A:Wheres the hospital?B:Its next to the police station.A:Is there a restaurant near here?B:Yes,there is.Its next to the police station.Look at the map,then make conversations with your partner.Review交通标志知多少go straightturn leftturn righton the righton the leftDont turn right.Walking forbidden.HowtogettoXinhuaBookstore?First,go straight.Then,turnright.Go straight again.First,go straight.Then,turn left.Go straight Again.Next,turn right.The bookstore is on his left.Is there a bank near here?Yes,there is.Its on Center Street.Are there any restaurants near here?Yes,theres one in front of the post office.Wheres the hotel?Its behind the police station.Wheres the bank?Its next to the post office.Wheres the park?Its across from the bank,behind the hotel.Where are the pay phones?Theyre between the post office and the library.Grammar Focus There be.某处有(存在)某人或某物(1)基本形式:There be(is/are)+n.+地点状语 There are two birds flying over the sky.两只鸟儿比翼齐飞翱翔蓝天。There is a bridge over the river.河上有座桥。(2)否定句:There isnt/arent.There isnt a bank on Bridge Street.大桥街上没有银行。There arent any basketballs in the classroom.在教室里没有篮球。(3)一般疑问句 Is/Are+S+.?Yes,there is/are./No,there isnt/arent.Is there a restaurant near here?这附近有餐馆吗?Are there any students in the classroom?教室里有学生吗?(4)主谓一致 There be句型中be动词的形式要和其后面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。a.如果句子的主语是单数的可数名词,或是不可数名词,be动词用“is”。There is a pay phone next to the post office.紧挨着邮局有一个投币电话。b.如果句子的主语是复数名词,be动词就用“are”。There are many trees in the park.在公园里很多树。c.如果有两个或两个以上的名词作主语,be动词要和最靠近它的那个主语在数上保持一致,也就是我们常说的“就近原则”。There is an orange and some bananas on the table.在桌子上有一个桔子和一些香蕉。There are some bananas and an orange on the table.在桌子上有一些香蕉和一个桔子。(5)There be&have there be 句型和句型和have的区别,的区别,there be 表示表示某处有某物某处有某物,have 表示表示某人有某物某人有某物(它表示所有、它表示所有、拥有关系拥有关系)。There is a model plane on the desk.桌子上有一架模型飞机。I have a lot of books.我有许多书。Look at the map and answer the questions.1.Where is the bank?_Its between the hospital and the post office.3aLook at the map and answer the questions.2.Is thre a restaurant on North Street?_Yes,there is.3aLook at the map and answer the questions.3.Wheres the pay phone?_Its next to the police station.3aLook at the map and answer the questions.4.Wheres the post office?_Its next to the bank,across from the hotel.3aLook at the map and answer the questions.5.Is there a hospital near the pay phone?_No,there isnt.3aReaditaloud.1.Wheres the bank?Its between the hospital and the post office.2.Is there a restaurant on North Street?Yes,theres one across from the police station.3.Wheres the pay phone?Its on North Street next to the police station.4.Wheres the post office?Its on New Street next to the bank.5.Is there a hospital near the pay phone?No,there isnt.Theres one on New Street.1.The bank is next to the hospital and across from the bank.2._ _3._ _Look at the map in 3a and write three sentences.The police station is across from the hotel on North Street.The restaurant is next to the police station on North Street.3bTake turns to choose a place in the picture in 1a on Page 43.Your classmates ask questions and then guess the place.3cIs it on the long street?Is it next to the hotel?Is it the park?Yes,it is.Yes,it is.Yes,it is.Key sentences:1.Is there a bank near here?Yes,there is.Its on Center Street.2.Where are the pay phones?Theyre between the post office and the library.Summary 1.I_ a good father and a good mother.2._a telescope(望远镜望远镜)on the desk.3.He_ a tape-recorder.4._ a basketball on the playground.5.She_ some dresses.haveThere ishasThere ishas6.They_ a nice garden.7.What do you _?8._ a reading-room in the building?9.What does Mike_?10._ any books in the bookcase?havehaveIs therehaveAre thereExercises 用用have/has,there is/there are,are there/is there 填空:填空:按要求完成下列句子。按要求完成下列句子。1There is a banana on the table.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)a banana on the table?2The zoo is behind the park(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)the zoo?3There is a pay phone near the bank.(改为否定句改为否定句)a pay phone near the bank.4Is there a police station near here?(作否定回答作否定回答)1 5你能和我一起去邮局吗?你能和我一起去邮局吗?(翻译句子翻译句子)Can you go to the with me?6她住在我家附近。她住在我家附近。(翻译句子翻译句子)She my home.Is thereWhere isThere isntNo,there isntpost officelives near1.背诵Grammar Focus.2.完成课时练习。crossing n.十字路口十字路口go along 沿着沿着turn right 向右转向右转turn left 向左转向左转 Match the words in the box Match the words in the box with the signs.with the signs.1aa1._ 2._ 3._cba.go along b.turn right c.turn left1bListen and write the correct place for each letter in the picture.A _A _B _B _restauranthotel1c Listen again.Fill in the blanks.A:Excuseme.Istherea_nearhere?B:Yes,thereis.Justgo_BridgeStreetandturn_whenyouseethelibrary.GoalongLongStreetanditsonthe_.Its_thesupermarketandacrossfromthe_.A:Thanks!Andistherearestaurantnearthe_?B:Yes._alongNewStreet._rightatthefirstcrossingandtherestaurantisonyourleft,_thepayphone.A:Thankyouverymuch.B:Yourewelcome.1c.Listen again and fill in the blanks.A:Excuse me.Is there a _ around here?B:Yes,there is.Just go _ Bridge Street and turn _ when you see the library.Go along Long Street and its on the _.Its _ _ the supermarket and across from the _.A:Thanks!And is there a restaurant near the _?B:Yes._ along New Street._ right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left,_ _ the play phone.A:Thank you very much.B:Youre welcome.hotelalongleftrightnext tobankhotelGoTurnacross from1.Turn right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left,turn right/left 意为意为“向右向右/左拐左拐”;在这;在这 里里right和和left都是副词,意为都是副词,意为“向右;向右;向左向左”。e.g.向左拐,你会找到那家宾馆。向左拐,你会找到那家宾馆。Turn left and you can find that hotel.2.Go along New Street.go along/down “沿着沿着走走”,down 和和along都是介词用法。都是介词用法。e.g.沿着顺河走,公园就在右边。沿着顺河走,公园就在右边。Go along/down River Street and the park is on the right.3.Turn right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left,on the right/left 意为意为“在右面在右面/在左面在左面”on ones right/left 意为意为“在某人的右面在某人的右面/左面左面”e.g.沿着这条路走,图书馆就在你的左沿着这条路走,图书馆就在你的左 面。面。Walk down this road and the library is on your left.在右面有一家银行。在右面有一家银行。There is a bank on the right.4.Turn right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left,at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口在第一个十字路口 e.g.在第二个十字路口向右拐。在第二个十字路口向右拐。Turn right at the second crossing.1d Imagine you and your partner are the two people in the picture in 1b.Ask and answer questions about the places.A:Is there a supermarket near here?B:Yes,there is.Go along Bridge Street and turn left when you see the library.A:Got it.I go along Bridge Street and turn left when I see the library.Yes,there is.Go along Bridge Street and turn left when you see the park.Go along Long Street and its on the right.Its between the hotel and the post office.Thank you very much!Is there supermarket near here?Where is restaurant?Its near here?No,you should go along Bridge Street and turn left at first crossing.Go along Long Street until you can see the crossing,its in your left.Thank you very much!Youre welcome.小结训练小结训练用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Just _(go)straight and turn left.2._(be)there any people in the park?3.Sunday is the _(one)day of a week.4.The library is a good place _(read).5.He _(like)reading,but his sister _(not like)reading.6.Mary wants _(go)to Shanghai.7.I enjoy _(work)in the city.8.Its the _(begin)of the tour.goArefirstto readlikesdoesnt liketo goworkingbegininggo straightturn rightturn lefton the lefton the righton the right“交通标志知多少交通标志知多少”Look at the picture.Theres a school in the picture.Its_ School Street.The restaurant is _ the school.The bank is _ _ the school.The pay phone is_ the school and the hospital.Can you see the post office?Its _ _the school.There is a police station.Its _ _ _ the park.onbehind next tobetweenacross from in front ofrestaurantpolice station2a Check()the places near your home.Tell your partner where they are.clothes store post officebookstore schoolsupermarket bankThere is a clothes store near my home.Where is it?Its next to the bank on Bridge Road.There is a supermarket near my home.Where is it?Where is it?Its behind the school on Long Street.2b.Listen,read and match.AnnaThere is a zoo in my neighborhood.I like to spend time there on weekends.I love to watch the monkeys climbing around.The monkeys sometimes fight.They look like my friends and me when we fight!To get there,I usually walk out and turn right on bridge Road.Then Iwalk out and turn right on Bridge Road.Then I walk along Bridge Road.The zoo is on the right.JohnI live near a supermarket.My parents usually shop there.There is a big park across from the supermarket.I often exercise at the park because I love the clean air and sunshine.The best things in life are free!To get to the park,you just have to cross Center Street.LisaI live in a noisy neighborhood.There is a post office between my house and a clothes store.But my favorite place is the library.It is very quite and I enjoy reading there.When I read books,time goes quickly!You can get to the library easily.Just go down North Road and turn left.It is across from the park.AnnaLisaJohn2bRead the passages.Match each passage with a map.Q1.How does Anna get to the zoo?Q2.Where is the park?Q3.Where is the post office?Q4.Where is the library?Read the passages carefully and answer the questions.She walks out and turns right on Bridge Road.Then she walks along Bridge Road.The zoo is on the right.Across from the supermarket.Between Lisas house and a clothes store.Across from the park.2c.Read the passages again and answer the questions.1.What does Anna like doing in the zoo?2.Does Anna think monkeys are like people?Why?3.What does John like to do at the park?4.John thinks the best things do not need money.Do you think so,too?5.How does Lisa get to the library from from her home?1.What does Anna like doing in the zoo?2.Does Anna think monkeys are like people?Why?3.What does John like to do at the park?Anna likes watching the monkeys climbing around.Yes.Anna thinks that when the monkeys are fighting,they look like her friends fighting.John likes to exercise at the park.4.John thinks the best things do not need money.Do you think so?5.How does Lisa get to the library from her home?Answers will vary.Lisa walks to the library.She goes down North Road and then turns left.The library is across from the park.1.neighborhood 意为意为“附近附近;附近地区附近地区;街坊街坊”e.g.我的街坊们都很友好。我的街坊们都很友好。My neighborhoods are friendly.in the neighborhood 在附近在附近 e.g.在附近有一家中国餐馆。在附近有一家中国餐馆。There is a Chinese restaurant in the neighborhood.2.spend 花费(时间、金钱等)。花费(时间、金钱等)。1)spend+(时间、金钱时间、金钱)+on sth.e.g.杰克每天花很多时间做作业。杰克每天花很多时间做作业。Jack spends a lot of time on his homework.2)spend+(时间、金钱时间、金钱)+doing sth.e.g.我妹妹每天花很多时间读书。我妹妹每天花很多时间读书。My sister spends much time reading books.4.money 是不可数名词是不可数名词,作单数看作单数看e.g.钱是重要的,但并不是一切。钱是重要的,但并不是一切。Money is important,but it isnt everything.3.easily 容易地容易地 (副词副词)(easy+ly easily)e.g.公共汽车站离这里很近,你能很容易公共汽车站离这里很近,你能很容易 地找到。地找到。The bus stop is not far from here.You can find it easily.4.1.To get there,I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Road.要去那儿要去那儿(动物动物园园)的话,我通常步行外出,在大桥路向的话,我通常步行外出,在大桥路向右拐。右拐。这是英语行文的一种方式,即在这是英语行文的一种方式,即在句子的开头用动词不定式句子的开头用动词不定式to do 短语,并短语,并用逗号将其与句子的主体部分隔开,相用逗号将其与句子的主体部分隔开,相当于汉语当于汉语“(若若)要做要做的话的话”。例如:。例如:To listen to world news,please key in“1”.收听国际新闻,请键入收听国际新闻,请键入“1”。5.The best things in life are free!生活中最美好的东生活中最美好的东西西(文中指文中指“清新的空气清新的空气”和和“阳光阳光”)是免费的呀!是免费的呀!free 表示表示“免费的免费的”,“有空的;空闲的有空的;空闲的(地地)”。例如:例如:Im very busy with school from Monday to Friday,but I have some free time on weekends.我周一到周五非常我周一到周五非常忙,但在周末我有空。忙,但在周末我有空。You can take this book with you;its free!你可以拿走这本书,它是免费的!你可以拿走这本书,它是免费的!【拓展拓展】free 空闲的;(反义词)空闲的;(反义词)busy e.g.格林先生本周不忙。格林先生本周不忙。Mr.Green isnt busy this week.或或(Mr.Green is free this week.)6.It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there.图书馆很安静,我喜欢在那里看书。图书馆很安静,我喜欢在那里看书。enjoy 表示表示“从中得到乐趣;欣赏;喜欢从中得到乐趣;欣赏;喜欢”,后面接动,后面接动词用词用-ing 形式,即形式,即enjoy doing,表示表示“喜欢做某事;喜欢做某事;享受做某事所带来的愉悦和乐趣享受做某事所带来的愉悦和乐趣”。例如:例如:I enjoy reading at home when it is raining.我喜欢下雨天呆在家里看书。我喜欢下雨天呆在家里看书。My mother enjoys listening to music.我妈妈喜欢听轻柔的音乐。我妈妈喜欢听轻柔的音乐。警警察察局局医医院院银银行行公公园园旅旅馆馆邮邮局局付费付费电话电话街街道道饭饭店店postofficepolicestationhotelrestaurantbankhospitalstreetpayphoneparkReviseAskfordirectionsIsthere?Whereis?Givedirectionsturnleft/rightatthesecondcrossinggoalong/downthisstreet.Itsnextto/acrossfrom/near/infrontof/behind/onTherebe句型:1.Thereis/are+n.+介词短语。2.Thereis/are+not3.Is/Arethere?Yes,thereis/are.No,thereisnt/arent.4.就近原则:be动词由紧挨着的名词单复数决定。在在前面前面in front of在在后面后面behind在在对面对面across from在在附近附近next to远离远离far from在在附近附近near/around here在我的街区在我的街区in my neighborhood花时间做某事花时间做某事spend time doing sth.看猴子到处爬看猴子到处爬watch monkeys climbing around为了到那里为了到那里to get there走出去走出去walk out喜欢做喜欢做enjoy doing Thanks so much.No problem.How can I help you?Im new in town.Is there a?1Alice spends an hour the violin every dayAto play Bplay Cplays Dplaying2My father enjoys teaAdrink Bto drink CDrinking Dto drinking3 _?Go along this street,and then turn left at the first crossing.You can see it.AWhat can I do there BHow far is it from hereCWheres the Bank of China DHow long does it take to get there4_on time,he has to get up very early.ATo arriveBArrive CArrivesDArriving5Is there a school near here?_,_AYes,it is BYes,there is CNo,there arent DNo,it isntMy house is across from a _ on Long Street.I usually go shopping at a _ near my house.It is between a _ and the _.On weekends,I like to play in the _.To get there,I go along Long Street and turn left on North Street.It is on the right,next to a _.Look at the map of Cindys neighborhood and fill in the blanks.librarylibrarypost officesupermarketparkhotel3aDraw a map of your neighborhood and write about it.These questions may help you.1.Where do you live?2.What is your favorite place in your neighborhood?Why?3.How do you get there from your home?3bsupermarketbook storehospitalpost officeparkBridgeStreetpolice stationCenterStreetLet me show you my neighborhood!I live in a really nice neighborhood.Thereisabeautifulparknexttomyhome.Ienjoyreadingbooksthere,becauseitisquiet.Itisnotfarfrommyhome,soIwalkthereeverymorning.Ialsoliketoexercisethere.Thereisabookstoreacrossfromthepark.Itisbetweenasupermarketandahospital.Iusuallybuybooksthere.Togettothepolicestation,IhavetogodownBridgeStreetandturnrightatthefirstcrossing.Itisjustontheright.1.Complete the passage with the words in the box.spend free climb enjoyI am very busy on school days,but I have some _ time on weekends.I like to spend time with my grandparents on Sundays.My grandma makes the foods I like.And I _ playing Chinese chess with my grandpa.Hes very good at it!We also like to sit and talk.We sometimes watch the neighbors cats _ the trees.Its relaxing to _ weekends like this.I love my grandparents!freeSelf Check enjoyclimbingspend2.Write five sentences about your school using there is/are.There are some trees in my school._ There is a park next to my school.There is a bank in front of my school.There are some pay phones in front of my school.There is a hospital near my school.There is a bookstore behind my school.3.Imagine you are one of the people in the picture on page 46.A person asks you how to get to the supermarket or library.Write a conversation.A:Excuse me.Where is the supermarket/library?B:Go along/down and turn left/right on Street.A:Excuse me.Is there a supermarket/library near here?B:Yes,there is.Go along/down and turn left/right on Street.It is on the right/left.A.You can walk there.B.Is there a park near here?C.I need a cash machine(自动取款机).D.Im new here.E.Where do you live?F.You are welcome.G.No,there arent.A:Hi,can I help you?B:Well,_ Are there any banks near here?A:Banks?_ There are three or four banks in the town center,but there isnt a bank near here.B:_A:Oh,well,theres a cash machine at the petrol station(加油站)on Bridge Street.B:But how can I get there?A:_ Its not too far from here.B:Thank you very much.A


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