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Li Jiang 丽江 -my favorite city li jiang is not my hometown ,but is my favorite city in china That is a carefree and simplicity ancient city, full of people flowing water bridge elses quiet and blue sky plateau snow mountain mysterious, seems a xanadu. 那是一座悠闲纯朴的古城,充满小桥流水人家的宁静和蓝天高原雪山的神秘,似是一方人间仙境世外桃源。 geographic location (地理位置) scenic spots (旅游景点) Lijiang wear national Lijiang Yulong Snow Mountain scenic crown. In scenic area have build lijiang ancient city and many old temple in South Song Dynasty ; The show has an altitude of 5596 meters of the Yulong Snow Mountain; Has the most dangerous of the Tiger Leaping Gorge in the world ; A so-called miles Yangtze river first gulf Flying; Alpine vegetation, danxia landform wonders of laojun mountain, dawn, mainly area of the geological landscape .丽江同时荣戴国家级丽江玉龙雪山风景名胜区桂冠。景区内含有建于南宋的丽江古城及众多的古建寺观;有海拔5596米雄秀的玉龙雪山;有世界著名的最深最险的虎跳峡;有号称“万里长江第一湾”的石鼓;高山植被、丹霞地貌奇观为主的老君山、黎明等一带大面积的地质景观。 Yulong Snow Mountain(玉龙雪山) The landform(地形) ofYulong Snow Mountain is glacial(冰川). It is capped by snow all year round, and you can see the snow even in the Lijiang City. It is said that the view of the massif(山丘) from the gardens at the Black Dragon Pool (黑龙池) is one of Chinas finest views. yak牦(mo)牛Leeches dam蚂蝗坝Tiger Leaping Gorge虎跳峡 laojun mountain老君山 Flying 石鼓 culture(文化)the Naxi nationality纳西族 Dongba culture 东巴文化 Dongba culture 东巴文化 The people of Naxi, while developing their land of snow-clad mountains and turbulent rivers since ancient times, have to their credit the Dong Ba Culture seen as one of the world wonders, a culture all-embracing while unique. 纳西族的人们,在发展他们的土地的冰雪覆盖的山脉和 动荡的河流自古以来,要他们的信用,“咚巴文化”视为世界上奇迹,是一个包罗万象而独特的文化。 Lijiang not only a famous tourism, and snacks. Lijiang snack of various omniscient, wanted, can not think, heard, havent heard , as long as came to Lijiang, will give you a surprise. Now let me introduce some lijiang snacks 丽江不仅旅游出名,小吃也是文明全球。丽江的小吃千奇百怪无所不有,想得到的,想不到的,听过的,没听过的,只要来到丽江,就会给您不一样的惊喜。现在就让我为大家介绍一些丽江的小吃吧snack(小吃) 4.米灌肠3.丽江粑粑 2.鸡豆凉粉1.黄豆面(3RMB/bawl) 7.丽江酥油茶6.纳西烤肉5.丽江腊排骨火锅 10.纳西铜锣锅焖饭 9.纳西烤鱼11.青蛙饼(Because like a frogs mouth)8.丽江蜜饯 13.树花【A kind of moss(苔藓)】12.炸水蜻蜓11.炸奶片 Snack street小吃一条街 bar(酒吧) Lijing have another name - Affairs city (艳遇之都) .The origin of the name is bar ,every traveller in Lijiang will come to the bar in Sifang Street(四方街),May is a little relationship with mosuo custom(摩梭风俗), the bar is higher rates of affairs The famous bar is ONE METER SUN BAR(一米阳光酒吧)and SAKURA CAFE BAR(丽江樱花屋酒吧) inn(客栈) If you come to lijiang, not only have fun in bar ,also you should be in the inn for a night Make Presentation much more fun WPS官方微博kingsoftwpsThank youa place make people wander,dreaming,healing,drunkenness and get affairs


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