浙大褚教授有效教学Effective Jr High ELT课件.pptx

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浙 江 大 学 教 育 学 院 褚 献 华 Outline 提 纲 2021-6-7 Effective ELT in Middle Schools 2 Strategies for teaching reading 英 语 阅 读 教 学 的 策 略 Process “What do I already know about this topic? What information might the writer provide?”2 . Connect连 贯 : “How do these headings relate to each other?” Write down key words from the heading3 . Read the text阅 读 文 章 : Mark the text to point out the important information; Stop to check understanding. If not, reread.4 . Outline概 括 : Reflect and outline the major ideas and supporting details5 . Look back回 顾 : Look back to the text and verify the accuracy of your outline The SQ3 R technique “SQ3 R”阅 读 法 Survey浏 览 : Skim to get the main idea Question提 问 : Ask yourself questions (write them down) you want the text to answer Read阅 读 : read carefully for the answers Recite背 诵 : speak aloud the answers to your questions Review回 顾 : think about what you have learned and organize the information in your mind Objectives of Reading Instruction 阅 读 教 学 目 标 Motivating students and making reading an enjoyable experience; 激 发 阅 读 兴 趣 Enlarging Ss vocabulary and developing their strategies for increasing vocabulary; 扩 大 词 汇 量 Teaching specific skills that increase Ss reading comprehension; 提 高 理 解 能 力 Developing Ss strategies for reading diverse genre of English for different purposes effectively.培 养 阅读 策 略 Principles for RI 阅 读 教 学 原 则 Making reading an enjoyable experience.让 阅 读成 为 趣 事 Taking account of the students reading ability, cultural background, interests, needs and goals.考 虑 学 生 的 特 点 Integrating skill and strategy instruction throughout the lesson.结 合 技 能 和 策 略 教 学 Encouraging extensive reading: the more, the better.鼓 励 泛 读 : 多 多 益 善 The Task-Feedback Circle:任 务 -反 馈 圈 A basic working procedure for lessons on readingLead-in Pre-task work Set clear task Ss Read text Feedback on task Could they do the task? No Yes Conclude (Scrivener, 1994) Steps for a reading lesson阅 读 课 基 本 程 序 Introduction and lead-in 导 入 First task (pre-reading) 任 务 1 ( 读 前 活 动 ) Tasks focusing on gist 了 解 大 意 的 任 务 Tasks focusing on specific details 了 解 细 节 的 任务 Tasks requiring more comprehensive understanding 全 面 理 解 的 任 务 Tasks focusing on individual language items语 言项 目 的 任 务 Follow-on tasks 后 续 任 务 Closing 结 束 Reading Strategies阅 读 策 略Before reading:阅 读 前l Previewing for information预 习l Activating schema 激 活 图 式l Predicting 预 测l Organization of text 课 文 组 织l Content related vocabulary 有 关 词 汇l Purpose for reading develop questions阅 读目 的 提 问 Reading StrategiesDuring reading: 阅 读 中l Marginal notes 页 边 笔 记l Underline key ideas 划 出 重 点l Circle unfamiliar vocabulary 圈 出 生 词l Internal summary 内 部 概 括l Make predications 作 出 预 测l Relate old and new information新 旧 联 系l Form mental images 构 建 心 像 Reading StrategiesAfter reading:读 后 活 动l Review 回 顾l Outline 概 要l Mind Map (Webs) 思 维 图l Summarize 总 结l Discussion groups 小 组 讨 论l React 反 应l Answer questions from pre-reading回 答 问 题l Answer post-reading questions 读 后 问 题l Follow-up? 后 续 活 动 Vocabulary词 汇l Vocabulary in context 语 境 中 教 学 词 汇 Synonyms 同 义 词 Antonyms 反 义 词 Examples and definitions 举 例 和 定 义 General sense of the passage 段 落 大 意Goal: “ownership”, not memorization目 标 : “ 拥 有 ” , 而 不 是 记 住 Some ideas for reading tasks阅 读 任 务 建 议 Put these cut-up paragraphs back in the correct order 段落 排 序 Find words in the text that mean the same as these文 中找 同 义 词 Read the text and find the mistakes in these sentences 读课 文 找 句 中 错 误 Given headlines to each section of the article写 段 落 标 题 Put this list of events in the correct order事 件 排 序 Write a reply写 出 应 答 Discuss the missing last paragraph讨 论 前 文 Discuss interpretations of, reactions to, feelings about the text讨 论 对 课 文 的 认 识 、 反 应 和 感 受 Strategies for Improving Reading Comprehension 提 高 阅 读 理 解 的 策 略 Chunking for Fluency分 块 熟 读 (Sentence level) Read-Pair-Share阅 读 -讨 论 问 题 卡 片(Paragraph level) KWL Chart KWL阅 读 记 录 表 (Holistic comprehension) Chunking for fluency 分 块 熟 读1 . Modeling by the teacher,2 . Echo reading, in which T models and Ss echo Ts phrasing and expression,3 . Choral reading, in which S reads along with T and sometimes other Ss, 4 . Chunking practice exercise to mark the reading material in some way to indicate proper phrasing. Narrative Form( 记 叙 文 )Title _Paragraph number _Answer the questions with a word, sentence or phrase from the paragraphWho is the paragraph about?What is the character doing?When does this action take place?Where does this action take place?How does the character perform the action?Question format for Read-Pair-Share 阅 读 -讨 论 问 题 卡 片 Informational Form( 说 明 文 )Title _Paragraph number _Answer the questions with a word, sentence or phrase from the paragraphWho? Are there any people mentioned in the paragraph?What? What is the paragraph about?When? Is the time important in the paragraph?Where? Is the location important in the paragraph?How? How do the other elements related to the idea of this paragraph? KWL Chart KWL阅 读 记 录 表K W L(What we KNOW) (What we WANT to know) (What we LEARNED) SAVE to promote extensive reading促 进 泛 读 的 建 议 :简短、有趣、多样、容易 Short Appealing Varied Easy Enjoys reading Reads fasterUnderstands better Reads moreThe virtuous circle of a good reader 会 读 者 的 良 性 循 环 Maximizing student reading 促 进 学 生 阅 读 Actively engage students in reading for at least 3 0 minutes per day.每 天 半 小 时 Vary presentation, format, and ways to activate students.变换 教 学 方 式 、 鼓 动 学 生 阅 读 Reduce teacher talk and encourage students more active participation. Make high-achievers peer-tutors and provide extra support and opportunities to those have difficulty reading. 减 少 教 师 讲 解 , 鼓 励 学 生 积 极 参 与 , 鼓 励 学 生 互相 帮 助 Use appropriate, authentic reading materials, including supplementary graded readers.选 择 合 适 、 真 实 阅 读 材 料 ,包 括 分 级 补 充 读 物 Adapt the pacing, content, and emphasis of instruction for individuals and groups of students.因 材 施 教 The Start with Simple Stories (SSS) program“从 简 易 故 事 开 始 读 起 ” Learners start with picture books with simple stories without difficulty, They can reach the goal of reading one million words in six months to two years. Elementary school students in English-speaking countries read one million words on average per year. “One Million Words Extensive Reading Approach”( 百 万 词 泛 读 途 径 ) , The three main features of the SSS method SSS泛 读 法 的 三 特 征1 . Start with simple stories and gradually increase the level, length, and difficulty of the books, using various titles from Leveled Readers (LR) written for native English speaking children, Graded Readers (GR) written for English learners as a second language, books for children and young adults, picture books and comics. 循 序 渐 进 采 用 各类 分 级 读 物 2 . Read books not only at home, but also in the classroom.课 内 课 外 都 要 读3 . Record the titles students read, total the number of words they read and give individual advice to students by looking up the records they keep in their logbooks. 记 录 阅 读 过 程 给与 个 别 指 导 The Three Golden Rules for Extensive Reading泛 读 的 三 条 “ 金 科 玉 律 ”1 ) No dictionaries while reading 不 用辞 典2 ) Skip over difficult words 跳 过 难词3 ) Stop reading when it is boring or too difficult 困 倦 就 停 产生兴趣和注意Teaching Matches Learning 教 与 学 匹 配 2021-6-7 Effective ELT in Middle Schools 36 激活原有知识接受新授知识认知加工(编码)应用知识(表现)热身AttentionActivationReceptionEncodingPerformance Warming-UpRevision PresentationPracticeAssessment复习呈现操练评价学习过程教学过程 Two Tasks in Designing Effective Lessons 设 计 有 效 教 学 的 两 个 任 务 2021-6-7 Effective ELT in Middle Schools 37 I nstructional ObjectivesLearning Activity Learning Activity Learning Activity Learning Activity Learning Activity Identify instructional objectives确 定 教 学 目 标Design learning activities设 计 学 习 活 动 Learning Activity Sequential Activities有 序 活 动 2021-6-7 Effective ELT in Middle Schools 38热身活动听读材料针对性练习 技能合成类似语境活用 Appropriate instructional objectives 2021-6-7 Effective ELT in Middle Schools 39 Specified明 确 具 体Observable可 观 察Measurable可 测 量Not ambiguous不 含 糊 Practicable切 实 可 行 Appropriate 适 合 学 生 能 力 Achievable to most students 绝 大 部 分 学 生 能 达 到 Instructional Objectives 教 学 目 标 2021-6-7 Effective ELT in Middle Schools 40 In this lesson, the students should be able to:1 ) read and make sentences with the new words:make a living, against, charity, chance, injured, sincerely2 ) list out the reasons from the reading passage 3 a.3 ) talk about the possibilities of being a professional athlete.4 ) write about their plans using the patterns with “ifwill/can”: Relevant & collective preparations 2021-6-7 Effective ELT in Middle Schools 41 Relevant to 相 关 New learning 与 新 内 容 Learners characteristics与 学 生 的 特 点 Collective 集 体 参 与 Involving all the learners面 向 全 体 学 生 Avoiding sampling 避 免 个 别 提 问Warming-up and revision are to prepare the learners by attracting their attention and Activating the prior learning.准备活动目 的 是 吸 引 学 生注 意 力 和 激 活 原 有 知 识 Warmer: A song: 5 0 0 Miles (video clip)If you miss the train I am on, You will know that I am gone, You can hear the whistle blow, a hundred milesRevision1 . Group talk: (2 b, Sec B): What are they talking about? 2 . Dictation: 4 sentence based on the previous part.1 ) What will happen if he becomes a professional athlete?2 ) If he works hard, he will become a great soccer player.3 ) If he becomes a great player, he will be rich and famous.4 ) If he joins the Lion, he wont go to college. 2021-6-7 Effective ELT in Middle Schools 42 Start the Lesson with a Relevant Warmer Textbook-based & accurate presentation 2021-6-7 Effective ELT in Middle Schools 43 Textbook-based教 材 为 本 Key points抓 住 重 点 Connection with prior learning 新 旧 联 系 Accurate 准 确 性 Demonstration 示 范 Pronunciation 语 音 Phrases & patterns语 句 2021-6-7 Effective ELT in Middle Schools 44 Language InputPre-Reading: learning new wordsmake a living, against, charity, chance, injureReading with Focus (3 a)Task 1 : Find the answers to the questions:1. What seems like a dream job for many young people?2. What will happen if you become a famous professional athlete?3.What problems do famous athletes usually have?Task 2 : List out the reasons for and against becoming a professional athlete. Adequate and Sequential Practice广泛参与意义操练句为单位整合技能 2021-6-7 Effective ELT in Middle Schools 45 Everyone engagedMeaningful practiceSentence-basedSkills integrated Sentence-based teaching 句 本 位 教 学 2021-6-7 Effective ELT in Middle Schools 46 Vocabulary词 汇Grammar语 法Phonetics语 音 Deep Learning深 层 学 习Intake吸 收 Correctness正 确 性Expression表 达Comprehension理 解Meaning 意 义 Linguistic Sense语 感 Post-Reading Activities1 . Summarize. the key points of the passage: completes the text chart2 . Read aloud. Listen and repeat the text after the CD.3 . Writing. (3 B & 3 C) 1 ) Ss complete the Michaels letter.2 ) Writing about your plans using if and will.3 ) Group work: Graffiti Board 2021-6-7 Effective ELT in Middle Schools 47 Objective-Based Assessment 2021-6-7 Effective ELT in Middle Schools 48 Objective-based基 于 目 标 Knowledge & skills知 识 技 能 Validity & Reliability效 度 信 度 Encouragement 鼓 励 Self-efficacy自 我 效 能 感 Self-assessment自 我 评 价 Peer assessment同 伴 互 评 Thank you! 2021-6-7 Effective ELT in Middle Schools 49


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