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. Explain the terms. 1. Contingency approach 2. Differentiation 3. Objective 4. Management pyramid 5. Top managers 6. Strategic goals 7. Organizational behavior 8. Operative goals 9. Strategic group 10. Threat of new entrants. True and false statements.1. The three well-established approaches to management thought are the classical approach, which focus on the task of production and operation; the behavioral approach which focus on the task of managing people; and the management science approach, which focus on the task of managing work and organization.( ) 2. In solving problems, managers using the systems approach must view the organization as a dynamic whole but must try to anticipate the intended as well as unintended impacts of their decision. ( ) 3. in other words, the contingency approach seeks to match different situations with different management methods.( ) 4. It seeks to identify the characteristics of jobs, people, and organization, allowing managers to see the interdependence between the segments of an organization.( )5. Between the two extremes of management practice and management science are many general who have contributed to the study of management. ( ) 6. In todays innovative and competitive business environment, companies that strive to envision and define the future often havent an advantage over those that simply react to the present. ( )7. In many of todays leaner company, fewer levers separate managers at the top and bottom. ( )8. Communication or exchanging information, is the most important and pervasive interpersonal skill that managers use. ( )9. Management is indeed in every type of organization. ( ) 10. In order to transform vision to reality, managers must define specific goals and objectives. ( )11. To meet these challenges, managers must possess certain skills that disable them to fulfill specific roles. ( ) 12. As the company grows, management can refer to the mission statement as a means of evaluating whether proposed actions are in line with the company stated purpose and values. ( )13. A starting point is to write a mission statement that defines how the organization exists and what it seeks to accomplish. ( ) 14. Technical skills are more important at lower organization levels.( ) 15. There are organizations that exist with balance sheets, capital assets, financial plans, or formal marketing strategies, but without people.( ) 16. Organizations are not random collections of people. ( ) 17. Organizations have many goals and operative goal are general and abstract. ( ) 18. Sometimes the coordination in organizations is a matter of absolute necessity rather than efficiency. ( ) 19. Individuals have intellectual and physical limitation which can only be overcome by organized group effort. ( ) 20. One important, although often implicit, official goal of all organizations is development. ( ) 21. Members must occasionally engage in innovative activities that go beyond their usual assignments. ( ) 22. Clearly these (often implicit) people-related operative goals are separate and independent from official goals. ( ) 23. Organizations are designed to continue achieve their goals even if certain members arent replaced. ( )24. One important, although often implicit, official goal of virtually all organizations is survival. ( ) 25. When there is little product differentiation, competition between present competitors is greater. ( ) 26. When strong product differentiation exists, the entry is easier. ( ) 27. Suppliers are especially important when their product is large part of buyers value added. ( ) 28. If buyers earn low profits and product involved is important part of their cost, then the bargaining will be less aggressive. ( )29. Different market segments need different bundles and different product. ( ) 30. An unattractive industry couldnt lead the firm into withdrawal strategies or an attempt to form an alliance with competitors. ( ) 31. There are five interactive competitive forces that collectively determine an industrys long-term attractiveness: present competitors, potential competitors, the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, and substitute product. ( )32. New competitors add capacity to the industry and bring with them the need to gain market share, thereby marketing competition more intense. ( )33. Its impact can be significant, particularly when a limited number of suppliers service a number of same industries. ( ) 34. All four competitive forces just discussed above are affected by the passage of time; therefore, their strength varies as the industry passes from its introductory stage to its growth stage and on to maturity, followed by decline. ( ) 35. During the maturity period, competition forces are at their strongest, and many competitors are forced to exit the industry. ( )36. Management entails planning, organizing, coordinating, leading, and controlling resource to efficiently reach these goals. ( )37. In addition to setting goals and assuming various roles, managers also employ skills that fall into three basic categories: information, technical and conceptual skills. ( ) 38. Managers around the world use more of a contingency to survive. ( ) 39. First-line managers set operational objectives, which define the results necessary to achieve both the tactic objectives and the strategic goals. ( ) 40. The field of organizational behavior is concerned with the influence that only formal grouping has on the individuals. ( ).Translate the following into Chinese. 1. Learning about management is important for two reasons. First, our society depends on specialized institutions and organizations to provide the goods and services we desire. These organizations are guided and directed by the decisions of one or more individuals designated as “managers”. Second, individuals not trained as managers often find themselves in managerial positions. Many individuals presently being trained to be teachers, accountants, musicians, salespersons, artists, physicians, or lawyers will one day earn their livings as managers. 2. All five competitive forces just discussed above are affected by the passage of time; therefore, their strength varies as the industry passes from its introductory stage to its growth stage and on to maturity, followed by decline. Competitive forces are apt to be weakest during the fast-growth period, thus, there are substantial opportunities for gaining market share. During the shakeout period, competition forces are at their strongest, and many competitors are forced to exit the industry. During the industry maturity, competitions typically slackens, but only if the industry leader holds a strong relative position. 3 The grouping that characterizes organizations is of interest to the field of organizational behavior for several reasons. First, much of the work ( both intellectual and physical ) done in organizations is quite literally performed by groups, whether they are short-term task forces or formal work groups shown on an organizational chart. We are therefore interested in predicting and explaining the functioning of these groups and controlling them so that they function effectively. You will recall that the two-person news writing/news reading team was severely disrupted by Russs resignation. Secondly, everyone is aware that informal grouping occurs in all organizations. That is, friendships develop and informal alliances are formed to accomplish required work: Such grouping is not prescribed by the organization and not shown on the chart, but it can have an important impact upon goal achievement. Consequently, we are interested in how such groups form and what their exact impact is. Finally, the field of organizational behavior is concerned with the influence that both formal and informal grouping has on the individuals who enter organizations with their own particular needs and values. 4. In addition to setting goals and assuming various roles, managers also employ skills that fall into three basic categories: interpersonal, technical, and conceptual skills. As managers rise through the hierarchy, they may need to strengthen their abilities in one or more of these skills; fortunately, managerial skills can usually be learned.Translate the following into English.1 在这种情况下,为了使整个体系达到其目的,折中的做法是必要的。2 换言之,权变的方法是为了不同的情况下采用不同的管理方法。3 与其他人的沟通、和他们一起高效率地工作、激励他们、领导他们,这些都是在人际关系方面所需要的能力。4 为了把梦想变为现实,管理人员必须制定出明确的目的和目标。5 最好的企业目标应是:明确的、可测量的、有关联性的、有挑战性的、可以实现的以及有时间限制的。6 组织行为学的研究将帮助你作为一个消费者理解为什么一些组织能够迅速有效地提供他们的产品与服务,而别的组织做不到。7 所有发生在组织中的行为对组织如何运作以获取它们的自身目标和社会目标都会有潜在的影响。8 一个具有吸引力的产业在决定一个公司的战略尤其是具有挑战性的战略时扮演者重要的角色。9 在移动电话产业中,主要的竞争力量是现有竞争者和新加入竞争者的威胁。10 当有限数量的供应商服务于大量的不同产业时,其影响是巨大的。. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the correct words from this list. You may change the tense, number, or form of the words to fit the context. Use each word only once. reliance memoirs conflict sufficient insights entail peer tactical affordable conform impact achieve friendship survival alliance long-term dramatically slacken shakeout interactive_ 1. Even today, a great deal of what we know about management comes from the autobiographies and _ of men and women who are or have been practicing managers. 2. The age-old confrontation between the production objective of low costs and the marketing objective of a broad product line is a good example of the interrelated nature of management problems. Each objective _ with the other. 3. Managers around the globe use more of a contingency approach to survive. Sole _ on a classical or a behavioral or a management science approach is not _ for organizations. 4. Both the systems approach and the contingency approach can provide valuable _ and complement the classical, behavioral, and management science approaches. 5. Management _ planning, organizing, coordinating, leading, and controlling resources (land, labor, capital and information) to efficiently reach these goals. 6. To accomplish this, middle managers set _ objectives, which focus on departmental issues and define the results necessary to achieve the organizations strategic goals. 7. Henry Ford envisioned making _ transportation available to every person. 8. They also build a network of relationships with bosses, _, and employees. 9. The challenges of management include maintaining an organizational structure, developing both long- and short-term plans, motivating employees, and maintaining quality a measure of how closely goods and services _ to predetermined standards and customer expectations. 10. Particular technologies have an important _ on the behavior that occurs in organizations. 11. Organizations are designed to continue _ their goals even if certain members are replaced. 12. One important, although often implicit, official goal of virtually all organizations is _. 13. That is, _ develop and informal _ are formed to accomplish required work. 14. In recent years, the bargaining strength of suppliers in many industries has changed _ as more companies seek a partnership relationship with their suppliers. 15. Industry evolution can best be judged by analyzing an industrys _ attractiveness. 16. High intensity required firms to operate at or near capacity as much as possible, thereby putting strong downward pressure on prices when demand _. 17. During the _ period, competition forces are at their strongest, and many competitors are forced the exist the industry. 18. There are five _ competitive forces that collectively determine an industrys long-term attractiveness present competitors, potential competitors, the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, and substitute products.Questions 1. Why do management analysis and practice require a systems approach? Give a practical example of this approach. 2. What is the essence of systems approach to management? Give a concrete example of this approach in reality. 3. How do you define the strategic goals and tactic objectives of a firm according to the text? 4. What are the three levels of management? 5. Do you think that particular technologies have an important impact on the behavior that occurs in organizations? Can you give an example? 6. What are behaviors that appear to be necessary for an organizations survival? Why are these organizational behaviors important? 7. What are the major forces that determine industry competition? Name each of them according to what you have learned. 8. Talking into account the major forces driving industry competition, what do you think lies ahead for the worldwide automobile industry?Answer:. 1. Contingency approach: An analysis of management that emphasizes the fact that what managers do in practice depends on a given set of circumstances or the “situation” and that there is no single “best way” to manage. 2. Differentiation: A company using which develops a level of service, a product image, unique product features (including quality), or new technologies that distinguish its product from competitors products. 3. Objective: Specific, short-range target or aim. 4. Management pyramid: Organizational structure comprising top, middle and lower management. 5. Top managers: Those at the highest level of the organizations management hierarchy; they are responsible for setting strategic goals, and they have the most power and responsibility in the organization. 6. Strategic goals: Goals that focus on broad organizational issues and aim to improve performance. 7. Organizational behavior: The attitudes and behavior of individuals and groups in organizations. 8. Operative goals: The goals that may reflect the modification or even subversion of official goals by internal interest groups, guide organizational activities by virtue of their specificity. 9. Strategic group: A strategic group consists of firms pursuing similar strategiesthat is, employing a similar mix of strategy elements. 10. Threat of new entrants: A major driving force affecting competition is the threat of new entrants. New competitors add capacity to the industry and bring with them the need to gain market share, thereby making competition more intense. 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.F 7.T 8.T 9.T 10.T 11.F 12.T 13.T 14.T 15.F 16.T 17.F 18.F 19.T 20.F 21.T 22.F 23.F 24.T 25.T 26.F 27.T 28.F 29.T 30.F 31.T 32.T 33.F 34.F 35.T 36.T 37.F 38.T 39.T 40.F. 1.学习管理是重要的因为以下两个原因:第一,我们的社会依靠专业的机构和组织来提供我们想要的商品和服务。这些机构是被一个或者更多叫做管理者的成员的决策所知道和引导的。第二,没有受过管理者培训的成员总是发现他们自己处在管理的职位上。许多现在受教师、会计、音乐家、销售员、艺术家、医生或者律师培训的成员总有一天会成为管理者来谋生。 2所有上面讨论的五个竞争力量受到时间的影响。因此,他们的力量随着行业从它的初创期到成长期到成熟期再到衰退期的变化而变化。在快速成长期,竞争力是最弱的,这样有潜在的机会去增加市场份额。在经济衰退期,竞争力是最强的,许多竞争者被迫退出其所在的行业。在行业成熟期,竞争明显缓和了,但是只有行业的领导者拥有一个强的相对地位。 3.对一个典型的组织分类对组织行为学领域是重要的因为以下几个原因。首先,组织中大部分的工作(智力的和体力的)确实是通过团体来完成的,无论他们是短期的任务组还是正式的工作组如组织结构图所示。因此我们对预测和解释这些团队的职责以及控制他们感兴趣以便他们可以有效地发挥作用。你会记得,两个人的新闻写作/阅读新闻队伍因为Russ的辞职受到严重破坏。第二,每个人都知道非正式组织在所有组织中存在。那就是,发展友谊和非正式联盟的形成以完成所需的工作。这样的分组不是组织规定的,也不在图表上显示,但它可以对一个目标的完成产生重要的影响。因此,我们对这样的群体是如何形成的以及它们的确切影响是什么感兴趣。最后,组织行为学领域与正式和非正式的分组对有他们自己的特殊需要和价值观的进入组织的个人的影响有关。 4.除了设定目标,并假设各种角色,管理者还需要以下三种基本技能:人际技能,技术技能和概念技能。随着管理者层级的上升,他们可能需要加强他们的一个甚至更多的这些技能。幸运的是,管理技能通常可以通过学习获得。. 1. In this situation, a compromise is necessary for the overall system to achieve its objective. 2. In other words, the contingency approach seeks to match different situations with different management methods. 3. All the skills required to communicate with other people, work effectively with them, motivate them, and lead them are interpersonal skills. 4. In order to transform vision to reality, managers must define specific goals and objectives. 5. The best organizational goals are specific, measurable, relevant, challenging, attainable, and time limited. 6. The study of organizational behavior should help you as a consumer to comprehend why some organizations are able to offer their products and services effectively and efficiently while others are not. 7. Nevertheless, all of the activities that occur in organizations have the potential to affect how well organizations operate to achieve their own goals and those of society. 8. An attractive industry plays a large role in determining a firms strategyparticularly its aggressiveness. 9. In the cellular phone industry, the key forces are present competitors and threat of new entrants. 10. Its impact can be significant, particularly when a limited number of supplies service a number of different industries. 1.memoirs 2.conflicts 3.reliance sufficient 4.insights 5.entails 6.tactical 7.affordable 8.peers 9.conform 10.impact 11.achieving 12,survival 13.friendship alliance 14.dramatically 15.long-term 16.slackens 17.shakeout 18.interactive.略


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