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湘少版四年级上册英语期末测试题Part I 听力部分(40分)一、 Listen and circle. 听音,圈出你所听到的字母。(8分)1、A K 2、 S X 3、 T D 4、 J G二、 Listen and number. 听音,标序号。(8分)三、 Listen and choose. 听音,选出你所听到的句子。(12分)( )1、A.Look at that elephant. B.Look at those elephants. ( )2、A.This is my brothers painting. B. This is my fathers painting.( )3、A.We are teachers. B.We arent teachers.( )4、A. Your homework are good. B.Your homework is good.( )5、A. Nice to meet you. B. Glad to meet you.( )6、A.Whats that? B.Whats this?四、 Listen and tick.听音,在相应的图片下划“”。(12分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Part II 笔试部分(60分)一、从A、B两个选项中选出与所给图画相配的单词。(每小题2分,共计10分。)( )1、 A triangle B nurse ( )2、 A circles B net( )3、 A nose B flog( )4、 A noodles B cat( )5、 A ball B birds二、选出不同类单词 10分( ) 1. A sister B ladybird C tiger( ) 2. A biscuit B bird C seagull ( ) 3. A purse B bread C rice ( ) 4. A big B sixteen C seven ( ) 5. A strong B beautiful C bird 三、 单项选择 20分( )1. How many triangles _ there?There are sixteen triangles.A am B is C are ( ) 2. What are you _? A do B doing C dont ( ) 3. The children are _ an outing. A at B on C in ( ) 4.Look _ that tiger. A at B on C in ( ) 5. That _ is big. A an elephant B elehpant C elephants ( ) 6.I like jam _ bread. A by B with C and ( ) 7. Whose _ is this? A book B a book C books ( ) 8. Nice _ you. A meet B to meet C too meet ( ) 9. Those are _. A egg B eggs C an egg ( ) 10. This is _. A monkey B a monkey C monkeys四、对答如流 10分( ) 1. Here you are. A Its Janes purse. ( ) 2. Whats that? B Its a flag. ( ) 3. What do you like? C Thank you. ( ) 4.What are those? D I like milk. ( ) 5. Whose purse is this? E Those are flowers.五选择正确的句子完成下列对话,并按格式抄写下来。10分a. What are those? b. Im fine. Thank you. c. What do you like? d. Its Lipings purse. 1. A: ? B: I like jam and bread.2. A: Whose purse is this ?B: . 3. A : ?B: Those are birds eggs.4. A : ?B: Those are birds eggs.5. A: How are you ? B: .


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