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Module 1 Lost and found1.This is _(they)classroom.Unit 1 Whose bag is this ?2.He _ (find ) English book.3.We are from_ (American).基础练4.Mrs Lan is a _ (Art) teacher.5.My brother is_ ( friend) and handsome.I.词汇单项选择1.The blue bag is.Pass it to me ,please!1.橡皮擦A. IB. me2.手 套C. myD. mine3.钱 包2.-Is Ms Liu a good teacher ?-A. Yes, she is.B. Yes , that is.4.手 表C. No , she isn t.D. No , she is.5.失 去3.L ook out ! Herethe No. 9 bus.A. isB. come6 我 的C. comesD. goes7.录音(像)带 _4.“ Shut up!” means8. 如何9. 很好的A. NoB. It is unfairC. Don tshoutD. Take it easy10. 这,这个5. WhiteisEnglishboyand Meili isChinese11. 老师girl.A. a ;anB. an ;a12. 明天C. a ;aD./ ;/ .短语。6. -Thank you very much !-.A. GoodB. Nice to meet you1. 从现在开始 _C. You are welcomeD. That s all right2. 看管好 _补全对话3. 手机 _从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余4.成千上百 _Lucy: Hello!5.在那时 _Jack: Hello! Is that Lily?6.首先 _Lucy:1Who is this?7.丢失 _Jack: This is Jack, Lilys classmate.I take a .句型及交际用语。Lucy:This isLucy,Lilyssister. Canmessage?1.赶快!公共汽车来了!Jack: Thanks.2_ _ _ _.Lucy: Sure. Does she know your phone number?2.这是你的蜡笔, 那是我的相机。Jack:3These are your _and _ _my.Lucy: Whats your phone number?Jack:43.我是纽约客。Lucy: (0532)2588-7678 . OK,5_ _ Newyorker.Jack: Thank you.4.这是你的手套吗?Lucy: Thats OK. Bye.Jack: Bye-bye._ _ _ _?A. Do you know her?5.这些录像带是贝蒂的 .B. Ill tell her about it._ _ _ _.C. No, she doesnt.D. Im Jack.6.人们在匆忙之间会丢东西。E. My phone number is (0532)2588-7678.People _ _ _ _ _.F. Sorry, she isnt in now.7.欢迎来到失物招领处。G. Could youask herto call me backtomorrowWelcome to_ _ _ _.morning?1._2. _3. _4. _5. _根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1.Myfavorite color is(紫色) .2.Thisis not my book. It is _ ( 她的 ).3. I cant_ ( 找到 ) my wallet? It is in the bedroom.4.I don twant to_ ( 失去 ) Tom.5. Both you and meare _( 学生 ).用所给单词的适当形式填空语法句型练I. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词1. _ _(欢迎来到) Class One.2. _ is the spider _ (来自哪里) ?3.Jim and Jack are_ (都不是) my friends.4. _ _( 多大 ) is your pet dog? She is 3 years old.5. Is this(录音带 ) yours?II. 按要求完成下列各句,每空一词1.May I know your name ? ( 同义句 )_ _ your name?2.Our English teacher is 35 years old .( 对划线部分提问)_ _ is _?3.David is cleaning bedroom . ( 变为特殊疑问句)_ _David _ ?4.Tom and David are brothers. ( 改否定句 )Tom and David _ brothers.5.They all come from China. ( 改为一般疑问句)_ they all _ _ China.Module 1Lost and foundUnit 2Are they yours?基础练 .词汇1. 照相机 _2. 电话 _3. 飞机 _4. 出租车 _5. 机场;航空港 _6.boat_7. duck _8. pig _9. sausage_10.mobile _ .短语,词组1. ChinaMobile _2. on planes_3. at the moment _4. 为什么 _5. 经常 _6. 寻找 _ .基本句型及交际用语。1. 我们很想你!_ _ you _!2. 别着急,慢慢来 ._ _ _.3. 我把书包落在公交车上了 .I _ on the bus.4.不要把课本放在桌子底下。Dont_the desk.5. 请到我的办公室来!Please come _.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词1. We are on the way to the a_ (机场 ) 。The plane is flying to Beijing .2. Our school is very b_ ( 漂亮的 ).3. They dontwant to take a bus, but they havee_(足够) money to take a taxi.4. Shanghai is a big c _(城市)in world.5. W _( 为什么 )do you want to visit the zoo? Because I like animals.单项选择()1. They re runninga hurry.What are they doing? They re running after a bus.A. forB. atC. inD. on()2. At the moment the girlin the park .A. run B.runs C.running D. is running()3. are you? I am 1 4.A. WhereB. WhatC. How oldD. What s()4.There are twostudents in this school.A. thousandB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of()5. He is big and.A. thinB. fatC.fattyD.good()6. I ammy keys. I want to find it.A. looking atB. looking forC. looking upD. looking after()7. I have two sisters. One is Green,is Rose.A.other B. the other C. others D. another 阅读短文,选择合适的单词填空。iscomesbotharetogetherWuyue1from Qingdao, andQingdao 2a beautiful city. Hermother and father are3musicteacher. Tony is her good friend. They4in the sameschool.They are in the same Grade.They often do theirhomework5 .12345语法句型练I 按要求完成下列各题1.People often leave things(在飞机上 ).2.What are you doing(此刻 ).3.My mother is( 寻找 )her bag.4.We need(三千克西红柿 ) .5.Many people go to work(匆匆 )in the morning.II. 用所给词的适当形式填空1.Wybe comes from _and he is _ .(Canada)2. I think _ (read) in the sun is bad for your eyes.3. Listen! She _ _ (sing) a song.4. We will use the sun _ (heat) our homes.5. They _ (be) back in another ten minutes.Module 1 Lost and foundUnit 3 Language in use基础练 .词汇1.strange_2. careful_3. hers_4. 成百上千的 _5. 他的 _6. 谁的 _7.美国人 .短语。1. in Chinese2. 准时3. such as4.搭出租车5.紫色 .句型及交际用语。1.她是我最好的朋友。_ _ _friend.2. 我不经常坐火车外出。_ _ _by the train.3. 你有时候丢东西吗?sometimes?4. 为什么你不喜欢数学?Why do you?5. 他的房间里有个奇怪的东西。There is ain his bedroom.单项选择1. They arefriends.A. fineB. niceC. goodD.well2. ? No, I m twelfth.A. How are youB. How old are youC. Are you No. eleventh D.Is your No.11 th?3. Is this pencil-case yours? Yes,.A. it is myB. it sC. this is D. it s mine4. Who am I?.A. You are my teacher B. Yes, I mC. No, you arentD. I am your teacher5.If you do things,usually you dontdo themwell.A. at once B. at firstC. in a hurry D. Hurry up补全对话,每空一词从方框中选出合适的句子,填在对话空缺处,使对话内容完整、连贯。两项多余。Mr. White: Can I help you , Sonia?Sonia: Yes, please.1.Mr. White: We have a bag here.2Sonia: No, it isn t.Mr. White:3Sonia: It s red. But this one is white and black.Mr. White:4Sonia: I think it s Bens. He likes white and black much.Mr. White: Look! There is a red bag on the table. Is it yourbag?Sonia: Yes, it is .5Mr. White: You re welcome.A. Thank you , Mr. White.B. Is this yours?C.I cantfind my bag.D. Whose bag is this?E. What color is your bag?F. Are these your books?G. I m sorry.语法句型练 .根据汉语提示完成句子,一空一词。1. On Sunday morning, Lin Tao goes out after_(早餐) .2.On his way to his _ (外婆的) home.3.There is a(木板 ) over the river.4.Lin Tao is _(游泳) in the river.5.It is not _ ( 好处 )for our health. .按要求完成下列各题1. This is my purse.( 改为否定句 )2. Linda helps me with my English.( 改为一般疑问句 )3. Is the park in the centre of city? ( 作否定回答 )4. She is my teacher.( 就画线部分提问 )5. My brother likes drawing ,and he wants to be a artist . (改成否定句 )模拟练 ( 2013 天津红光中学期中)1. Can you help me _my English?A. to B. with C. at D. for 参见考点 08 ( 2012 福建龙岩五中期末)2. There are two _ on the desk. one is red and the other is green.A. paper B. radioes C. radios D. dictionaries参见考点11 ( 2013 江苏启东中学月考)3.-Thank you very much.-_.A. Don t thank me. B. That s all right.C. No problem.D. OK ( 2013 江苏南通金国中学期中)4. This is _ bedroom. They like it very much.A. Lucy and LilyB. Lucy s and LilysC. Lucy s and LilyD. Lucy and Lilys参见考点09 ( 2013 河南三门峡一中期末)5. What are you going to do _ the weekend?A. inB. onC. atD. for ( 2013 河南南阳一中二模)6. I _ my email.A. am going to check B. is going to check C. are going to check. D. checks中考练 【 2013 黔西南】1.I m going to have a piano lesson _Saturday morning.A. inB. atC. onD. 【 2012 湖南岳阳】2.I m going to stay _bed in the morning. A. inB.onC. atD. under 【 2012 湖南长沙】3.Then I m going to revise _my test.A. ofB.overC. forD. at 【 2012 山东济南】4. When do you plan _ your holiday?A. to take B. take C. taking D. takes 【 2012 内蒙包头】5. First of all , I _ to you now.A. am wanting to talkB. want to talkingC. am wanting to talkingD. want to talk参见考点02 【 2013 山东聊城】6.This is _bag,that is _.A. my ; your B. mine; your C. my; yours D. mine; yours 参见考点 09Module 1 Lost and found单元测 . 单项选择(每小题1 分,共 15 分)() 1. Hurry up! The train _ soon.A. leavesB. isleavingC. going to leaveD.leave() 2. There _ going to _two concerts thisweekend.A. be: beB. is; beC. are; beD. are; are() 3. Everyone wants to live a happy life _, so wemust study hard now.A. in futureB. ina futureC. inthe futureD.in futures() 4. We used the money _ a second-hand car.A. buyB. to buyC. buyingC. buys() 5. The Greens _ a ballet at the moment.A. watchingB. are going to watchC. is watchingD. are watching() 6. Charlie _ here next month.A. isn t working B. doesn t workingC. isn t going to workingD. won t work() 7. Do you often talk to him _?A. on a phoneB. on the phoneC. in the phoneD. by a phone() 8. I need _ to do my home work.A. some piece of paper B. some pieces of paperC. some piece of papers D. some pieces of papers() 9. No one will be cold and there will be _ hotwater.A. manyB. lots ofC. lot ofD. lots()10. It will get warm _ the North Pole so the seaswill be very rough.A. inB. atC. toD. on() 11.It _ sunny soon.A. will beB. willC. going to be D. is going to be() 12.Well use the sun _ our homes in the future.A. heatB. to heatC. heatingD. heated() 13.Everyone in our class _ a dream and hopesit will come true.A. haveB. withC. hasD. dream() 14.Robots will help us _ the housework.A. doB. doingC. doesD.did() 15._ enough water every day is good for ourhealth.A. Drinking B. DrinkC. Drinks D. to drink . .完形填空( 10 分)Ten years later, Iwill be 23 years old. Our city will be a( 1 )livingplace then. There willbe many tall (2) andtrees. Many people will visit our (3) . Almost every family will have one or two cars. People will (4) their cars to workevery day. The libraries willhave more computers,andpeople can (5) books on them. The restaurants willhaverobot waiters( 服务员 ) to (6)you food. Schools willhavemore (7) living in England to teach you English. With the(8) of televisions and computers , transport will be fast(快的 ). You can only need two (9) to get to Africa by plane.People will keep houses (10) by using the solar energy ( 太阳能 ). In a word, the way people live will change a lot inthe future.() 1. A. goodB. weakC. smooth.() 2. A. pubsB. buildings C. floors() 3. A. factory B. libraryC. city() 4. A. shopB. leaveC. drive() 5. A. readB. haveC. watch() 6. A. takeB. bringC. make() 7. A. managers B. doctors C. teachers.() 8. A. lifeB. traditionC. help() 9. A. hoursB. weeksC. days() 10. A. warm B. coolC. cold. .阅读理解( 20 分)(1)My name is Lisa Gibson. I am from the United States.I am 12 years old. AndI am a student at No. 2 MiddleSchool in Beijing.MrsWang is our Chinese teacher. Myfriend is also a student here. Her name is Maria Smith. She is from England. She is 13 years old. Maria and I are newstudents inNo. 2MiddleSchool. We really like ourChinese class.()1. Who is the writer ( 作者 )of this passage?A. A teacher in China.B. A student from England.C. A student from America.D. Maria Smith.()2. What is the writer s family name?A. LisaB. Gibson.C. Smith.D. Maria.()3. Who is Mrs Wang?A. The writer s math teacher.B. The writer s English teacher.C. The writer s Chinese teacher.D. The writer s student.()4. Maria Smith s first name is .A. Gibson.B. Maria.C. Smith.D. Wang.()5. How old is Maria?A. Eleven.B. Twelve.C. Thirteen.D. Fourteen.(2)Jim is an English boy. He comes to China with his father and mother.They come here to work. Jim comes here to study. He is in No. 5 Middle School. He gets up early every day. He isnt late for school. He studies hard. He can read and write English well. He often helps us with our English, and we often help him with his Chinese. After class he likes playing football, swimming, running, jumping and riding. He makes many friends here. We are glad to stay with him. On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house, mend something or do the shopping. He likes Chinese food very much.He likes living here. He likes Chinese students very much. We all like him , too.根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误。对的在括号内填 T , 错的填 F 。 ( 10 分 )()1. He gets up late every day.()2. He often teaches us English.()3. Afterclass , he likessinging and playingbasketball.()4. On Sunday he often helps his mother clean thehouse.()5. He doesnt like Chinese food.用所给词语的适当形式填空(5 分)1. Where is your mother? She(wash) clothes for me.2. She is looking forward to _ (visit) Harbin with his parents next month.3.One of the girls is _( sing) now.4. -What is Miss Green doing? -She_( drive ) a car.5. There(be) a maths test this evening.根据汉语意思完成句子(10 分)1. 我是一名中学生 ,我英语学得好。I am a _ , and I am _ _ English.2. 他们喜欢中国 , 虽然他们是美国人。They _ China , Though they are_ .3. 他是班长吗 ?_ he _ ?4. Tom 和 Linda 一起去看望奶奶。Tom and Linda_ _ _ _together.5. 我看书,弟弟在看电视。I m _ _, my little brother _ _ TV.按要求完成下列各题(15 分)1.Daming s aunt is going to visit them. 改(为否定句 ) Daming saunt _ _ _ _ them .2. They aren t going to the park改.为(疑问句 )_ the park?3. It is Sunday today ( 就画线部分提问 )_ _ _ _ _?4. My parents teach me Chinese. ( 就画线部分提问 )5.My favouritecity is Shanghai.( 用 Kunming 改写 )书面表达。(15 分 )假若你有三个朋友,他们对体育项目的爱好和理由如下表所示。请根据表格写一片5060 个词的短文,描述你朋友所喜欢的体育运动的看法。要求叙述调理,表达符合习惯。短文开头已给出,不记入字数。NamesFavorite sportReasons (理由 )DavidBasketball, tablebegoodforhealth,tennisinteresting and popularTomRunning, skiingeasy and cheap, tiring anddangerousJackfootballExciting and interestingI have got three friends.


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