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FIFA Guidelines to develop a Grassroots Plan国际足联草根足球计划发展方针 GUIDELINES指导方针 GUIDELINES:指导方针 Analysis of a countrys specificities : 对具体国家情况进行分析 Population, Local, regional & zonal administrative & technical organization, Educational system, Sports policies, Existing Youth Football structure, Playing facilities & infrastructures, Link with Ministries, etc.人口,地方,城区以及区域的管理和技术部门,教育系统,体育政策,现有的青少年足球培养体制,体育设施和建设,与政府部门的关系,等 Analysis of needs :需求的分析 Coach Education : Number and qualification, Youth Football development, Activities tournaments and festivals, Equipment, materials, Infrastructures, Grassroots committee.教练员培训:数量和质量,青少年足球的发展,活动 锦标赛和足球节,装备,器械,基础建设,草根足球委员会 OBJECTIVES目标 OBJECTIVES:目标: Introduce Grassroots football for boys & girls ( 6 12 ).向青少年队员推广草根足球(6 -12) Promote Grassroots philosophy.推广草根足球计划 Develop Grassroots activities. 发展草根足球活动 Increase Grassroots participation.增加草根足球参与人数 Develop training & playing facilities.发展训练比赛施设 Train teachers (involving female) to be coach educators.培养教师(包括女教师)成为教练员讲师 Encourage parents & volunteers to get involved.鼓励家长和志愿者参与其中 Create links & build relations with all stakeholders.与所有资助者建立良好关系 Set up a “Grassroots development structure”.建立“草根足球发展系统” Increase awareness, captivate audience.提高影响力,吸引观众 Look for sponsorship, events, Grassroots personalities.寻找赞助商,主办赛事,草根足球的代言人 PRINCIPLES TO SUCCEED取得成功的关键要点 Principles which would guide Grassroots to succeed in the country:帮助成功开展草根足球的要点 the need to consult with all stakeholders in order to ensure that all views are considered and where possible represented in the plan.咨询:与所有主办者进行沟通,确保计划和执行的周密性和全面性,并有序的进行计划的安排 to maximize the number of people involved in the game.参与:让尽可能多的人参与其中 a desire to improve and develop the game at all levels. Provide quality coaching and technical support.质量:致力提高和发展个级别比赛的意愿。提供高质量的教学和技术指导。 provide an alternative lifestyle for young children in disadvantaged areas.社会责任:在贫穷地区为青少年提供不同的生活方式 to ensure that underdeveloped areas of the game (girls, schools, players with disabilities) will receive adequate support and services.平等:确保在足球发展较为薄弱的地区和人群(女孩,学校和残疾人运动员)能够得到足够的支持和服务 recognition that the development of the game depends on a partnership approach from all sectors of the game and society.合作:明确足球比赛的发展有赖于社会各界及相关机构的大力支持的重要性 1.如何在你们所在地区开展草根足球项目?管理部门学校非政府机构,赞助商,社团,俱乐部,媒体2. 如何与所在地方足协共同发展草根足球?3.在各自地区发展草根足球的困难是什麽?如何解决这些困难?4.如何将草根足球项目与其他教育项目相结合?健康互联网发展


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