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Ten breathtaking museums in the world407家园制作 一般来说,博物馆内部才是游客最感兴趣的,但是现在国际上著名的建筑大师正争相设计世界上最壮观的博物馆。外媒盘点了世界上最令人惊叹的博物馆建筑,这些建筑本身就是令人炫目的景点,甚至吸引的游客人数比观看其内部艺术品的人数更多。In general,the interior of the museum is the visitors most interested in, but at the present, the internationally renowned architects are competing to design the worlds most spectacular museums. Foreign media inventoried the worlds most stunning museum building, the building itself is a gorgeous sight, and even the number of tourists attracted to itself is more than that of watching its internal art of work. 一、萨尔瓦多-达利博物馆 一、萨尔瓦多-达利博物馆 The founders of St.Peters-burg Dal Museum Salvador (Salvador Dal Museum) to be built in Florida knew, Dali melted clock and burning giraffes are not the only challenge - and not so surreal problem of the building of $ 36,000,000 cost : each year the hurricane hit coastal areas.佛罗里达州圣彼得斯伯格即将建成的萨尔瓦多达利博物馆(Salvador Dal Museum)的创建者们清楚,达利那融化的钟表和燃烧的长颈鹿并不是他们建这座耗资3600万美元的建筑唯一要应付的难题还有不那么超现实的难题:每年侵袭沿岸区域的飓风。 一、萨尔瓦多-达利博物馆 一、萨尔瓦多-达利博物馆In order to protect the building, the architect Jahn reed Plymouth (Yann Weymouth) design it as a concrete building,which was surrounded by a mass of undulating glass wind protection zone around the egg 为了保护这座建筑,建筑师雅恩苇茅斯(Yann Weymouth)将其设计为一座混 凝土建筑,被一团起伏的卵状防风玻璃保护带环绕 二、罗马MAXXI博物馆 二、罗马MAXXI博物馆 由伊拉克建筑师扎哈哈迪德设计的罗马“最新当代 艺术场馆”,光线可以通过屋顶特制的过滤系统进入内部,游客将以意想不到的路线通过整座建筑。Architect Zaha Hadid in Iraq designed Romes The latest contemporary art venue“, with special light filtering through the roof into the internal system, tourists will go through the entire building according to an unexpected route . 二、罗马MAXXI博物馆 It is a modern architecture made of steel and glass, collecting Italian contemporary art. Seen from the project model, it is a lot like the rail transfer depot with complex twists and turns, where the Italian army barracks used to be. 它是一座用钢铁和玻璃搭建的现代建筑,收藏意大利当代艺术作品。从项目模型可以看到,它很像是一座曲折繁杂的铁路调车厂,这里曾经是意大利军队的兵营。 二、罗马MAXXI博物馆 MAXXI博物馆建筑面积为29000平方米,展览面积为10000平方米,礼堂,图书馆,多媒体图书馆,咖啡厅,餐馆的面积为6000平方米。MAXXI museum is a building of 29,000 square meters, 10,000 square meters of exhibition area, auditorium, library, multimedia libraries, coffee shops, restaurants, an area of 6,000 square meters. 三、“蝴蝶效应”之毕尔巴鄂古根海姆博物馆 三、“蝴蝶效应”之毕尔巴鄂古根海姆博物馆它由加州建筑设计师弗兰克盖里(Frank Gehry)设计,仅仅历时四年就顺利完工。盖里因擅长运用新兴材料和革新的建筑形式,以及对城市环境的敏感性而出名,他把石灰石、玻璃巧妙地融入建筑里,设计的宽敞展厅适合用来展示那些大多会挑战传统博物展厅容量的大型的20世纪后半期艺术 It is designd by the California architect Frank Gehry (Frank Gehry) ,achieving a successful completion of four years. Gehry is well-known because of being good at using new materials and innovative architectural forms, as well as the sensitivity of the urban environment, he integrated limestone, glass cleverly into the building, the design of the spacious exhibition hall is suitable for those who would be most likely challenge the traditional museum Capacity of the large hall the latter half of 20th century art 三、“蝴蝶效应”之毕尔巴鄂古根海姆博物馆 盖里不仅设计出一个雕塑性的建筑,一个有强烈的城市象征身份的博物馆,而且既使周围地区充满活力,又使不同的建筑部件融入城市。博物馆还设有专为当代巴斯克和西班牙艺术家提供的展厅 Gehrys designing a museum not only is a sculpture of building, strongly symbolizing the city as a museum,but also makes the surrounding area full of vitality and the different architectural components be integrated into the city. The Museum also has designed the exhibition hall offered by the contemporary Basque and Spanish artists. 三、“蝴蝶效应”之毕尔巴鄂古根海姆博物馆 四、丹佛艺术博物馆 四、丹佛艺术博物馆丹佛艺术博物馆委托丹尼尔李博斯金设计其扩建建筑,不禁令人想起落基山脉和丹佛附近发现的几何状水晶。 Denver Art Museum entrusted DanielLibeskind to design the extension of architecture, which reminds us of geometrical crystal in the Rocky Mountains and Denvers nearby areas. 四、丹佛艺术博物馆 五、“文化工厂”蓬皮杜现代艺术博物馆 五、“文化工厂”蓬皮杜现代艺术博物馆 The main building of Pompidou cultural center is a 6th- storey building made of steel, 166 meters long and 60 meters wide. Hexagonal wooden structure is much like the Chinese hexagonal cap “蓬皮杜文化中心”建筑的主体为6层的钢结构,长166米,宽60米。六角形的木质结构与中国式的六角帽很像 五、“文化工厂”蓬皮杜现代艺术博物馆 整座大厦看上去犹如一座被五颜六色的管道和钢筋缠绕起来的庞大的化学工厂厂房,在那一条条巨形透明的圆筒管道中,自动电梯忙碌地将参观者迎来送往 . The whole building looks like a huge chemical factory wound by colorful pipes and steel, in that huge cylinder-shaped transparent pipes, escalators are busy greeting and sending the visitors. 五、“文化工厂”蓬皮杜现代艺术博物馆 因这座现代化的建筑外观极像一座工厂,故又有“炼油厂”和“文化工厂”之称Due to the modern building s appearance is very much like a factory, it is also named as refineriesand cultural facility 六、加拿大超现代皇家安大略博物馆水晶宫 六、加拿大超现代皇家安大略博物馆水晶宫 丹尼尔李博斯金还是加拿大多伦多皇家安大略博物馆扩建计划的负责人,这座博物馆是加拿大最大同时也是拥有最多收藏品的博物馆。五个联锁的自我支撑建筑与博物馆原来的主体建筑相连,外部是25%的玻璃混合75%的铝带。 Daniel Libo Si King is also the head of the expansion plan of the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada, which is Canadas largest museum, possessing the largest collection of museums. Five interlocking self-supporting construction is attached to the original main building, the exterior is a mixture of 25% glass and 75% aluminium ribbon. 六、加拿大超现代皇家安大略博物馆水晶宫 这个新兴的建筑为多伦多增添这个城市特有的建筑风貌:新老交汇,传统与超现代相融,历史风貌与未来感同在。Michael Lee-Chin Crystal在白天展现着它低调质朴的优雅。然而,华灯缀满城市时,它又以一种充满生机与活力的姿态出现在人们面前。 The new building is added to the city of Toronto unique architectural style: the intersection of old and new, the blend of tradition and ultra modernization, with a sense of history and the future outlook. Michael Lee-Chin Crystal in the day shows its low-key elegant simplicity. However, when the city is brightly studded, it is full of vigor and vitality in a posture in front of people. 七、太空船建筑 尼迈耶当代艺术博物馆 七、太空船建筑 尼迈耶当代艺术博物馆 巴西里约热内卢的尼迈耶当代艺术博物馆是奥斯卡尼迈耶设计,并于1996年完工的,坐落在一处悬崖之上,外形很像太空船。Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Oscar Niemeyer Museum of contemporary art designed by AosikaNimaiye and was completed in 1996, and is located on top of a cliff, whose appearance is much like a spaceship. 七、太空船建筑 尼迈耶当代艺术博物馆 奥斯卡尼迈耶出生于1907年在里约热内卢,巴西山坡地区,并在那里的美术学院学习。 尼迈耶的建筑,雕塑作为抒情设想,扩大成为一个自由格式的一种雕塑的原则和勒柯布西耶创新 Oscar Niemeyer was born in 1907 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian area of slope, and studied in art college there. Nimaiyes architecture is enlarged to a principle of a free-style kind of statue and Le Corbusiers creativity. 七、太空船建筑 尼迈耶当代艺术博物馆 八、奇特外貌 旧金山艺术馆SFMOMA 八、奇特外貌 旧金山艺术馆SFMOMA旧金山艺术馆并不以建筑吸引游客, 而是其引人注目的奇特外貌。这座艺术宫是1915年巴拿马太平洋万国博览会的一部分,原计划只要支持一年即可。但是经过多次复原后,现在它已经是那次博览会的唯一存在建筑。San Francisco Museum of art attracts tourists not by architecture but by its strange and attractive appearance. Palace of the arts is the 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition, and part of the plan is supported for as long as one year. But after the restoration for several times, now it is the only existing building of the Expo. 九、巴伦西亚艺术科学城 圣地亚哥卡拉特拉瓦 九、巴伦西亚艺术科学城 圣地亚哥卡拉特拉瓦 巴伦西亚“艺术科学城”堪称西班牙的娱乐文化基地,其建筑融合了电影院、公园、科学博物馆、水族馆以及剧院。这里成为西班牙最受欢迎的旅游胜地,来这里的游客都想看看令人惊异的建筑群。Blenheims “city of the literatural science” is well-known as Spainish foundation of entertainmental culture,its architecture mixes cinema, park, scientific museum, aquarium and theater. There becomes Spainish most popular places of interest, the tourists coming here all want to have a look at spectacular architectures. 九、巴伦西亚艺术科学城 圣地亚哥卡拉特拉瓦 十、海螺结构 索罗门R古根海姆博物馆 十、海螺结构 索罗门R古根海姆博物馆 索罗门R古根海姆博物馆是世界上最著名的私人现代艺术博物馆之一,也是全球性的一家以连锁方式经营的艺术场馆。美国建筑师弗兰克劳埃德莱特的设计,外观像一只茶杯,或者像一条巨大的白色弹簧,可能是因为螺旋线结构也有人说像海螺。Solomon R Guggenheim Museum is one of the most famous private Museum of modern art in the world, is also a chain operating museum in the global art venue. United States architect Frank Lloyd Wright s design looks and feels like a Cup, or like a huge White Springs, probably because of the spiral structure, some people say that is like a conch. 十、海螺结构 索罗门R古根海姆博物馆 建筑物的外部向上、向外螺旋上升,内部的曲线和斜坡则通到6层。螺旋的中部形成一个敞开的空间,从玻璃圆层顶采光 Building external upward spiral outside, Internal curve and slope is connected to the six layers. The central form a spiral open space, from the glass round on roof daylighting 鸣谢联想(中国)有限公司百度互联网科技有限公司金山词霸在线翻译谷歌在线翻译微软翻译必应搜索维基百科本ppt由将由百度文库独家发行,翻版必究(本ppt为非专业人士制作,英语部分由较多 错误,希望各位注意修改) Thanks


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