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迁安市建昌营高中三模九步能本大课堂”导学案高三 年级 英语 学科,课题:状语从句2课型:预习展示课日期: 11. 25班级:姓名:编号:008编制人: 李庆国 审稿:人右有志,万事可为【学习目标】2分钟 知识与技能目标:掌握状语从句的分类及常用连接词 过程与方法:通过阅读文本材料,学生自学和小组学习掌握状语从句 情感、态度、价值观目标:通过参与,体会学习掌握知识的快乐【学习过程】【基础训练互动展示当堂检测】自学内容*学法指导*随堂笔记互动策 略 展示方案査 看 基 础心中有数35分钟一、自主学习、构建思维导图学法指导:针对学习目标,根据状语从句的文本材料,构建网络 或思维导图,要求:找出本节几种状语从句的连接词以及例 句。展示一:地点状语从句【互动策 略】1. 全体学 生独学2. 修正完 善思维导 图3. 确定展 示方案、 分工及展 示顺序4. 教师,点 拨展示二:原因状语从句探 究 疑 点比较:because, since, as 和 for展 示 困 困 惑语气位置意义BecauseSinceAsFor【展示 方案】1学生提 高 能 力展示二:条件状语从句展示四:让步状语从句自己找每 种类型状 语从句的 连接词。2.通过 材料自己 组织材料 并通过例 句来呈现 所有知识 ,点。3要求 脱稿展示4.要求 会背诵例 句。当堂检测看我最棒18分学法指导:请同学们安静、快速、独立完成,比一比谁最快!1. When he reads a book, his habit is to make a markthe meaning is uncleaA. thereB. whereverC. the placeD. in which2. If you are travellingthe customs are totally different from your own, you ishock.A. in the placeB. whichC. in whichD. where3. Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada,thshe especially treasured.A. as B. ifC. when D. where4. Some people believe thatoil is running out, the fate of the motor industryA. /B. though C. forD. since5. We will be able to get there on time,our car doesnt break down on the roacA. as soon as B. as far as C. as long as D. as well as6. In time of serious accidents,we know some basic things about first aid, weA. whether B. untilC. ifD. unless7. you have tried it, you cant imagine how pleasant it is.A. UnlessB. Because C. Although D. When8. The official soon realized that, things would get worse.A unless dealt with properlyB if not properly dealing with itC unless properly dealt withD if dealt not properly with9. I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.A. While B. since C. Before D. Unless10. The workers are determined to go through with their railway project,the exA. as long as B. even though C. now that D. as though11. , he knows more than other children of his age.A. However young child he isB. Child as he isC. No matter how young child isD. What a young child he isll12. I really want the match, however much.A. does it cost B. costs it C. will it costD. it costs13. we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.is ucanpenA. For now B. Now that C. By now D. until14., the idea of having to work under a woman defeated him.A Wanting the job very muchB Although wanting the job badlyC Though he wanted the job very muchD He wanted the job badly请把本节疑惑的地方写下来。自我评价A( )、B( )、C()、D()教师评价A()、 B()、 C()、D()Teaching Plan for the Adverbial Clause 状语从句一、考点分析 状语从句是高考句法部分考查的重点内容之一,也是学生比较熟识的一种复合句,近几 年高考重点是考查状语从句的时态呼应,尤其是时间状语从句和条件状语从句,另外引 导状语从句的连接词也是常考点之一。二、学生分析 状语从句对于学生来说是比较熟识,状语从句的学习是贯穿在整个初高中的学习阶段 但状语从句的时态呼应部分对于学生来说还是一个难点,特别在翻译句子时总是忘了时态的 呼应。三.教学目标:The Objectives1. The students will learn about the Adverbial Clauses by watching a flash.2. They will know the 9 kinds of the Adverbial Clause3. At the end of the class, they can do some multiple choices and translation4. The students will learn the 9 kinds of adverbials and their conjunctions.四教学重点 时间状语从句和条件状语从句的时态呼应 状语从句的连接词五教学难点能在口头和笔头熟练使用各种状语从句六. 教学策略归纳法和启发式教学七. 教学媒体多媒体和练习卷八. 教学步骤Step 1 Lead-in1. Warming upAsk the students some questions and present the Adverbial Clauses(To arouse the Ss interest and lead in the revision topic _ The Adverbial Clauses )Q : There are so many teachers in our class today , how do you feel today ? Why? The final exam is coming , are you getting ready for your exam ? How do you feel before the exam ? Why ?Eg . I feel nervous because there are so many teachers today .Step 2 RevisionTo go over the kinds of the Adverbial Clauses ( show on the screen )从状语到状语从句指出下列句子中划线部分的成分及功能1. We always leave for school early.2. He found his lost cellphone on the playground.3. Our car couldnt movteh waityre broken.4. Turning left , you will see our school.5. You must do experiment in the right way.6. To write correct English sentences, you must learn grammar well.7. He did well enough to pass the exam.8. He kept on studying in spite of being tired. 完成或转换下列句子:1. We always leave for school . (当很多人还在睡觉时).2. He found his lost cellphone (在他们原来玩的地方).3. Our car couldnt move with a tyre broken.= Our car couldnt move .4. Turning left , you will see our school.= , you will see our school.5. You must do experiments (按老师指示).6. To write correct English sentences, you must learn grammar well.=You must learn grammar well you can write correctEnglish sentences.7. He did well enough to pass the exam.=He did _ well he passed the exam.8. He kept on studying in spite of being tired.=He kept on studying / he was tired.=Tired _/ he was, he kept on working.Conclusion: 英语中的状语如果用一个从句来表示,就称为状语从句,根据其功能分为时间、 地点、原因、条件、目的、结果、方式状语从句。此外还有一类叫比较状语从 句,由比较连词 than 和 as 引导,如:China is larger than any other country in Asia (is).No other country in Asia is as large as China (is).从下面几个方面掌握状语从句_ 9 种状语从句分别由哪些连词引导及连词的含义 某些状语从句的时态处理 同义连词的用法区别 状语从句和其它从句的辨别 一些连词的常用句式和固定时态 状语从句的省略 状语从句和表示相同含义及功能的介词短语和非谓语动词的辨别状语从句分类及常用连词类别连词时间状语 从句when, whenever, while, as, before, after, since, till, once, as soon as, etc.地点状语 从句where, wherever原因状语 从句because, since, as, for, now that, etc.目的状语 从句in order that, so that, that, etc.结果状语 从句sothat, so that, such.that, that, etc.条件状语 从句if, unless, as (so) long as, etc.让步状语 从句though, although, even if, even though, however, whatever, as, etc.比较状语 从句as as, soas, than, etc.方式状语 从句as, as if, as though, etc.1、时间状弋语从句:1) when, while, aswhen+短暂性动词延续性动词while+延续性动词;意为“在期间”as 强调主句和从句两个动作同时发生或交替进行;译为“一边 一边”He was swimming in the river the flood came.He likes geography she likes English.I want my child to know more they are young. I think what you said is true, I dont agree with you. time went on, the weather is becoming hotter and hotter.2) 表示“一 就”的连接词:as soon as;immediately; directly; instantly;the moment; the instant; the minute; hardly/scarcely when ; no sooner than; Hardly/Scarcely had when.No sooner hadthat.3) till & until 和 not until延续性动词+ till/until+从句(动作延续到某时间点终止); 短暂性动词+ not until +从句(动作直到某时间才开始) not until 的句型:It is /was not until that.Not until . did/do/does sb. donot - until - 直到累得走不动了他才停下来。He didnt Not until .It was not until It was not until me the truth.A. did you tell; that I knewB. you told; did I knowC. you told; that I knewD. did you tell; did I know4) before VS since before 的用法:before sb. could do 还没来得及就;It is/was/will be+段时间+ before 还要多久才It wont be long before 过不了多久就 since 的用法:sb. has/have done since + 从句(短暂性动词)It is /has been +段时间+since +从句(短暂性动词) 自从到现在有多长时间It is/ has been + 一段时间+ since+从句(延续性动词) 有多长时间没有做某事It was September 2013 we enteredXiaojin High School.It is two years we entered Xiaojin High School.It will be 7months we graduate fromXiaojin High School.It was in September we enteredXiaojin High School.It is not until a month later we will meetagain back at school.It will be not long we take the firstdiagnosed exam of Sichuan。5) 引导的时间状语从句的名词短语: everytime; each time; the first time; next time; the last time; 注意:1)时间连词2)时态a)“主将从现”b)hardly/scarcely - when -, no sooner - than - ( 刚就)的时态和倒装c)带 since 从句的复合句孩子出生以来身体一直都不好。 从大学毕业他已经在成都工作 15年了。 他失业以来生活一直很艰难。- 就 -); time; the特殊用法1) 特殊形式 的连词:the moment/minute/second (一- directly/immediately/instantly ( 一 - 就 -); every time/each first/second- last time; by the time(到-为止)第一次来中国时他对一切都很好奇。说法 1:.; 说法 2:.2) 同义连词 while, when, as 的用法区别2、原因状语从句because, as, since, now that, 的区别1)-Why did he fail in the exam?- he was too careless.2) -Did he pass the exam?-No, he didnt, he was too careless.3) It must have rained last night, ground is all wet.4) it was fine that day, they decided to go fishing.5) everyone has come, lets begin our meeting.Now that引导原因状语从句的其它连词:when.;in that.;seeing that.;considering that.given that.3、目的状语从句for fear that VS in casefor fear that : to avoid the danger of sth happening以免发生in case (that): if sth. happensI got up very early I might miss the first train.Youd better take the key I am out.注意in case (that)引导的从句中用一般现在时表示将来的动作。4、结果状语从句so that., so.that., such.that.so that “以便”、“结果”表目的和结果。注意:在从句中有情态动词表目的。无情态动词表结果。 so.that. “如此的. 以致于”表结果。该结构常见于:so+ 形/副+thatso+形+a /an+单数名词+thatso+many/much/few/little+复数名词/不可数名词 + thatsuch+a /an+形容词+名词+thatsuch+形容词+复数名词/不可数名词+that注意:so或such置于句首时,主句要用倒装语序。5. 让步状语从句although/though 可以和 yet, still, nevertheless 连用,不能 和 but 连用;though 引导让步状语时可不到装;可以用作副词,置于句末;as引导让步状语时要采用倒装语序;while 引导让步状语时常在句首;引导让步状语的其它连接词:even though; even if;whetherorwh-everno matter +wh-6. 让步状语从句 注意:even if/though, no matter + wh- /wh-ever, whether(无论是否=nomatter whether)引导的从句中如表示将来的动作用一般现在时。 注意 as/though 引导让步状语从句时的倒装句型7. 比较状语从句 两种基本句型 A - than B A- as - as B否定: A-not so/as - as B两种特殊句型 A is to B what C is to D 倍数的表达法(三种句型)1. A is 3 times as high as B.2. A is 3 times higher than B.3. A is 3 times the height of B.The height of A is 3 times that of B.The height of A is 3 times what the height of B is.8. 方式状语从句 as/likeSometimes we teach our children our parents once taught us.He always talks and walks a general. as if/though 引导的从句中有时用虚拟语气。9. 结果状语从句Harry Potter is an interesting book _ almost all kids like reading.Harry Potter is an interesting a book almost all kids like reading it.Harry Potter is interesting a book _ almost all kids like reading it.状语从句的省略结构 After to the palace ball, Mathilde was very excited. Though to the palace ball, Mathilde had a problem that she had nojewelry to wear.A. invitedB. being invitedC. invitingD. to be invited状语从句的省略(在时间,条件,方式,让步状语从句中)状语从句同时具备下列两个条件:主句和从句的主语一致,或从句主语为it; 从句主要动词是be的某种形式。从句中的主语和be动词常可省略。例如:When ( the museum is ) completed , the museum will be open to the public next year . Hell go to the seaside for his holiday if (it is ) possible.The concert was a great success than (it was) expected.He wont go there with us unless .A to invite him B inviting him C invited D being invited注意:当从句主语和主句主语不一致时 ,从句部分要么用完全形式 ,要么用独立主 格结构来表达。例如:判断正误:when given more attention , the trees will grow better .when given more attention , we can make the trees grow betterWith the trees given more attention , we can make the trees grow better .when , the project will be completed ahead of time.A having more time B giving more time C we having more time D we are given more time状语从句和表示相同含义及功能的介词短匿的辨别1. as / with 随着利比亚局势一天天恶化,越来越多的外国人离开回国了。 As , an increasing number offoreigners are leaving for home. With , an increasing number offoreigners are leaving for home.2. because; because of因为这个成功,他恢复了信心。He recovered his confidence .He recovered his confidence .3. despite/in spite of ; though/although the fact that China is developing at an amazing speed, we still have a great many serious problems to solve. developing fast, China still has a great many serious problems to solve.despite 和 although 翻译) 书面表达常见错误35% of the people interviewed are against the project. Because they think it will do great harm to the environment.正确:35% of the people interviewed are against the project, because they think it will do great harm to the environment.句型: Because-, sth./sb. -.Sth.Sb. - (,) because -.Step 3 Practice (具体练习参看学生用卷)Let the Ss do some exercises and then check the answers ( To check how the students understand the usages of the Adverbial Clauses)Step 4 Summary1. To help the students to summarize the usages of the Adverbial ClausesStep 5 Consolidation( To make sure how the students understand the content of the Adverbial Clauses ) 1. Have a test . (If time permits)2. Oral Speaking . (If time permits)3. Step 6 Homework1. To go over the content of The Adverbial Clauses2. To write a composition using the Adverbial Clauses .状语从句练习1. 单项选择1. How long has this bookshop been in business? 1982. A. After B. In C. From D. Since2. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially Father was away inFrance. A. as B. that C. during D. if3. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, great it is.A. what B. how C. however D. whatever4. After the war, a new school building was put up there had once been a theatre.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when5. I am going to the post office. youre there, can you get me some stamps?A. As B. WhileC. BecauseD. If6. You should make it a rule to leave things you can find them again.A. when B. where C. then D. there7. youve got the chance, you might as well make full use of it.A. Now thatB. AfterC. AlthoughD. As soon as8. Well have to finish the job, .A. long it takes howeverB. it takes however longC. long however it takesD. however long it takes9. Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up I couldanswer the ph A. as B. since C. until D. before10. The WTO cannot live up to its name it does not include a country that ishome to one fifth of mankind.A. as long as B. while C. ifD. even thoughA. if B.B. the moment11. The men will have to wait all day the doctor works faster.unless C. whether D. that12. Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her? Yes, I gave it to her I saw her. A. whileC. suddenly D. once13. Americans eat vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. A. more than twice B. as twice as manyC. twice as many asD. more than twice as many14. How far apart do they live? I know, they live in the same neighbourhood. A. As long as B.As well asC. As far asD. As often as15. A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners curios ity he reaches theend of the story.A. when B. unlessC. afterD. until1 5 DACBB 6 10 BADDC 11 15 BBDCD n.翻译下列句子:1如果他们违反了法律,就会被判长达两年的监禁。(条件)If they broke the law, they were put into prison for up to two years.2. 我一听到闹钟响就从床上跳了起来。(时间)As soon as I hear the alarm clock, I jump out of my bed.3. 有些孩子学习起来比别的孩子吃力。(比较)Some children have more difficulty in learning than others.4. 最好多带点衣服,以防天变冷。(目的)Better take more clothes in case the weather is cold.5. 虽然在下雨,但他们仍在地里干活。(让步)Although it is raining, yet they are still working in the field.


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