终结性评价与形成性评价 终结性评价是对学生学习的结果进行的评价,它是用来对学生的学习做出结论和判断,或者用于证明和选拔; 形成性评价是对学生的学习过程进行的评价,旨在确认学生的潜力,改进和发展学生的学习。 lAssessment with testl 测试型评价 - 纸笔测验(标准化测验、开放性测验) - 口头测验(快速问答)lAssessment without test l非测试型评价 - 观察 - 问卷调查 - 访谈 - 学生档案 l语言知识、语言能力l行为表现评价l Performance assessments aim to model the real learning activities that we wish students to engage with, oral and written communication skills, problem solving activities etc, rather than to fragment them, as do multiple-choice tests; l情感、态度、学习策略lAttitudelco-operativenessl Independence l Learning Strategies