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第一种情况:望文生义,不符合英语表达习惯的翻译,即“中式英语”。这方面的例子很 多,例如:把“胶水”译成glue water (应为glue);把“不准拍照”译成 Don t take picture(应为:No photographs);把“当心碰头”译成 Be careful, head (应为:Mind your head / Lower your head);把“拳头产品”译成fistproduct,但fist这个词只是握住拳头,并没有打出去的动作 和力量,(参考:“knock。ut” produc t/“hard-punch” produc t / core produc t / produc t with a competitive edge / market-penetrating product);把“科技旅游”译成technologicaltours,这给人的印象似乎是,旅游本身是技术性的(参 考:science-theme tours);把“黄金地段”译作golden area,这是说“金色地区”?(试比较:prime /central/ideal location)把电视屏幕上的栏目名称“看世界”译作Look the World,(试比较:Around the World / Window onto the World / Across the World 等);把“经济改革取得了巨大成就并且不断深化”译成The economic reform has made great achievements and is deepening.(似应译为:Great achievements have been made in the economic reform, which is developing in dep th);等等。第二种情况:不符合国际上通用惯例的翻译,这主要是指一些常用的专门术语。这方面的 例子也不胜枚举,例如:把“外向型产业”译成ext ernal direc ted indus tries (比较:export-oriented manufacturing ) ;把“保税区”译为 tax-protected zone (比较:bonded zone 或 free-trade zone); 把“追求卓越管理”译为working for brilliant management (参考:in search of excellence in management / commitment to managerial excellence ) ;把“小商品博览会”译为 small goods / commodities fair 参考:general merchandise show / expo) ;把“入境登记卡、年月日、入境事由、观光休闲、返回常住地、定居”分别翻译成entry card, year/month/day, Your main reason for coming to China (only one), outing/in leisure, return home, settle down。按照英语习惯,这些应该分别译为landing card或 disembarkation form, day/month/year或 month/day/year, purpose of visit, pleasure 或 travel, returning home, settling in。第三种情况:对汉语中某些地道的简略语(short-hand phrases)的翻译常常令人难以看懂。这方面的例子也是俯拾即是,例如:把 “五讲四美” 译成 f ive str esses and four poi nts of bea uty (对照:five mer its to advocate-civilized behavior, common courtesy, hygienic conditions, proper discipline and public morality; and four virtues to promote-lofty sentiments, refined language, good manners and environmental awareness.)把“三通一平” 译成 three-side connections and one site level,成了 “三面连接” 和 “一块地是平的” 。 (对照: threeavailables-Utilityservices, telecommunicationsand paved roads are available; and one accessible-You are accessible to leveled plant ground) ;把“开发热点地区” 译成heating point of development,(参考:a popular destination of investors for development projects);把“货币分房”译成monetary housing,(参考:the own-as-you-pay housing system) 把“好酒也要勤吆喝”译成Good Doing, Good Drumming,比较:Good wine does need a bush, after all)等等。第四种情况:意思走了样的翻译,即译文同原文说的不一样,有的差别不大,有的差别甚 远,例如:把:“购卡后(电话卡)可以修改密码/此卡限北京市使用”译为please revise PIN; just used in Beijing (试比较: Pin number may be changed; inactive out of Beijing area) ; 把“旋转果合”(一种可以转动的盛糖果的圆盘)译为spinning fruit box (试比较: rotating dish for nuts and candies) ;把“进出口商品结构”译为foreign trade structure 试比较:the make-up 或composition of imports and exports);把“在家自制矿泉水(指矿泉壶)”译为family made mineral water (试比较:You can make mineral water at home.); 等等。把去机场的班车译成Airbus,与欧洲制造的“空中客车”飞机雷同。(应为:airport shuttle bus 或 airport shuttle)。把空调公共汽车译成air bus (应为air-condi tioned bus)。 把“不同的肤色,共同的青岛啤酒”(广告语)译为 The same choice for different colors, 其意思变成了“都选择不同的颜色”。这里至少应该加上people 词,翻译成The same choice for people of different colors.(可以考虑:Peoples skin colors are different-far and near; but their choice is the same-for Qingdao Beer.);第五种情况:只管词语的字面意思,不顾其特殊含义的翻译。例如: 把“仲裁员休息室”译成 arbitratorsrest rooms (可考虑:arbitratorslounges 或recess rooms)。这里有两点要注意:是英语里表示休息室的词很多,不同的场合有不同的叫法;二是restrooms通常总是指厕所,包括分开写的rest rooms,比如美国高速公路旁 就有写着REST ROOMS 2 MILES AHEAD的巨大指示牌。把“九月,相约在大连”(指参加那里的国际时装节)译成 Dating in Dalian, thisSep tember。(可考虑 Lets Mee t in Dalian in Sep tember.)须不知,这里的date词 是指青年男女之间的约会,而不是通常意思上的会面。把“纽约有家一碟盐(餐馆名)译成There is a dish of salt in New York.(可考虑An“A Dish of Salt”restaurant has been opened in New York.)把反对“平均主义”的“平均主义”译成egalitarianism。实际上,egalitarianism是一 个褒义词,是指政治、经济、法律地位均等的意思。否则人家会以为我们主张两极分化,拉 大贫富之间的距离。这里的egalitarianism可以用leveling-out来代替。把“旅游的热点”译成a hot spot of tourism,那么这里的hot spot就有可能引起麻 烦,因为 hot spot 可以被理解为 place where (e.g.) trouble is likely (Oxford Advanced Learners Dic tio nary)。(可以考虑:a popular des tination of tou ris tspopulartourist attraction / a Mecca of tourists。) 把“摸着石头过河” 译成 crossing the river by feeling the stones, (可以考虑:“wading across the stream by feeling the way,”so to speak。)第六种情况:对于有些从英语翻译过来的词语,在翻译成英语时本应用回译的方法还原; 可是有些人却按汉语的字面意思或者发音加以重新翻译,其结果是“差之毫厘,失之千里” 或者是失去地道性。例如:把“第一时间(来源于英语的prime t ime)译成first t ime;把“卡丁车”中的“卡丁”(来源于英语的cade t)译成carding; 把“第21届世界大学生运动会” 译成the 21st World Students Games,而实际应为the 21st Universiade, 等等。第七种情况:有一些是非常蹩脚的错误百出的翻译。例如,把“免淘米”译为 needn t wash rice (可以考虑:prewashed rice);把“英雄高级纯蓝墨水,灌注各种金笔”译为Hero High Pure Blue Ink, Poured fountain pen (可以考虑“ Hero”brand high-grade ligh t- blue ink, suit able for all ty pes of fountain pen) ;把“多文种字处理排版系统是您在文字处理中高效省时、经济方便的好帮手”(广告语) 译为 MWP is your economic and effective assistant, it can make your business easy.(可以考虑:Typographic word processing can make you very busy; but the MWP system can make the work really easy)。第八种情况:有的英译文走了样,不但起不到正面的宣传作用,反而会起反向宣传的作用 或副作用。例如:把“一小时内免费上门送票” (某航空公司推出的新的服务项目)译成 Drop in to GiveTicket Free of Charge,其意思是“上门送免费机票(应该是:We offer free delivery service of air tickets at customers doorsteps one hour after booking confirmation.)把 海南岛的“天涯海角”译成The End of the World,其意思是“世界末日”或“大难临 头。要是这样,谁还愿意到那里去旅游?(应该是Lands End / The Ends of the Ear th) 把“修建辐射型的道路”译成to build radioactive roads,请注意:这里指的是受辐射 污染的道路。这种情况下,谁还敢来投资?还不赶紧躲得远远的!(建议改为:to build a system of roads radiating out in several directions或 to build a road system of wheel-spokes pattern)。第九种情况:还有一些英译文是在不了解中外文化差异的情况下生硬地“移植”的,其效 果可想而知:对国外读者来说简直是莫名其妙。例如:把 “以外贸企业为龙头” 译成 with foreign trade enterprises as the dragon head。 这里有两个问题:一是在西方人心目中dragon是个令人生畏的怪兽,是个凶恶的形象;二 是国外的人不知道耍龙灯是怎么回事,当然也就无法知晓龙头的作用。如果改为 with foreign trade firms as the locomotive或flagship,用尽人皆知的火车头或者旗舰作 比喻,那么问题就迎刃而解了。第十种情况:有时候所谓的译文只不过是把汉字写成拼音,这根本不能算做翻译。例如:把“治咳川贝枇杷露”写成Zhike Chuanbei Pipalu,等于没有翻译(似应译为:a cough syrup prepared with extracts from frillary bulbs and loquat leaves);把“创业大楼”译成Chuangye Tower,其中一半没译,一半译错了(实际上那座 大楼并不是一座塔楼)。这里的“创业大楼”似乎可以译为en terprise building。把“刻有南天一柱、海判南天的巨石”译成huge stones engraved with Chinese characters“Nantian Yizhu” and“Haipan Nantian”。这叫谁能看懂?“南天一柱”、 “海判南天” 似可分别译成 A Pillar Piercing into the Southern Sky, and the Sea Rising Against the Sky in the South。把“上海皮鞋”写成汉语拼音Shanghai pixie,非但没有达到翻译的目的,反而会引起莫 名其妙的歧义,因为在英语中存在pixie这个词,它是指童话中的小仙子、小精灵。那末Shanghai pixie就有可能被误解成“上海小精灵”了。第十一种情况:在对汉语原文没有进行认真理解,并不知其所云的情况下就盲目着手按字面进行翻译,其结果很可能是文不对题。例如:把 “超值享受 译为 super value enjoymen t (比较:enjoymen twit hex tr a benef its); 把“人文奥运”译作 Peoples Olympics (比较:Cul ture-Enriched Olympics);把“科技奥运”译成High-tech Olympics (比较:Technology-Empowered 或 Propelled Olympics );第十二种情况:有时汉语原文的语言十分夸张,充满了过度渲染的形容词 (chargedadjectives),这对于中国读者来说是习以为常的事情。但是,如果照直译成英语,西方人 就难以接受。例如:有的旅游广告把自己那一块地方说成是“人间仙境,世外桃源”,而且被翻译成earthiy (原文如此)fairyland。其实fairyland是指神奇美妙的童话世界(比如可以说 This toy-shop is a fairyland for young children)可在这里完全不适用。而且用 the Garden of Eden, paradise等说法也不太合适。最好是用平淡朴素的词语(比如a retreat / beaten track away from the hustle and bustle of the city),这样反而更加能被西 方人所接受。再比如,某个富于创新的科技园区,被描写成这是一片神奇的土地,这对中国人来说是可以 接受的,因为我们为自己的成就感到自豪,我们习惯于运用夸张的语言。但是,如果把它直 译为 This is a magic land / marvelous land / wonderland, 对西方人来说,它既没有 实际意义,又容易引起反感。还不如改用朴素具体的词语来得实在: T h i s i s a p l a c e r e nown e d for its abundance of talent and innovation第十三种情况:说话的语气或口气是否恰当也会影响宣传效果。有些宾馆饭店的旅客须知就是以居高临下、盛气凌人的口气说话,那么这种宣传材料就很可能给人留下不好的印象。 例如: 旅客登记时,须凭足以证明本人身份的有效证件,并说明住宿原因。 旅客必须遵守宾馆饭店的规章制度,服从工作人员的管理,爱护饭店的公共财物。 对违反上述规定的旅客,饭店有权责成改正。其英译文的口气当然也是十分生硬。 Guests are requested to show their own valid papers to prove their identities and to tell the reason for lodging when they check in at the hotel. Every guest has the obligation to abide (by) the rules and regulations of the hotel, cooperate with the personnel in carrying out their duties and take good care of the property in the hotel. The authority of the hotel has the right to reason with anyone who hasolvaited (the) regulations mentioned above. (黑体是后加的)上述规定显然已经不能适应当前改革开放环境的需要。如今的宾馆必须用非常客气的口气对 客人说话才行,因为顾客是上帝。其中包括要求客人遵守有关的规定,也必须非常客气。试 比较下面的几种表达方法(参考英语国家饭店的有关规定): Please help us to speed up your check-in by presenting your ID. Our guests are kindly expected to heed the rules and regulations. Your cooperation will be appreciated in making our services effective. In the unlikely event that something in the room is broken or damaged, please let the Floor Desk know immediately. If you find the robe in the bathroom to your liking, you are welcome to contact the Front Desk for a purchase deal.If your departure time does not coincide with our 12 Noon checkout timing, please call our Reception Desk and every effort will be made to accommodate you.这十三个方面只是一些常见的现象,并不很全面。为什么会出现这些问题呢?从翻译者本身 来看,他们可能学习了十几年的英语,通过了六级甚至八级考试,但并没有真正掌握英语, 没有实际运用能力。他们以为英语同汉语在思维和表达方式上都是一样的,把汉语翻译成英 语很容易,无非是将二者“对号入座”和“亦步亦趋”。由于翻译者自我感觉良好,也不会 想到把自己翻译的东西拿出去请人审查一下,把把关;而且给他们布置翻译任务的人也没有 考虑到这种必要,所以,大量的不合格的翻译成品就泛滥开来。为了保证翻译的质量,从翻译者的角度来说,必须严肃认真地对待自己的任务,在着手翻译 之前要去寻找根据、查找资料、寻求指导,在翻译的过程中要多查字典和参考书。要做到“精 心设计,精心施工”。在通常情况下,这一点是很容易做到的。比如,在翻译“入境登记 卡”时,只要翻一翻国外编写的旅游英语课本就能找到根据。翻译饭店的注意事项时,查一 查国外出版的款待业英语教材就能找到参考。关键是要用心和花力气。做一名翻译人员,必 须经常不断地学习,要扩大和更新知识,要研究新问题和新方法,使自己不断地得到提高, 以适应不断变化的新情况。


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