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奇迹服务端修改技术(Miracle server modification)(常用版)(可以直接使用,可编辑 完整版资料,欢迎下载)奇迹服务端修改技术(Miracle server modification)Method for modifying character upgrade pointsFind absolute address in GSEventitembag file revealed (for 96, 97 edition MUSF)mu heads upIn the muserver/data directory, there are 12 files, eventitembag.txt, eventitembag2.txt, and eventitembag3.txt, respectively. Eventitembag12.txt. These files are events, objects drop files, and each file corresponds to an event.After a night of testing, we will now test the completed part of the note to you:The corresponding events for each file: (if the item is out, it is set in this file, if not, is money)Eventitembag.txt correspondence: Lucky chest (Golden Dragon will fall), sky treasure box and a +4 lucky treasure box (this system will not be out, but GM can be adjusted)Note: the sky is set in the file box except items, but also a man.Eventitembag2.txt corresponds: skeleton KingEventitembag3.txt correspondence: (not clear at present, clear, please add)Eventitembag4.txt correspondence: the star of ChristmasEventitembag5.txt correspond: firecracker, heart of love (property is better than firecracker)Eventitembag6.txt correspondence: silver medalEventitembag7.txt correspondence: gold medalEventitembag8.Txt correspondence: +1 gold chest (gold goblin will fall)Eventitembag9.txt correspondence: +2 gold chest (gold Titan will fall)The corresponding eventitembag10.txt: +3 golden casket (gold fire dragon falls)Eventitembag11.txt correspondence: +4 gold chest (gold witch Wang Huiluo)Eventitembag12.txt correspondence: +5 gold chest (gold destruction Knight will fall)Eventitembag7.txt files and below will only be ordinary items, but eventitembag8.txt and above will also be outstanding items. Please pay attention to the following when modifying the above files:1, you modify things only need to modify the object code and level value, and its backward lucky, skills, additions and outstanding attributes are all random, without setting up. If you want something in the event, you can modify it directly in the document. But creating gems doesnt add up and adds up to mistakes.2, please pay attention to the number of items, the best and the original file corresponding, and sometimes the wrong number of rows, the server will be reported wrong. For example: if you want to make life after the death of the skeleton king, then every line inside eventitembag2.txt is changed into:14160000Thats all right. Dont just leave one line.3, eventitembag8.txt and above documents will be outstanding items, the contents of its documents are also specified.The document is divided into two parts, the above is NN line of ordinary goods, the following is NN line of excellence items, of which fifth items of outstanding items must be 1 digital, ordinary goods must be 0, this point must pay attention to,If this is not the case, the server will fail.The number of lines corresponding to ordinary items and objects in the file: (Ive only checked it once, I suggest you check it again before you change it and backup it)Eventitembag8.txt ordinary 40 lines, excellent 35 linesEventitembag9.txt ordinary 34 lines, excellent 31 linesEventitembag10.txt ordinary 26 lines, excellent 24 linesEventitembag11.txt ordinary 26 lines, excellent 18 linesEventitembag12.txt ordinary 17 lines, excellent 25 linesCommonserver is extracted in GSEventChipServerIp; = sky chest event server IPEventChipServerConnect; = sky events connected with the switch boxDevilSquareEventServer; = demon square event server IPDevilSquareEventConnect; = demon square events connected with the switch set to 0 is normalPORT portConnectServerInfo; connect server informationIP; IP addressWriteSkillLog recording skills logStoneDropRate. Bless the shard drop rate. This is 100/10000=1%bloodbonedroprate;血灵之骷物品掉率这里是100 / 10000 = 1%angelkingspaperdroprate;血灵之书物品掉率这里是100/10000 = 1%BloodCastleStartHour;1 / 2血城开始时间bloodcastleevent;血色城堡事件开关dqchaossuccessratelevel4dqchaossuccessratelevel3dqchaossuccessratelevel2dqchaossuccessratelevel1speedhackpenalty;速度黑客?处罚dectimeperattackspeed 5.33usenpggchecksumdisconnecthackuser;如果发现外挂用户自动断开其连接writechatlog;记录聊天日志eledoradodeviltantarosexitemdroprate;卓越物品暴率+ 2黄金泰坦eledoradodevillizardkingexitemdroprate;卓越物品暴率+ 4黄金巫师王eledoradogoldderconexitemdroprate;卓越物品暴率+ 1黄金哥布林eledoradotitanexitemdroprate;Exceptional items, violent rate, +5, golden damageEledoradoGoldGoblenExItemDropRate; excellent goods crit rate +3 gold fire dragonEledoradoDevilTantarosItemDropRate; rate of goods; +2; golden TitanEledoradoDevilLizardKingItemDropRate; goods crit +4 gold Shaman KingEledoradoGoldDerconItemDropRate; item crit rate +1 gold goblinEledoradoTitanItemDropRate; goods crit rate; +5 gold damageEledoradoGoldGoblenItemDropRate; items crit rate +3 gold fire dragonEledoradoDevilTantarosRegenTime; refresh time (minutes) +2 gold TitanEledoradoDevilLizardKingRegenTime; refresh time (minutes) +4 gold Witch KingEledoradoGoldDerconRegenTime; refresh time (minutes) +1 gold goblinEledoradoTitanRegenTime; refresh time (min) +5 gold damageEledoradoGoldGoblenRegenTime; refresh time (minutes) +3 gold fire dragonIsEledoradoEvent; gold force event switchiskicknotattackareacountlimitnotattackareakickcountiskickdetechackcountlimit黑客检查计数;detectedhackkickcount黑客检查计数;minimumattackspeedtime黑客检查计数;hackcheckcount黑客检查计数;isignorepackethackdetectattackspeedtimelimit黑客检查计数;eventchipdroprateforboxofgold;天空宝箱暴率这里是60/100 = 60%itemdroprateforboxofgold;天空宝箱暴出物品率boxofgolddroprate;天空宝箱掉率eventchipevent;天空宝箱事件开关itemdroprateforsilvermedal;银质勋章暴出物品率itemdroprateforgoldmedal;金质勋章暴出物品率silvermedaldroprate;银质勋章掉率Goldmedaldroprate; 金质勋章掉率Medalevent; 勋章事件开关Zendurationtime; 掉落金钱消失时间 (秒)Keyofdevilsquaredroprate; 恶魔钥匙掉率 猜测为 3 / 10 = 30%Eyesofdevilsquaredroprate; 恶魔之眼掉率 猜测为 3 / 10 = 30%Devilsquareevent; 恶魔广场事件开关Itemdroprateforheartoflove; 爱情之心暴出物品率Heartoflovedroprate; 爱情之心掉率 这里是200 / 10000 = 2%Heartofloveevent; 爱情之心事件开关OnlyfirecrackereffectuseItemdroprateforfirecracker; 鞭炮暴出物品率 这里是4 / 10 = 40%Firecrackerdroprate; 鞭炮掉率 这里是3000 / 10000 = 30%Firecrackerevent; 鞭炮事件开关 角色组队有效Xmasevent _ itemdroprateforstarofxmas; 圣诞之星暴出物品率Xmasevent _ starofxmasdroprate; 圣诞之星掉率Xmasevent; 圣诞之星事件开关Itemdropper 10; 掉宝率在这里, 原始值为1, 越高掉钱越少.Pkitemdrop; 角色pk死亡后物品是否随机掉落option self looting team set:% d.Lootingtime 3Happynewyeartalknpc; npc新年开关.Merryxmastalknpc; npc圣诞开关.Event1itemdroptodaypercent 10000000; 心之记忆当天物品掉落百分比Event1itemdroptodaymax; 心之记忆当天物品最大掉落限制Event1; 心之记忆事件开关Monsterhp; 降低怪物生命值 范围 (0 - 100)% 原始值为0, 越高血越少.Pktime; 角色pk头衔变更速度.1为原速度, 一秒一秒的倒数option attackeventregentime =% doption chaoseventserver =% soption chaosevent =% doption chaosbox =% dattackeventregentime 正当防卫反击时间 (秒).chaoseventserver 事件对应服务器ip; 事件开关.chaosbox; 玛雅哥布林允许合成 0: 1: 允许 关闭trade and 关闭 允许 交易开关 0: 1:相对于原设计的打怪经验倍数 addexperience.itemserialcheck; 物品序号检测开关, 关掉可以解决复制物品掉线问题.黑软速度检测 speedhackplayerblock.战盟建立等级 guildcreatelevel 100.是否可以新建战盟 guilddestroy.是否可以新建战盟 guildcreate.characterdeleteminlevel.限制角色删除等级Createcharacter; 创建角色, 1为允许 0为否.Clientexeserial梦之奇迹注册网页漏洞得到任何你想要的东西漏洞版本 梦之奇迹注册系统的所有版本!漏洞原因, 由于梦之奇迹的编写者对用户的输入根本没采取什么过滤, 只是简简单单的通过提交的表单来限制用户的输入长度, 而且对一些最起码的 , 都没有过滤掉, 而这个是编程的大忌, 现在很多高中生都知道过滤的重要, 不知道这样的系统为什么会发布并在网上流传!拿来源代码一看, 整个系统能渗透的地方很多.在usezs.asp中有这么一段ACCOUNTNAME = request.form (username)Request.form = password (password)Request.form character = (userchr)If Instr (ACCOUNTNAME, 0 then response.endIf Instr (ACCOUNTNAME = 0 then response.endIf Instr (ACCOUNTNAME, %) response.end 0 thenIf ACCOUNTNAME password and thenConnstrs = DBQ = + + server.MapPath (lifedbnames) defaultdir =; =; Microsoft Access driver driver (*. Mdb);.He knows the user submitted the name of the filter, the user did not submit a password filter, and directly into the database, we see:.End ifEnd ifSet rs = Server.CreateObject (ADODB.Recordset)Sql= select * from, MEMB_INFO, memb_id = where, and memb_pwd=, &password&, &accountname&Rs.open, SQL, Conn, 1,1If, rs.eof, or, rs.bof, thenResponse.write alert (nn account information error, please fill in again.); history.back () Response.endDid you see that? We can use this code sql=, select, * from, MEMB_INFO, where, memb_id = &accountname&, and, memb_pwd= , &password&Enter a construction of a special statementFor example, 1 * from; select character; - so you can operate the database table character, and through insert, update and other commands to operate the database, add anything you want, level, so anyone can be a GM.Want to use the magic dream registration system 4F network management attention!Solution, account check, add laterIf instr (password, ) 0, then, response.endIf instr (password, = =) 0, then, response.endIf instr (password,“%”) 0 response.end多机多线,希望大家喜欢因为我所在的网络,收费是按照流量收的,而每月只有3g免费,流量,因此看了纹身的一机多线,弄了个多机多线,帖出来帮助一下大家,这样可以节省主机很大的资源,多台机器负担,希望大家喜欢。而且流量也分流了,我实验的分机IP地址是外部网的,内部网同样可以。这种方法设置比较灵活,最重要的就是,一个线瘫痪不影响其他线的运行。主机可以不运行GameServer,也节省主机资源分机如果机器配置好,也可以运行多个线。下面以三机三条线为例(1)假设你的亩服务端放在D: muserver。先修改D: connectserverlist muserver CS。DAT,D: connectserverlist muserver CS数据。DAT,D: muserver CS dataspxxglxt serverlist .dat三个文件为如下内容:(好象只修改serverlist .dat也行。安全起见,全改了)如果要3线共用一个地图,就是3线的玩家互相可见,就写成面这样:0“服务器名”主机IP”55901“秀”1“服务器名”分机IP“55901”显示“注意这里是55901就是2线共用一个地图2“服务器名”分机IP“55901”显示“注意这里是55901就是2线共用一个地图3线不共用地图,玩家互不可见,Change it to the following:0, server name, host IP, 55901, show1 server name, extension IP, 55902 show. Note that here is 559022 server name, extension IP, 55903 show. Note that here is 55903(2) d:muserver inside the data, GameServer three folders copied to the d:muserver1Put it on D: at extension A;D:muserver inside the data, GameServer three folders copied to the d:muserver2Put it on D: at extension B.(3) using ue to modify your Kaodao d:muserver1 in gameserver.exe. is d:muserver1gameservergameserver.exe. because Gameserver now has multiple versions. So the absolute address before are not necessarily correct. In UE search WZ_MU_GS_MUTEX. note all uppercase. Remember to find ASCII search selected. After finding this string corresponding to 16 hexadecimal code changed 0 OK. Modified gameserver.exe also covers MUSERVER2: gameserver.exe(as in Fig.)(4) now write the serverlist.dat in d:muserverdata as:gameserverinfoServername = server name: here unchangedServercode, =0. Note here is 0Connectmemberload =0The second folder, that is, the muserver1data in serverlist.dat, is written as:gameserverinfoServername = server name: here unchanged注意这里修改为1 servercode = 1connectmemberload = 0第二个文件夹, 就是muserver2 data中的serverlist.dat写为.gameserverinfoservername = 服务器名 这里不变注意这里修改为2 servercode = 2connectmemberload = 0(5) 除了原来的8个启动外, 主机再加2个, 2台分机一台一个, 全部启动如下.主机运行.1 - d: muserver dataserver1 dataserver.exe 55960.2 - d: muserver dataserver2 dataserver.exe 55962.3 - d: muserver dataserver2 dataserver.exe 55964 (这个是多加的).4 - d: muserver dataserver2 dataserver.exe 55966 (这个也是多加的).5 - d: muserver cs.exe and cs.5 - d: muserver joinserver joinserver.exe / p55970 / ca127.0.0.1 cp55557.7 - - - - - - - - - d: muserver mu2003 _ event _ server. _ mu2003 _ event _ server.exe wz8 - d: muserver rankingserver devilsqure _ eventserver.exe.10 - - - - d: muserver exdb exdb.exe.10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - d: muserver gameserver gameserver.exe 55970 55960 55901.分机a运行.11 - - - - - - - - - d: muserve1 gameserver gameserver.EXE host IP 55970 host IP 5596455902 (this is extra, pay attention to the path)Extension B running12-D:muserver2GAMESERVERGAMESERVER.EXE host IP 55970 host IP 5596655903 (this is also added, pay attention to the path)Note: the GAMESERVER of each extension can run at any time after the hosts first 9 programs are running.Full Chinese character annotation square brush gold blame fileshare full Chinese character annotation square brush gold blame fileThe contents of the datadevilsquare.dat file are modified as follows:This is / / closing time, the devil square approach time, time./ / closetime, opentime, playtimeZero35520EndThe message here is that each line at the beginning of the 0123 represent demon square 1234One1 / square0907 / Necromancer0507 / hell hounds blame01007 / the Dark Knight03907 / / toxic ghost0251220 / / ice0411220 / the devil2 / square11807 / the devil Gordon14107 / the devil135514 / the death of Gordon151514 / the bus Hamlet1641220 / Kamen Archer1651220 / a warrior3 / square23807 / Lord Baroque25107 / the bus Hamlet264514 / Kamen Archer265514 / a warrior2621220 / / ironspine strange2601220 / the giant tooth beast4 / square36407 / / start is to brush the mask mask Archer 07 on behalf of the archer and the end time36507 / a warrior362514 / / 5-14 ironspine strange brush ironspine strange360514 / the giant tooth beast3571220 / / 12-20 fighters iron wheel brush iron wheel Warrior3611218 / / Black 12-18 black brush the BalrogEndThis is a small boss / square code.TwoEndThis is a reward / Devil square final, 4 square first experience 10000, Mu $70000, second and so on.Three20800050000216000450002250004000023400030000301000070000318000600003270005000033600040000EndSquare brush mystery NPCwatering my demon square file (DevilSquare.dat)/ / closetime, opentime, playtimeZero45530 / square time adjusted to 30 minutes after entering the end): Red SquareEndIs / / brush strange file refresh rate is very highOne0907 / / bad sister house.0507 / paragraph indigo autumn orifices01007 / / promote agricultural Laopiao sing03907 / / Liu for fishing gear splash fast0251220 / Jiulao gel0411220 / / single static fast ink11807 / / foreboom trip14107 / / single static fast ink135514 / / single static trip foreboom151514 / / Qu public float orifices.1641220 / / Ke agricultural pump recommended1651220 / / Ke agricultural measures.23807 / / used to waste25107 / / Qu public float orifices.264514 / / Ke agricultural pump recommended265514 / / Ke agricultural measures.2621220 / / Gu pan float2601220 / / throat alum Diao Kuang skid36407 / / Ke agricultural pump recommended36507 / / Ke agricultural measures.362514 / / Gu pan float360514 / / throat alum Diao Kuang skid3571220 / Jiulao seized Rong3611220 / / Laopiao and sing3732328 / three increased the most strange sky3742328 / 23 to 28 minutes in time to brush out3752328 / / which vacated 3 minutes for you underEndHere is the boss file monster / brush can brush out some here.Bao Ge / /% pot caries, glue pan Lao Fu Jiaoai gull, miles, miles house understanding drillTwo324526537483109 / twenty-sixth minutes Lucy Slayers played her sell mysterious things Oh37727537483109 / / demons debut37927537483109 / the gold boss guest square37927537483109 / Note: remember to remove the Slayers Lucy or hey in monstersetbase3802653748310938228537483109EndThe following is the reward / / / Fort% caries. House pot was recommended, welding offset cyanide g, welding a gel gelThree20800050000216000450002250004000023400030000301000070000318000600003270005000033600040000EndGive everyone a function that prevents external submissionsGive everyone a function that prevents external submissionsAdd a string of code behind config.aspFunction, ChkPost ()Dim, server_v1, server_v2Chkpost=falseServer_v1=Cstr (Request.ServerVariables (HTTP_REFERER)Server_v2=Cstr (Request.ServerVariables (SERVER_NAME)If mid (server_v1,8,Len(server_v2) server_v2然后chkpost = false其他的chkpost =真最后如果端功能然后在那些问题页面里找个合适的位置插入以下代码:如果不chkpost()然后response.write”请不要尝试漏洞或者请您关闭防火墙!”response.end最后如果看不懂的朋友可以看看下面的例子:文件:clearpk.asp %N =请求表单(“用户名”)P =请求形式(“userchr”)。如果可以得到(n,“”) 0或数(N,“;”) 0或数(N,“&”) 0或仪器(n,%) 0response.write”您所输入的数据包含非法字符,对不起!”response.end最后如果如果仪器(P) 0或仪器(P,“;”) 0或仪器(P,“&”) 0或仪器(P,“%”) 0response.write”您所输入的数据包含非法字符,对不起!”response.end最后如果如果n“”和“p”,那么如果不chkpost()然后response.write”请不要尝试漏洞或者请您关闭防火墙!”response.end最后如果集RS1 =服务器(数据记录集。CreateObject。”)SQL =“select * from字符在帐号ID =“”& n”和名为“普及”和pklevel 3”rs1.open sql,conn,1,3如果rs1.eof或rs1.bof然后防止通过网页修改数据库的方法之一对所有。ASP文件进行查找,凡MaxLength的地方请注意:把所有这样的语名通通改为MaxLength = 18及以下,例如角色ID你只需要MaxLength = 10就可以了,只有身份证需要18长度,其实的全部改小就可以了。有的网站就出在了MaxLength = 40在地方,别人可以在那儿打入完整的命令,并且会执行。另外对每个输入的地方加进判断,不让输入以下字符:“ & 。 =就可以防住大多数的破坏。如何在 Windows Server 2003 中提升域和目录林功能级别察看本文应用于的产品本页 概要 o 域功能级别 Windows 2000 混合模式(默认) Windows 2000 纯模式 Windows Server 2003 过渡版 Windows Server 2003 o 目录林功能级别 Windows 2000(默认) Windows Server 2003 过渡版 Windows Server 2003 o 过渡版级别 - 从 Windows NT 4.0 域升级 设置 Windows Server 2003 过渡版目录林功能级别 o 提升域功能级别 o 提升目录林功能级别 o 手动查看并设置功能级别 目录林级别设置 域功能级别设置 混合模式/纯模式设置 使用 Ldp.exe 文件快速查看当前设置 o 手动更改功能级别时的要求 最佳做法 提升级别之前的准备工作 o 如何以最佳方式配置功能级别 将所有域提升到纯模式,将目录林提升到 Windows Server 2003 将所有域提升到 Windows Server 2003 域级别,然后将目录林提升到 Windows Server 2003 目录林级别 o Windows NT 4.0 升级 有关 Windows NT 4.0 中大型组的特别注意事项 大型组的版本存储区问题 展开全部 | 关闭全部 概要 本文介绍了如何提升 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 域控制器所支持的域和目录林功能级别。功能级别是在 Microsoft Windo.本文介绍了如何提升 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 域控制器所支持的域和目录林功能级别。功能级别是在 Microsoft Windows 2000 中引入的混合/纯模式概念的一个扩展,这样,当域或目录林中所有域控制器都运行 Windows Server 2003 操作系统时,将激活其新的 Active Directory 功能。在安装了一台运行 Windows Server 2003 的计算机并将其提升至域控制器时,Windows Server 2003 操作系统会在其对应的 Windows 2000 服务器上激活新的 Active Directory 功能。当一个域或目录林中所有域控制器都运行 Windows Server 2003 并且管理员激活了域或目录林中对应的功能级别时,可使用一些附加的 Active Directory 功能。要激活新的域功能,域中所有域控制器都必须运行 Windows Server 2003。当该要求满足时,管理员可以将域功能级别提升至 Windows Server 2003。要激活目录林范围的新功能,目录林中所有域控制器都必须运行 Windows Server 2003,并且当前目录林功能级别必须处于 Windows 2000 纯模式或 Windows Server 2003 域级别。当该要求满足后,管理员可以提升域功能级别。注意:网络中的客户端可以验证或访问域或目录林中的资源,而不受 Windows Server 2003 域或目录林功能级别的影响。这些级别只会影响域控制器之间的交互方式。 回到顶端域功能级别域功能可以激活只影响整个域和以下域之一的功能。随着每个后续级别的提升,域功能将激活所包含的上一个域级别的功能。 以下列出了四种域功能级别及其相应的功能和所支持的域控制器。 Windows 2000 混合模式(默认) 支持的域控制器:Microsoft Windows NT 4.0、Windows 2000、Windows Server 2003 激活的功能:本地与全局组,全局编录支持Windows 2000 纯模式 支持的域控制器:Windows 2000、Windows Server 2003 激活的功能:组嵌套、通用组、SidHistory、安全组与通讯组之间的转换、您可以通过提高目录林级别的设置来提升域级别Windows Server 2003 过渡版 支持的域控制器:Windows NT 4.0、Windows Server 2003 支持的功能:


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