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1 2002Ecological Planning of State Owned forest in FinlandForestry seminar August 28,2003Petri Heinonen2 2002Lands and waters administered by MetshallitusWATERS 3.3 mill.hectaresLANDS 9.0 mill.hectares:27%of the total land area38%45%17%Forest land in managed forests3.4 mill.hectares;17%of the productive forest landConservation areas,wilderness reserves and other areas4.1 mill.hectaresScrub and non-productive land1.5 mill.hectares3 2002Metshallitus applies functional planning systemsNatural resource planningOperational planningLandscape ecological planningSpecial planningParticipation Stakeholders participate in planning4 2002Landscape Ecological PlanningThe development of the method was started in 1993 together with Finnish Environment Institute,Pilot plan of Vuokki in 1994 and large-scale launching of the project in 1995.ObjectivesTo ensure the survival of an areas natural species over the long termTo ensure the multiple use of forests:game habitats,scenery,hiking routes,other recreational use and forestryTo reinforce areas protected area network by valuable nature habitats in production forestsTo harmonise ecological,economical and socio-cultural objectivesGeneral PrinciplesPlanning area 20 000-100 000 hectaresPlans were drawn in cooperative projects by specialists representing forestry,nature conservation and recreational use of forestsStakeholders and local inhabitants are invited to participate5 2002The Data Collection in the LEPField inventorySpeciesDead and decaying wood other structural featuresGISTree dataSiteWater conditionKey biotopesThreatened speciesGameOther livelihoodsProtected areasOther special areasOther sources of dataBase mapsAerial photosLand-use planningMapping of nature valuesOther inventoriesRegister of threatened sp.Special plansParticipatory planningWorking groupsLocal inhabitantsNational group of specialists6 2002Landscape Ecological PlanKey BiotopesThreatened speciesProtected area networkEcological connectionGame areasRestorationBiodiversity enhancementareasScenic forestsCultural valuesSpecial areas for other livelihoodsTargets for proportion of old-growth forests,broadleaved trees and broadleaved dominated forests and for prescribed burningLandscape Ecological Plan7 2002Landscape Ecological Planning ProjectAll in all 112 Lanscape Ecological Plans were drawnThe plans cover 6,4 mill.hectares of state landsThe treeless tundra of Northern Lapland is not coveredThe project took 160 person years of labour20 person years of labour by professional biologistsMajority of the labour was field workTotal project costs 7,6 mill.An open process:more than 6000 persons beyond Metshallitus participated in the planning process one way or another.221 Public Hearings totalling 4420 persons115 Stakeholder Group Meetings totalling 873 various parties100 other occasions totalling 943 persons8 2002The Results of LEPSpecial areas were defined in the commercial and recreational forests of the state as follows:All in all 168 000 hectares of Valuable Nature Habitats(WKH)of which101 300 hectares on productive forest landsAll in all 181 000 hectares of Ecological Connections of which87 000 hectares on productive forest lands and of these28 000 hectares spruce dominated;the nature values of these will be preserved permanently6883 occurrences of threatened and other remarkable species were found129 500 hectares of productive forest land was left permanently beyond forestryForestry was limited on 240 000 hectares of productive forest landScenic forestsCultural areasGame areasThe Net Ecological Investment 24 mill./a9 2002Evaluation of Landscape Ecological PlanningGeneral Statement”Landscape-ecological planning of Metshallitus represents a remarkable development towards ecologically,economically and socio-culturally sustainable forestry.”A Holistic Multidimensional EvaluationEvaluation was implemented by Helsinki Consulting Group Oy Ltd 1.6.2000-31.5.2001.Team Leader:Prof.Jari Niemel University of Helsinki,Faculty of Science,Department of ecology and systematics.Team of 10 members representing multiple scientific expertise”Implementation of the landscape-ecological plans will have significant positive impacts on preservation of biodiversity and maintenance of species.”There are,however,some deficiencies and problems related to the scientific basis and application of the planning system,and therefore further development is necessary.”Metshallitus has put the landscape-ecological planning system into practice fairly efficiently and quickly.”10 2002Development of Landscape Ecological PlanningMonitoring of impactsRecreationNature TourismNatural livelihoodsProtection of Habitatsand Natural DynamicsParticipatoryPlanningEnvironmental Code of ForestryResearchDevelopmentCooperationInstructions for LEPSystemsGISCutting BudgetReportingMonitoring of ActivitiesOther ProjectsPP at operational levelBD enhancementPrescribed burningRestorationOtherKainuu ProjectCombiningNRMPs and LEP11 2002Participatory Planning by MetshallitusRegional Natural Resources Management PlansLandscape Ecological Plans12 2002Results of Landscape Ecological Planning:WKH13 2002Results of Landscape Ecological Planning:Age-Classes14 2002Results of Landscape Ecological Planning:Site-Classes15 2002Results of Landscape Ecological Planning:endangered species16 2002Results of Landscape Ecological Planning:the magnitude17 2002Results of Landscape Ecological Planning:ecological investments18 2002Results of Landscape Ecological Planning:Game19 2002Game Areas-Capercaillie LeksThree different areas to be taken into account in forestry1.The center of the Lek(breeding ground)2.The Lek the territories of the cocks,c.20 ha3.The breeding region the day territories of the cocks,the radii of the area c.1 kmThe Structure of the Stand in the LekElderly or mature forestnumber of stems 500-900 s/havisibility 30-90 m(at height of 1m)pine dominated20 2002Game Areas-Capercaillie LeksThe Logging ProceduresThe center of the lek will be left untouched Regeneration areas 0,5-1,5 ha in maximumMaximum width of the regeneration area 50 mIntermediate cuttings 400 s/ha will be left in minimumtrees less than 6 m height 30%of the area of the lek in maximum Objective is to maintain diversity in the stand;fodder pines plus other sturdy pines and aspenlower vegetation(visibility max.70 m)a buffer zone against open groundNo forest roads or snow scooter trails through the lekThe upper picture visualizes the right treatment


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