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2023年蠡园导游词讲解蠡园四季亭导游词(8篇) 在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家总少不了接触作文或者范文吧,通过文章可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。那么我们该如何写一篇较为完备的范文呢?下面是我帮大家整理的优质范文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 蠡园导游词讲解 蠡园四季亭导游词篇一 无锡地处江苏省南部、太湖之滨,北临长江,南接浙江、安徽两省,西邻常州市,东靠苏州市。西距南京183公里,东距上海128公里。闻名的贯穿中国南北的京杭大运输河在此交汇。其地形为平原地带,土地肥沃,物产丰富,渠流纵横,河网密布,是我国闻名的“鱼米之乡”。辖锡山、江阴和宜兴3个县级市。全市总面积4656平方公里,人口约426万。其中市区面积343平方公里,人口约二“万,是江苏地区仅次于南京的其次大城市。目前已发展成为具有轻工、纺织、电子、化工、机械等工业的中等城市。 无锡是我国江南的一座古城,距今已有3000多年的历史。据史记记载,商朝末年,周大王长子泰伯及其弟仲雍从陕西来到这里定居,筑城于梅里(今锡山市梅村一带),建“勾吴”国,这是无锡建城的起先。 无锡之名最早见于汉书,相传周平王东迁时(约在公元前770年),惠山东侧发觉了锡矿。锡在当时是冶炼青铜器的原料,于是爆发了当地人和外来者长达几百年的。到了战国末期锡矿日渐削减。公元前220xx年,秦始皇大将王翦在锡山发觉一块石碑,上面刻有:有锡兵,天下争;无锡宁,天下清。“无锡天下宁”表达了人民渴望安静太平的生活,因此“无锡”的名字就这样流传了下来,成为城市的名称。 无锡的经济发展有着深厚的基础。早在明代时,织布、陶瓷、制砖等手工业特别发达。19世纪中期,无锡和九江、长沙、芜湖合称为“中国四大米市”。本世纪以来,无锡更是依靠自身优越的自然条件,成为中国民族工业的原料基地和工商业发达的城市,被誉为“小上海”。 无锡经济的发展与良好的气候条件有肯定的关系。无锡属北亚热带季风气候区,气候温柔、潮湿,雨量充足,四季分明,成为太湖流域的富庶之地。地理和气候也为养殖业供应了条件,太湖中出产的各种水产品种达数十种,尤其以银鱼、蟹最为闻名。此外,无锡的土特产品:假(惠山泥人)、大(无锡酱排骨)、空(无锡油面筋)已成为馈赠亲友的佳品。 便利的交通为到无锡旅游的来宾供应了便利。航空:无锡硕放机场已开通北京、福州、佛山、惠阳等多条航线。铁路:无锡地处京沪线上,每天在无锡停留的快车逾百列,全国各大城市都有火车可直达无锡。马路:沪宁高速马路经过无锡,与华东每个城市每天均有旅游汽车来回;九条国道、省道成放射状通向全国、全省。水路:从浙江湖州可乘旅游船经太湖到无锡;从苏州、镇江、丹阳可乘游船经古运输河到无锡。 无锡的旅游资源更是得天独厚,这里有被誉为“太湖佳绝处”的鼋头渚、“江南第一山”的惠山;还有因范蠡而得名的蠡园;江南闻名赏梅胜地梅园和闻名的“园中园”寄畅园等。也有近几年新建的“唐城”、“三国城”、“水游城”等影视拍摄基地。这些景观,使游客们在欣赏大湖山水秀色的同时,又领会了中国古典名著中汹涌澎湃的历史画面。 游客们:太湖的山水,众多的历史人物和文化古迹,使无锡成为融自然景观和人文景观为一体的旅游胜地。今日我们来到这座温馨漂亮的城市,请调动您的思维,绽开您的想象,尽情游赏吧! 蠡园导游词讲解 蠡园四季亭导游词篇二 各位游客:我们现在将去巡游的景点是蠡园。蠡园距无锡市区10公里,位于前湖北岸的青祁村,是一处以“堆造假山、巧借真水”而著名的江南水乡园林。 蠡园因蠡湖而得名,蠡湖原名“五里湖”,是太湖东北岸的一个内湖,湖面9.5平方公里。相传20xx多年前,越国大夫范合助越王灭亡吴国后,功成名就,携西施隐居于此。后人把范蠡、西施当年泛舟的五里湖叫做“蠡湖”,蠡园也因此而得名。 蠡园的建设,最早是在民国初年,当时的青祁村人虞循真在蠡湖岸边种植了柳树、菱藕,然后筑堤围坎,建立茅亭,形成了“梅埠香雪”、“南堤春晓”、“曲渊观鱼”等“青祁八景”,并设立“山明水秀之区”牌额以示游人,从而奠定了蠡园风景开发的基础。 1920xx年,又一位青祁村人王禹卿,在上海经营面粉生意致富后,回到乡里,在“青祁八景”的基础上辟地30亩,凿池引水,叠石为峰,历时三年建成蠡园。1930年,台园的另一位建立者陈梅芳在蠡园旁建立了另一个园林,据范蠡在此与乡亲们一起养鱼的传闻,取名“渔庄”,并声称要赛过蠡园,因名“赛蠡园”。1936年,王禹卿的儿子王亢元,又分别营建了湖心亭、凝春塔等建筑。解放后,1952年无锡市政府经全面整修,在台园与渔庄之间,建筑了一条千步长廊,从而将两国连成一体,统称“蠡园”。1978年又在长廊之东拓建新园,形成了如今的规模。 台园现占地123亩,其中水面占40%以上,全园分为四个景区:东部有百花山房、月波平眺、南堤春晓和四季亭;西部有千步长廊、湖心亭、凝春塔;中部有假山群、莲防;新辟的有春秋阁等名胜景观。 各位游客:我们现在来到了蠡园大门,这是由原渔庄大门改建而成的。进门是90平方米的敞厅,右侧墙上刻有蠡园风景图。向前过暗廊、月洞门,穿过假山屏障,只见右边堆砌着湖石、假山,这就是闻名的百花山房。它建于1934年,外观为落地长窗,配以各种花纹雕刻。厅里陈设古式家具,房后种植芭蕉、棕榈。百花山房回廊中的墙上装饰着彩绘壁画,它以西施故事为线索,形象地呈现了西施生的主要经验。西施是我国古代四大美女之一,浙江诸暨人。在吴越争战中,越国谋臣范合帮助越王勾践设“美人计”,将西施献给吴王夫差,从而使夫差沉迷酒色,最终亡国。 由回廊向前,二层楼建筑是“濯锦楼”。 我来当导游,假山石阵是台园景区的主要特征。1930年陈梅芳建渔庄时,用太湖石堆砌假山群,由浙江东阳人蒋字元设计建立。来到假山群,只觉峰回路转,曲折回旋,置身其中,如入迷宫。假山群的建立丰富了园林内容,增加了山林野趣,又分隔了景区空间。这些假山都以“云”字题名,有云窝、云脚、穿云、朵云、盘云、归云、留云等。假山最高处是“归云洞”,高12米。在此可以远眺全园景色。我们到此,是否有一种“身在此山中,不知云深处”的感觉呢!假山虽小,却风景独特。在假山群旁,还配置着小亭、池塘、小溪、曲桥、石笋,并且种植了各种珍贵花木,大有会稽兰亭之风光。 假山群中最大的建筑是“莲航”。它建于1930年,三面临池,一侧和驳岸相连,分成三个舱:前舱是落地长窗,中舱装饰着矮墙花窗,尾舱隔有粉墙栏杆。航是园林湖泊中建立的一种船形建筑,主要供人在巡游时驻足停留,欣赏水景。江南园林造园多以水为中心,蠡园又建在太湖边,因此陈梅芳在假山群中造了这座莲航,使游人不在水中划船,却犹如置身舟中的感觉,充分体现了造园者的用意。 看完莲访,我们沿石路向南,前方有一口直径约一米的泉井,四周叠石形如耳廓,这就是闻名的“洗耳泉”。泉旁这块大石,状如狮子,似在守护着清泉。再看泉畔石路两旁分布着这些湖石,倘如游客们细致分辨,就能看出12生肖的动物形态。跨溪石桥上有“潜鱼”两字。此处景观以景状物,让我们不得不叹服造园者的别具匠心。 下面让我们绕过假山,来到一片豁然开朗的景区。这里平地上种植着数十株古老的桂树,郁郁苍苍,香溢满园,因而名叫“桂林天香”。倘如中秋季节来到这里,定能使您感受一番“天香云外飘,桂子月中落”的情趣。 我来当导游,走出假山群,过月老亭石拱桥,前面看到的攒尖放开的亭子,就是“涵虚亭”。此亭原来在蠡园东部,建渔庄时迁到这里。原先亭子分成八面,有矮墙,上装花格长窗,1958年整修时,拆除了花窗和矮墙,成为现在开敞的样子。1983年还塑有“西施浣纱”像。 “涵虚亭”前是“四季亭”。四个亭子外形虽然一样,寓意却非常深刻,它们代表了一年中的春、夏、秋、冬四时。四季亭于1954年建立,造型新颖,歇山式亭顶。亭内三面扶手称作“美人靠”,亭顶上装饰着水生植物荷花、荷叶、莲蓬。我国古代把水生植物看作祥瑞物,认为可以避开火灾。那么这四个亭如何加以区分呢?一是看亭边种的植物:春亭旁种梅花和迎春;夏亭畔种夹竹桃;秋亭边种桂花;冬亭侧种腊梅。二是看四亭所处的方位,无锡地处近海,纬度较低,属亚热带气候,春、夏、秋、冬四季风向分别以吹东、南、西、北风为主,所以“四季亭”以东、南、西、北方位确定。 四季亭还各有一个更好听的名字,这是在1980年无锡日报上公开征集评比的,它们分别是:春亭叫“溢红”,夏亭名“滴翠”,秋亭为“醉黄”,冬亭称“吟白”。 我来当导游,在蠡园西南角,临湖建“六角亭”,这就是蠡园风景之最的“月波平眺”。它飞檐翘角,绿瓦红柱,因亭顶原立有一只仙鹤,故又叫“仙鹤亭”。1958年整修时拆除了,换成现在的葫芦攒尖顶。顶上有12根楞木,斗拱相连,雕刻着60只金凤凰,每五只凤凰由一条龙率领,中间绘有双龙戏珠,所以也叫“龙凤亭”。1981年,无锡书画家倪小近写的“月波平眺”匾悬挂在亭正中心。站在亭中可以远眺五里湖,领会湖光山色,所以也叫“望湖事”。 各位游客:假如我们在这里坐船巡游蠡湖,便能远眺到远处的宝界桥,它是荣德生在1934年做60大寿时,出资建立的。桥的全长375米,宽5.6米,高7.7米,桥下架有60个桥孔,象征荣德生60大寿。因桥在宝界山下,故名“宝界桥”,又因为此桥是无锡最长的桥,所以人们也称它为“长桥”。 在“望湖亭”前沿湖边的是“南堤”。长二三百米,30年头初,虞循真在这里种植桃树和柳树,称“南堤春晓”,成为“青祁八景”之首。如今共有300多棵柳树,600多株桃树。每到春天,红碧桃、紫叶桃,以及从外引进的金散金碧桃、重瓣白碧桃等十多个品种的桃花竞相开放,争奇斗艳,将这里点缀得格外漂亮。 沿南堤向东,走过假山石洞,是一个小天井,左边是木香树,右边是一棵紫藤,再向前穿过月洞门,就是长廊。长廊全长289米,也称“千步长廊”,建成于1952年。它既连接了老蠡湖和渔庄,也构成了一道独特的景致。长廊一面临蠡湖,另一面是长墙,墙上开有80多个漏窗,并用青瓦砌成各式图案,大家细致端详就会发觉,每个图案各不相同,别具匠心。长廊东边,嵌有38块砖刻,刻的是苏东坡、米芾、王阳明等人的作品,这是在1920xx年建园时镶嵌上去的。整个长廊临水一边设置长椅,既装饰游廊,又能供游人休息,倚栏观景,人在其中,确能领会到“山光照槛水绕廊”的意境。 于步长廊东边的终点,用栈桥和长廊相连的是湖心亭。湖心亭采纳平桥涵洞的建筑结构,伸向湖中约50米,它是1935年由王亢元出资建立的。整座亭呈长方形,飞檐翘角,四面通敞,上部金色琉璃瓦顶,底部用黄色架筑材料。一面墙上雕刻有嘉湖佳话壁画;另一面有“晴红烟绿”匾,表明五里湖景色四时多变,因此也叫“暗红烟绿”水谢。和湖心亭隔水相望的是“凝春塔”,高约数米,五层八角,红砖青瓦,小巧玲戏,中西结合,是蠡园中的闻名一景。 我来当导游,现在我们从千步长廊返回,可看到长廊一端,有一段独特的建筑,它与长廊相连,一半是走廊,一半是亭子,因此名叫“半亭”。半亭是千步长廊的延长,它连接着蠡园新区,起到了一个过渡作用。这里也是欣赏春秋阁的最佳地方。 游客们:前方这座三层楼的高阁就是“春秋阁”,它建于1978年。让我们走近阁旁,各位请看:这幢单檐歇山顶的建筑耸立在整个园林的最高处,给台园建筑增加了层次错落的改变。檐下高挂一块“春秋阁”的横匾,是闻名书画家刘海粟的手笔。阁名取自春秋时期范麦和西施的故事。游客们:阁内有回廊,可以登临远眺,阁的底层还有一幅大型壁画范蠡西施泛舟图可供观赏。下面请大家跟我一起登上春秋阁,居高临下地领会一番蠡园的壮美景观吧! 蠡园导游词讲解 蠡园四季亭导游词篇三 ladies and gentlemen, the scenic spot we are going to visit now is , 10 kilometers away from wuxi city, is located in qingqi village on thenorth bank of qianhu lake. it is a famous garden in the south of the yangtzeriver. a brief history of liyuan: origin of its name - history of itsestablishment - distribution of scenic spots liyuan is named after lihu lake, formerly known as wulihu lake. it is aninner lake on the northeast bank of taihu lake, covering an area of 9.5 squarekilometers. it is said that more than 20_ years ago, fan he, a senior officialof the state of yue, helped the king of yue to perish the state of wu. he becamefamous and lived in seclusion with xi shi. later generations called the wulihulake, where fan li and xi shi were boating, liyuan also got its name. the earliest construction of liyuan was in the early years of the republicof china. yu xunzhen, a native of qingqi village, planted willows and lotusroots on the bank of lihu lake. then he built embankments and built thatchedpavilions to form eight sceneries of qingqi such as fragrant snow in meibu,spring dawn in nandi and fish watching in quyuan. he also set up a scenicarea with bright mountains and beautiful waters to show visitors, thus layingthe foundation for the development of liyuan landscape. in 1927, wang yuqing,another native of qingqi village, got rich in flour business in shanghai andreturned to his hometown. on the basis of the eight sceneries of qingqi, hecreated 30 mu of land, dug pools to spanert water and piled stones to form apeak. it took three years to build liyuan. in 1930, chen meifang, anotherbuilder of taiyuan, built another garden beside liyuan. according to the rumorthat fan li raised fish with his villagers here, he named it yuzhuang andclaimed that he would surpass liyuan, so he named it sailiyuan. in 1936, wangkangyuan, the son of wang yuqing, built huxin pavilion and ningchun towerrespectively. after liberation, in 1952, after comprehensive renovation, wuximunicipal government built a thousand step corridor between taiyuan andyuzhuang, thus connecting the two countries, collectively referred to asliyuan. in 1978, a new garden was built in the east of the corridor, formingthe scale of today. taiyuan now covers an area of 123 mu, of which the water surface accountsfor more than 40%. the whole garden is spanided into four scenic spots: baihuamountain house, yuebo pingting, nandi chunxiao and siji pavilion in the east;qianbu corridor, huxin pavilion and ningchun tower in the west; rockery groupand lianfang in the middle; and chunqiu pavilion in the new. liyuan gate baihua mountain house ladies and gentlemen, we are now at theliyuan gate, which was rebuilt from the original yuzhuang gate. the entrance isa 90 square meter open hall with a landscape of liyuan on the right g through the dark corridor, moon cave gate and rockery barrier, you cansee the famous baihua mountain house on the right side, which is piled with lakestones and rockery. it was built in 1934, the appearance of long windows for thefloor, with a variety of patterns carved. the hall is furnished with ancientfurniture, and plantain and palm are planted behind the house. the wall in thecloister of baihua mountain house is decorated with painted murals, whichvividly shows the main experience of xi shi to sheng with the story of xi shi asthe clue. xishi is one of the four beauties in ancient china. she was born inzhuji, zhejiang province. in the war between wu and yue, fan he, the counsellorof yue, helped gou jian, the king of yue, set up a beauty trick and offered xishi to fu chai, the king of wu, so that fu chai indulged in wine and sex andfinally perished. from the corridor forward, the two-story building is zhuojinbuilding. rockery group lianfang xierquan tianxiang, guilin ill be a tour guide. rockery and stone formation is the main feature oftaiyuan scenic area. when chen meifang built the fishing village in 1930, hebuilt rockeries with taihu stones, which were designed and built by jiangziyuan, a native of dongyang, zhejiang province. when you come to the rockerygroup, you can only feel the twists and turns of the road. its like entering alabyrinth. the construction of rockery group enriches the content of garden,increases the wild interest of mountain forest, and separates the space ofscenic spot. these rockeries are all named with the word cloud, includingyunwo, yunjiao, chuanyun, duoyun, panyun, guiyun, liuyun, etc. the highest partof the rockery is guiyun cave, which is 12 meters high. here you can have apanoramic view of the whole garden. if we come here, do we have the feeling ofliving in the mountain, not knowing the depth of clouds? although the rockeryis small, the scenery is unique. beside the rockery group, there are alsopavilions, ponds, streams, curved bridges, stalagmites, and various kinds ofprecious flowers and trees, which have the scenery of kuaiji orchidpavilion. the largest building in the rockery group is lianhang. it was built in1930. it faces the pond on three sides and connects with the revetment on oneside. it is spanided into three compartments: the front compartment is a longlanding window, the middle compartment is decorated with low wall flowerwindows, and the tail compartment is separated by a pink wall tion is a kind of boat shaped building built in the garden lake, which ismainly for people to stop and watch the waterscape during sightseeing. mostgardens in the south of the yangtze river center on water, and li garden isbuilt on the edge of taihu lake. therefore, chen meifang built this lotus boatin the rockery group, which makes visitors feel like they are in a boat insteadof rowing in the water, which fully reflects the intention of the gardener. after the visit, we went south along the stone road. in front of us, thereis a spring well about one meter in diameter. the surrounding rocks are likeauricles. this is the famous xier spring. the big stone beside the spring,like a lion, seems to be guarding the spring. if you look at these lake stoneson both sides of the stone road beside the spring, if you carefully identifythem, you can see the animal forms of the 12 zodiac animals. there is the wordqianyu on the stone bridge across the river. the landscape here is likescenery, so we have to admire the ingenuity of the gardeners. next, lets go around the rockery and come to a suddenly bright scenicspot. there are ten ancient osmanthus trees planted on the flat land, which arefull of green and fragrant, so it is called guilin tianxiang. if you come hereduring the mid autumn festival, you will be able to feel the taste of tianxiangcloud floating outside, guizi moon falling in the middle. jiuxu pavilion - siji pavilion - yuebo pingtiao - kongjie bridge i come to be a tour guide. i walk out of the rockery group and cross thestone arch bridge of yuelao pavilion. the pavilion that i see in front of me ishanxu pavilion. this pavilion was originally located in the east of liyuan. itwas moved here when the fishing village was built. originally, the pavilion wasspanided into eight sides, with low walls and long lattice windows on it. when itwas renovated in 1958, the flower windows and low walls were removed, making itthe open appearance now. in 1983, there was a statue of xishi huansha. infront of hanxu pavilion is the four seasons pavilion. although the fourpavilions have the same appearance, they have profound implications. theyrepresent the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter in a year. builtin 1954, the four seasons pavilion has a unique shape and a xieshan paviliontop. the three sides of the handrails inside the pavilion are calledmeirenkao, and the top of the pavilion is decorated with aquatic plants lotus,lotus leaves and lotus pods. in ancient china, aquatic plants were regarded asmascots to avoid fire. how can we distinguish the four pavilions? first, we cansee the plants planted beside the pavilions: plum blossom and yingchun besidethe spring pavilions; nerium indicum beside the summer pavilions; osmanthusfragrans beside the autumn pavilions; chimonanthus praecox beside the winterpavilions. the second is to look at the location of the four pavilions. wuxi islocated in the coastal area with a low latitude and a subtropical climate. thewind directions in spring, summer, autumn and winter are mainly east, south,west and north. therefore, the location of the four pavilions in the east,south, west and north is determined. four seasons pavilion also has a better name, which was selected in wuxidaily in 1980. they are: spring pavilion is called yihong, summer pavilion iscalled dicui, autumn pavilion is called zuihuang, winter pavilion is calledyinbai. i came to be a tour guide and built a six corner pavilion near the lakein the southwest corner of liyuan, which is the most beautiful view of has cornices, green tiles and red pillars. because there was a crane on thetop of the pavilion, it is also called crane pavilion. in 1958, it wasdemolished during renovation and replaced with the current hulucan spire. thereare 12 pieces of wood on the top, which are connected by brackets. there are 60golden phoenix carved on the top. each five phoenix is led by a dragon, andthere are two dragons playing with pearls in the middle, so it is also calleddragon and phoenix pavilion. in 1981, wuxi calligrapher and painter ni xiaojinwrote the plaque of yuebo pingtiao hanging in the center of the ng in the pavilion, you can overlook wuli lake and appreciate the sceneryof the lake and mountain, so it is also called wanghu affair. dear tourists, if we take a boat to visit lihu lake here, we can see thebaojie bridge in the distance. it was built by rong desheng when he celebratedhis 60th birthday in 1934. the bridge has a total length of 375 meters, a widthof 5.6 meters and a height of 7.7 meters. there are 60 holes under the bridge,symbolizing rongdeshengs 60th birthday. because the bridge is at the foot ofbaojie mountain, it is called baojie bridge. because it is the longest bridge inwuxi, it is also called changqiao. chunxiao in the south - qianbu corridor - dark red smoke green - ningchuntower at the front of the wanghu pavilion is the south dike beside the the early 1930s, yu xunzhen planted peaches and willows here, known asspring dawn on the south bank, and became the first of the eight sceneries ofqingqi. now there are more than 300 willows and 600 peach trees. every spring,more than ten varieties of peach blossoms, such as hongbi peach, ziye peach,jinshan jinbi peach and double petal baibi peach, etc., are blooming, competingfor splendor and beauty, making this place extremely beautiful. along the southdike to the east, through the rockery cave, is a small patio, on the left is theincense tree, on the right is a wisteria, and then forward through the moon cavegate, is the corridor. the 289 meter long corridor, also known as qianbucorridor, was built in 1952. it not only connects laoli lake and yuzhuang, butalso forms a unique landscape. on the other side of the corridor is a long wallwith more than 80 leaky windows and various patterns made of green tiles. if youlook carefully, you will find that each pattern is different and unique. on theeast side of the corridor, there are 38 brick carvings carved by su dongpo, mifu, wang yangming and others, which were inlaid when the garden was built in1928. benches are set on the water side of the corridor, which not onlydecorates the corridor, but also provides visitors with a rest and a view byleaning on the fence. people can really appreciate the artistic conception ofmountain light shining on the sill and water circling the corridor. at theeast end of the promenade, the trestle and the promenade are connected by thepavilion in the center of the lake. the pavilion in the center of the lake is aflat bridge culvert structure, which extends about 50 meters into the lake. itwas built by wang kangyuan in 1935. the pavilion is rectangular, with cornicesand corners. it is open on all sides. the top is covered with golden glazedtiles, and the bottom is made of yellow scaffolding materials. on one side ofthe wall, there is a mural of jiahu jiahua; on the other side, there is a plaqueof clear red smoke green, which indicates that the scenery of wulihu ischangeable, so it is also called dark red smoke green shuixie. across thewater from the pavilion in the middle of the lake is the ningchun tower, aboutseveral meters high, with five stories and octagons, red bricks and green tiles,small lingxi, a combination of chinese and western culture, which is a famousscene in liyuan. banting spring autumn pavilion ive come to be a tour guide. now when we return from the qianbu corridor,we can see that at one end of the corridor, there is a unique building, which isconnected with the corridor. half of the corridor and half of the pavilion, soit is called banting. banting is an extension of qianbu corridor, whichconnects liyuan new area and plays a transitional role. it is also the bestplace to enjoy the spring autumn pavilion. tourists: the three story pavilion in front of us is spring and autumnpavilion. it was built in 1978. lets get close to the pavilion. you can see:this single eaves building on the top of the hill stands at the highest part ofthe whole garden, adding a variety of layers to the architecture of the eaves hung a horizontal plaque of spring and autumn pavilion, whichwas written by liu haisu, a famous calligrapher and painter. the name of thepavilion comes from the story of fan mai and xi shi in the spring and autumnperiod. tourists: there is an ambulatory in the pavilion, which can be viewedfrom afar. at the bottom of the pavilion, there is also a large mural thepicture of fan lis xi shi boating for you to enjoy. now, please join me on thespring and autumn pavilion to enjoy the magnificent landscape of liyuan! 蠡园导游词讲解 蠡园四季亭导游词篇四 dear tourists: among the tourist cities along the east china line, wuxi isfamous for its proximity to the beautiful taihu lake. in this warm and waterfilled city, the scenery is pleasant, the humanities answer this, has attractedthe guests from all over the world. today, lets go to enjoy the charming styleof this pearl of taihu lake. wuxi is located in the south of jiangsu province, on the shore of taihulake, adjacent to the yangtze river in the north, zhejiang and anhui provincesin the south, changzhou city in the west and suzhou city in the east. it is 183km from nanjing in the west and 128 km from shanghai in the east. the famousbeijing hangzhou grand canal, which runs through the north and south of china,meets here. its terrain is plain, fertile land, rich products, canals andrivers, is chinas famous land of fish and rice.


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