机械加工工艺论文减速器箱体加工工艺分析机械加工工艺论文该怎么写,以下是985给大家推荐的一篇机械加工工艺论文,论文题目为减速器箱体加工工艺分析,希望对大家有所帮助。减速器箱体加工工艺分析摘要:本文专门介绍了主减速器的制造过程和加工过程。减速机的种类很多,包括蜗轮减速机,正齿轮减速机,斜齿轮减速机等,在机械工业中占有重要地位。基于减速器壳体的零件图数据,找到减速器壳体的最佳成形方案,并确定壳体的时效处理选择。由于本发明是变径器的箱体处理技术,因此没有正确的变径器的所有部件的计划。根据一些要求,减小减速器中两个齿轮的中心距,并根据箱体的数据功能和国际标准更换箱体零件图,以确认加工规模和精度要求。在设计过程中,必须注意基础知识的掌握和减速器知识的积累。通过了解先前的盒子加工知识,努力创新设计。关键词:减速器;加工工艺;箱体Abstract: Thisarticle specifically introduces the manufacturing process and processingprocess of the final drive. There are many types of reducers, including wormgear reducers, spur gear reducers, helical gear reducers, etc., which occupy animportant position in the machinery industry. Based on the part drawing data ofthe reducer housing, find the best forming scheme of the reducer housing, anddetermine the aging treatment options of the housing. Since the present inventionis the box processing technology of the reducer, there is no correct plan forall the components of the reducer. According to some requirements, reduce thecenter distance of the two gears in the reducer, and replace the box partsdrawing according to the data function of the box and international standardsto confirm the processing scale and accuracy requirements. In the designprocess, we must pay attention to the mastery of basic knowledge and theaccumulation of reducer knowledge. Through understanding the previous boxprocessing knowledge, strive to innovate design.Keywords:reducer; processing technology; box目录前言1一、零件的分析与毛坯的选择2(一)零件的分析2(二)毛坯的选择2二、减速器箱体的结构和工艺分析4(一)箱体的结构分析 4(二)箱体的工艺性分析5三、减速器箱体的加工工艺分析7(一)加工方法的选择 7(二)定位基准7(三)制定工艺路线8(四)机械加工余量的计算,切削参数 9(五)机床及夹具的选择91.定位基准的选择102.定位元件的设计103.夹具设计及操作的简要说明10(六)钻套设计111.钻套内孔 112.导向长度H113.排屑间隙h11(七)工时的确定12四、结束语13参考文献14致谢151 彭定, 江荧, 陈跃忠. 薄板焊接型减速箱体加工工艺分析J. 焊接, 2006(05):65-66.2 刘海霞, 王泉祥, 高鹏程. 组合式减速箱体加工工艺分析J. 金属加工(冷加工), 2010(19):39-41.3 刘海霞, 王泉祥, 高鹏程. 组合式减速箱体加工工艺分析J. 金属加工(冷加工), 2010(19):32-34.4 熊建华, 李聪. 减速器箱体加工工艺J. 新教育时代电子杂志:学生版, 2016, 000(047):197.5 杨晓慧. 浅析电动车桥二级减速器箱体加工工艺J. 大陆桥视野, 2017(22).