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letter字母字母catsdogspandastigerselephantsmonkeys What are they?This man(这个人)(这个人)is tall.That man(那个人)(那个人)is short.tall shortThis monkey is big and fat.That monkey is small and thin.I football.I basketball.dont like likeI morning exercises!dont like like /dont likericemilkmeat你喜你喜欢欢吗吗?noodlesA:Do you like.?B:Yes,I do.No,I dont.fishA:Does he like pears?B:No,he doesnt.I dont like pears.go to school 上学上学 go to work 去上班去上班 go shopping 逛街;逛街;购购物物 on Mondays 每周一每周一 at home 在家在家 at school 在学校在学校 Monday 星期一Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期日Does Amy go to school on Mondays?Yes,she does.No,she doesnt.Amy goes to school on Mondays.Sam plays football on Mondays.B:Yes,she does.A:Does Amy on Mondays?go to school She goes to school on Mondays.A:Does your mom on Saturdays?B:No,she doesnt.go to work She goes to school on Mondays.He goes to school on Mondays.Tom doesnt go to school on Mondays.She goes shopping on Saturdays.He goes to work on Mondays.play football watch TVgo swimming play table tennisride a bike sleepWhat do you do on Sundays?I on Sundays.What do you do on Mondays?I on Mondays.What do you do in the morning?I in the morning.What do you do in the afternoon?I in the afternoon.eat meat go swimmingsleepwatch TVPracticePractice语语文文 Chinese数学数学 maths音音乐乐 music体育体育 PE科学科学 science英英语语 English美美术术 artSummary总结总结What do you have at school today?I have English and Chinese.What does Lingling have at school?She has math and science.第三人称单数第三人称单数spring 春天春天 summer 夏天夏天 autumn 秋天秋天winter 冬天冬天warm 温暖的温暖的 hot 热的热的 cool 凉爽的凉爽的cold 寒冷的寒冷的Its warm in spring.春天很暖和。春天很暖和。Its hot in summer.夏天很热。夏天很热。Its cool in autumn.秋天很凉爽。秋天很凉爽。Its cold in winter.冬天很冷。冬天很冷。拓展延伸拓展延伸-Whats your favourite season?-My faourite season is winter/springIts cool and windy today.凉爽的凉爽的 有风的有风的Its hot and sunny today.热的热的 晴朗的晴朗的Its warm today,but its raining.正在下雨正在下雨Its snowing today.Its very cold.正在下雪正在下雪Match and say!1.Its sunny today.2.Its windy today.3.Its snowing today.4.Its raining today.5.Its hot today.ABCDEWhat do you do in spring/winter?We fly kites in spring.We go skating in winter.We go swimming in summer.We play football in autumn.position 位置 in 在在里面里面on 在在上面上面under在在下面下面Its in the box.Its on the box.Its under the box.behind在在后面后面Its behind the box.Its in your bedroom.Happy birthday to you.公园公园park湖湖lake游泳游泳swim雪雪snow去钓鱼去钓鱼go fishingT-shirt T恤恤shirt 衬衫衬衫sweater 毛衣毛衣shoes 鞋子鞋子dress 连衣裙连衣裙skirt 短裙短裙hat 帽子帽子trousers 裤子裤子coat 外套外套sport 运动运动science 科学科学season 季节季节shirt 衬衫衬衫skirt 女裙女裙sunny 晴朗的晴朗的funny 滑稽的滑稽的animal 动物动物new 新的新的open 打开orange 橙色的park 公园party 聚会pass 传递phone 电话photo 照片put on 穿上play 玩pear 梨I I havehave got a book.got a book.I Iveve got a book.got a book.我有一本书。我有一本书。ItIts about s about sportssports.它是关于它是关于运动运动的。的。Ive got a green sweater.Ive got a blue cap.Ive got a brown hat.Ive got funny trousers.Ive got a white shirt.Have you got a book?你有一本书吗?Yes,I have.是的,我有。No,I havent.不,我没有。Have you got a sweater,Sam?Yes,I have.New wordsby乘坐乘坐bike自行车自行车bus公共汽车公共汽车walk步行步行汽车汽车carshe has got a book.Shes got a book.她有一本书。她有一本书。Shes got an orange sweater.Shes got brown trousers.Shes got a green sweater.Hes got an orange sweater.Hes got brown trousers.Hes got a green sweater.Has he got a coat?他有外套吗?他有外套吗?Yes,he has.Has he got trousers?Yes,he has.Has he got a white coat?Yes,he has.Has he got an orange sweater?Yes,he has.Has she got a?她有她有吗?吗?Yes,she has.是的,她有。是的,她有。No,she hasnt.不,她没有。不,她没有。I walk to school.I go to school by bus.She walks to work.She goes to work by car.He walks to work.He goes to work by bike.Heres a red hat.Heres an orange shirt.Heres a black hat.Heres a green coat.这有一件cant 不能look at 看put on 穿上lets 让我们come back 回来have got 有has got 有havent got 没有hasnt got 没有go fishing 去钓鱼go skating 去滑冰watch TV 看电视go swimming 去游泳go shopping 去购物go to work 去上班go to school 去学校on the phone 通电话


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