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以 Graphic organizers、 句 型 、字 串 融 入 英 文 閱 讀 與 翻 譯 的 教 學 曾 琦 芬國 立 臺 中 科 技 大 學 應 用 英 語 系 助 理 教 授2012/12/12 簡 歷o 國 立 臺 中 科 技 大 學 應 英 系 助 理 教 授o 國 立 臺 中 護 專 通 識 中 心 助 理 教 授o 國 立 臺 中 女 中 專 任 教 師o 國 立 武 陵 高 中 專 任 教 師o 桃 園 縣 瑞 原 國 中 專 任 教 師o 國 立 台 灣 師 範 大 學 英 語 系 英 語 教 學 博 士o 國 立 台 灣 師 範 大 學 英 語 系 語 言 學 碩 士o 國 立 台 灣 師 範 大 學 英 語 系 學 士 報 告 內 容o 如 何 應 用 Graphic organizers於 教 學 中o 以 句 型 為 單 位 的 教 學o 以 字 串 (lexis)為 單 位 的 教 學 What are graphic organizers?Graphic organizers areo visual aids added to text and other instructional materials to communicate the organization of the text passage or the instructional material (Jonassen et al.,1993) What can graphic organizers do?o Learners attention is directed to important information and they are thus less likely to become trapped in the details. o The feature of two-dimensional arrangement helps learners to visualize abstract ideas and as a result brings about perceptual comprehension in learners. Graphic Organizers vs. Expository o Graphic organizers are also found to be effective in facilitating teaching and learning of expository texts. Cultural Preference of Writing Structure (of Expository) (Kapland, 1966) How to apply graphic organizers in EFL teaching? o To use graphic organizers to teach reading texts o Post-graphic organizer usage is significantly more effective (Moore Simple list; Problem/Solution Time order Narrative Hook BackgroundInfo Event 1Event 2Event 3(in time order) *Results*Lesson Learned*Comment Two Very Different Ghost Festivals (東 大 , Book III, Lesson 3comparison/contrast)IntroductionBackground Information:Taiwan vs.USA The gate of hell opens in Ghost month More details ConclusionHalloween becomes a time of fun; the Ghost Festival is still a serious occasion.Customs during Ghost Month Donts during Ghost MonthCustoms for HalloweenWhat people do now on Halloween More detailsMore detailsMore detailsMore details Students work:If I could make someone disappear If I could make someone disappear, I want that person to be the former Minister of Education, Tu Cheng-Sheng. There are three reasons why I want him to disappear. First, he dosed off at Legislative Yuan, and insisted that he was not sleeping; he was just closing his eyes. Second, he picked his nose in public. It is so disgusting. Where are his manners? Third, he put “three little pigs” on the idiom list. What kind of idiom is that? Therefore, if I could make someone disappear, I want that person to be Tu Cheng-Sheng. “If I could make someone disappear” in graphic organizerIf I could make someone disappear, I want that person to be Tu Cheng-Sheng. Therefore, due to the above reasons, if I could make someone disappear, I certainly want that person to be Tu Cheng-Sheng. He once said that “the three little pigs” should be taken as an idiom. Didnt he have any sense at all? He should pick his nose in public. What a disgusting act! Only a very rude person would do such a thing. Where are his manners?He dosed off at the Legislative Yuan. Instead of apologizing, he insisted that he was just closing his eyes. If I could make someone disappear: Re-organizedIf I could make someone disappear, I want that person to be Tu Cheng-Sheng. He was a person who talks black into white. Therefore, due to the above reasons, if I could make someone disappear, I certainly want that person to be Tu Cheng-Sheng. He once said that “the three little pigs” should be taken as an idiom. Didnt he have any sense at all? He should pick his nose in public. What a disgusting act! Only a very rude person would do such a thing. Where are his manners?He dosed off at the Legislative Yuan. Instead of apologizing, he insisted that he was just closing his eyes. He was a person with no manners at all. He misled students about Chinese idioms. The Sandals That Saved My Life(東 大 , Book II, Lesson 1Narrative)-I was not popular.-A girl wanted to be my friend.-She rarelytalked tome. we met online;she did not want to be my friend -My moms phonecall made me realize one thing. -I think of my Moms love whenever I wearthe sandals. I cried; my mom comforted me;I couldnt sleepMy mom was out; I thought of killing myselfMy mom called; she found sandals for me;She said she loved me;I blamed myself 100年 四 技 二 專 英 文 科 考 題 閱 讀 測 驗 1Expository simple listIntroductionI have to memorize things; I have picked some tips. The first rule is to repeat it in your mind. Exampleto remember classmates namesAnother trick is to build on small pieces to learn longer things. Short term memory vs. long term memory ConclusionPieces of information in short term memory is moved to long term memory by repetition. 100年 四 技 二 專 英 文 科 考 題 閱 讀 測 驗 2Expository time order Step 1Find an Album.Nice, bigStrong, Made of paper Step 2Collect Family Treasures.Photos, Tickets, Postcards Step 3Organize The Treasures. One personOne page; In time OrderMaking a family album Step 4Label eachTreasure. Get help From Family member 句 型 的 應 用o句 型 是 骨 架o單 字 是 肌 肉o骨 架 拼 對 了 , 雛 形 就 清 晰 可 辨 句 型 的 分 類o依 句 子 結 構 分 類o依 詞 性 分 類o依 功 能 分 類 依 句 子 結 構 分 類o S + Vio S + Vt + Oo 雙 受 詞 的 句 型S + V + DO + prep + IO S + V + IO + DOo 加 補 語 的 句 型S + Vi + SCS + Vt + O + OC S + Vio What happened? o I never lie. o The visitors left. o They finally settled down. o Justin and Selina broke up. S + Vt + Oo He finished all the food. o I enjoy jogging. o I want to have a smart phone. o I think that he is a decent man. o He cant control himself. S + Vt + O的 衍 生 句 型o Phrasal verbscarry out the plan, turn on the light bring about changes, figure it out,o Prepositional verbslook at me, take after my fatherlive on meat, deal with ito Catchby the collar, lookin the eye,o Pay attention to, make use of, take care ofput an end to, make a fool of, S + V + DO + prep + IOS + V + IO + DOo give the necklace to megive me the necklaceo tell a story to the kidstell the kids a storyo remind sb. of sth. o cure sb. of illnesso inform sb. of sth. o Protect A from Bo Blame sb. for sth. S + Vi + SCS + Vt + O + OCo The flower smells good. o You look tired. o She remained single. o They went bankrupt. o I believe him innocent. o Get your job done. o I find the movie interesting. 依 詞 性 分 類o 冠 詞 the old, a Picasso, an Einsteino 代 名 詞 some , and otherso 關 係 詞 those who, the reason whyo 助 動 詞 must have + pp, had better+Vo 不 定 詞 be about to+V, to be franko 分 詞 judging from, a red-haired girlo 動 名 詞 be worth+Ving, come near+Vingo it/ thatit isthat, the fact that 依 功 能 分 類o 假 設 語 氣 與 條 件 句If I were ; Provided that ; I suggest that ; It is about time ; as ifo 時 間 not until ; as soon as; no sooner thanby the time ; when/whileo 比 較as as possible; as sly as a fox; even +比 較 級 依 功 能 分 類o 讓 步although, despite, No matter +Wh.o 否 定far from, there is no +Ving, fail to+Vo 目 的 、 結 果 、 原 因result in, so that , with an eye to+Vingowing to, according to, to my surprise o 倒 裝 句Only when, Little do I know, Here it is. 應 用 句 型 與 字 串 解 析 中 翻 英101年 學 測o 1.近 年 來 , 許 多 臺 灣 製 作 的 影 片 已 經 受 到 國際 的 重 視 。in recent years; receive international attention; be internationally recognizedIn recent years, many films produced in Taiwan have received international attention. o 2.拍 攝 這 些 電 影 的 地 點 也 成 為 熱 門 的 觀 光 景點 。tourist attractions; tourist spotsThe places where these films were shot also become hot tourist attractions. 100年 學 測o 1.臺 灣 的 夜 市 早 已 被 認 為 足 以 代 表 我 們 的 在地 文 化 。has long been consideredbe representative of; a symbol of; to represent local cultureNight markets in Taiwan have long been considered to represent our local culture. o 2.每 年 它 們 都 吸 引 了 成 千 上 萬 來 自 不 同 國 家的 觀 光 客 。hundreds of thousands offrom different countriesEvery year, they attract hundreds of thousands of tourists from different countries. 以 字 串 lexis為 語 言 單 位o the Lexical Approach (Lewis, 1993)o Lexical items are socially sanctioned independent units; many are words, but many consist of multi-word units. Why lexis? o much native speaker language is formulaic; it is simply that the native speaker usually has a vastly greater range of formulae to call upon for use in a wider range of strategic domains (McCarthy, 1991).o Prefabricated chunks; o formulaic speech; o formulaic expressions o These units can be analyzed; but modern research suggests that speech may be processed more rapidly if the units are perceived as single, unanalyzed wholes. Different kinds of lexical itemso Wordsthe individual wordso Ploywordsfound in dictionaries;ex. of course, by the way, look up to.o Collocationsthe way individual words co-occur with others;ex. prices fell; incomes rose; take medicineo Institutionalised expressionspragmatic in character; allow language user to manage aspects of the interaction Three types of institutionalized expressionso Short, hardly grammaticalised utterances: Not yet. Certainly not. Just a moment, please. o Sentence heads or frames to serve a certain pragmatic purpose: Sorry to interrupt, but can I just say; Thats all very well, but; o Full sentences with readily identifiable pragmatic meaning: You cant miss it. Its all yours. Keep the change. Rise and shine. Archetypical utterances containing llo Ill get it. o Ill give you a ring. o Ill drop you a line. o Ill see what I can do. o Take my word for it. o Youll never get away from it. o Thatll do. o I see what you mean. o Well see. o Its funny you should say that. It reminds me of Benefitso Institutionalised expressions will be a help to any non-native learner. o A repertoire of such phrases is an important part of fluency for the intermediate and more advanced learner. o Immediate practical utility for elementary and lower intermediate learners (like tourist-style phrase books). The fact iso A language contains, in addition to productive rules, a phrase book with grammatical notes. o Much native speaker language is formulaic; the native speaker has a vast range of formulae. Implications for EFL teachingo Raise students awareness of lexis. o Teach not only grammar rules, but lexis, including words, polywords, collocations, and institutionalised expressions. o Take 統 測 for example. 結 語o When teaching reading, teach both the content and the structure. o When teaching sentences, focus on sentence patterns (i.e., collocations). o When teaching vocabulary, use lexis as the basis. o Do both bottom-up and top-down teaching. Thank You for Your Kind Attention!


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