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广东农业银行深圳分行2023年合同制柜员招聘上岸历年高频考点试卷答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第I卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.中国人民银行印发金融科技(FInTech) 发展规划(2019-2021年8,其中提出2020年交通银行考题解析化国科技发展的 ( ) , 进一步增强金融科技应用能力,实现金融与科技深度融合、协调发展,明显提升群众对数字化、网络化、暂能化金融产品和服务的满意度,使我国金融科技发展居于国际领先水平。A.5G融合B.五位一体C.新常态D.四梁八柱答案:D 本题解析:央行印发金融科技发展规划,规划提出,到2021年,建立健全我国金融科技发展的“四梁八柱”,进一步增强金融科技应用能力。2.As the pace of life continues to increase ,we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through lift,being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down.But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.Stress is an natural part of everyday lift and there is no way to avoid it. In fact ,it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be .A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation adn give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress,and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the first signs of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress,in whatever form,we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice between fight or flight and in more primitive days the choice made the difference between life or death. The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme,but however little the stress,it involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long,through continued exposure to stress,that health becomes endangereD.Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart disease have established links with stress.Since we cannot remove stress from our lives(it would be unwise to do so even if we could),we need to find ways to deal with it.Which of the follwing statements is ture?A.We can find some ways to avoid stressB.Stress is always harmful to peopleC.It is easy to change the hagit of keeping oneself busy with workD.Different people can withstand different amounts of stress答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析3.有一串数:1,3,8,22,60,164,448,其中第一个数是1,第二个数是3,从第三个数起,每个数恰好是前两个数之和的2倍。那么在这串数中,第2000个数除以9的余数是( )。A.1B.2C.3D.4答案:C 本题解析:本题属于周期类问题。用数列的前几项除以9取余数,得到1 3 8 4 6 2 7 0 5 1 3 8 是一个循环数列,周期T=9。根据周期的公式,2000/9余数为2,因此第2000个数除以9得到的余数是3,所以选择C选项。4.“学习悖论”是古希腊有名的悖论之一,其内容是:人们在学习时通常会面临两种情况, 一是不知道要学习的内容,二是已经知道了要学习的内容。在这两种情况下,学习都是无意义的,因为前者学习没有目标,后者学习没有必要。其实,破解这个悖论并不难,用我国古语 中( )的道理就能做到。A.“谦受益”与“满招损”B.“知其然”与“知其所以然”C.“博观而约取”与“厚积而薄发”D.“学而不思则罔”与“思而不学则殆”答案:B 本题解析:“不知道要学习的内容”就应学会相关内容,即对应“知其然”;“已经知道了要学习的内容”就应该进一步探讨其究竟,即对应“知其所以然”。故正确答案为B。5.下列对应不正确的是( ) A.翁去八百年,醉乡犹在;山行六七里,亭影不孤爱晚亭B.风声、雨声、读书声,声声入耳;家事、国事、天下事,事事关心东林书院C.只有几文钱,你也求,他也求,给谁为好 不做半点事,朝也拜,晚也拜,叫我为难财神D.踏莽原,刈野草,热风奔流,一生呐喊;痛毁灭,叹而已,十月藤梦, 万众彷徨鲁迅答案:A 本题解析:“翁去八百年,醉乡犹在;山行六七里,亭影不孤”描写的是滁州醉翁亭,而不是爱晚亭。故本题选A。6.Questions 108-111 lrefer to the following advertisement.Summer Travel SaleNorth Sun Airlines is proud to bring you its annual Summer Travel Sale! As usual, flights between selected cities in the U.S. and Canada are on sale for as low as $44 each way. Fares this low cant last long, so visit our website or call a customer service operator and book your tickets todaylPrices below apply to travel beginning May 21st,2006. Travel must be completed by October lst,2006. Tickets must be purchased by May 1st to be eligible for the sale.Sample One-way Summer Sales FaresMinneapolis to Winnipeg $44Pittsburgh to Toronto $64Sacramento to Victoria $64Omaha to Denver $94Detroit to Ottawa$94Cleveland to Toronto$94Toronto to Dallas$94Columbus to Quebec City$104Philadelphia to Ottawa$104San Jose to San Antonio$114What is true about Notch Sun Airlines?A.It offers worldwide flightsB.It is based in the United States,C.It holds a sale every summerD.It sells cheap round-trip tickets答案:C 本题解析:通过第一段第1和2句中的annum和as usual可以知道,此活动为年度例行活动,在每年的夏天举行。故选C。7.一只船沿河顺水而行的航速为30千米/小时已知按同样的航速在该河上顺水航行3小时和逆水航行5小时的航程相等,则此船在该河上顺水漂流半小时的航程为()。银行真题A.1千米B.2千米C.3千米D.6千米答案:C 本题解析:此题为流水问题。顺水速度为30千米小时。逆水速度为3035=18千米小时。水速=(30-18)2=6千米小时。此船在河上漂流,速度等于水速,半小时的航程为6=3千米。8.Questions 189192 refer to the following article.Our Visa and Personal Credit Cards are issued by reliable capital retail bank. Offer is valid at all branded U.S. retail stations.Offer subject to credit approval: This offer is only available on new Visa or Personal Credit Card accounts. The offer may not be combined with any other offer. Introductory Offer of $0.20 per gallon in Fuel Credits, up to a maximum of $300 in total Fuel Credits, is good for 60 days from the date the account is opened.To earn Fuel Credits with the Visa Card, you must meet eligible spending thresholds in any billing period. Eligible spending includes net purchases made on your Card Account, other than (1) any purchases made at our branded merchants or (1) any purchases at other fuel merchants. If you spend more than 300 in eligible spending in any billing period, you will accrue ten cents (0.10) per gallon in Fuel Credits for each gallon of our fuel purchased in that billing period.If you spend more than $1,000 in eligible spending in any billing period, you will accrue twenty cents(0.20) per gallon in Fuel Credits for each gallon of our fuelpurchased in details.Our Visa Card and Personal Credit Card are issued by a capital retail bank and are not an obligation of our USA Inc. and we are registered trademarks of the Intellectual Property LLC.A maximum of 300 in total Fuel Credits may be accrued and redeemed in any calendar year. Click here for information.For our Credit Card Accounts that are approved for cash access Cash Access for our Credit Card accounts is currently available only in the U.S. and Canada foraccounts with credit limits of at least $500.Unauthorized charges do not include charges by a person whom you have given authority to use your accounts or card, and you will be liable for all use by such person.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE?A.$300 fuel credits can be redeemed only in certain yearB.Our credit card accounts are available for each under some circumstancesC.Credit limits should be at least 500 for cash accessD.You can t use our accounts all around the world答案:A 本题解析:根据A maximum of $300 in total Fuel Credits may be accrued and redeemed in any calendar year 可知,在任一年内最大限额300 美元的Fuel Credits 可以积累和兑现,而不是在限定的桌一年内得到积累和兑现。9.老人们都 很_,对孩子们从不发脾气。填入横线部分最恰当的是()A.慈善B.和善C.善良D.善意答案:B 本题解析:根据语法,“很”后面不接名词,故可以排除D。慈善:富有同情心的。和善:温和而慈善。题干中说“对孩子们从不发脾气”,指的是老人的温和慈祥,答案为B。10.六年级三个班参加运动会,运动会上举行三个项目的比赛。第一名得5分,第二名得3 分,第三名得1分。已知(1)班进入前三名的人数最少,(2)班进入前3名的人数是(1)班 的2倍。且这两个班所得总分相等,并列年级组的第一名。(3)班得了( )分。A.9B.8C.7D.6答案:C 本题解析:(1)班得名次的如果是3人,则(2)班需有6人得名次,但这样一来全部9个名次均被两个班瓜分,却无法产生并列第一名。全部得分3(1+ 3 + 5)=27是奇数,因此 (1)班至多只有两人得名次,而两人得名次且只能都拿第一名才能满足与(2)班并列第一的要求。若有一人拿第二,则只能拿8分,而这不超过平均分27 + 3 = 9(分),无法并列第一。据此,(1)班和(2)班各得10分,(3)班必然得27-102 = 7(分)。11.海南离岛免税新政策自7月1日正式实施以来,免税购物消费迅猛增长,免税销售额已突破()元。A.30亿B.40亿C.50亿D.60亿答案:C 本题解析:海南离岛免税新政策自7月1日正式实施以来,免税购物消费迅猛增长,免税销售额已突破50亿元。故答案选C。12.畲族民歌舞蹈 ,畲族传统手工艺别具一格,畲族饮食节俗古朴有趣,畲族的语言医药 。这些独特的地域文化和无可替代的民族文化差异,奠定了畲族文化的特殊地位。依次填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.匠心独运 另成一派B.生机盎然 自成一家C.别具匠心 异军突起D.独树一帜 自成一体答案:D 本题解析:根据第二句“这些独特的”可知,此段文字强调畲族文化的独特性。B项的 “生机盎然”、C项的“异军突起”不符合要求,排除。“匠心独运”指工巧独特的艺术构思。“独树一 帜”比喻独特新奇,自成一家。两者相比,后者更契合题目,故正确答案为D。13.Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden?They are _ everyonesenjoyment.A.inB.atC.forD.to答案:D 本题解析:本句的意思是你介意不要摘花园里的花吗 它们使所有人都感到很快乐。to onesenioyment意为“使某人感到欢乐、愉快”符合题意,故选D。14.企业根据员工的工作绩效或工作目标的完成情况而支付的报酬,称为()。A.工资B.佣金C.奖金D.福利答案:C 本题解析:奖金又称浮动薪酬,是指企业根据员工的工作绩效或工作目标的完成情况而支付的报酬。15.2,2,4,8,(),26,48。A.14B.10C.12D.13答案:A 本题解析:规律为第一项第二项第三项第四项,即2248,248(14),48(14)26,8(14)2648。A选项正确,B、C、D选项错误。故本题正确答案选A。16.-Can I get the house cheaper?-Sorry, its _ my power to sell it any cheaper.A.withoutB.exceptC.beyondD.out答案:C 本题解析:beyond ones power是固定搭配,表示超出某人的能力,故选C。17.看来,不只是贵族有偏见,平民也自有平民的偏见,这种偏见就是看不见每个人都应该 享有人之为人的尊严和独自为人的权利。由于我们在这方面迷失太久,今天,无论是尊重自己 的权利,还是尊重他者的权利,都需要经过艰苦的学习。我们要早一天学会这些东西才好。只 有先学会了尊重自己和尊重他人,我们才能开始学会有尊严的生活,我们才能有尊严地生活在 这片大地上。这段话主要支持的观点是( )A.尊重自己和尊重他人是自己获得尊严的前提B.不论贵族或平民,都有得到别人尊重的权利C.先尊重自己,还是先尊重他人,困扰着世人D.当今很多人都不会尊重别人,只知索取尊重答案:A 本题解析:C、D两项属于无中生有。B项偷换概念,将“尊重自己和他人”偷换成“贵族和平民”。18.FOR TWO MARKETING EXECUTIVESLegend Co. is an international famous company specialized in manufacturing furniture and household appliances. It is headquartered in Now York and has established over 30 branches around China With the rapid growth now the company needs two marketing executives.Qualifications:Nationality: ChineseEducation: master degree in Marketing Management Economics or other related majorsExperience: at least 3 years experience in marketingSkills: good command of oral English;proficient business trips are acceptableOthers: obedient to arrangements of the company frequent business trips are acceptableIf you wants to work in the company and are qualified please call at 01087654321 and contact Mr. SmithWho is the most suitable person for this post?A.Emma master degree in English frequent business trips are acceptableB.Li Lei master degree in Management 3 years experience in marketing good English and computer skillsC.Jack bachelor degree in Management good EnglishD.Jimmy master degree in Management 2 years experience in marketing good English and computer skills答案:B 本题解析:细节题。根据文段第一句“Nationality”和“education and experience”我们可以知道B项李磊,专业是管理,而且工作经验满三年。A项国籍和专业都不符。C项国籍不符。D项工作经验不符。因此答案选B项。19.February18thRuth Walter2921 Cypress LaneSmith field,UT 00375Dear MsWalter,It has come to our attention that you have failed to remit payment for service provided during the two billing periods of 715814 and 9151014 last yearOur records indicate that multiple bills for these periods have been sent to your address with out replyAt this pointwe are regrettably required to take stronger measuresIf by April 15 we have not received payment in full,including all late fees charged,we will be forced to terminate service to your residenceFor further information about this action,or to verify the amount of your outstanding balance,please call our Customer Service Center at l8885553802。or write to the following address:Accounts Payable DivisionNorthern Utah Gas&Power55755 State Highway 1 6Logan,UT 00378February 27thAccounts Payable DivisionNorthern Utah Gas&Power55755 State Highway l 6Logan,UT 00378Service representative,I recently received a notification of outstanding charges on my accountI am very confused and distressed by the situation outlined in your letterFirst of all,I am certain that I paid for all services during the two billing period in questionThe payments were on time and for the correct amountI used your companyS automated telephone billing system and paid with my credit cardI am including transaction receipts from my credit card company that list these payments and the dates on which they were processed by your company.After I had paid then,I did receive multiple bills for the periods 715814 and 9151014 as stated in your letterI tried repeatedly to report this error to your company via the customer service email system,but I never received a responseI am also attaching copies of these emails for your reviewThese documents clearly show that I have made all payments in a timely fashion,and I hope they will help you resolve this situationIf you have any more questions for me,please contact me by phone(555-7690)or email(rwalt79mzmailcom)Ruth WalterWhat will accompany MsWalters letter?A.Credit card and email recordsB.Payment of late feesC.Her business cardD.Copies of two billing statements答案:A 本题解析:回信的第一段最后一句中说,第一次和第二次信用卡交易记录一起寄给顾客服务中心的错误报告附加了凭证资料。20.()A.选项AB.选项BC.选项CD.选项D答案:B 本题解析:第一组图形均有一个內部小图形与之相接,第二组图形均有一个外部小图形与之相接,答案为B。21.知政失者在草野,知屋漏者在宇下。民间不乏真知灼见之士,他们的声音往往能提供另外一个_,给执政者以参考和启发。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A.思维B.视野C.视角D.观点答案:C 本题解析:执政者看问题通常是由上至下,民间之士生活在社会基层,两者看问题的角度通常有些差别。因此民间之士对问题正确而深刻的认识和见解可以给执政者思考问题提供一个不一样的角度,因此C项符合题意。“视野”指眼睛看到的范围或观察及认识的领域,句中所说的是“角度”而不是“范围”,因此B项错误。22.891, 682, 363, 154,( )。A.143B.129C.76D.48答案:A 本题解析:数列每一项都是三位数,且百位数与个位数之和为十位数,四个选项中只有A项符合要求,故答案为A。23.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:D 本题解析:观察第一组和第二组的图形,前两幅图形相同的部分,第三幅中的阴影,反之,为空白。24.Who should qualify for minimum wage protections, sick leave or any of the other benefits typically given employees?alformias state Legislature is reopening that high-stakes,decades-long debate, as it prepares to vote on a proposal that would give hundreds of thousands of contract workers, such as drivers of ride haling companies, new benefits by legally relassfyig them as employees. If it passes, the states narrower definition of contractor would trigger a host of other changes for companies that would then have to pay for Social Security, workers compensation and unemployment insurance. Large employers would also have to pay for health insurance. This would be a significant development in workplace law and could eventually have implications for workers and companies across the country.The proposed change is of keen interest to a rapidly growing population of contractors likeLeonardo Diaz. For most of the past 4 years, he has made a decent living working 40 to 50 hours a week driving for the ride-hailing companies. I love interacting with people, says the father of four, who lives in Los Angeles. But more recently, Diaz has soured on his job. He says that both ride- haling companies cut his share of payments, reducing his take home pay to only $9 an hour,after taking the cost of gas, insurance and car repairs into account. But he says the bigger problem is that he is tired of working as a contractor and misses employee health and paid leave benefits he used to recive when he worked as a valet. We dont get any holiday pay, Diaz says.If we get sick, you know, nobodys going to pay for our doctors, Contractors like Diaz make up a fast-growing part of the workforce. And any company in California using them could be affected.The impact of the new law would reverberate beyond the state.Everyone is looking to California right now and theyre all following it with bated breath because they recognize that likely whatever happens in California is going to sweep across the country, says Monique Ngo-Bonnici, an attorney in California. The proposal expands on a landmark California Supreme Court ruling last year that extended wage protections to more workers and narrowed the definition of independent contractor. The. legislative proposal expands on that ruling and would give workers benefits like paid sick leave and protections under anti-discrimination laws. Ngo-Bonnici argues that the, California proposal would put big constraints on workers and companies alike. Speically, it would mean more workers will be put on shifts, which in certain municipalities must be scheduled weeks in advance . - - -giving workers far less flexibiliy, she says.One ride-hailing company confirms it would have to revamp its operations in the state drivers are redassified as employees. We would need far fewer drivers than we currently have.says Adrian Durbin, a company spokesman. And those that remained would have a much more rigid work schedule. Durbin says those Big companies pushed California lawmakers for a middle ground that would grant independent contractors a narrower set of benefits, like minimum wage guarantees, without making them ullledged employees. Which of the following is NOT included in the legislative proposal? A.Companies to pay for workers compensationB.Companies to pay for workens insuranceC.Companies to raise the minimum wageD.Companies to provide holiday pay答案:D 本题解析:文章第一段就提到,如果这项提议通过,对于工人的补偿及保险方面都会得到改善,只有D未提到。所以答案选D.25.55,45,57,43,59,( )A.60B.46C.41D.40答案:C 本题解析:26.看来,不只是贵族有偏见,平民也自有平民的偏见,这种偏见就是看不见每个人都应该享有人之为人的尊严和独自为人的权利。由于我们在这方面迷失太久,今天,无论是尊重自己的权利,还是尊重他者的权利,都需要经过艰苦的学习。我们要早一天学会这些东西才好。只有先学会了尊重自己和尊重他人,我们才能开始学会有尊严的生活,我们才能有尊严地生活在这片大地上。这段话主要支持的观点是()A.尊重自己和尊重他人是自己获得尊严的前提B.不论贵族或平民,都有得到别人尊重的权利C.先尊重自己,还是先尊重他人,困扰着世人D.当今很多入都不会尊重别人,只知索取尊重答案:A 本题解析:C、D两项属于无中生有。B项偷换概念,将“尊重自己和他人”偷换成“贵族和平民”。27.经调査,失读症在西方人中比较多见,而在中国人中极其少见。让思考者先学习汉字,再将语言材料用英文和汉字分两边认读,丧失的英文阅读能力竟会得到部分恢复。失读症指人因大脑局部受到损伤而丧失文字阅读能力。根据文字认知的特点,西方发明了一种奇特的失读症治疗法。所以使用汉字的人因局部脑损伤而导致失读的可能性也就大大减少了。其原因就在于汉字的认知是左右脑并用,而非只左脑在单独发挥作用。将以上6个句子重新排序,语序正确的是( ) A.B.C.D.答案:C 本题解析:语句排序题。观察选项,首尾句在四个选项中均未重复出现同一个句子,再观察题干,可知第句是解释何为“失读症”,应该作为首句出现,只有C项符合,再根据C项顺序,带人验证,可知C项为正确选项。28.根据给定资料,以下说法中正确的是()。A.2010年网上银行市场交易额比2011年低42.1%B.2011年个人网上银行1830岁的用户数占总用户数的比重不足2/5C.2011年网上用户银行硕士学历用户数不到3000万人D.2011年个人网上银行博士及以上用户数最少.而1824岁用户最多答案:C 本题解析:A项,由材料知,2011年网上银行市场交易额比2010年高421%,不等价于2010年网上银行市场交易额比2011年低42,1%,错误;C项2011年个人网上银行硕士学历用户数为43461%D项,2011年个人网上银行1824岁的用户数明显低于2530岁的用户数,错误。综上答案选C。29.利润表的基本要素不包括( )。A.利润B.收入C.成本D.负债答案:D 本题解析:负债属于资产负债表的要素,不属于利润表要素。30.2017年中国农村地区实现网络零售额12448.8亿元,同比增长39.1%。“双十一”期间(11月1日11月11日)农村实现网络零售额846.08亿元,“双十一”当天实现网络零售额392.40亿元,同比增长66.53%,期间占比为46.38%。2017年中国农村网民占比27%,规模达2.09亿。2017年农村网店达到985.6万家,较2016年增加169.3万家,带动就业人数超过2800万人。2017年全国832个国家级贫困县实现网络零售额1207.9亿元,同比增长52.1%。2016年中国农村地区实现网络零售额约为多少亿元?()A.7759B.8950C.9216D.11350答案:B 本题解析:本题考查基期量计算。2016年中国农村地区实现网络零售额亿元,因此,A、C、D错误,选择B选项。31.NEW YORKNovember19一New Yorks Women in Business Association announced thatAnita Huntington,vice president of marketing for Kuiper Hotels,and Mary Foster,general managerof Longwood Hotels&Resortswere recently selected as this years Venture Award recipients。TheVenture Award Was established twenty years ago to recognize the contributions made by female executives to their communitiesThis years cowinners are the founders of Art on the Movea charitable organization that provides art scholarships for students throughout the citySince joining Kuiper Hotels,Huntington has heldkey positionsinfinanceandbusiness developmentCurrently,she leads Kuipers marketing operations,often traveling to one of the morethan 270 hotels in l6 countriesFosters position has also taken her all over the wordBoth executives stressed that finding time for volunteer work was extremely important even though theyou tenwork long hoursat their jobsHuntingtonandFos


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