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重庆2023年10月广发银行重庆分行招聘上岸历年高频考点试卷答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第I卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.填入括号处最恰当的词语是( ) 。(1)这次运动会上,市第一中学( )了所有跳高项目的奖。(2)李明其貌不扬,但了解他的人都知道他是个( )很深的学生。A.囊括 内涵B.囊括 内含C.包括 内含D.包括 内涵答案:A 本题解析:本题考查语素差异。包括:指包含,用来列举各部分或着重指出某一部分。裳括:指全部保罗在内,范围更大。从(1)可知应选“囊括”,排除CD;内涵是名词是一篇文章或艺术品富含的哲理而内含是个介词是“里面有”的意思。内涵就是修养。表现在外就是言谈举止。待人接物。这是长期环.境薰陶和个人修为的一一个结果, 又不失自己的本性,是现实性的较高级形式与它所赖以存在的较低级形式之间的关系(如精神与物质的关系)某一逻辑术语。 内含: 1.内心所具有的;内部包含的。2.内容。3.犹含蓄。从第二空可知,应选“内涵”,排除B项。因此,本题应选A项。2.下面哪句话是对“虚拟机”的错误理解?( )。A.模拟机指通过软件模拟的具有完成硬件系统的,运用在一个完全隔离环境中的完整计算机系统B.虚拟机隐藏了硬件的细节,用户会感到机器使用起来更方便、更容易了C.现实生活中并不存在这种真实机器,它只是用户的一种感觉而已D.虚拟机不会降低电脑的性能,运行程序更方便快捷答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析3.如果你仔细观察,就会发现大群蚂蚁行走时,总是排成一列长长的队伍,这是因为( )。A.后面的蚂蚁依靠前面的蚂蚁排出的气味紧紧跟上,一只接着一只B.这样可以在遭遇袭击时减少伤亡C.蚂蚁有很强的纪律性D.这样有利于提高觅食效率答案:A 本题解析:蚂蚁行走时,身体中会放出一种特别的气味,这种气味只有蚂蚁才闻得到。当前面的蚂蚁行走时,后面的蚂蚁就依靠闻这种气味紧紧跟上,一只接着一只,看上去就像排队了。蚂蚁排队走路,实际上是为了不迷路。4.A New Study Says You Can Spread to Your DogResearch shows that most dog owners find their pets to be great stress busters.Curling up on the couch with your pug on playing eatch with your Labradoodle is a great way to unwind and letthe cares of the dlay slip away . New science has some bud news for dog owners. Dog might ease your stress. but they can also catch it,Is an old joke that dogs resemble their owners, but according to this new study out of linkoping universily in sweden . Its actually true in one lecus funny way: stressed out owners have stressedout dog .To figure this out the researchers took hair samples from 25 border collies and 33 shetland sheepdogs. AS well as their female owners. For both humans and dogs . Hair records the level of the stress bormone cortisol in the body over time s0 by analy zing these hairs, the team could figure out just now much stress both the owners and their pets were under long_ ferm.The studly found the stress level of the dogs and their owners matched up : higher levels of sitress among owners showed up as higher levels of stress in their dogs. The efct was even more pronounced if the dogs was female or if it took part in agility copettions with is owner.Previous research has found that cortisol in humans and their dogs can rise together in the short term especially when competing. But this finding was someting new. This is the first time weve seen a long term synchroniation in stress levels between members of two diferent species。We havent scen this between humans and dogs before. lead research lina r oth told the guardian.And what about a poochs lifestyle?did limited opportunitics for play or more time spent alone stress out the dogs? nearly as much as belonging to a human with high cortisol levels. The personality of the owner seemed to play a role to. Although that varied with the sex of the dog.Female dogs whose owners had higher scores in the Big five traits of neurotic ism openness, and conscientiousness had higher cortisol levels, while the same was true of male dogs whose owners scored high in agreeableness.This will not come as a huge surprise to many observant folks who have noticed that highly stung people offen have a highly strung dogs. But should scientifie confrmation of this conection between owners and their dogs put pet if youre arcciety prone? Or if youre under a lot of stress and already a pet owner, should you feel guilty?Roth replies 1 dont think you should be anxious that , if youre sressed, you might harm your dog instead, your dog is a 8ocial support for you, and you are a social support for the dog.Your sressede out than made up for by exstra pats , belly rubs, and tennis ball throws.Though if you do lean towards the anxious side, you might want to think carefully about choosing a resilient type of dog. Just which breeds are best is still an open question.one Roth andher collaborators hope.It may be possible to match dog and owner in a way that is better for both, from a stress- management says It may be that certain breeds are not so deeply afected if their owner hasa high sres leve! Readers can find answers to the flowin question ecep( ) A.Should anxiety-prone pople wory about their dogs conditionB.Will owners with high pres sure levels definitely have a profound impact on their petsC.What type of dog ie best for anxiety-prone ownersD.How did scientists figure out how much stress both the owners and their pets were under答案:C 本题解析:是非题。倒数第二段说,Just which breeds are best is still an open question, Roth and her cllborators hope .究竞哪种狗是最好的仍然是一个悬而未决的问越。5. 电子商务,通常是指在全球各地广泛的商业贸易活动中,在因特网开放的网络环境下基于浏览器服务器应用方式,买卖双方不谋面地进行各种商贸活动,实现消费者的网上购物、商户之间的网上交易和在线电子支付以及各种商务活动、交易活动、金融活动和相关的综合服务活动的一种新型的商业运营模式。 根据上述定义,下列中属于电子商务的是( )。A.李强在网上搜索到客户信息,然后打电话联系,做成一单生意B.王董现在在国外,他通过网络视频召开公司股东大会C.美国一所大学想要在中国招聘一批汉语教师,他们利用网络视频顺利完成了面试工作D.小张通过网上银行购买了一部手机答案:D 本题解析:电子商务的定义要点为:商业贸易活动;在网络环境下,基于浏览器服务器应用方式;不谋面地进行网上购物、网上交易、在线电子支付等商务、交易、金融活动。A项不是网上交易;8、c项不是商务活动;D项符合题干定义。故答案选D。6.甲车从A地,乙车和丙车从B地同时出发,相向而行。已知甲车每小时行65公里,乙车每小时行73公里,丙车每小时行55公里。甲车和乙车相遇后,经过15小时又与丙车相遇,那么A、B两地相距()公里。A.10100B.13800C.10600D.14800答案:B 本题解析:设从出发到曱乙相遇经过了 t小时,三车行驶情况如下图所示:根据题意可列方程:65X 15 + 55X 15十55t=73t,解得t=100;A、B两地的距离应为:65X 100 + 73X100 = 13800(公里)。答案为 B。7.1/3,1/2,3/5, ( ) ,5/7,3/4A.2/5B.1/3C.2/3D.3/4答案:C 本题解析:数列可以写出 1/3,2/4,3/5, ( ) ,5/7,6/8;分子为 1,2,3, ( ) ,5,6;分母为 3,4,5, ( ) ,7,8;显然( )中的分数为 4/6,即答案为选项 C2/3。8.2011年我国全部工业增加值188572亿元。规模以上工业增加值增长13.9%,在规模以上工业中,国有及国有控股企业增长9.9%;集体企业增长9.3%,股份制企业增长15.8%,外商及港澳台商投资企业增长10.4%;私营企业增长19.5%,轻工业增长13.0%,重工业增长14.3%。全年规模以上工业中,农副食品加工业增加值比上年增长14.1%,纺织业增长8.3%,通用设备制造业增长17.4%,专用设备制造业增长19.8%,交通运输设备制造业增长12.0%,通信设备、计算机及其他电子设备制造业增长15.9%,电气机械及器材制造业增长14.5%。六大高耗能行业增加值比上年增长12.3%,其中,非金属矿物制品业增长18.4%,化学原料及化学制品制造业增长14.7%,有色金属冶炼及压延加工业增长13.6%,黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业增长9.7%,电力、热力的生产和供应业增长10.1%,石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业增长7.6%。高技术制造业增加值比上年增长16.5%。全年规模以上工业企业实现利润54544亿元,比上年增长25.4%。根据资料,下列表述不正确的是( )A.2011年,轻工业增加值的增长速度比重工业慢B.2010年,在规模以上工业企业中,私营企业实现利润多于外商及港澳台商投资企业C.2006年,我国全部工业增加值不足2011年的一半D.2011年,在规模以上工业企业中,股份制企业实现利润是国有及国有控股企业的2倍多答案:B 本题解析:A项,2011年轻工业增长13.0%,重工业增长14.3%,前者慢于后者,故A说法正确;B项,2010年,私营企业利润为16620(1+46%)=11384亿元;外商及港澳台商投资企业利润为14038(1+10.6%)12693亿元,前者小于后者,B说法不正确;C项,由柱状图可知,2006年我国全部工业增加值91311亿元不足2011年188572亿元的一半,C说法正确;D项,由表格可知,2011年,在规模以上工业企业中,股份制企业实现利润是国有及国有控股企业的31651+148982倍,D说法正确。9.某仓库失窃,四个保管员涉嫌被传讯,四人口供如下:甲,我们四人都没有作案;乙,我们中有人作案;丙,乙和丁至少有人没作案;丁。我没作案。如果四人中有两个人说的是真话,有两个人说的是假话,那么以下哪项判断成立?()2006年建行真题A.说真说的是甲和丙B.说真话的是甲和丁C.说真说的是乙和丙D.说真话的是乙和丁答案:C 本题解析:甲和乙的说法不能同真,必有一假。由题干可知,两个人说的是真话,所以丙丁中也是一真一假。如果丁的说法为真则丙的说法也为真,唯有丁的说法为假,丙的说法为真符合题意,说真话的是乙丙答案选C。jinkaodian10.With proper measures, the economy in China is beginning to _ again.A.rise upB.hold onC.pick upD.take on答案:C 本题解析:rise up 表示上升;hold on表示继续,坚持;pick up表示拾起,抬起;take on表示呈现,承担。根据句中的 with proper measures可知因为措施得当,中国经济才开始复苏。pick up在句中可以表示好转、恢复的意思,故C项符合题 意。11.It is imperative that the contracts _ at least a month prior to the beginning of the project.A.finalizeB.finalizedC.be finalizedD.finalizing答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析12.Questions 56-58 refer to the following letter.Lasell, Inc.676 Keenan Dr.Fort Worth, Texas 76035Dear Customer,As you may be aware, Lasell has routinely received commendations for our commitment to product safety. Every item that is sold under the Lasell name is subjected to rigorous product testing. When design flaws are detected, the model is revised to eliminate the problem. In addition, our products are built from the strongest plastics to ensure that you never have a problem with a Lasell product.In the unlikely event that products are released with previously undetected flaws, great steps are taken to ensure that every flawed item is removed from the market and replaced for customers.Late last week, our exceptional quality assurance team identified a previously undetected minor flaw in the air filters in our 6000X model. Because our records show that you have recently purchased a 6000X vacuum cleaner, we want to inform you of this flaw and of your right to return the productfor a new one. Please be assured that there is absolutely no safety risk to you or any operators of the machine. However, to ensure thatyou are satisfied with the quality of our products, we would like to ask you to contact the Lasell store nearest to you. The store will arrange to pick up your machine at your home at a time that is convenient for you.Our customers satisfaction is foremost on our mind, and we want to make sure that you are not inconvenienced in any manner. A replacement vacuum cleaner will be delivered at the time of the pickup. Furthermore, customers who share in the exchange will receive a free gift in appreciation of their business.Sincerely,Joe GliddenWhat should the reader do?A.Report problems immediatelyB.Pick up a gift in the officeC.Submit a copy of the receiptD.Call to a schedule a pickup答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析13.如图所示,梯形ABCD,AD/BC,DE丄BC,现在假设AD、BC的长度 都减少10%,DE的长度增加10%,则新梯形的面积与原梯形的面积相比,会( )。A.不变B.减少1% B-EC.增加10%D.减少10%答案:B 本题解析:梯形 ABCD 的面积= (AD+BC)XDE/2;AD、BC的长度都减少10%,DE的长度增加10%,则梯形ABCD的面积=(1 一 10%) X (AD+BC) X (1 +10 %) X DE/2 = 99 % X ( AD+BC) X DE/2。 新梯形的面积与原梯形的面积相比,减少1%。14. 中外学者一致认为 , 划分货币层次的重要依据是金融资产的 ( ) A.稳定性B.还原性C.兑换性D.流动性答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析15.Libraries are an investment for the future and should not be allowed to fall into_.A.dissolutionB.decayC.declineD.depression答案:B 本题解析:题干大意说,图书馆是将来的一种投资,不允许(图书馆)掉入_。常识储备:当今社会我们并没有注意图书馆的价值,现在的图书馆是冷冷清清,一副衰退,衰亡的景象。其实体现一个国家,民族的真正素质就是看图书馆是否冷冷清清。与之匹配的选项是B,decay“衰退”。dissolution”溶解,分解”;decline“下降”;Depression“沮丧”。16.2015 年9 月10 日,国家税务总局发布关于贯彻落实进一步扩大小型微利企业减半征收企业所得税范围有关问题公告,进一步扩大小型微利企业减半征收企业所得税优惠政策范围,将原来减半征税标准扩大到( )。A.15 万元以下B.20 万元以下C.30 万元以下D.10 万元以下答案:C 本题解析:2015 年9 月10 日,国家税务总局发布的关于贯彻落实迸一步扩大小型微利企业减半征收企业所得税范围有关问题的公告明确了小型微利企业减半征税范围扩大到30 万元后具体税收政策规定。故本题答案选C。17. 近年来,由于环境污染日趋严重,我国一些沿海海域频繁发生赤潮,给渔业生产造成严重影响。与此相反,在同纬度的太平洋中心区域,藻类等浮游植物却十分稀少。造成这种差异的主要原因有( )。 A.光照强弱不同B.水温高低不同C.海水含盐量不同D.海水中的氮磷等元素的含量不同答案:D 本题解析:海水富营养化是赤潮发生的物质基础和首要条件。故本题答案选D。18._her time at the university, Dr. LeFleur built a solid reputation for leadership among both students and faculty.A.aboutB.uponC.duringD.into答案:C 本题解析:在一段时间之内,用“During”。19.不可能所有的花都结果。下列哪项最接近上述判定的含义?()2006年建行真题A.所有的花必然都不结果B.所有的花可能都不结果C.有的花可能不结果D.有的花必然不结果答案:D 本题解析:因为“不可能:必然不”,所以题干中“不可能所有的花都结果”:“必然不是所有的花都结果”,等值于“有的花必然不结果”答案选D。20.留学异国的人常有“边缘人”的苦闷。人们显然不可能在进入一块陌生国土的同时就在一瞬间也加入它的文化,而原来的文化背景又会由于天长地远而渐渐疏离。在实际生活中,两种_的文化,会经常骤然直率地在我们面前相遇、碰撞,一开始真有无所适从亦无可躲避的 _ 。填入划横线部分最恰当的是()。A.水火不容 尴尬B.截然不同 窘迫C.南辕北辙 狼狈D.针锋相对 失落答案:B 本题解析:这里是对两种文化的比较,“水火不容”、“针锋相对”语义过重,排除A、D。“南辕北辙”比喻行动和目的正好相反,不合文意,排除C。故本题答案为B。21.借历史文化资源,转化成生产力,培育新的经济增长点,无可厚非,但曹操墓刚刚对外披露,在其真实度都没有完全证实的情况下,这样急切的开发 有些盲目。填人横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.不免B.难免C.确实D.未免答案:D 本题解析:曹操墓的真实度还没有完全被证实,人们却“急切”地开发,可以看出作者对这种行为不以为然,有些委婉的批评。“不免”表示由于前面所说的原因而不能避免某种消 极的结果。“难免”形容事物的不可避免性。确实:真正;实在。“未免”表示前面所说的情况不 合适,或对前面所说的情况不以为然,含有委婉批评的意味。D项正确。22.公司安排甲、乙两人翻译一本书,如果甲单独来完成,需要15天,如果乙单独来完成,需要10天。假设甲先翻译了5天,然后乙加入进来,可是在最后两天因为有其他的任务乙又离开了,请问这本书的翻译工作一共进行了( )天。A.12B.13C.11D.14答案:C 本题解析:根据工程的核心公式,赋值甲的效率为10,乙的效率为15,工作总量为150,设总共需要x天完成,可得150=10x+(x-7)*15,解得x=10.2,即11天,C项正确,A、B、D选项不符合题意,故本题正确答案选择C项。23.研究基本粒子,须借助极高的能量。欲知物质的微观结构,首先得变革微观物质,即得想办法把原子、原子核,以及质子、中子等这些“小粒”打碎,把它们的内部结构和各种性质暴露出来。对“物质的微观结构”与“微观物质”解说正确的是()。A.前者指各种小粒内部组合模式,后者指构成物质的各种小粒B.前者指原子结构(含原子核),后者指质子、中子等这些小粒C.二者反映了微观物质世界结构,即小粒结构构成了微观物质D.二者都指组成物质的分子、原子、质子以及中子等各种小粒答案:A 本题解析:根据段落中“欲知首先”一句就可以很明显地知道,物质的微观结构指的是微观物质即各种小粒的内部结构,只有A选项清楚地表达了这个意思。24.0,4,18,48,100,()A.140B.160C.180D.200答案:C 本题解析:三级等差数列变式。后一项减前一项得到二级数列4,14,30,52,再用后一项减前一项得到三级数列10,16,22,显然三级数列是一个等差数列,所以三级最后一项为28,二级最后一项为80,一级最后一项为180,所以选C。25.与2010年相比,2011年全国的水电发电量约()。A.上升6.5%B.上升11.7%C.下降2.2%D.下降3.5%答案:D 本题解析:26.A.227B.238C.242D.255答案:A 本题解析:三行顺次整体来看,前三个数之和等于第四个数,以此类推,37+67+123=(227)。27.若微机系统需要热启动,应同时按下组合键( )。A.Ctrl+Alt+BreakB.Ctrl+Esc+DelC.Ctrl+Alt+DelD.Ctrl+Shift+Break答案:C 本题解析:微机系统需要热启动,应同时按下组合键Ctrl+Alt+Del。28. 第55题答案是_ A.withB.toC.onD.for答案:D 本题解析:send for sbto do sth意为“派人去叫某人做某事”。此句意为老师派学生把他叫来询问他功课的事。故选D。29.把分数3/7用小数来表示,则该小数小数点后第2008位的数字是( )。 a. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 5 A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:D 本题解析:3/7= 0. i2857i,小数点后面是428571的循环,2008 = 6X334 + 4,因此 该小数点后第2008位数字是5,故应选D。30.2009 年以来,在灾后恢复重建和扩大内需的各项政策措施的作用下,四川交通运输业投资呈现出快速增长的发展势头。1-4 月,全省交通运输业投资255.74 亿元,同比增长131.3%,增速较同期全社会投资快52.4 个百分点,迎来了高速发展时期。进入2009 年后,全省交通运输业投资就一直保持高速增长,2 月完成投资73.25 亿元,增长87.54%;一季度完成投资169.2 亿元,增长130.93%;到4 月投资达255.74 亿元,同比增长131.3%.较2008 年全年高出78.1 个百分点。随着总量的提升和增长速度的不断加快,全省交通运输业投资占全社会投资的比重也不断上升,14 月份占全社会投资比重达到8%,创造了新高。2008 年4 月,四川全省交通运输业投资额为( )。A.37.30 亿元B.46.62 亿元C.51.52 亿元D.73.25 亿元答案:A 本题解析:由第3 题可知,2008 年第一季度,全省交通运输投资额约为73 亿元;由第1 题可知,14 月全省变通运输投资额为110.57 亿元,所以2008 年4 月四川省全省交通运输业投资额约为110.57-73=37.57 亿元,选择与之最接近的A 项。31.图1:1994至2006年全国报纸印刷量增长曲线图2:1994至2006年全国报纸印刷量增长曲线在1994至2006年间,全国报纸印刷总量持续增长。以2004年为例,年印刷量在10亿对开张以上的企业有30家,其中印刷量增长的企业占90,而且全部增长5以上,增长率达两位数的企业占66.67。年印刷量在5亿至10亿对开张之间的企业有26家,其中印刷量增长的有25家,增长率达到两位数的有19家。到了2005年,年印刷量在10亿对开张以上的企业有29家,其中印刷量增长的有17家,增长5以上的有11家,而保持两位数增长的有8家,印刷量减少的企业有11家。年印刷量在5亿至10亿对开张之间的企业有31家,其中印刷量增长的有20家,增长5以上的有16家,保持两位数增长的有13家。印刷量减少的企业有10家。再看2006年,年印刷量在10亿对开张以上的企业有31家,其中印刷量增长的有19家,增长5以上的有14家,保持两位数增长的有10家。印刷量减少的企业有11家。年印刷量在5亿至10亿对开张之间的企业有28家,其中印刷量增长的有20家,增长5以上的有14家,保持两位数增长的有7家。印刷量减少的企业有8家。2004年印刷量增长率在5以上的企业有( )家?A.19B.49C.55D.无法判断答案:D 本题解析:根据“年印刷量在5亿至10亿对开张之间的企业有26家,其中印刷量增长的有25家,增长率达到两位数的有19家”这句话,只能知道印刷量增长率分别达到或超过10以及不到10(但也是增长)的企业个数。无法计算增长率在5以上的企业个数。32.为了明确企业计划的外部条件,其关键是A.定量预测B.定性预测C.环境预测D.销售预测答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析33.Children who are two years old and younger are _free of charge to most concerts and films.A.admitB.admitsC.admittedD.admitting答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析34.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:第一组三个图形的直线数依次是3、4、5,第二组图形的直线数依次是6、7、(8)。因此选择B。35.根据上表所列数据,下列说法错误的是( )。A.中央电视台只播自办节目B.地方电视台播自办节目的时间占总播出时间的70%以上C.地方电视台2004年全年平均每套节目播出自办教育节目0.213小时D.地方无线广播电台2004年平均每天每套节目播出自办教育节目0.446小时答案:C 本题解析:中央电视台播出时间和自办节目时间是相等的,可以推出播的全是自办节目,A项正确;36.中国农业银行的五金产品不包括()。A.金钥匙B.金光道C.金e顺D.金葵花答案:D 本题解析:中国农业银行的五金产品包括:金钥匙、金光道、金e顺、金益农、金穗卡。金葵花是招商银行的产品。37.When we analyze the salt salinity (盐浓度) of ocean waters, we find that it varies only slightly from place to place Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation In this manner, the salinity is increased, since the salt stays behind If this is carried to the extreme, of course, white salt would be left behind ; this, by the way,is how much of the table salt we use is actually obtainedThe opposite of evaporation is precipitation, such as rain, by which water is added to the ocean Here the ocean is being diluted so that the salinity is decreased This may occur in areas of high rainfall or in coastal regions where rivers flow into the ocean Thus salinity may be increased by the subtraction of water by evaporation, or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipitationNormally, in hot regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is somewhat higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation similarly, in coastalGrandma, who used to live upstairs, is now the voice on long distance, and the working parent is far too beaten down each day to spend evening relaxation time listening to the sandbox experience of an eager four-year-oldSo family conversation is as extinct as my old toys and parental questions such as What have you been doing, Bobby? have been replaced by I m busy, go watch televisionAnd watch TV they do; count them by the millionsBut its usually not childrens television that children watch Saturday morning, the childrens hour, amounts to only about 8 percent of their weekly viewingWhere are they to be found?Watching adult television, of course, from the Match Game in the morning, to the afternoon at General Hospital, from the muggings and battles on the evening news right through the family hour and past into Starsky and Hutch Thats where you find our kids, over five million of them, at 10 pm, not fewer than a million until after midnight! All of this is done with parental permissionTelevision, used well, can provide enriching experiences for our young people, but we must use it with some sense When the carpet is clean, we turn off the vacuum cleaner When the dishes are clean, the dishwasher turns itself offNot so the television, which is on from the sun in the morning to the moon at night and beyond!Parents must exercise some control and show some concern about the cultural influence on the child when a program not intended for that child is viewed Parents need to intervene Nonintervention may be a wise policy in international affairs, but the results of parental nonintervention will not be wise at alLIf we use television with some _, television can provide our young people with much knowledgeA.instruction of expertsB.judgment of our ownC.direction of engineersD.indication of teachers答案:D 本题解析:按照出题顺序此题考查的是海水盐度变化的第三个原因。根据第四段可知,海水冻冰后,杂质析出,因此冰下的海水比球冻前的盐度高;冰融化后,海水盐度又会降低。所以答案为D即海水温度与盐度有很大关系。38.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:C 本题解析:分数数列,我们将其整数部分与分数部分分别考虑。整数部分:100,(),64,49,36;分数部分3/4,(),16/12,64/36,256/108;整数部分是平方数列,括号中的数字应该是81。而分数部分化简之后是3/4,(),4/3,16/9,64/27;这是一个公比为4/3的等比数列,因此括号里应该是3/4X4/3=1。因此空缺项是81+1=82。故正确答案为C。39.Women are also underrepresented in the administration and this is because there are so few women full professors. In 1985,Regent Beryl Milburn produced a report blasting(轰动 )the University of Texas System administration for not encouraging women.The University was rated认为 among the lowest for the system.In a 1987 update ,Milburn commended the progress that was made and called for even more improvement.One of the positive results from her study was a System-wide program to inform women of available administrative jobs.College of Communication Associate Dean Patric


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