高中英语 Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage课件 外研版选修7

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高中英语 Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage课件 外研版选修7_第3页
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The Worlds Cultural HeritageModule 6 Fujian Tulou“福建土楼”是东方文明的一颗明珠。它以历史悠久、种类繁多、规模宏大、结构奇巧、功能齐全、内涵丰富而著称,具有极高的历史、艺术和科学价值,被誉为“东方古城堡”、“世界建筑奇葩”、“世界上独一无二的、神话般的山区建筑模式”。 The Fujian Tulou is a type of Chinese buildings used by the Hakka and others in the mountainous areas in southeastern Fujian,China._1_ A tulou is usually a large earth building,rectangular (矩形的) or circular in shape,with very thick loadbearing earth walls between three and five storeys high and housing up to 80 families.Smaller inside buildings are often surrounded by these huge walls which can contain halls,storehouses,wells and living areas,the whole structure resembling a small fortified (筑防御工事的) city. The fortified outer structures are formed by earth mixed with stone,bamboo,wood and other readily available materials,to form walls up to 1.8m thick.Branches,strips of wood and bamboo chips are often laid in the wall as additional reinforcement (加固)_2_Tulous usually have only one main gate,guarded by 100130mm wooden doors reinforced with an outer shell of iron plate.The top level of these earth buildings has gun holes for defensive purposes. A total of 46 Fujian Tulou sites,including Chuxi tulou cluster (群),Tianluokeng tulou cluster,Hekeng tulou cluster,Gaobei tulou cluster,Dadi tulou cluster,Hongkeng tulou cluster,Yangxian lou,Huiyuan lou,Zhengfu lou and Hegui lou,were listed as World Heritage Site in 2008 by UNESCO.Since the 1980s,the Fujian Tulou has been variously called “Hakka tulou”,“earth dwelling”,“round stronghouse” or simply “tulou”_3_However,scholars of Chinese architecture have recently standardized the term Fufian Tulou. Complete the text with the following sentences.ATu lou literally translates as earthen structures.BThey were mostly built between the 12th and the 20th centuries.CThe end result is a building that is warm in winter and cool in summer.答 案 :1.B2.C3.A 谢谢观看!


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