A taste of English humourwarming up

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目目录录 Do you feel my love?I want to lose my weight.I want to lose my weight.目目录录目目录录What is humour?What is humour?HumourHumour is is the quality in sth that make it the quality in sth that make it funny and makes people laugh.funny and makes people laugh.If someone often makes others laugh,If someone often makes others laugh,We say he is We say he is humouroushumourous;We call him a We call him a humourist.humourist.教学目教学目标标词词汇汇学学习习 自自测测自自评评英英语语幽幽默默 感感受受异异同同 笑谈笑谈英语英语学习学习目目录录基基础础 盘盘点点 自自测测自自评评1 1_ _ adj.adj.满满足的;足的;满满意的意的 n n满满足足 vt.vt.使使满满足足2 2_ _ adj.adj.平常的;普通的平常的;普通的3 3_ _ prepprep.遍及,遍及,贯贯穿穿 advadv.到到处处;始;始终终;全部;全部4 4_ _ vt.vt.&vi vi.战胜战胜;克服;克服5 5_ _ adj.adj.突出的;杰出的;突出的;杰出的;显显著的著的6 6_ _ n n姿姿态态;手;手势势 vi vi.做手做手势势7 7_ _ n n时时刻;刻;场场合合contentcontentordinaryordinarythroughoutthroughoutovercomeovercomeoutstandingoutstandinggesturegestureoccasionoccasion重点突破重点突破 目目录录8 8_(slid_(slid,slid)slid)vt.vt.&vi vi.(.(使使)滑滑动动;(使使)滑行滑行 n n 滑;滑滑;滑动动;幻灯片;幻灯片9 9_ _ n n耳耳语语;低;低语语 vt.vt.&vi vi.低低语语;小声;小声说说1010_ _ vt vt.使使发发笑笑;使愉快使愉快1111 _ _ n n.解解释释;讲讲解解;说说明明1212 _ _ n n幽默幽默;滑稽滑稽humourous humourous adjadj.幽默的幽默的1313 _ _ n n表演者表演者;演出者演出者perform perform v v执执行行;表表演演performance performance n n执执行行;演出演出1414 _ _ vt vt.使惊使惊诧诧astonished astonished adjadj.感到惊感到惊讶讶的的astonishing astonishing adjadj.令人感到惊令人感到惊讶讶的的astonishment astonishment n n惊惊讶讶slideslidewhisperwhisperamuseamuseexplanationexplanationhumourhumourperformerperformerastonishastonish目目录录1515_ _ adjadj.幸运的幸运的;吉利的吉利的fortune fortune n n运气运气,财财富富fortunately fortunately advadv.幸运地幸运地unfortunatelyunfortunately反反义词义词1616 _ _ vt vt.&.&vi vi.使使欢乐欢乐;款待款待entertaining entertaining adjadj.愉快愉快的的,有趣的有趣的entertainment entertainment n n娱乐娱乐1717 _ _ vt vt.使信服使信服convinced convinced adjadj.坚坚信不移的信不移的convincing convincing adjadj.令人信服的令人信服的1818 _ _ vt vt.&.&vi vi.导导演演;指示指示;指指挥挥;adjadj直的直的;直接的直接的;直率直率的的direction direction n n指指导导director director n n导导演演directly directly advadv.&.&conjconj.直接地直接地,径直地径直地;一一就就1919 _ _ adjadj.特殊的特殊的,特特别别的的;n n细节细节;细细目目particularly particularly advadv.特特别别地地,特殊地特殊地2020 _ _ vi vi.作出反作出反应应;回回应应reaction reaction n n反反应应;回回应应fortunatefortunateentertainentertainconvinceconvincedirectdirectparticularparticularreactreact目目录录1 1_直到直到现现在在2 2_ _ 对对满满足足3 3_ _ 穷穷的;缺少的的;缺少的4 4_ _ 挑出;辨挑出;辨别别出出5 5_ _ 切断;断切断;断绝绝6 6_ _ 担任主角;主演担任主角;主演up to nowup to nowfeel/be content withfeel/be content withbadly offbadly offpick outpick outcut offcut offstar instar in高频短语高频短语目目录录 puns 双关双关语语 A bicycle cant stand on its ownA bicycle cant stand on its own because it is because it is two-tiredtwo-tired.Warming-upWWhere does the English humour exist?here does the English humour exist?Is it similar to Chinese humour?Is it similar to Chinese humour?目目录录POLICEMAN:Why did you have to break into the same shop three times?THIEF:Well,I stole a dress from that shop but my wife didnt like it.so I had to go back and change it twice.English jokes目目录录1.1.Which letter is a kind of drink?Which letter is a kind of drink?riddle/brain twister 谜语/脑筋急转弯2.Throw butter out of the window(a kind2.Throw butter out of the window(a kindof insect)of insect)3.Who is closer to you,your mom or your dad?3.Who is closer to you,your mom or your dad?目目录录Level 1:She sells Level 1:She sells seashells on the seashore.seashells on the seashore.Level 2:A big black bug Level 2:A big black bug bit a big black dog on his bit a big black dog on his big black nose!big black nose!tongue twister目目录录mime and farceMr.Bean目目录录funny plays目目录录cross talk 冯巩 sketchsketch小品小品目目录录1.Do you think there are any differences and similarities between Chinese humour and English humour?2.which do you like better:verbal or nonverbal humour?Give your reasons.Thinking目目录录 C Can you name some famous an you name some famous C Chinese hinese comedycomedy actors actors?brainstormcomedy actors目目录录C Can you name some famous an you name some famous foreignforeign comedycomedy actorsactors?目目录录1.Find more information about English humour and Charlie Chaplin.2.Preview the reading passage.目目录录SummaryuImportant words Important words uImportant phraseImportant phraseKinds of humourKinds of humour目目录录 Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.-Victor Hugo目目录录 LifeLifeLife is Life is challengingchallenging,meetmeet it.it.Life isLife is variousvarious,makemake it.it.Life is Life is beautifulbeautiful,discover discover it.it.Life is Life is humoroushumorous,enjoy enjoy it.it.目目录录Goodbye!Goodbye!Many thanks!Many thanks!


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