新视界大学英语 unit课后答案

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Unfamiliar WordsUnfamiliar Words4 You _ by changing your ideas or the way you do things,to get used to a new situation.5 If attraction is _,it is felt in the same way by both people in a relationship.6 If you _ something,you say that it is true,even though it is not possible to prove it.7 _ is treatment of people that is fair and right.adjustmutualclaimJusticeadjust challenge claim justicemutual quit resign第1页/共23页attractive benefit financial furthermoreInfluential motive opportunityUnfamiliar WordsUnfamiliar WordsComplete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.1 What do you think was the real reason for the judges decision?2 Martin Luther Kings ideas were able to change peoples ways of thinking and behaving in the mid-20th century.influentialmotive第2页/共23页attractive benefit financial furthermoreInfluential motive opportunityUnfamiliar WordsUnfamiliar Words3 How many of us have the chance to start a new life in another country?4 For some people,the idea is worth thinking about,since it might lead to an improvement in their money situation.5 In addition,there may be other advantages,usually of a cultural nature.financialopportunityattractiveFurthermorebenefits第3页/共23页Complete the paragraph with the correct formof the words in the box.approve attitude civil conflict conquer harsh integrate prejudice racialUnfamiliar WordsUnfamiliar Words The story of the judge in Louisiana who did not (1)_ of marriages between black and white people needs to be seen in its historical context.Louisiana is in the south of the US,where the majority of slaves were brought from Africa.They were treated(2)_ and made to work in bad conditions in the cotton fields.approveharshly第4页/共23页In 1865 the country was divided and the two sides fought each other in the American(3)_ War,which ended when the northern states,under Abraham Lincoln,(4)_ the southern states,putting an end to slavery,but not to the(5)_ of many people in the south.Unfamiliar WordsUnfamiliar WordsCivilconqueredattitudeapprove attitude civil conflict conquer harsh integrate prejudice racial第5页/共23页(6)_ against black people could be seen in(7)_ laws passed in states like Alabama,where,for example,black people were made to sit at the back of public buses.Many black Americans moved to the north of the country,where it was easier for them to(8)_.But in the south,tension and(9)_ continued even after the Second World War.Unfamiliar WordsUnfamiliar WordsPrejudiceracialintegrateapprove attitude civil conflict conquer harsh integrate prejudice racialconflict第6页/共23页Look at the sentences from the passage.verb+doing/to doLanguage in UseLanguage in UseA Louisiana justice of the peace who refused to marry a couple he avoided marrying couples from different races because he believed their children would suffer.第7页/共23页2 I dont feel like _ out tonight.Id rather stay in with my girlfriend.(go)Language in UseLanguage in Usegoing3 He hopes _ Amanda again very soon.(see)1 They agreed _ a romantic dinner together in a restaurant.(have)Now complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.to haveto see第8页/共23页5 In the end we decided _ married.(get)Language in UseLanguage in Use6 I must try _ the same mistake and stop falling in love so quickly!(avoid,make)4 Ive always enjoyed _ time with her.(spend)Now complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.spendingto avoid makingto get第9页/共23页Now rewrite the sentences using Its believed/claimed/said/thought that 1 People say that love makes the world go round.Language in UseLanguage in Use2 Some people believe that its easy to get a green card.Its said that love makes the world go round.Its believed that its easy to get a green card.Its believed/claimed/said/thought that 第10页/共23页Language in UseLanguage in Use3 People think that the civil rights movement began a long time before Martin Luther King.4 People claim that Louisiana is the most conservative state in the US.Its thought that the civil rights movement began a long time before Martin Luther King.Its claimed that Louisiana is the most conservative state in the US.5 People say that the first love story was written five thousand years ago.Its said that the first love story was written five thousand years ago.第11页/共23页1 I came here so that I could have a better life.I came here in order to have a better life.Language in UseLanguage in Use2 He spoke to her after the lesson because he wanted to clarify a few things.He spoke to her after the lesson in order to clarify a few things.3 You must complete this form if you want to apply for the job.You must complete this form in order to apply for the job.in order(for someone)to do something第12页/共23页4 He took his girlfriend to New Zealand so that she could meet his parents.He took his girlfriend to New Zealand in order for her to meet his parents.Language in UseLanguage in Use5 To get a new passport,you now have to apply online.In order to get a new passport,you now have to apply online.第13页/共23页Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or adverb.Language in UseLanguage in Useexpressions with prepositions and adverbs1 We didnt have much success _ reducing unemployment.2 My opinions _ your project havent changed.3 The singer was born _ mixed-race parents.intowardsto第14页/共23页Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or adverb.Language in UseLanguage in Useexpressions with prepositions and adverbs4 I dont really approve _ your latest plans.5 You need to protect yourself _ getting hurt.6 What do you think is the key _ happiness?ofagainstto第15页/共23页Translate the sentences into Chinese.1.This is the country of the famous“melting pot”with a long history both of conflict between races as well as some success in integrating them.这个国家是著名的这个国家是著名的“大熔炉大熔炉”,有着悠久的种族冲突,有着悠久的种族冲突的历史,也有一些成功融合的例子。的历史,也有一些成功融合的例子。Language in UseLanguage in Use第16页/共23页2.In certain political and social circles in the US,its believed that mixed-race couples marry in order for the immigrant partner to get a green card,to stay and work here.在美国的某些政治和社交圈子里,人们认为跨种族婚在美国的某些政治和社交圈子里,人们认为跨种族婚姻只不过是为了让身为移民的一方得到绿卡,以便在姻只不过是为了让身为移民的一方得到绿卡,以便在此居留和工作。此居留和工作。Language in UseLanguage in Use第17页/共23页3.Fortunately,there are many others who understand that basic human values,such as mutual attraction,play the most important role in a mixed marriage.幸运的是,还有很多其他人明白人类的基本价值(如幸运的是,还有很多其他人明白人类的基本价值(如相互吸引)在跨种族婚姻中起着最重要的作用。相互吸引)在跨种族婚姻中起着最重要的作用。Language in UseLanguage in Use第18页/共23页4.Whatever the real motives for marriage,all of these couples face the challenges of differences in their opinions towards money,towards traditional values of respect towards their partner,of religion,of being accepted by the community where they live,of the roles of men and women,and even of language.无论结婚的真正动机是什么,所有这些情侣都会面对无论结婚的真正动机是什么,所有这些情侣都会面对不同金钱观与不同传统价值观的挑战,这些传统价值不同金钱观与不同传统价值观的挑战,这些传统价值观包括对伴侣的尊重、传统的宗教观、被社区接受、观包括对伴侣的尊重、传统的宗教观、被社区接受、男女分工以及传统的语言观等。男女分工以及传统的语言观等。Language in UseLanguage in Use第19页/共23页5.Children born to parents of two cultures or two races are now known as Third Culture Kids,who grow up learning two different cultures,and feel at home with anyone who has lived in more than one country or culture.如果某个孩子的父母分属两种文化或两个种族,这个如果某个孩子的父母分属两种文化或两个种族,这个孩子就被称为孩子就被称为“第三文化儿童第三文化儿童”,他们在成长过程中,他们在成长过程中学习两种不同的文化,与任何曾在多个国家或多种文学习两种不同的文化,与任何曾在多个国家或多种文化下生活的人都能相处融洽。化下生活的人都能相处融洽。Language in UseLanguage in Use第20页/共23页Translate the sentences into English.1 1 那些不赞成跨国婚姻的人认为,种族、宗教、文化的不同会引起很那些不赞成跨国婚姻的人认为,种族、宗教、文化的不同会引起很多家庭冲突。多家庭冲突。(approve of;conflict)Those who dont approve of mixed marriages believe that differences in race,religion and culture may lead to many family conflicts.2 2 随随着着全全球球化化的的发发展展,人人们们对对跨跨国国婚婚姻姻的的偏偏见见也也正正日日益益消消除除。(globalization;prejudice;remove)With globalization,the prejudices against mixed marriages are being removed from peoples minds.Language in UseLanguage in Use第21页/共23页3 要想使婚姻成功,夫妻双方都应学会在适当的时候做出让步。要想使婚姻成功,夫妻双方都应学会在适当的时候做出让步。(in order for)In order for a marriage to succeed,both husband and wife should learn to compromise at the right time.4 有的人认为最浪漫的爱情是一见钟情。有的人认为最浪漫的爱情是一见钟情。(It is believed that)It is believed by some people that the most romantic love is love at first sight.Language in UseLanguage in Use5 如如今今,网网络络提提供供了了更更多多的的交交友友机机会会,一一些些人人通通过过网网络络找找到到了了真真爱爱。(opportunity)Today,the Internet provides more opportunities to make friends,and some find their true love through the Internet.第22页/共23页谢谢您的观看!第23页/共23页


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