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XX18惠灵顿维多利亚大学研究生奖学金申请条件(原文 )China Scholarships Council (CSC) / VictoriaUniversity Scholarship SchemeFor candidates who are suesful in gaining admission into the PhD programme, VUW will provide tuition fees for up to 48 months. CSC will consider applications for living expenses of those receiving these VUW fees awards as prescribed from time to time by the Chinese government (which includes studenthealthinsurance),a roundtripairfareto Wellingtonby themost economical route and visa application fees.The China Scholarship Council (CSC) and Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) have agreed to collaborate on a designated doctoral (PhD) program which is offered to excellent students.SelectedChinese studentswillenrolat VUWand undertakestudy. If the selected Chinese students suessfully plete the requirements of the designated program and defend their dissertation, they will be conferred degrees by VUW.Admission into the PhD programme at VUW.Applicantsare requiredto pleteand submit an applicationfor PhD admission (linkto.victoria.ac.nz/fgr/prospective-phds/applying.aspx)eitherforthe 1 July or 1 November applicationround. In orderto allow sufficient time to get an offer from the Universityapplicants should apply to either of these two rounds.Itis importantto ensure alldocumentation,includingthereferees statements, is received by the Faculty of GraduateResearch before the designated closing date.Please see below the documents that you need submit toVictoriaUniversityforadmission intothe PhDprogramme (linkagain to link above):* the pleted application form,* your academic transcripts and degree certificates,* a statement of research interests - this document is detailed in section 5.1 of our Application Form,* an example of academic writing in English,*your Englishlanguage proficiencyscore (ifthisis notavailable any offer would be conditional),* two academic remendations from your Professors provided on this template (.victoria.ac.nz/fgr/prospective-phds/Publications/referees -report-fillable.pdf).Victoria University will assess your application for admission and make an offer to all suitable candidates. Victoria University will also help you find a supervisor.Suessful applicants for PhD admissions will be notifiedby VictoriaUniversityand an offerforwarded to each applicant.Suessful recipients of a CSC scholarship will be notified byCSC.Pleasenote unless allrequireddocumentationis providedpriorto the closingdate any offerissued may be conditional.Unconditional offers are required by CSC.奖学金金额:学费。进一步申请可能获得旅费和医疗保险费。奖学金期限:对于成功被博士课程录取的候选人,惠灵顿维多利亚大学将为其提供 48 个月的学费。中国奖学金委员会将根据政府的规定,对获得惠灵顿维多利亚大学学费奖的学生的生活补贴 ( 包括学生医疗保险 ) 申请予以考虑,同时考虑往返经济舱机票和签证费用。奖学金截止日期: xx 年 7 月 1 日和 xx 年 11 月 1 日。中国奖学金委员会为自己的截止日期。奖学金名额:通过筛选得出。奖学金背景中国奖学金委员会与惠灵顿维多利亚大学有指定博士课程合作,提供给优秀学生。奖学金目的入围的中国学生将注册惠灵顿维多利亚大学,在惠灵顿维多利亚大学学习。如果入围的中国学生顺利完成了指定课程的要求并通过了答辩,惠灵顿维多利亚大学将为他们授予学位。奖学金筛选标准被惠灵顿维多利亚大学博士课程录取。奖学金申请申请人需要完成并提交博士入学申请。申请截止日期为7 月 1日或 11 月 1 日。为了有足够时间拿到惠灵顿维多利亚大学录取通知书,申请人应该申请任意一轮的奖学金。需要在规定的截止日期之后,将所有文件包括推荐信送达研究生院。奖学金其他信息请参见以下,了解你惠灵顿维多利亚大学博士课程入学申请需要提交的文件:完整的申请表 ; 成绩单和学位证书 ; 研究意向陈述 ; 英语学术写作实例 ; 英语语言考试成绩 ( 如果不提供,录取将为有条件录取 ); 两份学术推荐信。奖学金决定惠灵顿维多利亚大学将对你的入学申请进行评估,并向所有合适的候选人发放录取通知书。 除此之外,惠灵顿维多利亚大学将帮助你寻找指导老师。奖学金公布时间成功博士入学成功的学生将收到惠灵顿维多利亚大学通知,录取通知书将转寄给每一位申请人。 成功获得中国委员会奖学金的学生将由中国奖学金委员会通知。受奖条件请注意,必须在截止日期之前提交所有需要的文件,否则任何录取将为有条件录取。中国奖学金委员会要求学生拿到无条件录取。( 原文 )Victoria Masters by thesis Scholarship To encourage postgraduate research at Victoria, the University offers scholarships to students about to begin afull-time, research-focussed Masters degree.Over thirtyscholarshipsshallbe offered, consistingofa $15,000 stipend,plus domestic fees.Internationalstudents,other than those from Australia will be liable to pay thedifference between the full international student fee and thedomestic fee.Applicationsare sought from those who are eligibleat thetime of application, or who will have bee eligible within sixmonths of notification, to enrol for a Master s degree by thesis worth 90 points or more. In some cases this will be Part 2 ofa two-year Master code 591.s degree and will usually have the course* Applications are sought from those who are eligible at the time of application, or who will have bee eligible withinsix months of thesis worthnotification, 90 points ortomore.enrol for a Master s In some cases this willdegree by be Part2 of a two-yearMaster s degree and willusuallyhave the coursecode 591.*Applicantsundertakinga 180 pointMaster s degree willnot be eligible for this scholarship.* Applicants would normally be expected to have pleted aBachelor s degree or Masters degree Part 1 demonstratingacademic achievement equivalent to a First-Class Honours degree from a New Zealand University.* Scholarships will be awarded solely on the basis ofacademic merit by the University Research ScholarshipsCommittee, a sub-mittee of the University Research Committee. * Applications for these scholarships must be madeon theforms obtainable from the links provided or from the* Referees statements: A template form for referees is obtainable from the links provided or from the ScholarshipsOffice. Please make this available to your referees. Reference statements should be submitted directly to the ScholarshipsOffice by the referees. This may be by email only if they aresent from a verifiable institutional email address.Scholarships shall be awarded solely on the basis ofacademic merit by the University Scholarships Committee, asub-mittee of the University Research Committee.How and when do students learn of the decision?Alloffersfor VictoriaMastersScholarshipswillbe madein late December of the year of application. Some applicantsmay be placed on a reservelistand willnot be finallynotifiedof the suess or otherwise of their applications until as lateas the end of February of the following year. If you are unsuessful you may be notified by email only. Please provide a clearly written email address if available.* Scholarship recipients will be expected to sign the Victoria Postgraduate Scholarship Contract.* Once the period of tenure of a scholarship has menced, the University Scholarships Committee may, at its solediscretion,granta scholarshiprecipienta deferment of theirscholarshipfora period of up-to six months. In most cases sucha deferment will coincide with a formal suspension from theirenrolment in the Masters degree. A scholarship shall beterminatedand the correspondingproportionof the scholarshipemolument forfeited, if a scholarship recipient ceases toresume the aforesaid programme of research or advanced studywithin one month of the last day of the period of deferment.* Scholarship recipients shall be required to devotethemselvesfull-timetotheirprogramme ofresearch duringthetenure of the scholarship and may not hold a position ofemolument withoutthe approvalof the UniversityScholarshipsCommittee. Approval may be given for scholarshiprecipientstoundertake paid employment (usually tutoring) for up to amaximum of 600 hours in one calendar year.* Each scholarship recipient and his/her principalsupervisorshall provide a progress reportto theScholarshipsOffice sixmonths afterthe mencementof thescholarship. Whereprogress is not satisfactory, the matter will be referred to the University Scholarships Committee.* The University Scholarships Committee may at any time suspend or terminate a scholarship, or require the forfeiture of such proportion of the scholarship emolument as it may determine, if the scholarship recipient is not diligently pursuing their programme of research, has violated the University Statute on Conduct, or has failed to ply with anyof the terms and conditions on which the scholarship wasawarded.奖学金金额: 15,000 美元外加国内学费。奖学金期限:一年。奖学金截止日期: xx 年 11 月 1 日、2018 年 11 月 1 日。申请在11 月 1 日截止。奖学金名额: 30 个。奖学金背景为鼓励学校的研究生研究,惠灵顿维多利亚大学为即将开始学习全日制研究型硕士学位课程的学生提供研究型硕士奖学金。奖学金有超过 30 个名额,包括 15,000 美元生活津贴和国内学费。不同于澳大利亚学生, 国际生需要承担全额国际费与国内费之间的差额。奖学金目的在申请的时候或在通知的六个月内符合 90 个点或以上研究型硕士学位注册资格的学生可以申请该奖学金。 在某些情况下, 这要求注册的课程为二年制硕士学位第二部分课程,并且通常要学代码为591 的课程。奖学金筛选标准(1) 在申请的时候或在通知的六个月内符合 90 个点或以上研究型硕士学位注册资格的学生可以申请该奖学金。 在某些情况下, 这要求注册的课程为二年制硕士学位第二部分课程,并且通常要学代码为591 的课程。(2) 学习 180 个点的硕士学位课程的申请人, 不能申请这项奖学金。(3) 申请人一般要已完成学士学位或硕士学位第一部分学习, 具备与新西兰大学一级荣誉学位同等的学术成绩。(4) 这项奖学金只根据学业优秀颁发, 由惠灵顿维多利亚大学研究奖学金委员会颁发, 后者是惠灵顿维多利亚大学研究委员会的一个分会。奖学金申请(1) 研究型硕士奖学金的申请要求申请人必须完成申请表, 申请表可在学校网站或奖学金办公室处获取。(2) 推荐信。推荐表可在学校网站或奖学金办公室处获取。 请将推荐信发送给你的推荐人。 推荐信应由推荐人直接提交给奖学金办公室。如果要通过邮件提交,邮箱必须是经过核实的单位邮箱。奖学金决定奖学金只根据学业优秀颁发,由惠灵顿维多利亚大学研究奖学金委员会颁发,后者是惠灵顿维多利亚大学研究委员会的一个分会。奖学金公布时间维多利亚硕士奖学金的所有通知书将在申请年份的12 月下旬发放。部分申请人可能会被列入后备名单。这种情况下,申请人要到次年二月末,才会接到最终通知。如果申请不成功,你将只接到邮件通知。受奖条件(1) 获奖者需要签订维多利亚研究生奖学金协议。(2) 奖学金一旦生效,奖学金委员会有唯一权利批准推迟发放,最多推迟不超过六个月。 在大多数情况下, 这种推迟要与硕士学位正式停学时间吻合。如果获奖者未在推迟最后一天所在的月内返回前述的研究项目或高级课程,奖学金将终止,相应的奖学金报酬将丧失。(3) 获奖者在奖学金期限内, 需要全身心投入研究项目, 不得没有奖学金委员会批准的情况下参加带薪工作。获奖者可以得到批准,在一个学年内参加不超过 600 个小时的带薪工作 ( 通常是辅导工作 ) 。(4) 奖学金开始六个月之后, 每位获奖者和相关指导老师, 必须向奖学金办公室提交进度报告。 如果进度不够令人满意, 应将问题反馈给奖学金委员会。 (5) 如果获奖者未能认真投入研究,或违反了学校的行为准则, 或未能准守奖学金的任何条款和条件, 奖学金委员会有权随时暂停或终止奖学金, 或根据决定, 要求放弃相应的奖学金报酬。( 原文 )International Student Achievement Scholarship The International Student Achievement Scholarshipoffered by Victoria University of Wellington is based on academic achievement, leadership and/or engagement with the munity.Thepurpose of thisScholarshipis to recogniseand rewardexcellenceand engagement of currentlyenrolledinternationalstudents who have a strong academic record and leadershippotential.The Scholarship is available to international studentswho are currentlystudyingan undergraduatedegree at VictoriaUniversityof Wellington.Applicationswillalso be consideredfrom international students who are in their final year of aVictoria undergraduate degree and are continuing on topostgraduate study at Victoria University of Wellington.The Scholarship will be awarded based on:Achievinga Grade Point Average (GPA) of 7.0 (A-)or above.The GPAis calculatedon the two most recenttrimesters.Firstyear undergraduate students are eligible to apply in theirsecond trimester.Demonstrated leadership and/or munity engagement.Leadership and munity engagement may include, but is notlimited to, active participation in the University s leadership programmes, buddy or mentoring programmes, orothertypes of service that positively contributes to the wider munity.Where applicants have an equally strong academic record and demonstrated leadership and/or munity engagement, then financial need will be taken into consideration when awardingthe Scholarship(s).Students who wish to be considered for this Scholarshipmust submit a:-pleted application form, including financialinformation;-personalstatement highlightingdemonstratedand/or contributionto the Universityor Wellingtonmore than 500 words);leadership munity (noThe funds shall be paid to the suessful recipientsuniversitytuitionfees aounts afterconfirmationof full-timeenrolment at Victoria University of Wellington in Trimester 1the following year.TheScholarshipmay be held in conjunctionwith any otherscholarship or financial assistance with the exception of theVictoria International Excellence Scholarship.The suessful recipients will be chosen by the VictoriaInternational Award Selection Panel, which will include atleast one representative from Victoria International, theScholarships Officeand the Student Finance AdvisoryService,or their nominees. Shortlisted applicants may be required to attend an interview.Confirmation will be sent by email to the suessful recipient(s) in early December.Recipients must agree to be available for any promotion surrounding the University, Victoria International and the Scholarship, if requested.奖学金金额:每个名额金额为5,000 美元。奖学金期限:获奖者在学位学习期间只能获得一次奖学金。奖学金截止日期: xx 年 11 月 10、2018 年 11 月 10 日。申请在每年的 11 月 10 日截止。奖学金名额:取决于可用的资金。奖学金背景国际生成就奖学金由惠灵顿维多利亚大学提供, 基于学业成绩、领导能力和 ( 或) 社区参与。奖学金目的国际生成就奖学金的目的是认可和奖励当前注册的具备优秀成绩记录和领导潜力的国际生,奖励他们的优秀和参与。奖学金筛选标准国际生成就奖学金提供给当前学习惠灵顿维多利亚大学本科学位的国际生。对于惠灵顿维多利亚大学本科学位最后一年的国际生,如果想继续在惠灵顿维多利亚大学攻读研究生,也可以申请。国际生成就奖学金将基于以下标准颁发:(1) 平均成绩 (GPA)。平均成绩要达到 7.0(A-) 或以上。平均成绩根据最新的两个三分之一学年成绩计算。 大一学生在第二个三分之一学年的时候可以申请。(2) 领导能力和社区参与。 领导能力和社区参与包括但不限于积极参与惠灵顿维多利亚大学领导能力项目、 伙伴或指导课程, 或者其他类型的有助于为更广大社区做出贡献的服务。(3) 经济需求。在学业成绩、领导能力和社区参与条件同等的情况下,奖学金也会将经济需求纳入考量。奖学金申请想获得国际生成就奖学金的学生必须提交以下:(1) 完整的申请表包括经济方面的信息 ;(2) 个人陈述重点证明领导能力和对惠灵顿维多利亚大学或惠灵顿社区所做的贡献 ( 不超过 500 字) 。奖学金其他信息学生的惠灵顿维多利亚大学第一个三分之一学年全日制注册得到确认之后,奖学金将打到获奖者的大学学费账户中。国际生成就奖学金可以和维多利亚国际优秀奖学金以外的任何其他奖学金或经济补助结合。奖学金决定成功的获奖者将由维多利亚国际奖学金筛选小组选出,筛选小组将至少包括分别维多利亚大学国际部、 奖学金办公室、 学生财务咨询服务处的一名代表, 以及他们的被任命者。 入围的申请人可能会需要参见面试。奖学金公布时间奖学金结果将于12 月初邮件通知成功的获奖者。受奖条件如果被要求,获奖者必须同意参加惠灵顿大学、维多利亚国际部和奖学金的宣传。( 原文 )Alison Morton Scholarship in Ecology/Marine Biology* The Scholarship shall be tenable for one year.* Students who have held the award for their Honours/Masters Part I year may apply again for the award in their Masters Part II year.History or background of awardThe family of Alison Morton, a Victoria University graduate who pleted a BSc (Hons) in Ecology, has established this scholarship in her memory. The Scholarship incorporatesa contribution from the estate of Alisons grandparents, Grace and Reg Riddick.To encourage the study of Ecology and Marine Biology at Victoria University.*The Scholarshipshallbe awarded annuallyto a full-timestudent enrolled in a BSc (Hons) or MSc in Ecology or Marine Biology.* The student must have pleted undergraduate study at Victoria University.* In making the award the panel may take into aount not only the academic merits of the candidates but also their financial needs.* If no suitable applicant is available in any one year, the Scholarship will not be awarded and the funds will be re-invested.The suessful candidate shall be selected by a panelconsistingof the Head of the School of BiologicalSciences (ornominee); and the convener of the Scholarships Committee (ornominee).The suessful candidate will be required to write aprogress reportfor the donors at the conclusionof the academicyear.奖学金金额:合约1500 美元,具体金额取决于可用的资金。奖学金期限:一年。已在荣誉学士或硕士第一部分学年获得该奖学金的学生,可以在硕士第二部分学年再次申请。奖学金截止日期: xx 年 10 月 1 日;2018 年 10 月 1 日。申请在10 月 1 日截止。奖学金名额:一个名额。奖学金背景艾莉森莫顿是惠灵顿维多利亚大学的一名毕业生,她在本科阶段完成了生态学 ( 荣誉 ) 理学士学习,该奖学金是为纪念她而设立。艾莉森莫顿生态学 / 海外生物学奖学金部分资金由艾莉森的祖父母Grace 和 Reg Riddick提供。奖学金目的鼓励学生就读惠灵顿维多利亚大学生态学和海外生物学。奖学金筛选标准(1) 一个名额,每年颁发给全日制注册生态学或海洋生物学荣誉理学士 ( 或理科硕士 ) 的学生。(2) 学生必须已完成惠灵顿维多利亚大学本科学习。(3) 在做决定的时候,评审小组可以同时将学业优秀和经济需求纳入考量。(4) 如果任何学年都找不到合适的申请人,奖学金将不予颁发,资金将另外投放。奖学金决定成功的候选人将由评审小组选出,评审小组由生物科学学院院长 ( 或被任命者 ) 和奖学金委员会召集人 ( 或被任命者 ) 组成。接受奖学金有什么条件 ?成功的候选人需要向捐赠人提交书面进展报告,在学年结束的时候提交。(原文 )Victoria Hardship Fund Equity GrantsThegrantsare funded from the Student AssistanceScheme,and were established in 2000.These grants are to encourage students who are facingfinancial hardship to continue in their studies at VictoriaUniversity.Open to all students who are studying at VictoriaUniversity of Wellington including domestic, international,undergraduate, postgraduate, part-time and full-timestudents.For the round closing in January, applicants must havestudied in the previous academic year. For the round closingin September, the applicantmust be enrolledto study in summertrimester.Closing dates for applications:31 January,15 April,30September(if the closing date is a weekend or holiday,applications will be aepted on the next working day)These grants are for up to $2,000 and the number and value of each grant is at the discretion of the selection panel whose decision is final.Factorstaken intoconsiderationwhen assessing financialneed include- high course costs,high transportcosts,medicalconditions or a disability preventing part time work, familyto support, any other relevant circumstances.Thegrantswillbe awarded on the basisof financialneedand satisfactory academic progress.The grants are administered by Victoria UniversitysStudent Finance Advisers.Applicantswillreceiveemail an email informingthe outeof theirapplicationwithin6 weeks of the applicationclosingdate.These grants are intended to assist with ongoing costs related to study. They are not intended for tuition fees. The award may be paid in instalments.补助金金额:不超过2000 美元。补助金期限:一个或两个三分之一学年。补助金截止日期: xx 年 9 月 30 日。补助金名额: N/A.补助金背景这些补助金由学生支助计划提供,设立于2000 年。补助金目的鼓励有经济困难的学生继续在惠灵顿维多利亚大学学习。补助金筛选标准面向在惠灵顿维多利亚大学学习的所有学生开放, 包括国内生、国际生、本科生、研究生、在职生和全日制生。对于在 1 月截止的补助金的申请,申请人必须在前一学年参加过学习。对于在 9 月截止的补助金的申请, 申请人必须已在夏季学期注册。补助金其他信息申请截止日期: 1 月 31 日、 4 月 15 日、 9 月 30 日。如果截止日期落在周末,下一个工作日的申请也被接受。补助金金额最多不超过 2000 美元,补助金的名额和每个名额的金额由评审小组决定,小组的决定属于最终决定。评估经济需求时考虑的因素包括:课程费用、交通费用、医疗条件或是否残疾、兼职能力、家庭支持和任何其他相关情况。补助金的发放基于经济需求和学业进展的满意度。补助金决定补助金由惠灵顿维多利亚大学学生财务顾问管理。补助金公布时间申请结果将在申请截止日期之后的六周内邮件通知申请人。受奖条件这些补助金用于支援与学习相关的持续的成本,不同于学费。可分期发放。,出 guo出 guo 独家翻译,版权归出 guo 所有,未经出 guo 授权许可,任何公司任何人不得复制和,违者必追究法律责任 !内容仅供参考


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