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Glance value 瞥见距离之远近Glare 眩Glare control 眩光控制Glare recovery 眩光消除Glare recovery time 眩光消除时间Glare screen 防眩设施Glare shield 眩光遮蔽物Glare vision 眩光视觉Glass Funnel 玻璃漏斗Global Positioning System GPS 全球定位系 统Global System for Mobile Communication GSM 泛欧式数字行动电话系统Goal 目标Goal Driven 目标驱动法Goods delivery problem 货物配送问题 Gordon Ray 雷伊Government-owned Public Parking Facility 公有公共停车场Gradation Curve 级配曲线Grade 坡度;纵向坡度Grade Crossings 平面交叉Grade I Road 一级路面Grade Line 坡度线Grade resistance 坡度阻力Grade Separation 立体交叉Grade separation bridge 立体交叉桥(结构 物)Grade Separation Structure 立体叉结构 Graduated Rate 累计费率Grain size analysis 粒径分析Grants 政府奖助Granular Materials 粒状材料Graphical analysis 图解分析法Gravel 砾石Gravel Equivalent Factor 卵石当景因素Gravel Road 砾石路Gravity Model 重力模式Gravity Yard 重力调车场Green Arrow 箭头绿灯Green/cycle ratio G/C 绿灯时间与号志周期 之比值Green Extension 绿灯延长时间Green Flashing 闪光绿灯Green wave signal design 绿波式号志设计 Greenhouse effect 温室效应Groove Joint 槽形接缝Gross National Product GNP 全国总生产毛 额Gross Vehicle Weight GVW 总重Ground 地;地面Ground control point 地面控制点Ground improvement 地盘改良Ground treatment 地基处理Groundwater level 地下水位 Group 群组Grouting 灌浆Growth Factor 成长因素Guardrail 护栏Guidance 导引Guidance information 导引信息Guide 导引Guide line 导引线Guide Sign 指示标志Gully control 蚀沟控制Gussasphalt 高温沥青胶浆Gutters 水沟HHalf-Integer Synchronization 半整数同步相 位Hand in for Cancellation 缴销Hangar Marker 维护棚厂标记Hazard marker 危险标物Hazardous materials 危险物品Head (of water) 水头Head light 前灯;车前大灯Head On Collision 车头对撞Head Section 头区Head Sight Distance 车灯视矩Head Wall 端墙Header Board 横梁板Heading, Pilot tunnel 隧道导坑 Headlight Sight Distance 车灯视距Head-on collision 对撞;正撞Headwater Depth 上水深Headway 时间车距;班距;行进间距(车 距)Headway distribution 班距分布Headway Elasticity 班距弹性Headway, Period 班距Hearing 听力Heaving 隆起Heavy Commercial Vehicle SafetyManagement 重车安全管理Heavy Motorcycle 重型机踏车Heavy duty truck 重型卡车Heavy weight transportation management 大 载重运输管理Heel of Switch 转辙轨跟端Heel Spread 跟端展距Height limit 高度限制Heuristic Approach 推理方法Hidden-Dip 躲坑High beam 远光灯High capacity buses 高容量巴士High Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line HDSL 高速数字用户回路High decked bus 高层巴士High oblique photography 平倾斜摄影High Occupancy Vehicle HOV 高乘载车辆High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane 高乘 载车道High or direct gear 高速檔High Truss With Overhead Lateral Connections 高顶式High type 高级型High-mast Lighting 高杆多灯式照明设计 High-Occupancy Vehicle Priority Control 高 承载率车优先行驶控制High Speed Rail 高速铁路Highway 公路Highway (or street) lighting 公路(或街道) 照明Highway Advisory Radio HAR 公路路况广 播Highway aesthetics 公路美学Highway alignment design 公路线形设计Highway bridge 公路桥梁Highway Bus Carrier 公路汽车客运业Highway bus industry 公路客运业Highway Capacity Manual HCM 公路容量 手册Highway Capacity 公路容量Highway construction 公路施工Highway Construction and Maintenance Cost 公路建设维护成本Highway database 公路数据库Highway Density 公路密度Highway embankment 公路路堤Highway engineering, Road engineering 公路 工程Highway geometry, Highway routing 公路路 线Highway Guardrail 公路护榈Highway information 公路资料Highway information system 公路信息系统Highway interchange area 交流道地区Highway Intersection 公路交叉Highway maintenance 公路维修与养护Highway passenger vehicle 公路客车Highway performance 公路绩效Highway Performance Monitoring System HPMS 公路绩效监测系统Highway planning 公路规划Highway ramp 公路匝道Highway Research Board (Renamed to beResearch Board) HRB 美国公路研究委员会Highway service standard 公路服务水准 Highway Supervision and Administration Statistics 公路监理统计Highway surveillance 公路调查Highway Transit 公路大众运输系统Highway Transportation Statistics 公路运输 统计Highway transportation, Road transportation 公路运输Highway Travel Time Survey 公路行驶时间 调查Highway Type 公路之型式Highway, Road 公路Hiking trail design 健行步道设计Hill land, Hill slope, Hillslope, Slope, Slope land, Slopeland, Sloping landHinterland 腹地Histogram 直方统计图Hit-and-run driving 肇事逃逸;闯祸逃逸Holding Line Marker 等候线标记Home interview 家庭访问 Home-Based Trip 旅次Hook-Headed Spike 钩头道钉Hopper 进料斗Horizontal Alignment 平面线形Horizontal angle of the cone of vision 水平视 锥角Horizontal Clearance 侧向净宽Horizontal control surveys 平面控制测量Horizontal Curve 平曲线Horizontal drain pipe 水平排水管Horizontal Marking 横向标线Host 主机Hot-Mix Asphalt Mixture HMA 热拌沥青混 凝土Hourly variation 时变化图Household trip 旅次Human characteristics 人类特性Human factor 人为因素;人事行为因素 Hydroplaning, Aquaplaning 水滑作用 Hydrophilic 亲水性Hydrophobic 厌水性IIdeal Condition 理想状况Illegal parking 违规停车Illumination 照明;明亮度;照度 Illumination, Lighting 照明 Image 影像Image element, Picture element, Pixel 像素; 像元;像点Image geometry 影像几何Impact 冲击Impact energy 撞(冲)击能量Impact resistance 冲击阻力Improvement plans 改善计画Improving Highway Traffic Order and Safety Projects 道路交通秩序与交通安全改进方案 In-Band-Adjacent-Channel IBAC 带内邻频 In-Band-On-Channel IBOC 带内同频 In Kind, Match Fund 配合款Inbound 往内方向;进城;驶入 Incident 事件Incident Management 事件管理Inclinometer 倾斜仪Incremental Delay 渐增延滞Incremental launching method 节块推进工法Indemnity of Damage 损害赔偿Intensity of Rainfall 雨量强度Index 指针Index system 索引系统Index system, Indicator system 指针系统Indigenous 原著民的;本土性Indirect observation 间接观测Individual Communication Subsystem 个别 通讯次系统Individual difference 个人禀性的差异Individual spot 独立点Induced Coil 感应圈Inductive loop Detector 环路线圈侦测器Inductive Receiver 感应收讯器Inertia resistance 惯性阻力Information center 服务台Information Flow 信息流Information Level 信息层Information Management Services IMS 信息 管理服务Information sign 指示标志;信息标志Information Sign/Guide Sign 指示标志 Infrared Beacon 红外线信号柱 Infrastructure 内部结构;基础建设 Initial Cost 初置成本Initial Daily Traffic 初期每日交通量Injury 伤害Injury rate 受伤率Inlet 集水口Inlet Control 进口控制Inlet Time 流入时间Inner lane 中心车道In-situ 现地Inspection of Vehicle 汽车检验Integrated Ramp Control 整体匝道控制Integrated Service Digital Network ISDN 整 体服务数字网络Integrated Services on Lease 整合租用Intellection or identification 运用智能;辨明 Intelligent Transportation System ITS 智能型 运输系统Intelligent vehicle 智能车Intended Running Speed 期望行车速率Intensity 光度;光的强度Intensity and Duration of Rainfall 降雨时间 与密度Intercepting Drain 截水管Interchange 交流道Interchangeability 相互交换性Intercity Bus 公路客运汽车Intercity bus industry 长途客运(业)Intercity highway passenger transportation 城 际公路客运Interconnectivity 相互连结性Interference 干扰绿灯带Interlocking 连锁控制Interlocking Plant 连锁装置Intermodal 不同运具间的转换Internal Offset 内时差Internal resistance 内部阻力Internal survey 内区调查Internal-externaltrip 内区外区间旅次International Driver License 国际驾照 International Telecommunication Union ITU 国际电信联盟Internet 网际网络Internet Protocol IP 网际网络通讯协议Internet Service Provider ISP 网际网络服务 业者Interoperability 操作时之相互连网性Interpolation Method 内插法Interrupted Delay 干扰延滞Interrupted flow 受有干扰车流;间断流通Intersection 交叉路口Intersection Angle 交角Intersection capacity 路口容量Intersection channelization 交叉路口的槽化Intersection characteristics 交叉路口特性Intersection design 交叉路口设计Intersection Point 切线交点Intersectional delay 交叉路口延滞Interstate 州际间的(一般指出入受限的公 路)Interstate Commerce Commission ICC 州际 商务委员会Interval 时段Interview technique 访问法;访谈法 Intoxicated driving 酒后驾车Inventory 数据库JJitney 随停公车;简便公车 Job Mix Formula 工地拌合公式 Joint Opening 开口宽度;Joint Operation of Transport 联运Jointed Concrete Pavement JCP 接缝式混凝 土铺面Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement JRCP 接缝式钢筋混凝土铺面Joule 焦耳(能量单位)Journal Resistance 轴颈阻力Jumbo 钻堡Junction 路口Junction box 汇流井KKalman filter algorithm 卡门滤波法 Kalman filter, Kalman filtering 卡门滤波 Keep right sign 靠右标志 Key count station 关键调查站 Kinematic Viscosity 动黏度 Kink 纽结Kiss-and-Ride 停车转乘Kneading Action 辗挤作用Knot 节(等于每小时 1.85 公里) Knowledge Base 知识库Kurtosis 峰度LLag 间距Lag time 延迟时间Land Access 可及性Land Expropriation 土地征收Land Transportation 陆路运输Land use 土地使用;土地利用Landfill site 掩埋场Landscape design 景观设计 Landslide/Slump 坍方 Lane, traffic lane 车道Lane 巷道Lane allocation, Lane layout 车道配置Lane Balance 车道平衡Lane change 变换车道Lane control 车道管制Lane distribution 车道分布Lane Group 车道群Lane headway 车道行进间距Lane Line 车道线Lane Reduction Transition Line 路宽渐变线Lane residual width 巷道剩余宽度Lane Width 车道宽度Lane-direction control signal 车道行车方向 管制号志Large Network Grouping 大型网络群组划分Large Passenger Vehicle 大客车Large-area Detector 大区域侦测器Latent travel demand 潜在旅次需求Lateral Acceleration 横向加速率Lateral clearance 侧向净距Lateral Collision Avoidance 侧向防撞Lateral Separation 左右隔离Lateral shift 侧向位移Laws of randomness 随机定理Lay-Down Vehicle Days 停驶延日车数Leading 绿灯早开Leading & lagging design 早开迟闭设计Leading Car 领导车Leading design 早开设计Learning Permit 学习驾照Lease 租赁Left turn 左转Left turn accel-decel & storage lane island 左 转加减速停储车道式分向岛Left turn acceleration lane island 左转加速车 道式分向岛Left turn crossing 左转交叉穿越Left turn lane 左转车道Left turn maneuver 左转运行Left turn on red 在红灯时段内进行左转运 行Left turn waiting zone 左转待转区Left turning vehicle 左转车辆Leg 路肢Legibility 公认性;易读性Length 长度Length of Economical Haul 经济运距Length of grade 坡长Length of lane change operation 变换车道作 业的长度Length of Superelevation Runoff 超高渐变长 度Length of time parked 停车时间的久暂Level 水准仪;横坑;水平面Level Crossing 平面交叉Level of illumination 明亮度水准Level of Service 服务水准Level or flat terrain 平原区Level surface 水准面Leveling Course 整平层License Plate 汔车号牌License Plate Method 牌照法License Suspension 吊扣驾照License Termination 吊销License Plate 汽车号牌License plate method 车辆牌照记录法;车辆 牌照法License Plate Recognition 车牌辨识License renewal method 换照法Life cycle assessments LCA 生命周期评估 Lift-OnLift-Off 吊上吊下式Light Characteristics 灯质Light List 灯质表Light Motorcycle 轻型机踏车Light on method 亮灯法Light Phase 灯相Light Rail Rapid Transit LRRT 轻轨捷运Light Rail Transit LRT 轻轨运输Light Truck 小货车Lighting System 灯光系统Limited purpose (parking) survey 局部目的 (停车)调查Line Capacity 路线容量Line marking 标线Linear Referencing System 线性参考系统Linear Shrinkage 线收缩Linear-Induction Motor LIM 线性感应马达 Linear-Synchronous Motor LSM 线性同步马 达Link arrival rate 路段流量到达率Link flow 路段流量Link performance function 道路绩效函数Linked or coordinated signal system 连锁号 志系统Lip Curb 边石Liquidate 变成液体:偿还:破产Liquidated Damage 违约罚金Load Equivalent Factor LEF 荷重当量系数; 载重当量因素Load Factor 负荷指数Load limit 载重限制Load Safety Factor 载重安全因素Loading 载重Loading & unloading 装卸Loading & unloading zone 上下旅客区段或 装卸货物区段Loading Island 旅客上下车的车站岛Local Area Network LAN 局域网络Local Controller 路口控制器Local street 地区性街道Local traffic 地区性交通Local transmission network 区域传输网络Localizer 左右定位台Location file 地点档案Location of stop 站台设置位置Locked Joint 连锁接头Log Likelihood Function 对数概似函数Logical Architecture 逻辑架构Logit Model 罗吉特模式Logo 标记;商标Long Loop 长线圈Long tunnel 长隧道Long tunnel system 长隧道系统Long vehicle tunnel 车行长隧道Long-chord 长弦Longitude 经度Longitudinal Collision Avoidance 纵向防撞 Longitudinal distribution of vehicle 车辆的纵 向分布Longitudinal Drain 纵向排水Longitudinal Grade 纵坡度Longitudinal Joint 纵向接缝Longitudinal Separation 前后隔离Longitudinal Slope For Grade Line 纵断坡度Longitudinal ventilation 纵流式通风Longitudinal Warping 纵向扭曲Long-Range Planning 长程规划Long-term scour depth 长期冲刷深度Loop 环道(公路方面);回路(电路方面)Loop Detector 环路型侦测器Loop inductance 感应回路Los Angeles Abrasion Test 洛杉矶磨耗试验Lost Time 损失时间Louvers of Daylight Screening Structure 遮阳 隔板Low beam 近灯Low Heat 低热Low or first gear 低速檔Low Pressure Sodium Lamp 低压钠气灯Low relative speed 低相对速率Low Truss 低架式Lumen 流明Luminance 辉度Luminaire 灯具Luminous Efficiency of a Source 光源效应Luminous flux 光流;光束Luminous Intensity 光度;光强度Lux 勒克斯MMacro or mass analysis 汇总分析;宏观分析Macroscopic 巨观Magnetic detector 电磁(磁性)侦测器Magnetic Levitation Maglev 磁浮运输系统Magnetic loop detector 磁圈侦测器Magnitude 规模Mainline 主线Maintenance Factor 维护系数Maintenance Work 养护工程Major flow 主要车流Major parking survey 主要停车调查Major Phase 主要时相Management Information Base MIB 网管信 息库(管理讯息库)Management Information System MIS 管理 信息系统Maneuverability 运行性Manhole 人孔;井Man-machine driving behavior 人机驾驶行 为Man-machine interaction 人机互动Manual counts 人工调查法Map Matching Method 地图配对法Map scale 图比例尺Marginal vehicle 边际车辆Marker 标物;标记Market Package 产品组合Market Segment 市场区隔Marking 标线Marshaling Yard 货柜汇集场Marshall Test 马歇尔试验Mass Diagram 土积图Mass transportation 大众运输Match Fund 配合款Master 主路口Master controller 主要(总枢纽)控制器Master Node 主控制点Master Plan 主计画Material handling 物料搬运Maturity 成熟程度Max out 绿灯时间完全使用之现象Maximum allowable gradient 最大容许坡度Maximum Allowable Side Friction Factor 最 大容许侧向摩擦系数Maximum Arterial Flow Method 最大干道流 量法Maximum capacity 最大容量Maximum Density 最大密度Maximum flow rate 最大流率Maximum Grade 最大坡度Maximum individual delay 最大个别延滞Maximum Likelihood Function 最大概似法Maximum Load Section MLS 最大承载区间Maximum Peak Hour Volume 最尖峰小时交 通量Maximum possible rate of flow 最大可能车 流率Maximum queue 最大等待量(车队长度) Maximum Theoretical Specific Gravity 最大 理论比重Mean Absolute Value of Error MAE 平均绝 对误差Mean deviation 平均差Mean difference 均互差Mean Square Error MSE 平均平方误差Mean variance 离均差Mean velocity 平均速度Measure of Effectiveness MOE 绩效评估指 针Mechanic License 技工执照Mechanical counter 机械式计数器Mechanical garage 机械式停车楼(间)Mechanical Kneading Compactor 揉搓夸压 机Mechanical Load-Transfer Devices 机械传重 设备Mechanical parking 机械停车Mechanical power 机械动力Median 中央分隔带;中央岛Median (50th percentile) speed 中位数速率; 第 50 百分位数速率Median Bus Lane 设于道路中央之公车专用 车道Median conflicts 中央冲突点Median Curing Cutback Asphalt MC 中凝油 溶沥青Median island 中央岛Million Vehicles Kilometer MVK 百万车公 里Median opening 中央分向岛缺(开)口 Medium Distribution 中分布Memorandum of Understanding MOU 备忘 录Mental factor 精神因素Mercury Vapor Lamp 水银蒸汽灯Merge 合并;并流;进口匝道;并入Merging area 并流区域Merging behavior 并入行为Merging conflicts 并流冲突点Merging maneuver 并流运行Merging of traffic 交通汇流Merging point 并流点Merging traffic 汇合交通Message Set 讯息集Metadata 诠释资料Metered Freeway Ramp 匝道仪控Metering rate 仪控率Metropolitan Planning Area 大都会规划区Micro or spot analysis 重点分析;微观分析Microwave Beacon 微波信号柱Mid-block (bus) stop 街廓中段公车站台Mid-block delay 街廓中段延滞Mid-Block Flow 中途转入流量Middle Ordinate 中距Mide-Block 街廓中央停靠方式Mile Per Gallon MPG 每加仑油量可跑的英 哩数Milled Materials 刨除料Million Vehicles Kilometer MVK 百万车公 里Mini car 迷你车Minibus 小型公车Minimum Curve Length 曲线之最短Minimum Design for Turning Roadway 转向 道之最小设计Minimum Grade 最小纵断坡度Minimum Green Time 最短绿灯时间Minimum Phase Time 最短时相时间Minimum running time 最短行车时间Minimum separation 最小间距Minimum sight triangle 最小视界三角形Minimum speed limit 最低速率Minimum turning radius 最小转弯半径 Minimum-speed curve 最低速率曲线 Minor flow 次要车流Minor Phase 次要时相Minor street 次要道路Mix Design 配合设计Mixed fleet 混合车队Mixed fleet operation 混合车队营运Mixed flow, Mixed traffic, Mixed traffic flow 混合车流Mobile Communications 行动通讯Mobile Data 行动数据Mobile Data Network 行动数据网络Mobile Plant 移动式厂拌;活动式厂拌Mobile radio unit 车装式无线电话机Mobility 可行性Modal Split 运具分配Mode 运具Model traffic ordinance 模范交通条例Modem 通讯解调器Modular 模块化Modulus of Elasticity 弹性系数Modulus of Rupture 破裂模数Modulus of Subgrade Reaction 路基反应系 数Moment of inertia 惯性力矩Monitoring 监测Monorail 单轨铁路Mortality 死亡数Motivation 动机Motor License 行车执照Motor transport service 汽车运输业Motor vehicle code 机动车辆规范Motorcycle lane 机车道Motorcycle user 机车使用者Motorcycle waiting zone 机车停等区Motorcyclist 机车驾驶人Motorcyclist Safety 机车骑士安全Mountable Curb or Rolled Curbs 可越式绿石Mountain road 山区道路Mountain terrain 山岭区Mounting height 装设高度Movement Distribution 流向分配Movement-Oriented 流动导向Moving belt 输送带Muck 碴Mud 泥浆Multi-Trip Ticket 多程票或回数票Multicommodity flow problem 多商品流量 问题Multicommodity network flow problem 多重 货物网络流动问题Multi-function Alarm Sign 多功能警示标志 Multilane highway 多车道公路Multi-lane rural highway 多车道郊区公路Multilayer 多层Multileg Interchange 多路立体交叉Multileg Intersection 多路交叉Multimodal 多运具的Multimode mixed traffic 多车种车流Multi-parameter detector 多参数侦测器Multi-path effect 多路径效应Multipath Traffic Assignment Model 多重路 线指派模式Multiperiod 多时段Multiple commodity network flow problem 多重商品网络流动问题Multiple cordon survey 多环周界调查 Multiple network flow problem with side constraint 含额外限制多重网络流动问题 Multiple turning lane 多线转向车道 Multiple use area 多用途空间Multiple user classes 多种用路人 Multiple-ride-ticket 回数票Multistories or multifloor garage 高楼停车间 Multi-Tasking 多任务作业NNaphtha 石脑油National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP 美国公路合作研究组织群 National freeway 国道National Freeway Construction & Management Fund 国道公路建设管理基金 National freeway network 国道路网 National System Architecture 国家级架构 National System of Interstate and Defense Highway 洲际国防公路Native Asphalt 天然沥育Natural (normal) distribution 自然(常态)分 布Natural Disaster Traffic Management 自然灾 害交通管理Natural moisture content 自然含水量Natural path 自然迹线Natural Rubber Latex 天然橡胶流质Natural Subgrade 天然路基Natural ventilation 自然通风Natural ventilation effect 自然通风效应Navigation 引导;导航Near-Side 路口近端Near-side bus stop 近端公车停靠站台 Neon regulatory sign 霓虹式禁制标志 Net Tractive Effort 净牵引力Net Weight 净重Network 网络New Jersey concrete barrier 纽泽西混凝土护 栏Night visibility 夜间可见(视)性Night vision 夜间视力Nighttime driving 夜间驾驶Nitrogen Oxides NOX 氧化碳No left turn 不准左转;请勿左转No parking 禁止停车No parking on yellow line 禁止停车黄线No passing zone 不准超车区段No passing zone marking 不准超越地带标线No right turn 不准右转;请勿右转No standing on red line 禁止临时停车红线No turning 不准转向运行No U-turn 不准回转;请勿回转Noise 噪音Noise analysis 噪音分析Noise barrier, Sound insulating wall 隔音 墙Noise control 噪音控制Noise induced annoyance 噪音 干扰Noise intensity 噪音强度Noise Level 噪音水准Noise pollution 噪音污染Noise prevention 噪音防制Noise sensitive area 噪音敏感地区Nomograph 换算图Non-collision accident 非碰撞性肇事Non-Cutoff 无遮被型Non-Cutoff type NC/O 无遮蔽型Nonfatal Injury 非致命性的伤害 Nonhomogeneous flow 不同流向的车流;非 均质车流Non-Motorist 非机动车使用者(如行人) Non-Overlap 非重叠时相Nonpassing Sight Distance 不超车视距 Non-Recurrent Congestion 非重现性交通壅 塞Non-road user 非用路者Nonskid Surface Treatment 防滑处理 Nonsynchronous controller 异步控制器 No-Passing Zone Markings 禁止超车路段线 Normal Crown NC 正常路拱Not approved 认定不应开发Novelty 新奇性Number of accident 肇事件数Number of conflict 冲突点数目Number of fatality 死亡人数Number of injury 受伤人数Number of Operating Vehicles 营业车辆数Number of parking spaces 停车车位数Number of Passengers 客运人数Number of Registered Vehicle 车辆登记数Numbers 要求之重复Numerical speed limit 数值速率限制Nurture room 育婴室OObject marking 障碍物标示(标线)Object or obstacle marking 路障标线Oblique crossing 斜向交叉穿越Obstruction approach marking 近障碍物标线Obstruction Light 障碍标示灯光Occupancy 车辆乘客数(包含驾驶)Occupancy study 乘客研究Occupant 车辆乘客(包含驾驶)Occupational Illness 职业病O-D Table 起讫旅次表Odometer 量距轮Off parking facilities, Off street parking garage 路外停车场Off Season 运输淡季Off street parking 路外停车Off-line 离线Off-ramp 出口匝道Off-set 号志时差Offset Fine-Turning Algorithm 时差微调法Off-set island end 岛端支距Offset transition 时差递移Off-set type intersection 错开式交叉路口Offset, Time lag 时差Off-street Bike Lane 道路外脚踏车车道Off-Street Parking Lot 路外停车场Off-tracking 轮迹内移Old vehicle elimination 车辆汰旧Omnibus (City Bus) 市区公共汽车On street parking, Roadside parking 路边停 车On-Board Safety Monitoring 商用车辆车上 安全监视On-Board Transit Survey 大众运输车上乘客 调查On-Board Unit OBU 车上单元On-duty hour 勤务时间One lane 单车道One-side mounting 单侧配置法One-way arterial street 单向主要干道One-way Downgrade 单向下坡One-way Street 单行道One-way Ticket 单程票On-line 线上On-line Timing Plan Selection 动态查表 Open bid 开标Open Geographic Information System 开放 式地理信息系统Open GIS Services 开放式地理信息服务模 式Open Graded Friction Course OGFC 开放级 配摩擦层Open System Interconnection OSI 开放式系 统互连架构Open traverse 开放导线Open-Graded Aggregate 开级配粒料 Operating Cost 营运成本Operating speed 运行速率;营运速率Operating System OS 操作系统Operating Time 营运时间Operating Vehicle Days 行驶延日车数 Operating-Mileage 营业里程Operation Bidding System 营运竞标制度 Operation Right 路线经营权取得 Operational delay 运行延滞Opposed crossing 反向交流;反向穿越 Opposite mounting 双侧并列法Opposite car method 对向车法Optical Beacon 光学信号柱Optical Character Recognition OCR 车牌办 识Optimal n-step toll 最佳 n 阶段收费方式Optimal path 最佳路径Optimal spacing 最适间距Optimum asphalt content 最佳沥青含量


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