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Unit3Unit3商务英语的语言特商务英语的语言特征及翻译征及翻译Contents1.引言2.商务英语语篇分类3.经贸英语的词汇特征4.经贸英语的句法特征5.经贸英语的汉译要点1.引言 人们在国际经济贸易活动过程中,要熟练运用商务英语,从而有效地传递商务信息、表达思想、交流感情和处理国际事务。因此,涉外经济贸易工作人员掌握经贸英语语篇的文体特点和翻译方法是很有必要的。2.商务英语语篇的分类经贸英语语篇是指在国际商务活动过程中使用的各种正式与非正式文件。根据篇章语言学,我们可以把经贸英语篇章分为三类:公文体、广告体和论说体。其中商务信函、合同、经济法律文书、通知等表现为公文体形式;说明书、商业广告主要表现为广告体形式;商务报告、演讲等表现为论说体形式。2.1论说体 经贸英语论说体多出现在为推广产品、服务所作的报告或演讲中。这类文体用词正式、严谨,开头结尾常用一些套语,翻译时应把握其风格特点。如下例所示:Good morning,ladies and gentleman.Im very glad to be here.As Ms.Evans said,the purpose of my presentation today is to familiarize you with the new EBP.As you probably know,EBP stands for Electronic Book Player.ABC Company put the original EBP on the market a year ago,but we have since developed an improved model which we believe will be a big seller in both China and the U.S.The new model is better than the old one in many ways.First of all,the old model had a rather small screen,so not much information could appear at one time.So on the new model,weve made the screen much bigger.And.女士们、先生们,早上好!我很高兴能在这儿演讲。正如埃文思女士所说,今天我来这儿演讲的目的是想使大家熟悉新的电子书。我向大家可能已经知道,EBP就是英文“电子书”的缩写。一年以前,我们在市场上推出了EBP,之后我们公司又开发出一种改良型机种。我们相信,这一新机种在中国和美国将会非常畅销。新型的EBP在许多方面都超过了旧机种。首先,旧型EBP因为画面小,所以无法一次显示很多资讯。而在新机种中,我们把画面增大了许多。还有.2.2广告体英语广告用语简洁、生动、形象、富于感染力。汉语广告多用四字词组,讲究对称平衡,语言精练、意味深长。一般来说,一则好的广告必须新颖独特,能够引起公众的注意并对其认知,同时还必须让公众理解其传达的信息,进而接受广告中所宣传的产品或服务,最终根据自己的需要采取某种行动。因此,在广告体的翻译中,尤其需要译者的创造性。Fresh Up with Seven-Up.君饮七喜,倍添精神。To spread your wings in Asia.Share our vantage point.在亚洲展开您的双翅,同我们一起飞高望远。Where to leave your troubles when you fly JAL.乘坐日航班机,一路无烦恼。Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。2.3公文体商务公文用词正式,句式结构复杂,遣词造句力求准确,语意严谨,逻辑性很强。在翻译商务公文时要尽量在语义、风格上与原文保持一致,正确理解原文,然后用目标语准确地表达出来。1)Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract,the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the Seller by opening an irrevocable L/C for the full amount of USD$30,000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at import point so that the seller may draw the sum in due time.买方须于本合同签字并生效后三十天内通过进口地银行开立以卖方为受益人的、不可撤销信用证支付全部货款计30,000美元,以便卖方及时提取款项。2)In case no amicable settlement can be reached between the two parties,the case in dispute shall be submitted to arbitration with shall be held in the country where the defendant resides.如双方达不成友好协议,争议可提交仲裁。仲裁在被诉方所在国进行。3)If the technical documents are found lost,damaged or mutilated during air transportation,Party B shall supply Party A free of charge with a second set of the documents within the shortest possible time but not later than thirty days after it has received from Party A the written notice.若技术资料在空运中丢失、损坏、缺损或短损,乙方须于收到甲方的书面通知后三十天内尽快免费向甲方重新邮寄该技术资料一套。3经贸英语的词汇特征3.1 使用专业术语、套语 专业术语具有国际通用性,其意义精确,且不带有个人感情色彩,用于准确描述商务活动中的各个环节。1)If you can accept US$4.50 per piece FOB Shenzhen,please send us your Pro forma Invoice.你方若能接受FOB深圳价每件4.5美元,请寄形式发票。2)According to our customs stipulation,Consular Invoice is required for the imported goods,which should go with the shipping documents when negotiating with the bank.根据我国海关规定,该货物进口需领事发票。该发票在银行议付时需同其它运输单据一起递交银行。3)By negotiation against the documents detailed herein a beneficiarys draft at 90 days after sight with A.B.C Banking group LTD.120 Wall Street,New York,U.S.A.递交单证时凭受益人开具的90天期汇票在美国纽约华尔街120号的A.B.C 银行集团议付。3.2 使用缩略语为了商务交流的简便、快捷、高效,经贸英语中大量使用缩略语。1)In order to effect shipment as required,please try to issue the relative L/C before the end of April.为如期交货,请在4月底前开出相关信用证。2)We will T/T the down payment before the establishment of the L/C.开立信用证之前,我方将电汇定金。3)Photocopy of original certificate of Chinese origin or GSP Form A is required.须提供中国产地证或普惠制产地证格式A 正本的影印本。4.商务英语句法特征4.1使用简单句、简短并列句和简短复合句,常见于商务信函1)As requested in your letter of 21 June,we are enclosing our check forUS$100.00.按照你方6月21日来信的要求,随信附上100美元支票一张。2)Please open the L/C before the prescribed time of shipment.请在规定的装运日期之前开出信用证。3)Awaiting your reaction,we remain with best regards.等候回复,并致商安。4)We must bring forward a new design at the earliest possible date.我们必须尽早拿出一项新的设计方案。4.2使用长句、复合句、并列复合句,常见于商务合同、契约 1)This contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers,whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.本合同由买卖双方订立,因此买卖双方同意按照下面规定购买、销售以下商品.2)In witness whereof,the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives.本协议一式两份,由双方授权代表签订,特此为证。3)Party A shall send technicians at Party Bs expense to train Party Bs personnel within 30 days after signing the contract.甲方应于合同签订日后30天内委派技术员对乙方的工作人员进行培训,费用由乙方负责。4)This is the main reason why we have not been able to make any headway with your offer.这是我们未能对您的报盘取得任何进展的主要原因。5.经贸英语的汉译要点5.1词汇层面上:必须准确理解原文词语并精确传译1)Thank you for your fax of July 15,filing a claim with us for the loss and damage to the captioned goods.贵方7月15日就标题货物短量和损坏提出索赔的传真收到,深表感谢。2)The shipping documents for the consignment are now with us and we shall be glad if you will arrange to collect them.货运单据现存我行,请安排前来赎单。3)Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any orders or to collect any account on and after September 20.自9月20日起,甲方已无权接受任何订单或收据。5.2语句层面上:译文必须简洁、严密和庄重1)We hereby confirm having sold to you the following goods on the terms and conditions as specified below.兹确认按下列条款售予贵公司下述商品。2)This Agreement and any rights or obligation hereunder are not transferable or assignable by one party to this agreement without the consent of the other party hereto.本协议以及本协议所规定的权力或义务不经另一方同意不得擅自转让。3)The buyers may,within 15 days after arrival of the goods at the destination,lodge a claim against the sellers for shortweight being supported by Inspection Certificate issued by a reputable public surveyor.货物抵达目的港15天内,买方可以凭享有信誉的公共检验员出示的检验证明向卖方提出短重索赔。5.3语篇层面上:经贸英语翻译必须做到结构规范、功能完整就经贸英语语篇翻译而言,译者必须了解商务领域的行业规范和背景知识,熟悉商务运作各个环节所使用的成套术语和各类商务语篇的表述模式与结构,确保汉译文本在语篇结构模式和语篇交际功能方面,最大限度地与原文保持一致。Dear Sirs,Thank you for your enquiry of 15 January and are pleased to inform you that we have been given an option on M.V.Stella.This is a heavy lifter of 4,000 tons gross.The terms provisionally agreed are US$.per ton.The ship can be ready for loading at Avonmouth at 40 days definite notice around end March.Please fax if you wish us to conclude a voyage charter for you.Yours Sincerely,John Smith尊敬的先生:1月15日传真收悉。关于所询租船一事,我公司很高兴有权出租斯戴拉号轮。这是一艘4,000吨载运重件船,暂定条件为每吨XX美元。该轮接到肯定通知后40天内可于3月底左右到达阿文茅斯港准备装货。请电告是否要我方代贵公司签订租船合同。您真诚的,约翰 史密斯六结语 经贸英语广泛应用于国际经济文化交流活动中,注重高效务实、严谨得体、准确凝练、功能对等。为此,在经贸英语翻译过程中,译者要熟悉经贸英语语篇的类型和结构模式,把握经贸英语的语言特点和文体风格,不断研究经贸英语翻译策略方法,完整、准确、得体地传达出原文的信息、语气、风格,确保国际商贸文化活动的顺利进行。Thank you for your time!结束结束


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