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锐思教育学科教师辅导教案辅导科目:英语学员姓名:年级:that人-V物-V主语V宾语V授课主题定语从句中关系代词的具体用法教学目标1,复习定语从句的基本结构和关系词的用法2,掌握定语从句中关系代词的具体用法授课日期及时段学科教师:韩海霞课时数:第 次课教学内容一,导入复习上节课的学习的定语从句的基本内容,关系词的选择以及做题方法。1, 定语从句的基本结构:先行词+关系词+定语从句(关系代词一般位于定语从句的句首)2, 关系词可以分为关系副词和关系代词:关系副词共有三个,在定语从句中作状语。when表示时间,在定语从句作时间状语;where 表示地点,在从句中作地点状语;why表示原因,在定语从句中作原因状语,其先行词只有表示 原因的reason 一词。关系代词that、which、 who、 whom、 whose、 as 的具 体用法whichwhowhomwhose只能在从句中作定语,可以指人也可以指物。As用在一些特定的结构中,as you know3,选用关系词的做题方法,一找”,二还”,三替换”。一“找”:就是先把句子分为主句和从句两部分,再找出先行词和关系词。二还”:根据先行词提示的意思,大胆地把定语从句还原为完整的一句话。 (可以添词) 关系副词。(时间状语用when,地点状语用where,原因状语用why )练习:1 ,【2014 湖南】I am looking forward to the day C my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her.A. asB. whyC whenD. where2 ,【2011 陕西】I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend, B we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake A. whichB. whereC. whoD. that3, 【2013 山东】Finally he reached a lonely island C was completely cut off from the outside world A. whenB. whereC. whichD. whom二,关系词只能有that的情况(关系副词不受以下规则影响) 考点一:先行词是 anything, something, nothing, everything 等不定代词时 1, He never reads anythingis not worth reading.A. whichB. asC. whoD. that2【2010 全国 2 】l refuse to accept the blame for somethingwas someone else fault.A. whoB. thatC. asD. what考点二:先行词是 all, much , little, none 或先行词被 all, much, little, no, any 修饰时 3【2014 陕西】Please send us all the informationyou have about the candidate for thepositio n.A. thatB. whichC. asD. what4, You can take any seatis free.A. thatB. /C. whichD. it考点三:先行词被序数词的最高级以及 the first, the last, the very, the only, the same 修饰时5, The most important thing D we should pay attention to is the first thingIhave said.A. which; that B. that; which C. which; whichD. that; that6, It the third time C late this month.A. that you arrivedB. when you arrivedC. that you Ve arrivedD. when you Ve arrived考点四:先行词有两个,一个指人,一个指物,关系代词用 that7, 【2013 安徽】I still remember the college and the teachersI visited in London yearsago.A. whatB. whoC. thatD. which8, He talked a lot about things and personsthey remembered in the school.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. what考点五:当先行词前面有which , who等疑问代词时,为避免重复,用关系代词that同理,当先行词是that, those时,常用关系代词which或who。如:What that which is under the desk ?在桌子底下的那些东西是什么?Which is the T-shirt that fits me most?三,其他有关关系代词的选择考点一只用which, who, whom不用that的情况A. 当先行词为物时,关系代词直接放在介词后面时,要用 which,不用that;当先行词为人时,关系代词直接放在介词后面时,要用 whom,不用who。1,【2011 湖南】Julie was good at German, French and Russian , all ofshe spokefluentl y.A. whoB. whomC. whichD. that2, 【2008 湖南】The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors,arebeyond our control.A. most of them B. most of which C most of what D. most of that3,【2012 上海】Have you sent thank-you notes to the relatives fromyou receivedgifts?A. whichB. themC. thatD. whomB. 引导非限制性定语从句时,要用which, who, whom,不用that,也不能省略。4,【2010 全国 1 】As a child, Jack studied in a village school,is named after hisgrandfather.A. whichB. whereC. whatD. that5,【2012全国II That evening,I will tell you more about later, I ended up workingvery late.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. when考点二:当先行词为one, ones, anyone, everyone, none, all(指人)时,关系代词常用whoAnyone who is against us is our enemy. 任何反对我们的人就是我们的敌人。All who heard the story were amazed.所有听到这个故事的人都很惊讶。考点三:whose可指人也可指物若指物,它还可以同of which互换;若指人,一般不与of whom互换1, He lives in a house .Its window faces south.He lives in a house whose window faces south.He lives in a house The window of it faces south.He lives in a house, the window of which facessouth He lives in a house, of which the window faces south 2,He is the farmer. His son is studying in Qinghua Universit y.由于我们一般说his son,不说the son of him,因此我们只能说:He is the farmer whose son is studying in Qinghua Universit y.而不能 说:He is the farmer, the son of whom is studying in Qinghua University.6, 【2010 陕西】The old temple,roof was damaged in storm, is now under repair.A. whereB. whichC. its D. whose7, 【2014 山东】A companyprofits from home markets are declining may seekopportunities abroad.A. whichB. whose C. who D. why8, 【2013 福建】The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of thoselives were affected.A. whoseB. thatC. who D. which1, 【2013 北京】Many countries are now setting up national parksanimals and plantscan be protected A. when B. which C whose D. where【解析】D考查定语从句。定语从句中不缺少主干成分,故使用关系副词;先行词指地点,故选where。2, 【2013 福建】27. The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of thoselives were affected.A. whoseB. thatC. whoD. which【解析】A考查定语从句。其中those作为先行词,定语从句中缺少lives的定语,故用whose。3, 【2013 湖南】21. Happiness and success often come to thoseare good atrecognizing their own strengths.A. whomB. whoC. whatD. which【解析】B考查定语从句。先行词为those,指人;定语从句中缺少主语,故使用关系代词who。4, 【2013 江苏】32. The president of the World Bank says he has a passion forChina, he remembers starting as early as his childhood A. whereB. whichC whatD. when【解析】B考查定语从句。先行词为passion,定语从句中缺少宾语,故用关系代词 which。5, 【2013江西】33. He wrotea letterhe explainswhat had happened in theaccident.A. whatB. whichC. whereD. how【解析】C考查定语从句。先判断从句类型为定语从句,定语从句中谓语 explain后接what 引导的宾语从句作宾语,因此不缺少主干成分,排除 B项,答案为C。6, 【2013 辽宁】34. He may win the competition,he is likely to get into the national team.A. in which caseB. in that caseC. in what case D. in whose case【解析】A考查定语从句。两分句间无连词,故排除B项(不能用作连词,in this/ that case 用于并列句中)。此处which指代前面主句,in which case引导定语从句用语替代并列句中的 in this/ that case。句意为:他可能赢得这场比赛,如果这样的话,他就可能进入国家队。7, 【2013 山东】35. Finally he reached a lonely islandwas completely cut off fromthe outside world.A. when B. whereC. whichD. whom【解析】C考查定语从句。句意为:最后他到达一个完全与世隔绝的孤岛。定语从句中缺少主 语,因此使用关系代词;先行词island指物,故使用关系代词which.Welcome ToDownload欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!


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