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名校名 推荐牛津译林版九上 Unit 2 Colours 习题Grammar . 根据句子意思,选择 that 或 if/whether 填空。1. John, would you like to go camping with me this afternoon? I d like to, but I m not sure my parents will agree.2. I m not good at English, and I wonderor not I can pass the English test.3. I believeI have made a wise decision, so I won t change my mind.4. I hopeall my dreams can come true. If you try your best, they will surely be realized.5. May I askyou will come to our party this weekend? Yes, I ll be glad to. Thanks for your invitation. . 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其正确形式完成句子。relationship, person, celebration, certain,ancient1. Excuse me, may I use your dictionary for a while?. Here you are.2.It verys dangerous to showyourinformationlike yourname and address onWeChat.3. John is very friendly and he has a goodwith all hisworkmates(同事 ).4. Do you know the city of Pingyao in Shanxi? Yes. It is an old city famous for itswalls.5. Will there be anyfor the coming New Year in our school? Yes. All of the students can take part in them. . 单项选择()1. I m not sureyou eat vegetables every day. I knowthey are good for health, so I eat them every day.A. if; thatB. that; ifC. that; thatD. if; if()2. I want to choose bluemy bedroomand I prefer orangethe sittingroom.A. for; toB. to; forC. to; toD. for; for1名校名 推荐() 3. The colour and the style of the trousersyou well. Yes, I think so. The black trousersmy white shirt.A. fit; suitB. match; suitC. suit; matchD. fit; match()4. I _if the rain will stop tomorrow. The radio says tomorrow will be a sunny day.A. believeB. wonderC. knowD. decide()5. During the World Cup in Brazil, football became thehot topic ( 话题 ) andthe football fans watched football matches.A. every day; every dayB. everyday; everydayC. every day; everydayD. everyday; every day()6. In China, redcelebrations and peoplethis custom (习俗 ).A. is used for; are used toB. is used to; are used forC. is used to; are used toD. is used for; are used for()7. It s said that the rulers in ancient Europeliked to wear purple. That s interesting. And do you knowabout colours?A. twice; something elseB. twice; anything elseC. once; something elseD. once; anything else()8. Could you tell me? It depends. If it s rainy,illbeputitwoff until next week.A. would the sports meeting be held this FridayB. that the sports meeting will be held this FridayC. if the sports meeting will be held this FridayD. where the sports meeting will be held . 根据所给汉语补全英语句子,词数不限。1. 食品安全影响我们的日常生活。Food safety influences.2. 我不知道吃鱼是否对眼睛有益。I don t know.3. 你注意到浅色能使我们的房间看起来更大吗?Do you notice that light colours can?2名校名 推荐4. 牛仔裤适合于户外活动。Sports shoes and jeansoutdoor activities.5. 我爸爸对古代埃及了解得很多。My fatherEgypt.、完形填空The foll owing is a story about Josie Dew.When Josie Dew was1 , she fell out of a car, so she has never l earned to2 .She was still at primary school when she decided she wanted to3 . So when she waseleven, she decided to go for long bike rides, and cycled 40 or 504every day.Josie says,“ The only5thing about the middle school was cycling there and back. Ileft school when I was 16. I6_cookingso at that timeI started a business. I cookedthree-course meals, and delivered (递送)them7! In 1985, as soon as I had some8 ,I cycled to Africa and back.”Josie has9to 40 countriesand has had all kinds of interesting10. She hascycled throughthe HimalayanMountainsin Nepal, then downinto India. She has cycledthrough millions of locusts(蝗虫) in the Moroccan d esert and through tornados(龙卷风) inthe USA. She was in Romania on Christmas Day in 1989. And she hasn t been to Egypt yet,because when she was in Turkey, a war11nearby. So she went to Greece instead.She has sometimestraveled withfriends, boyfriendsand even her mother, but she hasoften cycled12. She had only one really frightening experience a man13her inBulgaria.In 1997 she hurt her leg very badly,14she started writing books about her15.She s written five books, and now she is on her bike again! At the moment she is planning tocycle around New Zealand.() 1. A. oldB. youngC. shortD. tall() 2. A. driveB. danceC. runD. walk() 3.A. travelB. swimC. workD. jump() 4.A. metersB. milesC. inchesD. feet() 5.A. goodB. terribleC. boringD. tiring() 6.A. hatedB. imaginedC. advisedD. loved3名校名 推荐() 7.A. by carB. by bikeC. on footD. by ship() 8.A. waterB. fruitC. moneyD. food() 9.A. beenB. goneC. returnedD. moved() 10. A. bikesB. souvenirsC. picturesD. experiences() 11. A. endedB. startedC. stoppedD. left() 12.A. happilyB. quicklyC. aloneD. quietly() 13.A. foundB. lovedC. greetedD. attacked() 14.A. butB. soC. andD. or() 15.A. familyB. friendsC. businessD. journeys、任务型阅读I vebeen in love withcartoonsfor many years. The beautifulgirls, handsome boys,interestingstoriesand fantasticideas all interestme a lot. In my opinion,cartoonsaresomething imagined. A boy can be handsome, helpful, careful and powerful, and much nearer to the perfect than a real human. Imagination is a great thing, and the world of imagination ismore beautiful than the real world, isnWhent it?Iread cartoons, I can enjoy some beautifulthings that I can t have in my real life.Some of my friends say,“ I can t understand you! No matter how _ these things are,they d on t exist(存在 ). They will never happen in the real life and you can never make friendswith the beautiful girls or handsome boys, they will never enter your life and drink a cup oftea with you.” Yes, I agree with them. They are far away from me, but the question is why Ishould make friends with them. Why shoul d I get everythingthat I like? I enjoy watchingthem and enjoy the feeling of loving them. That s enough. In fact,on Id t even bother to buythe pictures of my favorite cartoon characters.I have a wish list of things that I want most. But these things are too expensive. I hope Ican get them one day, but I never really expect. I just enjoy the moment when I make a wish.Do you feel unhappy because you can t get what you like? Never more! Youdshoulbethankful that you have something beautiful to enjoy.1.在文中横线上填上恰当的词,使文章大意通顺。_2.将文中划线部分翻译成正确的中文。_3. Why does the writer l ove cartoons?_4名校名 推荐4. 在文中找出与所给句子意思相近的句子。 I hope they will belong to me one day, but I never look forward to having them.5. 在文中找出主题句。 _5


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