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Presenting an argument 教学设计设计人:初三备课组 课型:Writing教学时间:40分钟辅助媒体:电脑,投影仪,黑板一、 学情分析:学生分别在九下的第一、第三、第四单元学习了议论文写作,本节课的侧重点评学生在第四单元考试作文中文中出现的问题,指导学生如何更好的进行议论文写作。二、教学目标1. 知识目标: 1). 培养学生学会归纳议论文结构、句型、写作步骤,鼓励学生学会采取有 效的写作策略进行写作。 2). 培养学生修改作文和纠错的能力。例如学生能学会评价作文中的要点, 时态,动词,句型,衔接词和结尾等。2. 能力发展目标:培养学生的探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力,促进了 学生创新能力的发展。3. 情感目标:通过学生小组合作的学习,培养学生的写作兴趣,促进学生互相 学习,取长补短。三、教学步骤 StepPurposeTeachers activityStudents activity1.LeadinCultivate Ss abilityto discover, analyze and summarize the problems.1.Ask Ss to conclude some writing opinions.2. Give 2 examples to the Ss and ask them to find out some sentence patterns.3. Ask Ss to have discussion about the examples.1.Conclude some writing opinions.2. Find out some sentence patterns by themselves.3. Have discussion about the examples.2. CommentLet Ss realize their mistakes from their writings and try to avoid making the mistakes.1. Show some mistakeswhich are made by students inthewritings.2. Ask Ss to correct the mistakes of the writings by themselves.3. Give the comment.4. Show the example of the writing to the Ss.1. Correct the mistakes of the writing.2. Take some notes.3. Read the example of the writing.3. PracticeSs can use the right structure and some useful sentence patterns to finish the writing.1. Ask the Ss to find out the verbs according to the Chinese demand of the writing and finish the writing on the worksheet.2. Ask Ss to evaluate their own writings and give the scores of the writings with each other.3. Give the comment.4. Show the example.1. Find out the verbs from the Chinese demand of the writing and finish the writing on the worksheet.2. Evaluate their own writings and give the scores of the writings with each other.3. Listen to Teachers comment.4. Read the example.4.SummaryHelp Ss to conclude the writing opinion again.Ask Ss to conclude the writing opinions such as tense, verb, subject, sentence pattern and ending.Conclude the writing opinions such as tense, verb, subject, sentence pattern and ending.6.HomeworkRefine the writing.Layout of the blackboard:Presenting an argument1. Presenting an argument2. Different opinions: for / against3. Your opinion: for / againstTense: Simple Present TenseVerb + Subject: Sentence pattern: Ending: Teaching reflection:_


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