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Unit3 A day out全套学案(2)welcome to the unit 一、教学目标:1.识别国外著名城市及景点2. 能通过简单对话和同桌交流自己的假期旅游方案。二、教学过程Step 1. Free talkWhat places did you visit before? What places of interest do you know in the world?What places in the world would you like to go? What do you need if you want to go traveling?How can we go on a trip?Step 2 . Read the letters1. Did you find the new words? Write down the words and their Chinese meanings:_2. Pair work with deskmatesNow we have known a lot about these world-famous places. Please talk about these places.A: Which _country do you want to visit, Simon? B: I want to visit_.A: Which _do you want to go to? B: I want to go to _.A: How will you go there? B: I can _.A:_do you want to go there? B: Because _.A: I hope you will enjoy yourselves./have a good time there.Step 3:comic strip:Our old friend Eddie will go on a trip. Do you think that Eddie can enjoy himself going traveling? Why?T: Do you think that Eddie can enjoy himself going traveling? Why?1. Listen and answer: What is Eddie going to do?2. Read and answer: What kind of hill is Eddie going to climb?3. Tell a story about Eddie with the help of some sentences. 课堂检测根据提示完成句子。1I _(锻炼) to keep fit every day.2. We are going to c_ the Wolf Hill tomorrow.3. I _(have to) to read more books to open my eyes.4. Every day I go _(路过)a book shop on the way home.5. The _(the head of the country)of the USA lives in the White House.6. We enjoyed_( 玩得开心)at the farewell party.7. We are going to the_顶of the TV tower.8. You should be careful with the food if you want to keep_(healthy).9. The trip was _(please) and they really had a good time.10. Linda really enjoyed _ (her) in Zhongshan Park in JiangYin.11. The underground is traveling at an _ (amaze) speed. (速度) Reading 1 学习目标1. 读懂文章,了解此次游玩的根本情况。2. 复习和拓展有关世界名胜的知识。3. 学会用正确的形容词描述旅游的感受。二、教学重点单词:mom beginning coach traffic sky model metal inside whole interest real song internet main stomach词组:on the highway not any more enjoy oneself the whole world from all over the world on the Internet三、教学工具 课件 等四、教学过程 教师引导;师生讨论;小组活动五、课堂检测根据英文翻译以下词组join their school trip to the World Park _join in the dancing_at the beginning_get on/off a coach_feel sick for most of the trip_models of over a hundred places of interest from all over the world_look just like the real ones in Egypt_the song and dance parade_teach himself how to make a home page _10. go and see for yourself _用所给词的适当形式填空:Our English teacher sang a song at the _ (begin) of her class.We dont know when _ (finish) the work.The little girl finished the work by _ (her).They are ready to have a party. Lets invite them _ (join) us.- How did you come here last time? - By _ (长途汽车).Can you tell me the _ (really) reason of being late for class today?选择:( ) 1. I didnt like the trip because it was hot _ boring. A. but B. and C. or D. so( ) 2. They were _at the _ news you told me. A. exciting; excite B. excited; exciting C. excited; excite D. exciting; excited( ) 3. How long does the trip from Nantong to Rugao _ you by coach? A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay Reading 2 学习目标1. 进一步深一层理解本课的课文内容。2. 能够试着根据关键词来复述课文。二、学习重点1. 词组:on the highway ; not any more; enjoy oneself ; the whole world; from all over the world; 2. 句型:the trip from kittys school took about two hours by coach. Kitty and I did not feel sick any more. The model pyramids looked just like the real ones in Egypt. When I saw them, I couldnt believe my eyes. Kittys classmate Daniel taught himself how to make a home page. He put his photos on it for everyone to look at.三、教学过程 教师引导; 师生互动;小组活动四、课堂检测根据中文提示和句意完成以下句子。Every year lots of _ (外国的) visitors come to visit the Great Wall.He doesnt like to travel by_ (长途汽车).The medals are usually made of _ (金属). He was late for work this morning because of too much _ (交通) in the street.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 begin real me amaze them interest 1. They didnt believe it, so they went and saw it for _.2. He is _ helpful to us. We all like him.3. He didnt know me at the _ .4. This is an interesting book. Everyone is _ in it .5. It was really an _ day and we all enjoyed ourselves.6. Nobody taught me . I taught _ how to make a home page.用所给动词的适当形式填空。 cook arrive drive play fly 1. My brother seldom invites me _ basketball with him.2. Dont worry, we can teach ourselves how _healthy meals.3. Look! How carefully the boy _ on the road!4. Where is the bird? It _ away a moment ago.5. Please call me when you _ at school.Grammar一、教学目标 知识目标:1正确使用不定式。2牢记各种反身代词的形式 能力目标: 掌握反身代词的用法。二、教学内容分析本课时重点学习反身代词的用法三、教学工具:课件四、教学过程教师引导 师生互动 小组合作讨论五、课堂检测1朗读以下句子,说出动词不定式 “to do 在句中所充当的句子成份。Kitty is preparing to go out next Sunday.Kitty plans to take Linda out.Linda wanted to visit the park.Sandy agrees to go with them.Millie decided to stay at home.归纳:“to do “用到本课时的动词有_。I hope_(收到你的来信)soon.。I _学会骑自行车at the age of 10. 2. 完成P48练习。3.练习( ) 1.Our maths teacher always tells us _ make th esame mistakes again. A. dont B. not C. to not D. not to( ) 2.Colours can change our moods and make us _ happy or sad。 A. to feel B. feeling C. felt D. feel( ) 3. - How do you know that she likes singing? - I often hear her _ after class. A. to sing B. sang C. sing D. sings 4. 用动词的适当形式填空。1. Id like _(make) a home page. 2. All of us hoped _(see) the sunset.3. They agreed_ (have) a Chinese lesson every week.4. He decided _ (leave) this city tomorrow.5. I hope _ (not meet) the man again.6. When the teacher comes, please stop _ (talk)_ (read) English.7. He teaches himself _ (play) computer games.8. Mum wants me _(get) up early in the morning.9. He invited me _ (go) to his birthday party.10. Mum told his son _ (not spend) too much time watching TVIntegrated Skills 一、教学目标 1.知识目标:掌握本课时的单词final ,cheer, ticket, medal, per, winner, receive词组:cheer for, cost of the trip句型:Where shall we go with Linda? Shall we go to the Great Wall? Im afraid thats not a good idea.2.能力目标:根据上下文以及关键词了解课文的主要内容3.情感目标:学会如何向他人提意见。二、教学内容分析 本课主要学习一篇海报,要求学生能够根据听的内容来提取关键的信息三、教学工具 课件等四、教学过程:教师引导 学生听磁带 提取关键信息 学生交流 五、语言点练习1. Our school needs your support. need 这里做实义动词,need 还可以用作情态动词. a).We need to plant trees every year. ( 否认句 )We to plant trees every year. b).Must they bring the basketball?( 否认答复 ) No, they bring it.2. take place 发生,举行 take place常指有准备的举行。如:The Olypic Games take place every four years. 奥运会每四年举行一次。当take place 意为“发生时,作不及物动词,可用“happen代替。如:昨天学校里举行了那次比赛。The match took place/happened in the school yesterday.3Dont forget to bring your friends! 别忘记将你的朋友带来! Dont forget to do sth. 别忘记做某事。 别忘记关门! 别忘记明天去公园啊!六、课堂检测单词拼写1. _ (最后), the police found the lost boy in the end.2. I got to the cinema late so I missed the _ (开始) of the film.3. they enjoyed _ (他们) at simons birthday party.4. cars move slowly because of so much _ (交通) on zhongshan road.5. there are many places of _ (兴趣) in Beijing.动词填空1. My sister came to see me and _ (bring) me beautiful Sunday.2. They planned _(go) hiking next month.3. Its warm now, she needs _ (wear) cool clothes.4. The teacher said to sam “dont play with the knife, or you will hurt _ (you).5. I want _(take) some photos of the sunset.Task 教学目标1. 选择、组织并呈现信息2. 识别关键信息并将其归类,方案一次外出郊游。3. 写信邀请朋友外出郊游。二、教学内容分析 本课时主要内容是学习选择和组织信息并写一个郊游方案。三、教学工具 课件四、教学过程 学生自学 教师指导 小组合作 师生互动五、语言点积累return v. 返回;归还 (1) return to sp.= go back to sp. return home = go back home翻译:昨天你什么时候到家的?When did you _ _ yesterday? = When did you _ _ _yesterday?return sb. sth. = return sth. to sb. = give sth. back to sb.翻译:我明天必须把书还给图书馆。I must _ the book _ the library tomorrow. = I have to _ the book _ _ the library tomorrow.interest n. 兴趣;令人感兴趣的事或人a place of _ 名胜 many places of world interest许多世界名胜She has (takes/ shows) great interest in music and painting.(作“笼统兴趣时,为不可数)Her two great _ in life are music and painting. 指“具体兴趣时,可数Eating seems to be his only interest in life. 吃似乎是他生活中唯一的爱好。习惯用语:have/ show / take (an) interest in 对有兴趣 have/ feel/ take/ show no interest in. 对不感兴趣注意:be interested in 也表示“对感兴趣;interesting意思为“有趣的 转换:a place of interest = an _ place have/ show / take (an) interest in= be interested in翻译:她对音乐和油画非常感兴趣。 She _ great _ in music and painting. = She _very _ _ music and painting.find out 找出,查明,弄清楚 look for, find 与find out look for 寻找强调过程 find 找到着重找的结果,此外还表示“发现,感觉 find out 指通过观察、努力而发现事情的真相、原因等。 翻译:他仔细找了他的笔,但没找到。He _ his pen carefully, but he couldnt _ it.你弄清他为什么迟到了吗?Did you _ why he was late?invite vt.邀请invite sb. to sp. 翻译:上星期天朋友邀请我参加了他的生日聚会。My friend _me _ his birthday party last Sunday.invite sb. to do sth. 翻译:我们邀请了她参加我们的音乐俱乐部。We _ her _ our music club .invite-invitation an invitation letter 一份邀请信谢谢你的邀请。 Thanks for your _. 谢谢你邀请我共进晚餐。Thanks for _ me _ your dinner.as soon as possible 尽快 Please let me as soon as possible. = Please let me know as soon as you can.as early as possible 尽早归纳拓展 asas possible 尽可能 = as as sb. can翻译:你得尽量多说英语。You must speak English as _ as possible. = You must speak English_.五、课堂检测 复习语法知识一、用and, but, or 填空。 4分1.Please come _ have a cup of tea with us.2.She always works hard _ she does well in all her subjects.3.I eat a lot of things, _ I still feel hungry.4.Every weekend, we have a party _ have a picnic.5.You may take this book _ that book, _ you can take only one book.6.He never goes to school by bus_ by taxi. He always walks.7.You should bring a map with you in this strange place, _ you will lose your way.8.Which subject do you like better, English _ Maths?二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.He decided _ ( not leave) this city tomorrow.2.Father told the boy _ (be) quiet.3.The shopkeeper told the children _ (not touch) the glass.4.We watched them _ (play) football just now.5.The teacher made me _ (clean) the classroom.6.He often hears his neighbour _ (sing) in the morning.7.I hope _ (not meet) the man again.8.Did the teacher tell you how_(work) out the problem.9.Do you need _(exercise)?10.It took us two hours_(watch) TV yesterday.资料来源:QQ:1805986694,597161994资料来源:QQ:1805986694,597161994


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