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Unit6 Reading2精品导学案【课前导学】自学答复以下问题1.Can people know the information about sports for the last two weeks? 2.“If you are a football fan, you will not want to miss this weeks programme. Why?3.Who will attend Beijings Music Awards?4.Do lots of fans vote online for their favourite film stars? 5.When will the results be announced?6.How can people win free concert tickets?7.What kind of film is Murder in a Country House? Who is the director? 8.What happened to the doctor in the film?9.Who may love this film?10.What can you realize after you watch the programme? 11.Why the tigers are disappearing so fast?【课堂学习】一根据课文内容填空Sports world:This Saturday you can watch _ and _ on Sunshine TV. If you watch Sports World, there is _ of what is happening in sport. This week the programmes are mainly about _. There are _ with famous players.Beijing Music Awards:This years Beijing Music Awards will be _ this Saturday. Many _ pop stars will attend. About 300,000 fans _ their favourite songs, singers and music videos, and the results will be _ during the show. Answer the questions and write down the answers and send _ to 1396 _ watching the show, you could win two free concert tickets. Murder in a Country House:Murder in a Country House is a _ film. The _ is Cindy Clark. In the film, a doctor is found _ in his house. But you wont find out if he was killed or he killed _ until the end of the film. The film is full of _ and _.Tiger Watch: Tiger Watch will last for _. It talks about _ and how much danger these tigers face. If you are an animal-lover, you may feel _ about it. While watching, you can also enjoy _ of India. Tiger Watch won an award for _. 二重点词汇句型解释:1. weekly adj. 每周一次的, 每周的 a weekly magazine 周刊 a weekly visit 每周一次的拜访They are doing the weekly cleaning. 他们正在进行每周一次的大扫除。补充: daily 每天的 monthly 每月的 quarterly 每季度的 yearly 每年的2. happen vi.发生, 主语常是物; (无被动语态) The story happened in Shanghai.常用短语:(1) happen to sb./sth.某人/某物发生什么事 If anything happens to the machine, let me know.(2) happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事 I happened to be out when you called.区别:take place尤指经过方案或安排后发生,举行; 没有被动语态,例如:In 1919, the May 4th Movement took place in China. 3. a number of = a lot of 大量的, 后接可数名词复数,构成主语时谓语动词用复数。 A large number of students are playing football on the playground. the number of 的数字,构成主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 The number of the students of our class is 40.4. live adv. & adj. 现场直播(的), 实况转播(的) The football match is covered live on TV. There is going to be a live TV program about teenage problems. adj. 活着的 (一般不修饰人) Have you ever touched a live snake? v. 居住, 生活, 生存 They live in Shanghai. His parents lived a happy life. We cant live without water.5. attend v. =join (in); take part in 出席, 参加, 上学, 到场 Did you attend the meeting yesterday? She was so sick that she didnt attend her classes.6. be full of: be filled with The film is full of horror and mysteries. The bottle is filled with red ink.= He filled the bottle with water.7. If you enjoy solving mysteries, enjoy, finish, keep, practise, mind, cant help, feel like + doing sth.8.cover 有多种意思,你们都知道吗? He is covering the big earthquake happened in Japan. She covered the sleeping boy with a coat. All the world is covered with snow.vt. 覆盖,遮蔽 Is that word covered in the dictionary?v. 涉及, 包括 They were hoping to cover 40 miles yesterday.Well cover you while you run for it.cover 还可以用作名词:封面, 覆盖物 The cover of the book is attractive.When the water boils, take the cover (=lid) from the pan.【课后拓展】一、根据句意,将句子补充完整:1.Tomorrow s football match will be covered _(现场). I must watch it.2.The students are having a _(一周的) test.3. The boys grandfather died in a _(nature) disaster.4.The key is one of the _(导演) over there.5.The film _导演by Zhang Yimou is very famous.6. English is _(wide) _(speak) than Chinese at the moment.7. I m too so tired that I cant walk any _(far).8. Our sports meeting will be held in the _(come) week.二、选择填空 1. Nothing can be done _ he returns. A. as B. before B. while D. till 2. Im afraid of _. Id rather _with you. A. alone; to go B. lonely; go C. being alone; go D. feeling lonely; going 3.Those who _ the lecture were the students of Grade Two. A. attended B. joined C. took part in D. joined in 4.The _man told us his past days before he_. His _ made us very sad. A. dying; died; death B. dead; dying; die C. dead; died; dying D. dead; dying; death 5.Dont lose heart, my friend. Life is _ ups and downs. A. filled of B. full with C. full of D. fill of三完形填空What can you do when you have done nothing but mess up your wholelifelong? These were thewords I heard when I1 the TV the other day. They were comingfrom one ofthetalk shows2 are so popular on TVthese days.I startedtoturn the channel butthe wordsI had3 made me stopfor a moment.I4 the speaker ofthem. He couldnt have been morethan 18 years old, but already hewas writing off (认为已失败) his life as a useless waste. I wanted to shout at him: Youre not5 yet! It is6 sad that so many people cannot get beyond (摆脱) their pasts and live7 the present.There are so many people like that talk show guest. There are people stillintheirteen years8 thattheir lives are over. There are people in their twenties who already think they have9 the boat to success and happiness. There are people in their thirties and forties who sit around complaining that life has passedthem by.I wantto shouttothem all: Wake up! Youre still 10 ! What have you done today? If youwant a happylife, you cant dwell on (细想、纠缠于) your past11 . If you want joy and lovein yourlife, you haveto choosethemtoday. God gives us a new chance atlife everytime we wake up in themorning. It is up to us to seize it. Today12 bethe beginning of a newlife for each of us. We can choosejoy right now. We can sharelove today. We canlivein delight starting at this moment. It doesnt matter how hard our past has been.Our present can be full of joy and our future can be full of 13.It doesnt matterif we are eight 14eighty-we can still make ourlives 15. Life isnt over until your last heartbeat. Start today, then, to make your heart beat with joy, love, and light.( ) 1. A. turned down( ) 2. A. when( ) 3. A. heard( ) 4. A. looked up( ) 5. A. death( ) 6. A. so( ) 7. A. at( ) 8. A. think( ) 9. A. taken( ) 10. A. alive( ) 11. A. mistake( ) 12. A. must( ) 13. A. pain( ) 14. A. and( ) 15. A. wonderB. turned offB. thatB. foundB. looked afterB. deadB. so aB. withB. thinkingB. caughtB. livingB. mistakesB. mustntB. happinessB. toB. wonderingC. turned onC. oneC. seenC. looked forC. dieC. suchC. inC. thinksC. missedC. livelyC. wrongC. cantC. sadnessC. orC. wonderedD. turned upD. whatD. listened toD. looked atD. diedD. such aD. toD. to thinkD. lostD. lovelyD. ideasD. canD. challengeD. betweenD. wonderful


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