人教版(精通)英语三下《Unit 3 This is my father》ppt课件1.ppt

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人教版(精通)英语三下《Unit 3 This is my father》ppt课件1.ppt_第1页
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人教版(精通)英语三下《Unit 3 This is my father》ppt课件1.ppt_第3页
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Unit 3 This is my father. father 父亲dad爸爸 mother母亲mum妈妈 brother sister兄弟(哥哥或弟弟)姐妹(姐姐或妹妹) Read and think (读读想想)Fatherand motherI love you.( )ather ( )nd ( )other ( ) ( )ove ( )ou.( ) ( ) ( )( )( ) ( )F a m I l yf a m i l y Find friends:(找朋友)br th r s st rf th r m th r o e i e a e o e - Good morning, Miss Wang. This is my father. This is my mother.- This is Miss Wang. Pleased to meet you. -Pleased to meet you, too. 用自己家的照片仿照课文编类似的对话。 规则: 当音乐响起,手拿东西的同学向后传,当音乐 停时,东西在哪个同学手上,就要起来介绍你的家人。 This is my 扩 展 资 料 : 家 庭 成 员 的 称 呼father 父亲 papa, dad 爸爸 daddy 爸mother 母亲 mama, mum 妈妈 mummy 妈mother-in-law 岳母,婆母father-in-law 岳父,公公 son 儿子 daughter 女儿son-in-law 女婿daughter-in-law 儿媳妇 only child 独生子youngest, youngest child 最小的儿子eldest child 大儿子 1. Write down the words: father, mother, brother, sister.2. Read the “ Just talk” .3. Introduce your family.


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