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9A Unit 1知识梳理一、重点 dividen.划分similaradj.相似的, 似的energeticadj.精力充沛的( n. energy)activeadj.活 的, 极的( inactive)patientadj.耐心的( impatient)leadern. 者savevt. 蓄, fairadj.公平的,公正的( unfair)peacen.和平,和睦,安宁(adj. peaceful)sillyadj.傻的,愚蠢的arguevi.争 , mistaken. ,失 humorousadj.幽默的(n. humour )easy-going adj.随和的dreamvi. vt.做梦,梦 (dreamt-dreamt)probably adv.大概,或 (adj. probable)explainv.解 , 明ballon .onn.气球experiment n. , laboratoryn. 室toothachen.牙痛dentistn.牙医butterflyn.蝴蝶clonevt. n.克隆awakeadj.醒着的(v. wake) cheesen .奶酪lemonaden. 檬水aroundadj.大 availableadj.可能的livelyadj.活 的,生气勃勃的Students Union n.学生会differencen .差异,不同( adv. differently)markn.分数二、重点短 1.bring sb sth 某人某物2.worry about sb/sth担心某人 / 某事3.be familiar with 熟悉4.star sign星座用心爱心专心15.western culture西方文化6.be devideded into被分成7.at times有 8.give up easily 易地放弃9.worry too much担心太多10.be proud of 而 傲11.all kinds of各种各 12.spend doing花了 / 做某事13.explain sth to sb向某人解 某事14.show off炫耀15.pay attention to doing sth注意做某事16. have problems/trouble in doing sth在做某事方面有麻 17.a good sense of humour一种幽默感18.have problems with sth在某方面有 19.be able to能 20.come up with提出,想出21.recommend as推荐作 .22.Students Union学生会23.as as象一 24.make a speech演 25.do extra work做 外工作26.get good marks得高分27.mind doing sth介意做某事28.worry about not doing sth担心不去做某事29.make a speech演 30.forget to do sth忘 去做某事31.a large group of people一大群人32.get more organized 得更有条理33.the most suitable person最合适的人34.be afraid of doing害怕做某事35.the 12 animal signs of Chinese culture中国的12 属相用心爱心专心236. worry about not having breakfast担心没有早餐吃37.at all times= always一直, 是38. argue about sth关于争 39. argue with sb与某人争 40.forgive sb for sth/doing sth原 某人做某事三、重点句型1.It s nice of you to bring me the newspaper, Hobo.霍波,你真好 我拿来 。It is +adj.+ of to do sth 是 构,句中的是It形式主 ,真正的主 是后面的 不定式,It后面的形容 是反映人的品 、特征(如careless ,clever, foolish, good, kind ,nice, polite,selfish, silly,wrong, etc) 常用介 of.It s careless of you to forget your umbrella.你真粗心忘 你的 。It s nice of you to bring me the newspaper. =You are nice to bring me the newspaper.你真好 我拿来 。I t is +adj.+ for to do sth 是也是 构, It 形式主 , 真正的主 是后面的 不定式,It 后面的形容 是 (easy, difficult,dangerous ,important, necessary, possible, useful, etc)常用介 for .It s difficult for me to finish doing the paper in an hour. 一小 完成 卷 于我很困 。2. A year is divided into 12different star signs.一年被分成十二个星座。3.You worry too much at times.你有 担心太多了。4. ( spend .(in)doing sth )某人花 和金 做某事Mr Wu spends a lot of time expaining things to us.吴先生花了那么多 向我解 .(spend on sth) 若后面跟的是名 , 不用in,而用 on 。She has spent the whole week on Lesson One.5.sb is + adj. + enough + to do sth常用来描述某人的个性和能力,表示“某人足 的、做某事”。注意当修 形容 或副 是,必 放在他 的后面。Daniel is kind enough to help his friends all the time.6.You will have success at school or work丹尼 将会在学 、工作方面 得成功。7.Who else would be suitable? 有 的人合适 ?8.can / be able to均可表示“能,有能力做某事”后面必 用 原形。用心爱心专心3She can dance for three hours without getting tired.她能跳三小 舞而不感到累.Peter is able to orgnize things well.彼得能把事情 的井井有条.区 :从意 上看,be ablelto 主要表示有能力做某事,而can 除此之外, 可表示“可以,可能”等,从 来看,can 只有 在 和 去 could, 而 be able to中的 be 可以有各种 的 化。9. I d like to recommend David as the new Chairperson of the Students Union.我想推荐大 作新的学生会主席10. Because he is just as smart as my uncle.因 他正是和我叔叔一 明。asas 和一 not as (so)as不如11. He would not mind doing extra work for the Students Union.他不会 学生会做 外的事。mind是 ,意思是“介意”,后面常用名 或 名 。12.Tom never forgets to do the things he needs to do. 姆从不忘 做他需要做的事。13.You should read your stars , Eddie . Its very interesting. 你 看看你的星象,埃迪。很有意思。 里 stars的意思是“星象”,即根据人出生 天体的位置而描述的命运。如: You can read your stars on some websites.你可以在一些网站上看到你的星象。14. Well, you shouldnt worry about not having breakfast then.那么,你就不用担心没有早 吃了。worry about (not) doing something“ (不)干某事而担心”The dancer is always worrying about getting fat.那个舞蹈演 一直担心会 胖。15. Somepeople believethatpeopleborn under the same starsignsharesimilarcharacteristics.有些人 同一星座的人 有相似的性格。believe后面 that引 的从句在句中作 ,从句中的born under the same star sign是后置定 ,修 people, 而 share 是 从句中的 16. Do my characteristics match what my star sign says about me?我的性格特点与星座 我的描述一致 ?Match在 里用作 ,意思是“与. 相配,相一致”。如:Your red tie matches your white shirt well.你的 与你的白 衫很相17. Daniel is very clever, but he never shows off.丹尼 很 明,但他从不炫耀。show off.“炫耀, 弄”。如:Barry likes to show off his new car.巴里喜 炫耀他的新 。18. Its wise of Suzy to bring balloons of all colours. 西很明智, 来了五 六色的气球。用心爱心专心4of all colours.表示“各种颜色的”,在这里作后置定语。如:That shopping center has shirts of all designs.那家购物中心有各种款式的衬衫。19.Daniel is kind enough to help his friends at all times.丹尼尔总是很友善地帮助他的朋友。at all times“总是,随时,永远”,相当于always.如:Mr Wu is ready to help his students at all times.20. David is very interested in Dolly , the first cloned sheep.戴维对第一只克隆羊多利很感兴趣。这里的 clone 分词形式cloned 用作定语,表示其后修饰的名词sheep 是“被克隆的”。如: The frightened crowd受惊吓的人群21. Then, you will have success at school or work around the middle of the month.接着你在本月中旬将会在学习或工作当中取得成功。The young man had little success in finding a job.那个年轻人找工作没什么结果。22. More details are available on request.更多详情备案。23. True, but he s imaginative enough to come up with new ideas.确实,不过他想象力很丰富,能有各种新想法。Come up with something“找到(答案);拿出(钱等) 。”如:Are you able to come up with a solution to the clients problem?你能想出一个办法来解决客户的问题吗?24. Since he is so hard-working, he would not mind doing extra work for the Students Union.既然他这么勤奋,他应该不会介意为学生会做些额外的工作。Mind作动词用时,意思是“介意,在乎”主要用于疑问句或否定句。后面可以接名词或动词的-ing形式作宾语。如:I hope you do not mind the mess on my desk.希望你不要介意我桌上一团糟。Do you mind closing the windows?你把窗户关一下好吗?四、单元话题1. 能准确自我介绍自己或他人 . (见课本 P22)2. 范文:My name is Tom. I am a secondary school student .I was born in May,1990 in Yang cheng. Mystarsignis Taurus.Itsays people under thisstarsignare patient.ActuallyI am reallypatientand don t give up easily. I am also very helpful. I always do extra work in class. At school,I always help other students with their studies. I am good at organizing many after-classes用心爱心专心5activities.I am alsoa cleverperson.I am good at Computer and English.I always get good marksin tests.I think I can be a good monitor. Will you please give me a chance?用心爱心专心6


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