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八年级上册英语作文范文 (12个话题) 话题一:谈论以前的假期 假设你的名字叫小明。你很喜欢旅游,你和家人去年夏天去了长城。请以“The visit to the Great Wall” 为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。 The visit to the Great Wall My name is Xiaoming and I like traveling very much. Last summer, I went to the Great Wall with my family. It was fine that day. We went there by bus early in the morning. When we got there, there were many other visitors there. When my family and I went onto the Great Wall, we saw beautiful scenery(风景). And we took quite a few photos there. The time flew by, and soon we had to go back. I was tired after traveling, but I really enjoyed visiting the Great Wall! 我的名字是小明,我很喜欢旅行。去年夏天,我和家人去了长城。 那天天气很好。我们早上很早就坐车去那里了。当我们到达那里时,那里还有许多其他的游客.。我和我的家人去到长城的时候,我们看到了美丽的风景(风景)。我们在那里拍了不少照片。 时间飞逝,很快我们不得不回去了。旅行后我很累,但我真的很喜欢游览长城.! 话题二:谈论生活方式 My Lifestyle I am a 14-year-old middle school student. I have a healthy lifestyle. I often eat fruit and vegetables. Apples and carrots are my favorite. I love junk food, too, but I only eat it two or three times a week. I sleep less than seven hours every day. I feel sleepy sometimes. I run in the morning and play ping-pong after school. In my free time, I enjoy reading books. On weekends I often go to the movies with my friends. I brush my teeth once a day. I think my lifestyle is not good enough. I shouldnt eat too much junk food. I will try to eat a balanced diet and sleep more. I should brush my teeth twice a day. I hope I will have a better lifestyle. 我是一个14岁的中学生。我有一个健康的生活方式。 我经常吃水果和蔬菜。苹果和萝卜是我的最爱。我也喜欢垃圾食品,但我一周只吃两到三次。我每天睡不到七个小时。我有时感到困倦。我早上跑步,放学后打乒乓球。在我的空闲时间,我喜欢看书。周末我经常和朋友去看电影。我每天刷一次牙。 我认为我的生活方式不够好。我不应该吃太多的垃圾食品。我会尽量均衡饮食,多睡。我应该每天刷两次牙。我希望我会有一个更好的生活方式。 话题三:谈论如何保持健康 How do I keep healthy? I think health is very important in our life, but how to keep healthy? To keep healthy, I believe that we should have a healthy lifestyle. First, we should eat a balanced diet. We should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables because they are good for our health. Also, we should drink milk every day. Then, we should exercise twice or three times a week. Doing sports is healthy for our mind and our body. Next, we should get enough sleep. It is best to get at least eight hours sleep a day. We shouldnt stay up too late. We should go to bed early and get up early. In a word, health is very important in our life. 我认为健康在我们的生活中很重要,但是如何保持健康呢? 为了保持健康,我认为我们应该有一个健康的生活方式。首先,我们应该吃一个平衡的饮食。我们应该吃大量的水果和蔬菜因为它们对我们的健康有好处。此外,我们应该每天喝牛奶。然后,我们应该每周锻炼两次或三次。做运动对我们的身心健康有好处。下一步,我们应该得到足够的睡眠。最好每天至少睡八个小时。我们不应该熬夜太晚。我们应该早点睡觉,早起。 总之,健康在我们的生活中是非常重要的。 话题四:介绍人物之间的差异 (1)介绍你和你的同学之间的不同。 Im Li Mei. My best friend is Liu Ting. Im different from her. She is more outgoing. She likes sports very much. Im very quiet. I like painting(画画). She is much taller than me. I am heavier than her. She is more athletic than me, but Im smarter than her. Though we are different in some ways, we both like collecting stamps. 我是李梅。我最好的朋友是刘婷。我和她不同。她更外向。她非常喜欢运动。我很安静。我喜欢画画(画画)。她比我高多了。我比她更重。她比我更健壮,但我比她聪明。虽然我们在某些方面是不同的,我们都喜欢收集邮票 (2)My Best Friend and I Linda is my best friend. In some ways we look the same and in some ways we look different. We both have black eyes and black hair. Her hair is longer than mine. She is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but she plays tennis better, so she always wins. However, Linda often helps me to bring out the best in me. Now Im getting better at tennis. Also, Linda is more hardworking and more careful than me, so she always gets better grades than I do. This is my best friend, I like her very much. 琳达是我最好的朋友。在某些方面我们看起来一样,在某些方面我们看起来不一样。我们都有黑色的眼睛和黑色的头发。她的头发比我的长。她比我更高,更外向。我们都喜欢运动,但她网球打得更好,所以她总是赢。然而,琳达经常帮助我显现出最好的我。现在我网球打得越来越好了。而且,琳达比我更勤奋,更细心,所以她总是比我取得更好的成绩。 这是我最好的朋友,我很喜欢她。 话题五:以“你居住的城镇”为话题,对比不同的事物,并表达自己喜欢的事物。 典例:假如你是Tom,经常到学校附近的三家餐馆吃饭,请根据表格中的内容,对这三家餐馆进行对比,作一下简单介绍。80词左右。 Restaurants Prices Quality Services Not friendly s Cheapest worst JasonFriendly Millers Cheaper Better Friendliest s Best Expensive Ham 范文: There are three restaurants near our school. Of the three restaurants, s best because it has the best food. And it has the friendliest I like Hamthe eat there because dont the service of three. However, people often food there is the most expensive. ams. cheaper is than that in HThe I also like Millers. food there is And it has better food than Jasons. It also has friendly service. And it the most popular restaurant near our school. the t s, I donlike it. Though cheapest, the it has s itJasonAs for t have friendly service at all. worst food. And it doesn。在这三家餐馆中,我最喜欢Hams在我们学校附近有三家餐馆。因为它有最好的食物。它具有最友好的服务。然而,人们不经常在那 里吃,因为那里的食物是最昂贵的。的便宜,而且它的食物我也喜欢sHamsMiller,那里的食物比的好,而且服务也很友好。它有我们学校附近最受欢迎的sJason比餐馆。 至于杰森,我不喜欢它。虽然它是最便宜的,但它有最差的食物。而且它的服务一点也不好。 话题六:“娱乐”,表达自己喜爱的电视节目,并发表自己的见解。 典例:你对朋友最喜欢的电视节目作了一次调查,以下是调查结果。请你以此调查结果写一篇80词的短文,并阐述自己的观点。(开头已给出,不计入总词数) Name Favorite TV shows Reasons 有趣,浪漫(romanticJudy )Soap operas 喜欢运动Alex Sports shows 想学好英语,想提高听力Susan English shows I 范文:I asked some of my friends about their favorite TV shows. Here are are operas they she best because thinks soap Judy their answers. likes very funny and romantic. Alexs favorite TV shows are sports shows. He likes doing sports and he wants to know more about sports. Susan likes watching English shows. She likes English very much. She wants to learn t it well and improve her listening. As for me, I like talent shows. I dont stand soap operas because mind English shows or sports shows but I can they are too boring. 我问了一些朋友关于他们最喜欢的电视节目。这里是他们的答案。朱迪最喜欢肥皂剧,因为她认为他们很有趣,很浪漫。亚历克斯他想了解更多关于运最喜欢的电视节目是体育节目。他喜欢做运动,动的知识。苏珊喜欢看英语节目。她非常喜欢英语。她想学好英语,我不介意英语节目或体育节目,我喜欢才艺表演。至于我,提高听力。 但我不能忍受肥皂剧,因为他们太无聊。 话题七:谈论制作食物 制作玉米花(popcorn)。注用first, next, then, finally不少于50词。 How to make popcorn I like popcorn very much. I learned from my mother how to make popcorn. Now let me show you the ways. First, you put the popcorn into the popper. Next, turn on the popper. Wait for several minutes. Then, you pour the popcorn into the bowl. And put salt on the popcorn. Finally you can eat the popcorn. 我很喜欢爆米花。我从我妈妈那里学会了如何制作爆米花。现在让我告诉你制作的方法。首先, 你把爆米花放进爆米花机。接下来,打开爆米花机。等几分钟。然后, 你把爆米花倒进碗里。在爆米花上放盐。最后你可以吃爆米花了。 话题八:谈论未来的计划 寒假的计划:寒假即将来临,请根据以下提示写一篇短文,谈谈你的寒假计划。 1、 好好休息和放松;2、读书,因为读书既能开阔我的视野,还能学到很多知识; 3、 陪父母聊天,帮他们做家务;4参加社会活动,认识更多的人。 My winter vacation The winter vacation is coming. Im going to do what I want to do. First, Im going to have a good rest and relax. I will read some good books. Reading books is useful because it can help me get more knowledge. It can open up my eyes to the world. Next, Im going to spend more time talking with my parents. I will also try my best to help them do some housework. Then, Im going to take part in social activities (社会活动) so that I can know more people. What do you think of my vacation? I hope you will have a happy winter vacation. 寒假就要来了。我要做我想做的。 首先,我要好好休息,放松一下。我将读一些好书。读书是有用的,因为它能帮助我获得更多的知识。它可以开阔我的视野。接下来,我会花更多的时间和我的父母交谈。我也会尽力帮助他们做一些家务活。然后,我要去参加社会活动(社会活动)这样我可以认识更多的人。 你认为我的假期怎么样?我希望你能有一个快乐的寒假。 话题九:新年计划 要求: 60词左右的短文,可适当发挥。 I have three resolutions for my next year. First, I am going to spend more time studying English, because I want to improve it to get good grades. I will read English every morning and do some English writing every evening. Next, I am going to take more exercise because I want to keep healthy. I will take walks with my mother after supper. Finally, I am going to make more friends. So I can be happier and learn more good things from them. I will take part in some activities and make some friends 明年我有三个决心。 首先,我要花更多的时间学习英语,因为我想提高它得到好成绩。我打算每天早晨读英语,每天晚上做一些英语写作。接下来,我将要多锻炼,因为我想保持健康。晚饭后我要和妈妈散步。最后,我要交更多的朋友。所以我可以更快乐,从他们身上学到更多的好东西。我将会参加一些活动,交一些朋友 话题十:谈论我的梦想工作 My dream job Everybody has his dreams. And my dream is to be a doctor in the future. I think its a great and interesting job. First, I can help many patients. Its a hard job but I dont mind it. I can find some joy in this job. Second, I think I can also help myself and my family if I can become a doctor in the future,so I like my job. Third, I think I can learn a lot from my job because I have to learn some related subjects if I want to be a doctor. Besides, I can meet different people in my job every day and I can learn something from them. And I would like to study hard at my lessons to be a doctor. I believe I can be a good doctor. 每个人都有自己的梦想。和我的梦想是将来成为一名医生。 我认为这是一个伟大的和有趣的工作。首先,我可以帮助很多病人。这是一份艰难的工作,但我不介意。我可以在这份工作里找到一些快乐。其次,我认为我也可以帮助我和我的家人如果我能在未来成为一名医生, 所以我喜欢我的工作。第三,我想我能学到很多东西从我的工作,因为我必须学习一些相关学科如果我想成为一名医生。此外, 我能每天在我的工作中遇见不同的人,我可以从他们那里学到一些东西。 我想努力学习功课为了成为一名医生。我相信我能成为一个好医生。 话题十一:未来世界的生活 Life in the future Our life will change greatly in the future. In the future, every family will own at least one computer. We can shop online without going out. That is really fantastic. Also, robots will be employed by every family. They can help do lots of housework. Therefore(因此), family members will have more free time and spend time together. In the future, kids dont need to attend school any more. in every family. Kids can study (网格登入口)There is internet access online at home. 我们未来的生活将会大大改变。 在未来,每个家庭都将拥有至少一台计算机。我们可以网上购物不出门。那实在是太美妙了。同时,机器人将受聘于每一个家庭。他们可以帮助做大量家务。因此,家庭成员将有更多的自由时间并且在一起度过。在未来,孩子不需要去学校。在每一个家庭里都有网络登入口。孩子们可以在家在线学习。 话题十二:谢绝别人的邀请 Sorry!Id like to, but I cant go shopping with you because I will be very busy next week. From Monday to Friday, I have to go to school every morning and afternoon. From Monday to Thursday, I must do my homework every evening. On Friday evening, I have to help my mom do some housework. On Saturday, I need to study for an exam. On Sunday, I am going to visit my grandparents in the countryside with my parents. 对不起!我想来,但我下周不能和你一起去购物因为我将会非常忙。从周一至周五,我必须上午和下午去上学。从周一至周四,我每个晚上必须做家庭作业。在星期五晚上,我必须帮妈妈做家务。在周六,我要为一场考试而做准备。在周日,我将要和父母去看望乡下的 祖父母。


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