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2018年7月3937国开电大人文英语2期末考试试题及答案一、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 1-5题:根据对话内容选择恰当的选项。1. Are you thinking of a domestic trip or going abroad? _ A. Ive never been to those cities. B. Maybe somewhere in Europe. C. Im traveling in the summer. 答案B 2. Would you like me to help you make a plan for the summer vacation? _ A. No, I already have plans. B. Id love to, but Im busy right now. C. Im ill, sol shouldnt go out. 答案B 3. Why do you want to leave your previous job? _ A. Im hoping to have a better pos1t1on. B. I dont want to work at all. C. You wont understand it. 答案A 4. How can l get legal advice for free? _ A. You can get nothing for free. B. To be frank, dont care abou1 that. C. You can go to a law firm and ask about that. 答案C 5. Honey. would you like to have a talk with me? _ A. Talk with you? What for? B. Im not interested in the talk. C. About the situations we are having these days. 答案A 二、 词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分) 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。6.If there is any change about the time of the meeting, please notify us_. A.in case B.on time C.in advance 答案C 7.I think I am_for this position. A.complete B.common C.competent 答案C 8.Im_because there are so many options, I cant make a decision. A.puzzled B.excited C.depressed 答案A 9.As long as the learners have_to a digital device which is linked up to the Internet, they can enjoy browsing pages or watching video lectures. A.access B.means C.way 答案A 10.If you take the_to learn a new skill, you will grasp it quickly. A. initiating B.initiative C.initiation 答案B 11.Theres_strange about you.Thats all right. A.something B.anything C.nothing 答案C 12.These MOOCs make it possible for people to_their learning anyplace around the world. A.figure out B.carryout C.workout 答案B 13.The Chinese Red Cross contributed a_sum to the relief of the physically disabled. A.general B.genuine C.generous 答案C 14.There_some milk, some eggs and a few apples on the table. A.is B.are C.will be 答案A 15.John doesnt regret_the football match yesterday because of his babys first birthday. A.missing B.to miss C.miss 答案A 16.We have to collect enough evidence_that we have suffered a lot of damages. A.showing B.to show C.showed 答案B 17.As you area prominent figure in the community, we_by your attendance. A.would honor B.are honoring C.would be honored 答案C 18.The drivers truck and seriously injured the pedestrian, and left the_victim in the roadway without even stopping to help. A.lying B.to lie C.lie 答案A 19.When we heard of it, we were deeply_. A.move B.moved C.moving 答案B 20.Marys talking to the lawyer about her competitor who_on her trademark. A.is infringing B.infringes C.infringe 答案A 三、阅读理解(共计40分,每小题4分) 21-25题:阅读对话,从A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出一个最佳答案,填入合适的位置,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。A. But dont you think we shared a lot of happiness, too? B. I dont want to start another fight with you. C. You dont even know how I am feeling now. D. About the situations we are having these days. E. I know its not been easy for us. Liu Hui and his wife are having a difficult time. They are trying to solve their mutual problems. Liu Hui: Honey, would you like to have a talk with me? His Wife: Talk with you? What for? Liu Hui: _21_答案D His Wife: The situations? Liu Hui: You know, Im sorry for what is going on between us. His Wife._22_答案B Liu Hui: Well, thats what we do, we fight. We fight very easily. We are not afraid to hurt each others feelings nowadays. His Wife: You blame me for that, dont you? Liu Hui: No, of course not. _23_And itll be really hard in the near future. We have to work at this together, and I want to do that because I love you.答案E His Wife: You love me? _24_At times, I feel I am less than you. 答案C Liu Hui: Sorry, my dear. We did have problems. I know over the past year we have faced our share of trouble, and I regret quarreling with you. _25_答案A His Wife: Yes, we did. Actually, l have always thought marriage is a beautiful thing. and a friendship of two people who are equal. But youve been . Liu Hui: Well, darling. Lets not hurt each others feelings any more. We can work together to make of our home a place full of love and respect. 26-30题:阅读短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。How to Report an Accident? A car accident can happen when you least expect it. You could be witching lanes, looking for a parking space or pulling out of your driveway, and all of a sudden, crash! Whether you hit someone or another driver hits you, you need to know what to do after a car accident. Heres a checklist to keep in mind when it comes to reporting your car accident. (1)Take down the other drivers license plate number as well as the make, color and model of the vehicle . If there is no pen and paper available, repeat the numbers in your head until you can write them down or snap a picture with your mobile phone. (2) Call the police. Police will be needed on scene to direct traffic and to help get all vehicles to safety. Also, a police report is needed for the insurance company to determine who is responsible for paying the damages. (3)Check for injuries to yourself and to your passengers before getting out of the car. Never step out of the car into moving traffic. (4) Look for witnesses. Politely ask the witnesses (if any) to wait with you until the police come so that they can give their statements about the crash. (5) Exchange contact information with the other driver for insurance and payment issues. (6)Report the accident to your insurance company just in case you may need to file a claim. And a final note: protecting your safety is the first priority after a car accident. Turn on your hazard lights as soon as possible and put up other signals behind the crash scene so that other drivers should proceed carefully and safely. 26. Car accidents normally happen_. A. when you are sleepy B. as you have expected C. out of your expectation 答案C 27. You are advised to take down the color of the other drivers_. A. car B. picture C. license plate 答案A 28. Why do you need to call ,the police? The policeman will_. A. drive all vehicles to safe places B. decide who is responsible for the accident. C. report to the insurance company about the accident 答案B 29. It is also advisable to_. A. get out of your car immediately B. not to talk to the other driver C. ask the witnesses if there is any for help 答案C 30. You are also advised to_. A. turn off all the lights of your car B. put obvious signals for other drivers C. stay right behind the crash scene 答案B 四、翻译(共计20分,每小题4分) 31-35:从以下A、B、C三个选项中选择出最佳的翻译。31. Have others review your resume and offer helpful advice. A. 有一些人可以检查你的简历并提供帮助。B. 让别人帮你检查一下简历并提供有益的建议。C. 有其他人帮你检查简历并给你提供建议。答案B 32. Stay right where your daughter went away in case she comes back looking for you. A. 你女儿离开的地方是对的,她会回来找你的。B. 就呆在你女儿走丢的地方,以防她回来找你。C. 呆在你女儿离开的地方的右边,这样,她会回来找你的。答案B 33. Then you turn left, at the next junction on your right, you11 find a yellow budding. A. 然后左拐,在下一个路口的右手边,你会看到一座黄色大楼。B. 然后在右手方向的下一个路口,向左拐,你会看到一座黄色大楼。C. 接着向左拐,到了正前方的下一个交叉口,你会看到一座黄色大楼。答案A 34. Family will never put you down, (and) will never make you feel small. A. 家人永远不会把你忘记,永远不会让你感到自己微不足道。B. 家庭从来不会把你放下,永远不会让你感觉到自己的渺小。C. 家人永远不会贬低你,永远不会让你感觉自己微不足道。答案C 35. My volunteering at an animal shelter is neither connected to my studies nor to my career interests. A. 我在动物收容所做义工,和我的学习有关,和我的职业兴趣无关。B. 我在动物收容所做义工,和我的学习无关,和我的职业兴趣有关。C. 我在动物收容所做义工,既与我的学习无关,也与我的职业兴趣无关。答案C人文英语3期末考试国际公法期末考试试题电大管理英语3答案经济数学试题及答案


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